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  1. She shuddered as she calmed herself down. She knew Ty was worried about her. Didn?t he know how she felt about him? Didn?t he see how much she needed him in her life? How could he have tried to spare her life, knowing the odds were considerably against him? She kissed his lips and wrapped her arms around his neck gently as she whispered softly in his ear. ?I need you Ty? I need you now?? she said shakily. Her lips trailed over his neck as she slowly unbuttoned his shirt. She ran her fingers through his black tresses, as he wrapped his arms around her and removed her shirt. She bit his neck passionately as he removed the rest of her garments and held her body in his arms. Her lips trailed down his neck and onto his shoulders as he gently touched her body. ?I want to help you Sage?? he said quietly. She was making his body shake as he felt her passion grow around them. It was more somber than before? making the moment last as if it would be their last time together. It sent chills through his body. ?I need to show you how much you mean to me Ty?? she said softly. He felt her tears hit his skin as she kissed his body. She placed her hands behind his back and pierced his skin as she pressed her body harder over his. His back was to the wall as she placed her hand on his chest and wrapped her other arm around the back his head, her fingers gripping his hair as her lips covered his neck, sending his emotions everywhere and the excitement to flow through him.
  2. When he woke up, he found himself in a dark room. He sat up but instantly felt the pain in his arms and shoulders. ?Don?t move.? Sage said softly. He couldn?t see her as his eyes adjusted to the darkness, but he felt her gently check his bandages. The window was open, but the moon offered no light. He could make out her silhouette, but that was it. He saw her turn around and look down at him. ?How long have I been resting?? he said trying to sit up. ?5 hours Ty, not nearly enough time.? She said as she put her arm on his shoulder. ?How is Senkai?? he said coldly, as he felt his arms. ?Hyo is taking care of him and Xero. They were in a lot of trouble.? She said quietly, but firmly at the same time. He saw her get up and walk toward the open window. He knew she was upset. He got up despite the pain he felt. He went over to her and her silhouette became a clear image before his eyes. He could see she had been crying. He dried her tears with his hands as he stared into her eyes. ?Damn you?? she said softly, as she looked into his eyes. Ty stared at her. He knew she was upset with him? he knew it, and yet he couldn?t find it in himself to fight with her. ?You would have let them kill you, even if it was really me they were after? it would have been my fault?? she said quietly. He just stared down at her. He didn?t know what to say. ?And now, they?re going to try to kill you? all because of me.? She said raising her voice a little. ?Sage? stop this?? ?You?re right, Ty. But you won?t let me?? she said as she looked at her gun. ?I won?t let you take your life. That?s not going to stop anything. It will only cause more pain.? ?I won?t let them kill you just because of me, Ty?? ?Do you trust me, Sage?? ?Damn it, Ty! It?s not about trust anymore. If they kill me, they?ll have to kill you first!!! I don?t want you to leave me!!!? ?I?m not going anywhere, Sage?? ?Like hell you aren?t!!! I?m not going to allow anything to happen to you!!? She pulled out her gun and held it against her head. She backed away from Ty and he stared at her? he tried moving to her but she backed up even more, her finger shakily over the trigger. ?No?? he said when he realized how gone she was. ?Don?t Ty? I?m not going to allow someone to kill you over me.? He stared at her and froze. ?Don?t pull the trigger Sage?? ?I?m doing this for you?? she said through her tears. ?Sage?? he said louder. ?Ty? let me go?? she whispered. ?Don?t pull the trigger Sage? I?m telling you... don?t you dare pull that damned trigger!!!!? he screamed. ?I love you?? she said and she pulled the trigger as the bullet flew through the air. Ty shot the gun from her hand right when the trigger had been pulled. He raised his guns to the air and shot the gun several times throwing it in different directions until it hit the window and flew down to the ground outside of the house. She stared at the direction the gun went in and she flipped. She ran over to him, tears streamed down her face as she punched him in the face. The crack of the blow rang through her ears, but something had come over her, and she wasn?t able to pull away from her anger. He staggered backwards as his lip bled, and his face swelled. He looked up at her and felt his lip as she came up to him again. She slapped him but he just stood there expressionless. She tried to grab his guns away from him but he dropped them and grabbed her wrists. She tried to pry herself away as she went for the guns, but Ty kept a firm hold of her wrists. He pulled them together and stared at her; she turned her head and cursed at him, still trying to pull free. Her tears fell and hit the cold floor as she yelled at him. ?Damn you, Ty?? she said above her muffled whimpers. ?Damn you!!!? ?I won?t lose you?? he said to her. She ripped her wrists free and hit his chest. Her fear engulfed her and turned into rage. ?Damn you, Ty, for loving me!!! Damn you?? ?I won?t let anything happen to you?? he said as he pulled her closer to him and held her in his arms. ?Liar?.? She screamed. She shut her eyes as she hung her head. ?You?ll die protecting me? I?ll die with you?? ?No one will take your from me? not even you.? He whispered into her ear. She pushed her face into his chest and screamed in rage. ?I?m going to take care of you?? he said softly as he held her tighter. ?You?re not hearing me!!!!? she screamed into his chest. ?I love you?? he whispered, a tear falling from one of his eyes? She stopped screaming and just cried as she threw herself to the ground. He dropped down with her and she cried as he lifted her to her knees. She pulled his shirt to her face as she buried herself in his chest. The pain, the fear, everything had taken over her. She felt vulnerable. She had never felt this way before. She had never allowed it to happen to her. But now, she wanted to live? before, she didn?t give a second thought to whether she would die or not. She didn?t mind taking the risks. She didn?t feel she was going to lose anything. But now she had everything to lose. She had finally found happiness, and it was about to be taken from her. She didn?t want to die. She didn?t want him to save her either, and end up losing him. She didn?t want to choose between happiness and death? it wasn?t fair. ?I will never allow anyone to take you from me?? he said holding her. ?And what about me Ty? Am I not supposed to feel the same way toward you???? ?I?m going to protect you? I can protect myself Sage.? ?Damn it Ty?? she said as the tears fell from her eyes. ?You can?t be strong forever!! You?re not invincible. They?ll get you? they?ll kill you? and then I will die. I swear to you? I will die?? she said crying in his chest. He held her tighter. He knew she was scared. And he would be there for her to take the fear away as much as he possibly could.
