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  1. [COLOR=DarkRed]Kyle watched as Julian and Alexander walked into the school building before making his own way inside. It had been a long wait, especiallly in this...[i]human[/i] body. At last the day of reckoning was here! Finally they would unleash their power and take what was rightfully there. Kyle shook his head. Now was not the time. [i]"After all,"[/i] he thought, [i]"I have a history test an-No! No! Yo're not human you weak fool!"[/i] He mentally berated himself for allowing his human side to take over for a few minutes. Today was definetly not a day for weakness...He made his way inside and walked to his locker after opening it up he rummaged around for a few minutes, juyst killing time nad waiting for the first bell to ring.[/color]
  2. [COLOR=DarkRed][b]Name:[/b] Kyle Jackson [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] Kyle is a young man with very dark, black hair. It is cut short and kept very neat. His eyes are a haunting ice blue. They seem friendly on the surface but if you look deeper there is nothing but cruelty and contempt for all mortal life on this world. His lips are always in a contemptous smirk. His face is well formed, almost as if it had been chiseled out of marble. He wears black combat boots, urban camoflauge cargo pants, a black t-shirt, and a urban camo jacket. [b]Demon Appearance:[/b] When Kyle enters his demon form all hope and light seems to go out of the room. His appearance changes until he seems hauntingly beautiful. People would step in front of an oncoming semi if he asked it. However, his eyes become hard and cold. His skin is as white as marble. His lips are a dim pink, twisted into a cruel and evil smile. Feathered wings, as black as night burst from his back. He is now clad in blood-red plate armor, with a black tabard bearing a eight-pointed red star as the device. [b]Weapon:[/b] A pure black long sword with glowing red demonic unes along the blade. The pommel is the eight-pointed star . It glows with an unholy light and when it tastes blood it jumps in the users hand in an atempt to bute deeper. [b]Element:[/b] Darkness, Magic born of Baal, the highest Demon Prince. Has control of hellish powers.[/COLOR]
  3. I think it sucks for Florida. I mean, four hurricanes in about two months? The cost is going to be amazing, not to mention the people who are going to lose their homes and businesses!
  4. It's cool man. I know what you mean. Thanks for your time!
  5. Name: Stefan Kappelhoff Age: 16 Gender: Male Personality: Stefan is an outgoing, all around friendly guy. He enjoys history classes and literature. He hates math and, consequenly, is one of his worst subjects, although he manages to kep up a "B-" average. Barely. He doesn't like arguements, although he is usually up for a good debate about politics. He doesn't often lose his temper, but when he does it is with a vengance. Biography: Stefan has recently come to England from Germany, where his father worked as a laywer for a large firm. His father's business has required them to move to England. He is sad to lleave his friends behind but has sworn to write back to them. He spekas English quite well, although it is with a German accent. At his old school he was on the fencing team and is hoping that there will be one at his new one as well. Appearance: Stefan is a typical German. He is blond-haired and blue-eyed and about 5'11". He does not have huge muscles and has a wiry sort of strength. When he is in a good mood, which is almost any time he isn't in math class, he has a smile about his lips. Class: 3F2
  6. Hmmmm...Although I'm not very religious, and in fact describe myself as an agnostic, semi-Christian I have to agree with the kid in your example. Religion is fine in public schools. Just don't try putting one above the others or say that this one is the correct one or this one is evil. The Bible could actually be considred appropriate reading material, as long asthe kid doesn't start preaching in class. THe teacher is in fact violatiing the child's First Amendment rights. -Dragoon1942
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