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  1. They all left, including Ashrel... she had given her nothing but sharp glances the entire time... she knew Ashrel was dying... word had spread around since Damion had found her... She walked out with the rest of them, and Ashrel pulled her aside. "Remember your mark..." she said angrily as she pressed her hand so it appeared like she was giving her a "reassuring" squeeze, but she was pressing over the wound, and drawing out fresh blood. Sarah winced at the pain and pulled away. "You will not scare me away, Ashrel... I do not wish to hurt you." "How very noble of you slave... Damion may have changed your title, but nothing will remove who you are... you're a whore." she spatted. Sarah stared at her as her eyes narrowed. "Your words are nothing to me, bitch. I know what I am. It is [i]you[/i] who should be worried about the person you are." Ashrel stared at her and walked away. Sarah calmed herself down and went back into the room. Damion was holding his head as he went to go lay back down. Sarah looked at Damion. His face creased in pain and agony... she hated seeing him this way. She hated seeing him in doubt. But she knew he had reason to be in doubt.. the people were going to fight him with a vengence... he had not ruled with a kind hand in his years as king... She hesitated, but gently laid her hand on his head, and played with his hair. He looked at her, and she almost cried. She didn't want him to die.. she could feel... him changing. And it hurt... that he might have to pay for everything he had done... that he might... be killed in the end of this battle. Trying to think of something else, she decided to change the subject. "I don't think too many people are taking kindly to the news of me being freed..." she said softly. He stared at her... she felt wanted here... not wanted for services... but because he enjoyed her prescence. Be wanted... made her feel good... in ways she never even realized were possible. "I think... it's mainly because they are not freed..." "I have no need for them now..." he whispered as he looked at her. Sarah smiled... she didn't even try to hide her relief... it was exactly what she wanted to hear. "You should go Sarah... I don't know if Asher will spare anyone who is loyal to me..." he said looking at her. Sarah looked at him. "You need to leave..." "I can't... I won't run like a coward." "You listen to me..." she said getting out of the chair, and sat on his bedside. "You may have wanted to show the world that you were not a force to be reckoned with... but you know you're changing... you're not that same person anymore... the Damion I love isn't the same angry man he was before..." He looked at her, and picked up on the word love... his eyes were so soft... and loving... she kissed him softly and squeezed his hand... the mere look on his face was bringing her to tears... "I'm going to see if there's nothing we can't do to give you strength... I'll be back." she said quickly as she left the room. She wasn't ready for the feelings he gave her... she needed some air. She walked out to the main hall toward the kitchen when a hand touched her arm. She looked to her side and saw the man from earlier. "I don't think we've met properly..." he said smiling at her. Sarah looked at the man... he was very cool about his business... one minute, he's spouting orders, and another minute he's getting himself acquainted with all the people in the castle. "It's Sarah, and I'm really in a hurry..." "Jarrod..." he said smiling. She looked at him... and nodded. "I have to go... Damion needs to get his strength back..." "Oh... you're on first names basis..." he said looking at her. She stared at him confused. "I don't see how that has any significance to you." "It doesn't... don't worry." he said as he touched her cheek softly. She stepped back as she looked at him. He winked at her and turned around as he walked away. She was at a loss for words... she rubbed her arms nervously as she walked back to the kitchen. [center]************[/center] Sarah knocked on the door, and entered and saw Damion standing by his window. His head bandage was black with stained blood and he stared at nothing. His hands were folded across his chest. She laid the tray on the table and walked over to him... she suddenly felt cold... she was scared... that this would be the end. But she smiled... she didn't want people to see her scared. Damion looked at her, and she felt his eyes pierce through her and tear every defense she had. He saw her fear... "Damion.... you need your rest, you have to save your strength." "I don't need rest..." he said. She walked over to him and laid her head on his shoulder. "I can't lose you.... please... get some rest..." she said softly. OOC: Didn't want to go too far in my post... I hope this RPG doesn't end too soon... :)
  2. ...


    LOL, I know, I thought it was a cute idea :D She does look she's about to kill someone, but she's in a nurses outfit :D :p
  3. ...


    Well I fooled around with this one... lol, I like the nurse get up, or whatever it is... looks like a nurses outfit :) But I like it anyways :D
  4. ...


