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Everything posted by iluvsasuke

  1. Ahh romantic anime?? You should watch Princess Tutu! its just so preety and is kind of based on Swan Princess... its so kawaii and different! 26 episodes..
  2. i have quite a lot of Chinese Manga , all my manga books are chinese.. Since my mum got them from China, even my NAruto ones. I think they are preety good.. They are different from japanese ones..l I like Korean manga too..they somehow are different.. I dunno but I like them all!
  3. sometimes their personaltiy and sometimes how they look like..
  4. well I dunno what colour to dye hair..my friend says red or blue.. Well currently still half black and highlighted brown...
  5. i would probably choose the one with the real wall... Duno why its much safter..?? other wise just random or the free one , or the least smelly /disgusting one..
  6. sailor moon rocks! i love that anime! it was like the only one on TV at the time when i was 5??
  7. [quote name='EVA Unit 100']You haven't even seen the dub yet! How do you know it will suck?[/quote] well i have a dvd with the Chinese Dubs and the voices are all HIGH and it just doesnt suit the character and most dubbed animes suck anyway ^^
  8. i saw both as well. I saw the flying dagger yesterday. o.O
  9. 1. Age: □ 13-18 2. Gender:- □ female 3. Where are u from? (nationality, country) I'm Chinese ^__^ From Australia though. 4. How did u come across anime? Family watching Naruto. 5. Do you think Anime influences u as a person? Explain Yeah its a major part of me.. since now i Speak Japanese.. 6. Research shows that anime is increasingly popular with the western world. Why do you think this is so? because its so good , the whole word is anime!! 7. What attracts you to anime? - they are way better then real people, since real peope can't do the things the anime characteres can do. 8. Is your interest in Anime, in any way related to an interest in Japan or to learn about Japenese society? Uh yes. Since I learnt a lot of Swear words from Anime , that my Japanese friend won't teach me. 9. Have you taken a Japanese language class or been to Japan? yeah, I will go to J apan soon 10. Have you learned anything about Japanese culture, and if so, give 3 specific examples? 1.-They eat Sushi and ramen , beef ramen, miso ramen... 2. They say Itadakimasu before every meal and eat with Chopsticks 3. Japanese students have to clean their own classrooms and school, thats why they don't make messes! :animedepr
  10. well if u want to draw manga U could get help from a How to d raw Manga book I had one by Katy Coope..
  11. eating too much internet... anime and Sasuke
  12. addicted to black [COLOR=DarkRed]Edit: As it stands now your response is spam. Make sure when responding to threads you take special care in your grammar and explaining your answer. We want responses that add to the thread versus just random short answers. Thanks. -Panda [/COLOR]
  13. iluvsasuke


    really?? i havnt heard of it before.. naruto is my fave..
  14. that would be cool. I've only played it serveral hours in total like the whole trip to China over nite.. I was so obessed i didnt even eat breakfast..and when we landed im like DAMN..
  15. most of this is naruto..its awesome..ehh. Best Anime: NARUTO Best Comedy Anime: I 'll have to say One peice Best Romance Anime: Princess Tutu Best Drama Anime: Naruto Best Action/Adventure Anime: One Peice/Naruto (I cant choose...) Best Mecha Anime: Astro Boy? Best Fantasy Anime: Final Fantasty. Best Horror Anime: Witch Hunter Robin (not really) Best Male Character: SASUKE Best Female Character: Ahiru (Princess Tutu) Best Soundtrack: Naruto Funniest Character" : Luffy!! Biggest ***$hole(the one person you hate the most... Princess Krachae Biggest Badass: Orchichmaru Best Villain: ITACHI (handsome lad ehh.) Hottest Chick: They all SUCK Most Well Dressed/With The Best Style Character: Sasuke ^^ Best Death: The Third Hokage Best Anime Movie: Havnt seen any recnetly.. the last one I saw was Yu Gi OH Best Anime OVA: Naruto Best Anime Music Track:Naruto
  16. I think Sakura from Naruto is preety usuless in most fighting scenes... she doesnt get to do much unless every one is like knocked uncosious..
  17. they dont sell it in normal shops here! i have seen it in the ANIME SHOP Though and it looks awesome!! ^__^ they cost like $20 dollars or sumthing for each magazine and they are usually the old ones..
  18. my fave is naruto. The characters are all different and easy to like.. like Sasuke ..whose mysterious and HANDSOME! Its just so interesting anime that will become so popular ! I saw today some shops in Adelaide start selling Naruto Items.. some were FAKES tho..
  19. hey , anyone live in Asutralia Adelaide! There is an anim convention coming up in 3 Months!! Just wandering if anyone on Otaku is going..or heard of it. [URL=http://www.avcon.org.au]Avcon Site[/URL]
  20. i like both really, but putting in anime means more colour and adds voices whcih gives it a lot of personality!
  21. yeah in Naruto they kinda make Sakura WEAK but smart, but i think she should be s tronger!!
  22. AHhh naruto sweet naruto anime good ness. Sasuke is the best I love the voice actor for him, if they dub it It will be so bad
  23. i'm stuck i forgot how you can delete art work.. could any one tell me how? please PM me Thanks..
  24. okiez thx sorry for posting so mcuh T____T thx la~ do u think you could do a naruto one ?? :D
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