  3. Sage looked over to the room Mayhony was in. She could hear her crying. She looked over at Ty and then Syn. He just stared blankly outside. She saw the blood on his shirt. She knew he had been wounded badly? She looked over at Syn again and he had just finished bandaging his own wounds? but his face was still blank. She knew he was worried about her. She went over to Syn and put a hand on his shoulder. ?Go to her? she needs someone right now. Ty and I will make sure things out here are okay.? She said softly. Without a moment?s hesitation, Syn was up and walked into Mayhony?s room. She looked back at Ty and hugged him tightly. ?I love you? so much?? she said, tears falling. She could still hear Mayhony and her heart wrenched in pain. She knew what it felt like to feel responsible for the pain of others. But like Mayhony had always told her, sometimes, you need to get yourself out of those feelings in order to set things right. She hugged Ty tighter. She knew Syn would help her understand somehow. Hyo came up to them and Ty looked over at him. ?What is it?? he said. Sage lifted her head and noticed the worried look on his face. At that moment, she remembered Senkai and Xero. ?They?re not at the hideout. They never came back.? Hyo said dropping the receiver. He looked at Ty, as Ty walked over to the window. He stared out for a while into the darkness. Sage came up behind him and placed a hand on his back. He turned around and smiled slightly at her. He looked over at Hyo. ?Feeling up for a search?? he said. Hyo smiled. ?Up for anything.? He said. Ty looked over at the room Mayhony and Syn were in. ?I think she needs some time to herself right now. Syn will take care of her.? ?Ty, they could be dead?? Sage said quietly. He nodded. ?We need to know what happened? we have a place to start. Senkai said something about Orion?s Belt being involved in all of this.? ?Do you know of that organization?? Hyo asked Ty. Ty turned around and nodded. ?They tried hiring me for a few jobs after they heard I wasn?t killed. But I believe Senkai?s involvement was a lot more than mine?? ?He said something to me about Gervine being involved in Orion?s Belt as well?? Sage said. ?Well whatever is going on, we need to find Senkai first. Knowing him, he would have been heading to the hideout. We may find more clues back there.? Sage felt something in her pocket. She picked it up and it was the receiver from the guards. She looked at Ty and Ty took it from her slowly. He looked at Hyo and answered it. ?We see you managed to escape. We have someone here I?m sure who belongs to your little band.? The man said over the link. Ty looked at Sage and Hyo and gripped it tightly. ?What do you want?? Ty said into the receiver. ?Not much? I need the girl assassin that is with you? for questioning.? He said laughing a little. Sage stared at Ty. They both knew it wasn?t just for questioning. ?We know you managed to kill Nicholas. He was a coward anyway, nothing like his father. Not much of a loss there, but I am willing to exchange Senkai and his friend here for the girl.? He said. ?He?s a Damn liar?.? Hyo said under his breath as he looked at Ty. Ty nodded. ?We?ll come in?? ?Fine, how many will I be expecting?? ?Two?? Ty said. He knew the man was checking to see how many were alive. ?Two? I thought there were 5 of you?? the man said surprised. ?Three of our members are dead? and we don?t want anymore casualties.? He said evenly. He knew they would kill Senkai as soon as they made a ?trade.? So he planned to have Hyo get Senkai out of there while they confronted the man. ?Alright, well return to your hideout, and I?ll have one of my men there waiting. Tell them you wish to speak with Iodias.? He said menacingly. ?I look forward to meeting you in person, Shadow Dragon.? He said before transmission ended. Ty looked at Sage for a long time and then at Hyo. ?We?re going to need your stealth capabilities on this one.? He said softly. ?Think you can manage it?? Hyo nodded as Ty turned to look at Sage. ?I won?t let anything happen to you? I?ll be with you on this one. Just trust me.? He said, holding her tightly. ?I trust you Ty? I always have.? She said as she hugged him. Ty left a note for Mayhony telling her she needed to stay there, and that they would be back soon. They grabbed their gear and headed toward the old hideout.