    LOL, I have no use in ruling this place Retribution, I'll hire YOU guys to do that for me :D WAY too powerful in the ways of art forms to toy with the likes of you ;) :devil: I know, if I had more pics of that character, I wouldn't have to do so much doubling... but I kind of like it... simple, and yet not [i]too[/i] simple. And yes, unfortunately, there are VERY few fonts I like on Photoshop CS... very few...
  5. ...


    LOL!!!! I don't know, but it makes her look adorable :) My sister thought of the catch phrase. :) That was her favorite thus far. :D I redid Christian... I gave it a different font, a little softer, but I think it works out a lot better :)
  6. ...


    Thanks so much for the compliment :) I'm having a lot of fun just DOING these :) lol, this one is my favorite so far... lol, I may be changing mine soon :) This character is so CUTE :laugh:
  7. ...


    Wow, I found a bunch of really COOL pics from War of Genesis, and I felt like making a set for this character... first of many ;) Anyway, I used blue's and oranges since they complement each other :) Comments again welcomed! *EDIT* Well I finished another one :) I liked this one because she looked so cute :D lol, just had to do it, again, nothing fancy, but I like the color scheme :)
  8. ...


    7/10? lol, well at least I like them :) As far as the lettering, I first arrange my pics, and then situate the lettering where it [i]fits[/i] .... :) Thanks for the comments though :)
  9. ...


    YOu know, I was thinking of that too... but my style I go for is soft... and this is the softest font I have... I guess I just have to broaden my options... thanks for the great tip! :) Here's another one :) I made this one just now... I changed the font, but I tried sticking with my same style... EDIT* I also redid the "Love is Binding" Set... I kind of like this better... let me know what you think of the changes :) The border has the color from his eyes... hopefully you can see it :)
  10. ...


    LOL thanks! This is another Banner and Avatar set I just finished... this one took me awhile... I had to crop, and being the obsessive compulsive person I am, I couldn't do this the simple way... This was inspired by the song "No Leaf Clover" by Metallica... lol, that song is great to listen to :D
  11. ...


    Thanks for the suggestions! The first banner and Avi though, his jaw is bound, kind of like gagging, but not a helmet, lol. (Love is [i]binding[/i] :) ) As far as the other, maybe I do need to get the words clearer, because that pic is called [i]symmetry[/i] LOL, so in order to go with the name, flipping was necessary :) But again, thanks for the suggestions! Here's another one I worked on... I found this really cool wallpaper, and decided to take the character and create a banner with the same colors :)
  12. ...


