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  1. Oh thank you so much. I dont know what to say im at loss for words. Thank you so much it really cool.
  2. [img]http://guidesmedia.ign.com/guides/495479/images/joe_5_10.jpg[/img] Here I hope this works cause there are very limited pictuers and Im not quite sure what to do. ihope its enough!!!
  3. In the Cyril prison Drake lay and wiat in his jail to find out what fait the jugde master had for him. He was caught trying to rob the local shop owner. but was caught in the act. He tryed to escape but they had him caught.So now he lies and waits for the punishment. The voice of the prison gaurd called out [COLOR=Red]"hey you can go they looked into your case and decided to let you free."[/COLOR]The gaued came over and put the keys in and opened the door as he left the building he grabbed the bag of money of the guards desk. After he left the prison he made his way to the local Inn. He went to the front desk and he asked the cleric for a room. Later the next morning he found his way to the pub and walked over to note board and started shuffling through the jobs.he found one some one was looking for fighter to protect them them as they went through the Asienfeilds. It said to meet with them as soon as posible in the Cyril Inn. So he made his way over to the Inn. He asked around to see if any one knew were they where. the Inn keppper told him to go to room # 56. Drake wandered hall after hall till he finally came to room #56. He knocked on the,and a strange little moogle slowly opened the door. The moogle said in small and excited voice[COLOR=Green]"hello, kupo.Are you the one who replied to my quest,kupo?" [/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]"Yes I am. So when are ready to go ?" [/COLOR] Drake repiled.The moogle said [COLOR=Green]" Not yet I need to get to know you better, kupo. My name is Clank."[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]" Clank? Thats a wierd name to have. well anyways my name is Drake. Nice to meet you, so are you ready to leave yet?" [/COLOR] Drake asked agin. Clank out of fustration said [COLOR=Green]" Come back in the morning and then well talk." [/COLOR] Then effort less pushed Drake out the door and shut it. Drake went back to his room but was thinking the whole way, whys the moogle going to Assien field any ways?
  4. I'm new and I think I'm in need of a banner! Hopefully someone can create one with Viewtiful Joe and Alastor in the same frame, with my name in it if possible. If you can't come up with anything I can gladly provide pictures! Thanks to those who can help!
  5. Name: Drake Age: 18 Gender: male Race:Human Appearance: [IMG]http://lorelai.com/artwork/fanart/comm_bander2.jpg[/IMG] Starting Class: Fighter Starting Weapon: Short Sword Starting Abilities: First Aid, Cure Biography: Drake used to be in a Clan, but disbanded them and went rogue. He hired himself out for reasonable amounts of Gil and completed any job thrown his way. He didn't need any magical spells to do it and he even managed to best a top-notch Black Mage using just his sword and wits. He has seen many wars and struggle all over Ivalice but has managed to stay alive all his years of existence, all 18 of them that is.
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