  4. Her mind was circling? she didn?t even hear Mayhony or Ty? she looked up at Ty who held her tightly as he ran through the corridor. She blinked as she realized she wasn?t dreaming. Ty?s face was full of focus as he ran out of the hall. He got to the entrance and she heard him scream to Syn as he set her on the ground carefully. Syn came over. ?She?s still in there? she only has 5 more minutes?? he said. Without waiting, Syn ran toward the entrance and through the hall. He didn?t care about his injuries. He needed to get her out of there? Sage looked at Ty and hugged him tightly. She couldn?t stop crying. He held her and tried calming her down. But her body was shaking with relief. ?He said they killed you?? she said softly, as she stopped crying. ?I promised I would come back to you?? he said quietly. ?I?ve never lied to you?? She smiled as the tears fell. ?I love you? I love you so much.? He caressed the side of her face when he noticed the mark the guard had made on her. Anger boiled in him, but Nicholas was dead now. ?He?s gone Sage? he won?t be threatening you?? he said. She nodded. They heard rustled footsteps coming their way. He picked her up and helped her to her feet as they slipped behind the shadows. She looked at Ty and he smiled as he gave her back her gun. She kissed him lightly as they turned their attention back on the guards. ?We need to make sure that Band of Thieves that came here doesn?t leave. Their leader is still in there, and as far as we know the rest are as well.? Ty smiled at her and she smiled back. She loved him? and no one was able to come between them. Ty lifted his gun and kissed her again as he went out and shot the three of them down. He found the receiver and waited to hear the orders. He looked back at Sage who walked up behind him. ?They?re trying to trap them inside. They found her dynamite and dismantled it. We need to keep this area open for them.? He said standing back up. She smiled warmly at him. She was just happy he was okay. ?We can do that? if I know Syn, he may not have a plan, but he won?t let anything happen to Mayhony. He?ll get her out.? Ty smiled. ?Or Mayhony will save his sorry case and get [i]him[/i] out.? Sage laughed and kissed him again. ?I love you Ty.? She said. He smiled at her and they ran toward the other entrance to make sure it was clear as well.
  5. Sage took in all her surroundings. She knew that if she was ever to make it out, she would need to know the quickest escape route. She noticed the guards positioned and planned her escape. They brought her into a room and made her sit on the chair. She waited until Nicholas came in with a swarm of guards at his side. ?You could never do anything on your own, could you Nick. Always had to have the best of Daddy?s guards at your side.? She said looking down smiling wickedly. ?Tough talk for one who?s about to die.? He said staring at her with pride. ?I?ve finally caught you. You should have known I could never let you get away with what you did.? ?Can?t blame a gal for trying.? She said. At that moment the guard behind her struck her face. She looked down frigidly at the stone floor. She slowly lifted her head up and met Nicholas? gaze. ?You?re a fool. At this very moment, we?re rounding what?s left of that pathetic gang you just joined. You should have just stuck with us Sage.? He said with his back tuned to her. ?Like hell I would. You?re father killed my parents.? ?Same old song. Well I?m afraid you?ll have a lot more deaths to repay after we?re through. That is if you live to repay them?? he said as he cocked his gun and loaded. She sat there silently, unflinching. ?We just added another death to our list though. Maybe you?ve heard of him.? He said eyeing her as a smile stretched across his face. She looked at him and a feeling of hopelessness made her shake uncontrollably. ?The Shadows Dragon, I think they call him?? he said smiling even more. Sage felt her heart stop. ?You?re lying?? she said softly holding back the tears. ?Oh no, I?m afraid it?s true. But don?t worry you?ll see him soon enough..? he said as he aimed the barrel at her head.