    I'm in a banner and avi making frenzy! Go ahead and make comments if you will, and those who want to steal them, let me know ;)
  13. Sarah took the clothes. She smiled a little and cursed as she walked past them. She got to the door. "Just going to my room to take a shower... I'll be back soon, and no, I won't talk to people." she said as she left the two alone. She walked to her room and closed the door behind her. She leaned against the wall and thought about what Alex told her... it was... shocking to say the least... not once had she had to live with those kind of memories... she was... grateful... that her life still included a loving family... she smiled. "Things are never as bad as we make them out to be." she said to herself. She wished she could just kick the depression away, but it always stayed in her... like a wound that reopened at the thought of it... Her family had a history with depression. But not once had anyone thought her depressed in her life... she hid it too well. She got herself her shower and realized she was gone for a half hour. She smiled... hopefully Alex wouldn't mind. She walked back to Alex's room and they were sitting at the table talking. "Well, I have to admit, I never gave you a time limit." Sarah laughed. "Well to tell you the truth, I don't enjoy being alone." "Well that's definetly a surprise." she said playfully. Sarah smiled and grabbed the book she had taken from her room and sat on the couch as she read. She wanted to lose her mind in something... and books were the next best thing.
  14. OOC: Forgive my absence from this thread, I've been a little busy lately... Ciress waited, impatiently like always in her chair. She hated waiting... she had been waiting for 3000 years, and yet, these people still thought they could stop her. She smiled to herself as she stared at the wall... she would break them or they would die... 6 of her assassins came back full handed. Two men were out cold, and two women were thrown to her feet. She smiled. "My, what pretty little things." she said as she looked at the two girls. Ty got to her knees and wiped the blood away from her mouth. Phoena was trying to get up. Ciress smiled as the girl struggled and decided to help her. She got up out of her chair and pulled the girl's long purple hair and rose her above the ground. She cried out in pain and Ty stood up and was about to attack Ciress when two men pulled her back. "It's useless child to resist..." she said looking at Ty, still holding Phoena by the hair. Ty tried squirming her way out, but nothing proved useful. Just then, Kevin and Michael woke up... Kevin was still hazey from his wounds, but Michael quickly saw what was happening. He stood up and punched two of the assassins, knocking them to the floor as he quickly made his way to Ty. "Funny boy." Ciress said sweetly as she waved her hand, and Michael was thrown to the wall. She laughed, and her voice echoed in the room. Phoena was still crying in pain. Ciress grew tired of the girls whimpers and threw her to the floor. She walked over to Michael who was trying to regain his composure from his fall. She smiled as she stared at the man... he truly was angry. "I wonder which girl it is this one has eyes for?" she said with a smile. The Assassins punched Ty, and Michael tried pushing her out of the way. Ciress with one hand threw him against the wall again, and another hand went up. "I think we found his weakness... put her in chamber 1... I'll be with her in a moment." she said sweetly again. She smiled at Michael... she looked innocent, but he knew this was either an act, or they were dealing with a psychotic being. Ciress' face creased. "Not Psychotic Michael... just pissed..." she said walking away. He stared at her... she had just read his mind. "I can read minds... among other things." she said smiling as she sat in her chair. She looked at Kevin and then Phoena... her eyes never went off of him. "And I take it that you have eyes for that one... most interesting... the Jirax holders have already become so close..." The assassins took both Phoena and Kevin away. Leaving Michael. She smiled at the man as he stared at her angrily. "Pass this onto your friends Michael... no one will ever be the same after I'm through with you.... for defying me..." "What in the hell are you talking about..." he said staring at her. He clenched his fists, trying to stay in control. She laughed. "Oh that's right, you don't read minds, do you... well let's just say that since none of you have your stones, I have no use for you." she said. She winked at him and walked further into her chambers. Michael was sent to his cell and Ciress laughed. "Zeruel, you better not fail me... Razel will die for this... but not before everything is taken from him... piece... by piece I will make him suffer... so every last waking memory he has... will torture him, to where he'll be begging me to kill him." she smiled. "And then I will have everything..." she said. OOC: Okay, you can all start your tortures if you would like. But remember, Ciress knows your weaknesses... and no one can ever be completely in the light without casting some sort of doubt... so remember, feelings will be conflicted... and no one will leave quite the same. :devil: As far as Hawking and Heero, your characters will be fighting till the end... Hawking will be Heero's personal stalker... Make this good people, we've reached the middle of this story...
  15. Inspired by my new avatar set, I just went out and made myself a new wallpaper for my desktop. :)