  6. ?Great diversion you and Syn created.? Ty said jokingly. ?I thought so.? She said, a smile stretching across her face. They stopped as they came to a fork in the hall. She looked to her left. She knew that was the way t the entrance. But something wasn?t right. She looked at Ty and he stared at her. ?You two go right, there?s an exit farther down. I?ll meet you guys up top.? She said. Ty stared at her. He didn?t want to leave her. She smiled. ?Get out Ty, I?ll be fine. You said yourself I need to trust in my own reflexes. Go?? she said. ?We can?t leave you here to die, Sage.? Hyo said as he came to Ty?s side. Sage looked at him and smiled. ?So little faith.? She said. She grabbed her gun and reloaded it as she went on. ?I?ll handle this hall. I won?t repeat myself. I?m in charge of diversions, and I won?t let a couple of hackers get in the way of my job.? She said. Ty knew she needed to do this. She looked up and winked at him as she turned around the hall and fell to the left shadows. ?Let?s go Ty?? Hyo said as he pulled his arm. Ty looked back at Hyo and then back at Sage again. ?She?ll be fine.? Hyo said. Ty nodded and ran toward the other corridor. Sage waited for a while until she heard footsteps. She unhooked a small grenade and threw it out at an angle so it hit the wall and bounced further down the corridor. It was a silent grenade, but it did its job. She walked over to the five corpses and picked up their recorders. Just as she had suspected. Gervine was still after her. She cursed under her breath as she stood back up. She walked to the end of the hall where she saw 7 guards outside waiting. She sighed in relief. She knew something was up with this end of the entrance. She listened on the receiver she grabbed from one of the dead guards and listened. The entrance that Ty and Hyo had gone through was clear. She smiled. She had done her part. She looked past the men and knew it was now or never. She threw a grenade outside, as 6 more came on the scene. The grenade detonated, killing 8 of the guards. They came toward the entrance and she cursed. She pulled her gun out and readied herself as the shots came toward her. She shot 4 of them down before reinforcements came. She was tempted to run toward the other exit? the one Ty and Hyo had left through. But she knew that would have defeated her whole purpose in finding them anyway. She had sworn to protect him? and now she would rid herself of the nuisances that threatened her life. She stopped and returned fire until she was out of bullets. One of the guards pushed her to the ground and placed a gun barrel to the side of her head. ?Don?t kill her? Nicholas has asked to see her personally.? One of the assassins said. She looked at the rest, and saw they were all Gervine?s men. She dropped her gun and let them bind her as she walked to the clearing. She hoped that Ty would be safe? and she waited for the inevitable. Nicholas had requested an audience. And she was not about to spoil the happy reunion.
  7. Sage walked with Syn. He glanced over at her and saw her face was still and unmoving. ?Hey, it?s just a raid.? He tried saying. She smiled. ?Do you have a plan?? she said. He gulped. ?Why is it me who always has to think of plans?? he said looking at her. She smiled and looked down. ?I?ve got one, but you?re not going to like it.? She said. ?Damn, what an introduction. How about I just say no already then?? ?We need to separate. We have Ty and Hyo who are going through Security breaches, and Mayhony stealing a crystal. Guards will be stationed and alerted in two different areas.? She said. He looked at her and frowned. ?But Ty wants you to be safe, Sage.? ?Do you want anything to happen to Mayhony Syn?? she said looking at him. He stared at her. ?No.? he said seriously. ?Then I suggest you give her as much cover fire as you possibly can, because I can?t get the guards off of Ty?s back if we?re helping Mayhony. Just keep the communicator on, Syn. I?ll be fine.? He looked at her and knew she was right. ?You?ll be fine then?? he said looking at her. ?Get out of here Syn.? She said smiling as she shoved him out of the way. He walked backwards just looking at her and finally sped to help Mayhony out. If the guards got her, then the entire raid would be over. But most of all, he didn?t want to lose her now. Sage looked back over to where Ty and Hyo went. She wasn?t about to let them get caught. She cocked her gun, reloaded and ran back toward the entrance.
  8. [QUOTE=Dark Serena][size=1][color=royalblue]Which leads to the worst experience. Well, to be honest, it's a long and complicated story (well, it has more depth and meaning than just having romantic feelings). So, make a long story short and simple, I fell in love with my best friend of five years, and it turns out that he took another girl instead of considering me, because, y'know, he had feelings for me, too. That, and his girlfriend is now his best friend and not me. He even puts her on a higher level than his closest friends (and regardless of what he says, I know him a lot more than his girlfriend, let alone anyone else outside his family). No one can deny this in truth--I can tell by just how he acts, and how he talks to me. He even said so himself, even though I already knew it. I'm just not significant in his life. Not just romantically, but at ALL. It's not the fact that he's dating someone else, it's the result: an imbalanced attitude towards his friends. It's double-standard BS. A few of his friends (which used to be "ours") have a sarcastic sense of humor (and can be cutting or blunt, but they're not sadistic about it), and generally, it's the same with me--I've always been a kind of wise-a**, lol. But online, whenever I make a remark about something, usually out of playfulness, I get sh** for it, but the others don't get anything of the sort. It's no wonder why my attitude seems to grow worse around them. So basically, he wants friends who feed his pride, and as along as they agree or support him on [i]everything,[/i] he sees no reason to get mad at them. I would never date someone who treated their friends like that, regardless of how well they'd treat me. And he's the kinda person that relies on his heart, which is his emotions, to make decisions on short-notice, especially important ones, instead of using his head first and taking time. People rely too much on what they feel, and on words alone. The "L" word is to be admitted to the other only if you truly mean it...better to admit false feelings than lie about it. And if you love someone, you don't prove it in any given amount, because you can't. You prove it in a way that you're letting him/her know that you mean what you say. So...thought leads to action. When you love someone, you want to do things for them, support them (but if you have a bad feeling about something, you wouldn't hesitate to question), be there for them, and accept them, not tolerate them. I'm over him now, though. I don't want anyone that treats his friends like that, even if it's just one. I don't want anyone who puts people on levels of importance. Love is selfless, outgoing concern for others. It's giving without expecting anything in return. And I believe compromising isn't a good way to thoroughly solve problems And just because you don't agree with everything, or have different points of views, doesn't mean you won't ever get along. Remember, it's something the two of you are in together. Focus on how you treat others, not how they treat you. When you know you're wrong, admit it. Being humble and honest, with youself [i]and[/i] other people, doesn't make you vulnerable to being walked all over. It's a braver thing to do than keep resisting and making things worse for yourself and the other person. And it's not love that destroys, it's selfishness.[/color][/size][/QUOTE] It's like I'm reading my life right here ^^^ The exact same thing happened to me. Exact... down to the way he treats his friends, and the way he only wants those who will boost his own pride to be around him... lol, and I applaud you on your sensibleness. You have a good head on your shoulders. Fortunately, I'm over the guy as well. Sometimes, heart breaks can be a blessing. Because only then, do you TRULY see the one you were falling for... you see what you could have almost ended up with, and the rose colored glasses are not so rosey anymore. You see him in a different light, a light that actually shows his true self. And then, you are thankful that things turned out the way they did. :) I agree whole heartedly about what you have said... about being honest about feelings... sometimes you wish everyone was able to realize that... because it would save a lot of hurt feelings. The only difference between our stories, is that after I told him how I felt, lol, he said that we did have a future, but he wanted to wait before we made it "official." I was completely okay with that... I wanted to wait as well... but I had to be honest... I only wish he was with me. Anyway, he met this girl online, and decided she was the one for him. lol, and I know everything about him. Everything, and he did that to me. Heart break is a blessing, it's better that these things happened before you do something you will regret.
  9. Sage stared off as She ran ahead. She stopped and talked with Syn a bit before leaving. She felt Ty?s hand slip into hers as he gave her a small squeeze. She looked up at him and he kept walking and just stared off into the distance. ?You know what you have to do. Just remember I?m going to protect you.? He said. She looked down. He stopped suddenly and looked at her. ?Don?t be afraid. You have the training, and you?re one of the best assassins I know. Just let your reflexes take over. You?ll know what to do.? He said as he stared at her. Syn came over to them and Sage looked over at him and smiled. ?Ready?? he asked. She looked back at Ty and Ty?s expression was its visible coldness? but the way he cared for her, the way he loved her? showed his real self? ?You?re not as cold as you think you are, Ty? your actions prove that to me everyday.? She said smiling a little, holding his hand in hers. He gave her a hug and looked at Syn. ?Take care of her?? he said half warningly, and half pleadingly. Syn was taken a back by Ty talking to him without threatening him, but most of all, he could actually see a hint of an emotion on his face. Something he had not seen? ever. He nodded solemnly as Ty looked down at Sage and kissed her lightly. She smiled and shooed him away as Hyo came. She watched the two of them as they went their separate ways. She trusted in him? she believed in her heart that he would come back to her. She looked at Syn and smiled. ?Let?s get going.? She said as they headed out.
  10. I don?t believe in Fate. I don?t believe that everyone?s future is determined before they can even make a decision. What?s the use of having free choice, if it?s all predestined anyway? Why do we even live if there is nothing we can do that isn?t already planned? Seems like a big waste of time to me. I think Fate was something people made up as an excuse for some pretty bad mistakes they have made or whatever. And as far as God hating people, that doesn?t fly with me either. God is responsible for all the life here on earth (of course this is my religious belief, so I know there will be those who disagree ;) ) If he *hated* someone, why would he give that person life in the first place? :laugh: Again, unfortunately, your story, like Xander said, is very common. Been there, done that. Love can be something great, or destructive. But what puzzles me, is that this was only a simple attraction? believe me, things can be a lot worse. So don?t worry about it. You?ll find that person someday. I do believe everyone sometime in their life finds the person that they could or may love for the rest of their life. You just need to be upfront, and ready for it. Because it can slip by pretty easily.