  16. "Oh crap..." Sarah said turning over to the table and pulling out a chair. "Isn't he sweet?" Alex said smiling. "Oh God... what have I gotten myself into?" she said to herself, but Alex took it upon herself to answer the question. "You've gotten yourself into some fun for a change." she said pulling out a chair and sitting next to her. Sarah looked at her and then let her aching head hit the table. "I hate my life." "Now what a thing to say..." Alex said looking at her. She put a hand on her shoulder. "How about you tell me a little more about yourself." she said. Sarah looked up, her head was still killing her. "I don't know if I want to." "You don't really have a choice, now do you." she said with a playful smile. Sarah grew tired of the smlies... but she could give a damn about who knew her past... it wasn't special, and she really didn't care too much about what people thought of her. "I'm running from a broken heart. Like most naieve women out there." Alex stared at her for a second and got up from the table and poured them some coffee. "Here, take this." she said. "Thanks..." Sarah said. She stared at the cup for a second and Alex broke the silence. "You know, that's why I never take relationships seriously... I don't exactly have that desire to find someone to hang my hat on, so to speak." "Well that's where we're different." Sarah said smiling a little as she took a sip from her drink. She put it on the table and leaned back in her chair as she ran her fingers through her hair irritatingly... she hated remembering things... memories.... they never went away... "But I guess it's just time to move on right?" she said with another smile as she drank her coffee. Her walls always went up when she felt the pain coming back... and she tried supressing every memory in the back of her mind... as they waited to be recalled yet again, and remind her of the hole in her heart. Alex looked at her, and she was worried about her. But she decided getting her mind off of things was the best solution. She looked over at the bathroom and Adrien had just come out. She looked at Sarah and smiled as she stood up to talk with the man. Sarah just continued sitting there drinking her coffee, not really interested in Alex's flirtatious nature... she couldn't understand what it was... but something drew her to Alex... maybe it was her easy going nature... but her ways and hobbies were definetely something she conflicted with. She sat there wondering what in the hell was in store for her... she thought about the light rule... she didn't believe in ghosts... those stories didn't scare her. But she decided it was best not to make waves... but she swore to herself that she wouldn't compromise the person she was for anything... and if she was to be "punished" for that, then so be it. Alex and Adrien came over and sat at the table... they were an odd group of three, but Sarah had a feeling she'd be seeing a lot of these two during her stay.
  17. Love X-Men, and felt like having a new Banner... so what's better than putting the two together? lol comments welcomed
  18. Sarah woke up and quickly shut her eyes again. Her head was killing her. The last thing she remembered was walking behind Alex after taking that damned pill. She sat up and in an instant realized she was naked. She jumped in hysterics and almost had a heart attack when she realized she was next to a man. She jumped out of the bed, and pulled the sheets with her in frantics, and instantly regretted that decision as she saw the man was naked as well. "OH SHIT!" she screamed. Alex came into the room and laughed at Sarah's reaction... this infuriated Sarah as she searched for her clothes. "Calm down, you don't want to wake Adrien do you?" she said with a friendly wink. "Bitch..." Sarah mumbled as she searched for her clothes. "Oh come on, you had fun last night, admit it." "Tell you what, if I remember last night, I'll tell ya, okay?" she said as she gathered her clothes and ran into the bathroom. "Nothing happend, Sarah, geez, lighten up." Alex said still smiling as she put the covers back over the man who was still asleep. Sarah opened the bathroom door as she put her shoes back on. "As you may or may not have realized Alex, I'm not the partying type." "Yes. I've [i]noticed[/i]" she said still smiling. "I don't see what you find funny about all this." Sarah said as she stood up. "Nothing.... but you did enjoy yourself..." she said. Sarah stared at her. "I'm leaving..." "But you can't remember?" she said winking at her. Sarah stared at her and then the door. She hated not being able to remember anything... she didn't want that again, but she had no clue as to when she would have to stop listening to this woman. "I'll stay... but dammit, don't push me, Alex." she said. She looked at the man and he was still asleep. "Nothing disturbs that man..." she said. Alex laughed, and Sarah couldn't help but smile.
  19. What post? :D Anyway, I was just wondering if there are any "grey" areas to our cards... Kairi you know what my card is, and I'm just wondering, if we found a way around these, would we still be punished?
  20. What kind of colors for background, and I like to ask about mood... Bright and Cheery, Sad and Dark, Angry and conflicted... what's the take? And bigger pics would be appreciated if possible :) Thanks!
  21. We're not allowed to talk about our cards in pms either, are we?
  22. OOC: Dammit... Sarah looked at her... she stared at the pill... not once did she want to take drugs... she began regretting her decision in coming... but her cards gave her no other choice... she had to do what she asked. She took the pill and stared at it for awhile. "Mind if I take it later?" she said politely. Alex smiled. "Sure why not." Sarah wrapped the pill in a kleenex and tucked it away in her pocket. She took a triangle and set the pool table. "How about we raise the stakes..." Sarah said smiling. "Okay, what's your offer?" "If I win, I don't have to take the pill... if I lose, you can choose my poison. Deal?" Alex smiled. "Alright, we'll play." she said. Sarah smiled. She just hoped she truly wasn't up on her game. "Alright, I'll break." she said. She broke, and three balls made their pockets. The game started, and Sarah prayed she'd be able to get out of this one. OOC: LOL, I have NO clue how to even WRITE about someone who's on ecstasy DC :) But again, I'll let you choose whether you "push" my character or not.
  23. Sarah nodded. She really wasn't wanting to open her card until she was in her room. Somewhere away from everyone, but being around Alex made her smile. She enjoyed having a friend around... someone who was persistent in wanting to get to know her. Someone who could care less if she was a social butterfly or not. "Have you looked at your card?" she asked. "No, not yet... I was thinking of reading it later..." she said. "Oh come on... read it. I won't ask you what it says." she said. Sarah nodded and opened the card. As she read it, she read it over again, and her face was completely white. "Oh God." she said in an exasperated tone. "That bad ?" she asked smiling. "Depends on how you look at it I guess." "Well whatever it is, try to think positively." she said. Sarah nodded and smiled. This wasn't going to be easy... she stood up from her table and brought her dish to the Kitchen.
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