  11. Sage looked over at Mayhony and smiled. ?Nervous?? Sage knew she was more ready then ever. Mayhony smiled. ?Not in the least. I?ve been planning this my whole life.? She said as she smiled mischievously. She got up and walked over to Syn. Sage sat there thinking of everything that was going to happen. She knew the plan was clear and easy. There was no way something could go wrong. She looked over at Ty and he hung his head as he closed his eyes. She knew he was keeping his mind focused. She smiled as she looked down. He was always better than she was at keeping the mind on the missions. She remembered the last mission she was on, the one where she had killed Vione. She remembered when she took the job. She had hated Vione for as long as she was alive. He killed her parents? and when she had the chance, she took his life. The job opportunity had been opened for her? and she jumped at the chance for revenge. She smiled weakly. And now the price for her revenge for her parents was threatening her happiness. ?Sage, wake up.? Mayhony said as she walked past her. Sage jumped a little as if she really was sleeping. She had gone unfocused? something she had to watch herself on? If she didn?t keep her act together she would bring not only herself down this time, but those around her as well. She glanced at Ty and he had lifted his head slightly, looking at her. His look was full of concern, as he stared at her. He knew she wasn?t focusing? and it scared him. She smiled softly and turned away. She wanted to know that her act was at the top of it?s game. But she couldn?t help but feel a fraction of disorder in her thoughts as they went everywhere in her mind. She worried about Ty? the band? her life? her happiness? the raid? everything was kicking her down again. She looked back over at Ty who still stared at her. She wished she could suppress her feelings? just once? she wished she couldn?t feel her fears. MEANWHILE: OC: A little confused as to timeline in Do?urden?s post? so I?m going to take a shot at fixing it a bit. I?ll change this, Drizzt if you had something else in mind :) IC: Senkai ran home as fast as he could. Xero met him half way. ?Did you find Mayhony?? he asked. ?No, I came this way because I thought you knew where they were going?? he said. Xero raised an eyebrow at Senkai, ?What?s all this about?? But before Senkai could answer, gun shots rang through the area as 7 men came out with machine guns and ran toward them. 5 Ninjas came from the other side and surrounded the two. Senkai looked at them all and knew he was lead into a trap. Iodias smiled as he came out from the shadows. ?You?re a fool Senkai. Haven?t you learned already? I?m always one step ahead of you.? ?You Bastard?? Senkai said as he stared maliciously at him. A dagger flew from the distance and in lodged itself into his shoulder. Senkai was caught off guard and staggered back. Xero went mad. ?That?s it..? he started but Senkai put a hand on Xero?s gun and eyed him, telling him that they had no choice. Xero nodded softly and dropped his gun to the floor as they grabbed the two of them and hauled them away. Senkai fumed as he heard Iodias laughing as they left.
  12. Okay, I have to agree with Corey on this one. It?s really easy to bite the hand that feeds you. Believe me I know. 18, and out of school, I no longer [i]have[/i] to listen to my parents. Lol, but as you ?grow up? you start to realize how beneficial their advice really is. Give them a break as well Duo. They only get on your case about grades because they want to see you do better. Take it from a girl who?s had every rotten teacher, and every bad grade thrown at her. (All my fault of course. I was such a procrastinator :D ) And yes, I truly thought my parents were going to disown me a few times because of the heartache I seemed to cause them. :laugh: And as far as our lives being Cakewalks, well like Corey said? it is a Cakewalk. But it doesn?t seem that way to us, because we?ve never had any real responsibilities. Parents can get on our case, but they do that strictly because they don?t want some employer or someone else to.
  13. Sage heard footsteps from downstairs. She could tell it was Mayhony. She looked over at Ty and smiled. He was still asleep. She kissed him lightly on the lips as he woke up slowly. He smiled at her and her heart beat faster. ?Time to get up.? She said softly. He looked at his watch and laughed. ?How much time did we have to sleep?? he said looking at her. ?Three hours, plenty of time.? She said as she got up. He looked over at her and she was glowing. He smiled as he went back to his room and got dressed. When he came out he went over to Sage?s room to see her getting her gear together. Syn came up at that moment and rolled his eyes. ?Why I thought I had to tell you assassins when something new goes on, I don?t know. And I had to walk up two flights of stairs for nothing." He said catching his breath. Ty looked at Sage and smiled menacingly. She laughed and looked back at her gear. ?It?s good exercise, Syn. Something that you may need if you do all your diversions the way you did the last one.? ?It was yet another successful plan, all thanks to me.? He said with a sense of pride. Sage shook her head as he left. She would need extra bullets just to keep that man safe. She stood up and placed her equipment on her dresser as she finished getting herself ready. She felt his arms wrap around her and he kissed her softly on her shoulders. She smiled as she turned around. ?You?re in a good mood.? She said. ?Don?t I have a reason to be?? he said with a smile. She laughed and kissed him gently. ?I love you Ty?? she said. Her eyes darkened. She knew she needed to keep her mind on the job. She had been dreading this day for a very long time. She knew how dangerous of a raid this was going to be. She didn?t want to lose him? she couldn?t lose him. ?I love you too?? he said. He looked at her and saw a tear in her eye. He knew she was trying to hide her fear? he wiped the tear away and held her closer. ?Everything will turn out fine, Sage. I won?t let anything happen to you.? ?It?s not me I?m worried about, Ty? I worry about you. Please say you won?t do anything too risky. I know I?m asking a lot, but I don?t want there to be even a chance that you may not return to me? I need you with me. Please?? she said as she stared at him. He stared at her, trying to figure through his feelings. His life changed because of her? she had opened his eyes to many of the things he didn?t think he needed or even wanted in life. He knew he had so much to lose? the things he never wanted to be without anymore. Love, life, all those the things that had once mean nothing to him, meant so much to him now. He gazed at her and held her hand. ?Don?t worry? nothing will happen to me. You just concentrate on what you need to do.? He said She nodded and smiled. She kissed him again and hugged him tight. She trusted in him, and her fears slowly washed away, leaving her ready for the raid.
  14. ?Thank you Ty? thank you for loving me...? She said looking up at him. She kissed him again gently as they walked slowly back to Mayhony?s house. When they got there, Sage smiled as she pulled Ty upstairs quietly and looked to her room. ?No need waking Senkai up right?? she said. He smiled at her and they went into her room. She closed the door quietly and yawned. Ty laughed. ?Tired are we?? he said as he walked over to her. She smiled. ?Of course I am. And you know you are too.? She said as she got into bed. He went beside her and turned off the lights. He leaned over and kissed her gently. ?I love you Sage?? he said looking at her, his hand caressing her face. She smiled again and slid her hand over the side of his. ?I love you too? she whispered as she closed her eyes and fell asleep. Ty smiled and kissed her on her forehead and laid next to her, holding her and not letting her go.
  15. She shuddered with each thrust he gave her, a wave of pleasure sweeping away at her. She opened her mouth as to cry out in pleasure, but there was no strength. Instead she arched her back once more, holding herself up as he pushed down on her, and then fell back in exhaustion. She was panting like crazy, but the smile never left her face. She looked up at Ty who laid over her and kissed him gently. He smiled back at her. She knew he was trying to find the strength to get up. But it was proving more difficult then it was supposed to be. He tried to get up but accidentally lost his balance. She smiled ?Take your time.? She said to him. His eyes danced as he stared at her. She put her hand through his hair again and down his face. ?I love you Ty?? she said softly. She could feel his heart beat faster since his body was so close to hers. She trailed her other hand down his back as he regained his strength. The truth of the matter, she didn?t want it to end.
  16. She clutched his back, as the pleasure filled her, and made her moan loudly. She knew they had reached their peak, but she still wanted him. And she could tell he still wanted her as well. She gently rolled him over onto his back, he was breathing heavily, but they were still one. She looked at him and smiled a little and slowly sat up. She looked over him and smiled seducingly, letting her exposed body hang over him as she slid her body over his. She sat over him and pushed her body onto him. He put his hands over her waist and pulled her down even more. She smiled as she put her hands over his and held his hands. She leaned over his body again, still holding his hands as she squeezed them each time she felt the pleasure that coursed it?s way through her. She turned her head to the side to get her hair away from her face as she kissed his chest and pushed down on him at the same time. She knew she was pleasing him, because his hands gripped hers until her hands were white, and she smiled.
  17. Sage placed her hands on his neck as he kissed her chest. She sighed in delight as his touches made her excited, gripping his damp hair. His kisses trailed up her chest to her lips as she smiled. He kissed her lightly and proceeded to drive into her more. She felt the heat in his body as he throbbed inside of her, making her feel his every movement. She moaned in the pleasure he was giving her as she began kissing his neck, making his excitement even more intense. He knew her inside and out, and it was a wonderful feeling. To know someone, to the depths of their hearts... and to experience something so alive, and to know that person completely, as they begin to understand the other in the same way. There wasn't one thing he didn't know about her... and it made his heart leap out of his body as if the beating made his heart grow wings... She was his confidant, his friend... and now... she was even more to him...
  18. She gripped his waist as he pushed into her. Her heart was beating rapidly. He pushed into her with so much force, and she still needed more. She wrapped her legs around him again and arched her back as it became hotter, and she could feel their movements intensify. She rolled him over again and smiled wickedly as she kissed his neck and shoulders and trailed her lips over him. She pushed down on Ty as he gripped her waist and groaned in pleasure. She loved seeing that she excited him.
  19. She arched her back into him as he felt her body with his hands, never letting up as he drove himself into her. She sighed with passion and flung her head back. Ty covered her chest with his lips again, as Sage pulled him down closer over her. She wrapped her arms around his back, and tilted her head as she kissed his shoulders as he pushed even more on her. Her body shook with excitement and the immense pleasure he was giving her. Her body trembled when he touched her, and she began returning gesture for gesture as they moved relentlessly over one another, never ceasing.
  20. She gripped his shoulders as the pleasure poured into her. She moaned softly as the feeling took her over. Their bodies began to sweat. She pulled him down over her, letting her chest push against his. He kissed her neck and shoulders as she made feathery touches over his body. She turned him over and sat over him. She leaned forward, pushing him farther into her, making her shrill in excitement. She covered his mouth with her own as she felt every inch of his body with her fingers. She massaged his chest and sides, being careful so she wouldn?t hurt his wounds, never releasing their kiss.
  21. She laughed softly as he went for her. She was excited when he was on her. She ran her fingers through his hair as he kissed her all over. She loved the way he kissed her? the way he felt her? the way he made her feel alive. She looked down at him and her hair fell to the side of her. He sent shivers up her spine as she felt him remove the rest of her clothing. She looked down at him and her face was right up to his. She grabbed his lips with her own as she kissed him feverishly. She wrapped her legs around his waist as he held her against the tree, their kiss never breaking.
  22. She held onto the kiss for as long as she could. She didn?t want it to end. She smiled. It was as if she was dreaming, without an ending. She knew this was real. She knew that it had happened. She had found what she had been missing for so long. She looked up at him and almost laughed. She knew what he was thinking. She wanted him too. She smiled as he held her tighter and kissed her fervently. She was careful not to touch his wounds. She laid her hands on his chest and caressed him gently as he kissed her neck. The feeling left her warm even though a cool breeze blew past them and around them. She kissed him forcefully, as she wrapped her arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around her waist. She pushed her body against his and slowly broke away. Her feelings went everywhere at once, and she smiled. She needed to be with him again? she needed to feel near him. "I love you so much Ty..." she said as she held onto him again. She made soft touches over his back and he smiled at her. She kissed him longingly, wanting this moment to last forever, trying to stop time.
  23. When they got back everyone was sleeping. Sage looked at Ty and smiled. He was still outside, lingering in the darkness. ?Ty?? she said as she walked out. He turned his head and smiled. She walked over to him and just stood there next to him for a while. She watched him in the darkness. She loved seeing him like this? at peace? ?Tomorrow is the raid then?? he said softly with his eyes closed. Sage smiled. ?Yes, are you ready Ty?? she said. He smiled. ?I?ve been ready. The question is are you ready? We both know that things have been especially hard on you lately.? He said as he sat up from the wall. Sage looked out over the distance and smiled. She took Ty?s hand and started walking across the field. ?You may love the night, Ty? the darkness. But I think what I find most calming is the trees in the forest. They have this covering, that just makes everything around you feel safe.? She said as they walked. He smiled. ?Sage, I will take care of you?? he said stopping for a second. She nodded lightly. ?I know. I just want to make sure I can take care of you. I won?t be able to live without you, Ty.? He raised his hand to her face and caressed her cheek. ?Just enjoy what we have now. No one can say what the future holds.? A tear fell from her eye. ?I know that. It?s a lot easier said than done though.? ?Trust me? I will take care of you.? He said as he hugged her tightly. She laughed a little and looked up at him. ?You do realize that I?ve never trusted anyone as I do you, don?t you?? He laughed too. ?Sage, we?re assassins, when are we taught to trust anyone?? She smiled. ?True? but it?s a weird feeling just the same. You feel safe, but vulnerable at the same time. And the only thing that makes everything okay again, is to trust that person entirely.? She said. Ty stared at her for a long time until he finally kissed her. She wrapped her arms around him and kissed him tenderly in return. She loved him with all her heart.
  24. Sage smiled as she walked next to Syn. Syn looked over at her and noticed it was a menacing smile. ?Damn, what?s going on in the head of yours?? he said. ?Nothing, I just was thinking? my job is to make sure you didn?t get yourself killed?? ?Oh crap, you?re not going to let me die out there are you?? he said full of concern. She smiled again. ?No I couldn?t do that.? She said. He sighed in relief. ?Good.? ?Mayhony would be devastated!? she said. ?And how would I feel?? he said shocked by her apparent lack of concern for his well being. ?That?s the beauty of it. You wouldn?t know the difference.? ?Damn you?re cold.? He said. She laughed. ?So what?s the plan genius?? ?Me?? he said in shock. ?Yeah, you, you?re the one who?s getting us out of this. You?re the one they want to kill this time.? ?Me? Oh yeah, Me?? he said. Sage rolled her eyes. ?Well?? ?I was just planning on jumping out there and see what happens? I never thought of a plan?? ?Oh crap, of all the people Mayhony teams me up with, it just HAD to be you.? She said. ?Well it could be worse?? he said. ?Really? How?? she said stopping and folding her arms as she looked at him. ?Well? be thankful I?m not drunk anymore?? he said. Sage shook her head and smiled. ?You are really an idiot, you know that?? ?Hey, I resent that.? He said quickly. ?Resent the truth all you want. A fact is a fact. You can?t change them.? She said as she continued walking. ?Are you going to be hostile this entire time?? ?Hostile no, nervous as hell, well maybe. I mean, I?m working with a guy who just wings it!? she said shaking her head in disbelief. ?Hey, my methods have always been successful. I?m still alive aren?t I?? he said smiling as if he had achieved something worth being recognized for. She stopped and raised an eyebrow his way. ?And that?s why you?re the perfect diversion today? because you have people who want to kill you.? ?Okay, first, it comes to our advantage now right? I must have known that this past of mine would come in handy in the future right? And second, I?m not the only one who has people who want to kill me.? Sage laughed. ?To the first, that?s the sorriest reasoning I?ve ever heard. And to the second, well? you?re right. But that still doesn?t change the fact that you have no clue what you?re doing, and I?m expected to protect you when I have no clue what?s going down.? Syn looked at her astonished. ?I?m right yet again? Whoa, must write this down.? He started to pull out his notebook when Sage pulled out her gun and shot the notebook so a bullet hole pierced the center of it. ?Hey? What was that for?? he said. Suddenly he heard footsteps coming from all directions. Sage smiled wickedly. ?Time to prove how great winging it goes.? She said as she slipped behind the trees as the footsteps came closer to Syn.
  25. ...

    My New Banner

    The Girl Is Reika from Rahxephon, another great Anime :) And the lettering in the banner is the Title of the online comic strip these characters come from ;) I put a border, nothing fancy... very against my style, but I like it anyway :laugh:
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