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  1. Name: Sage (Female) Age: 18 Speacialty: High skilled Assassin, Explosives and diversionist Weapons: One heavy set gun with a silencer that she keeps in a leg holster Personality: Unusually quiet with no sense of humor. Rarely smiles, and never shows off. She keeps her profile low because of her trade mostly, but also because she usually is secretly hired. Bio: Sage has no family. Her parents both are dead because they were assassinated, (not by her) but ever since she has been in the trade. She became a high skilled explosives op because of the business she's in. She uses small time explosives most of the time to break through locks quickly, and can cionstruct a relatively powerful explosive with the things she finds around her. Apperance: In the Attachment... As a side note... I may not be able to post much.. so please forgive me if I go a long period without posts :) I will try as hard as I can to keep going. :)
  2. OOC: um... all I have to say is.. LOL!!! ^^^ ;) Tika walked off.. she was going to gather her things. She looked at her wrists and saw all the sliced marks.. not even that killed her. She picked up her dagger and was about to stick it herself when the Rose pulled it out of her hands. The dagger dropped to the floor and Heero walked up. "I hear you're damned." he said casually. "You knew that before I came on this ship." "Actually, I didn't.." he said looking at her. "When did that happen to you?" "Oh save it Heero. I'm not in the mood for heart spills." "Heart spills? What are you talking about?" "I'm not going to go tell you my life story. I know you hate the idea I'm even here. Let alone exist. So why don't you save your "trust me" act for someone with a soul to bare." "I don't hate you.. I'm just confused." "You selfish ingrate. You have everything. What are you confused about?" Heero stared at her and tried to keep his cool. "You don't know what it feels to have everything you believed in turn out to be something completely different." "No, I suppose I don't understand. Probably because I've never believed in anything. Can you blame a dead gal like me?" she said sarcastically. "The Rose stole Revonair's soul. How in the hell did you become one of them if you weren't evil?" "Hell Heero, why do you think I would tell you? Give me one good reason why I should spill?" "Because you owe me an explanation." "HA! For what? You, becoming Miss Rose's Captain? You're right, I owe you A LOT!" "You owe it to me since you have come on my ship and have disrupted my crew." She was silent for a second. She knew Rose was on his side. She wouldn't get any help there. "I became one of the damned because I am Revonair's Daughter. I have his blood in my veins. And if his soul is damned, mine is as well. Happy? Because I sure as hell am done with this whole chit chat." "Why would she do that to you?" "Do what?" "Take your soul away along with Revonair's." She paused for a second. She knew what this was about. He was starting to doubt Rose. "Heero, she took my soul away because there was no other solution. I was damned before I was born, Heero. I told her to do it. And she listened." Her words stung Heero. He felt even more confused. The Rose had once taken orders from Tika. Long before she met Heero. What prevented her from taking Tika's orders again? "The Rose is no longer my ship Heero. She chose you." she said in a softer tone.
  3. "I don't trust anyone anymore Vey Moltohina. No one but Rose." "I don't betray people. I've never betrayed anyone in my life." Tika stood there with a dagger to her throat and finally put it down. "It's not even that I have to fear for my life. So even If I don't trust you, I know you can't hurt me." "I don't understand. I thought Rose put the curse on your father after she deserted him." "She did. But Daddy dearest always enjoyed the hunting. He found me when I was trying to help Rose. But Heero had taken her away before Revonair could find her. He's been following Heero ever since." "Another question.. How do you know my name?" "I know everything about this ship. I know Rose's Crew, and the insides and outs of her." "Why did you come back? You knew she could take care of herself. You knew she could destroy the person who "stole" her from you. What was the real reason Tika?" "An explanation I think... but I wonder if there's more to this than what I'm even realizing right now. But that changes now. I'm not staying here anymore. The Rose chose Heero. There isn't room for another." "Who says you would replace him if you stayed?" "I don't want to replace him, but your precious Captain doesn't seem to be comfortable with the idea." "He doesn't like being called Captain you know." she said with a smile. "Well to call him anything else would feel wrong for me to say. He's the captain of The Devil's Rose. My only friend. And she chose him over me. There isn't room for three you know. You should know that more than anything." "What do you mean by that?" "Word has reached my ear of the fallen here on this ship. Katrina Muleen ring a bell?" "She was a dear friend of mine, don't even start with this." "I'm not starting anything. You of all people should know though how uncomfortable my situation is." I'm not doubting the uneasiness in your situation Tika. I'm doubting your choice. If you go to Revonair, he'll take the information you have and use it against the Devil's Rose." "I'm not telling him anything. I'd live the rest of my damned life in his graces before I tell him a word. But my ambitions lie elsewear. I'm going to kill that man. I'm killing the man that was responsible for bringing my pathetic being into this world to begin with. He'll pay for this black heart he has bestowed upon me. and hopefully, when I figure out how to end this curse, I'll be able to end this wretched life of mine as well. I don't expect you to understand where I'm coming from. And I certainly don't want pity. I want you to understand that I won't be hurting Rose. I won't allow anyone to hurt her, and that goes for that sulking captain of yours. He shouldn't be jealous of me. He has a lot to be thankful for. He was chosen. Try being rejected." She was about to jump off the side of the boat when she heard footsteps behind them.
  4. Tika awoke when she felt the Rose shaking with Grief. She stood up and listened. "What's wrong?" She went up to the upper deck and stopped when she heard Jericho. "We can't trust her Vey.. Heero doesn't trust her either.. the fact that the Rose helped her is giving me doubts about her loyalty. I don't think any of this feels right.." She touched the side of the boat as tears came to her eyes. "Bastard.." she said. "Heero should know by now how loyal you are to him." She felt the anger in the Rose as she shook her head. "No, I won't KILL HIM! Damn it Rose, you should trust me a little more." She went back and got her things. She knew it was foolish to stay here. Let alone trust a little weasel like Heero. The Rose got more angered by her thoughts. "It's fine, take offense all you want. I'm not taking any of it back. I'm leaving." The Rose faultered as the words turned her anger back to grief. The Rose cared about all people... she didn't want any of them to hurt. Tika got her things and headed for the side of the boat. She was about to slip out unnoticed when Jericho came up beside her. "Got enough information I see.. going to your father with the info you gathered from here?" The mention of her father made her body shake. She turned around coldly. "As a matter of fact no. I'm leaving because I want to." The Rose ran three Ropes around her arms and Tika almost took her daggers and cut them out of pure instinct. But Jericho's eyes lit up at the sight of her dagger in hand and freaked. Jericho pulled out his pistols and shot the dagger right out of her hand. She looked at him and knew he wasn't letting her leave alive. "You're not going to send us to our deaths." "You already have.. " "Bitch.." he said as he shot her square in the heart. The Rose moved as she watched Tika look at the wound. "You can't protect me forever, Rose.. I'm one of the damned... they need to know before I leave." Jericho stared in horror as the blood turned to ash in front of him. "You're one of them.." he said in disbelief. "When one has been raped by the King of the Damned, there really is no othe outcome, don't you think?" she said flatly. "You can't be killed.." "Yet.. I can't be killed yet. But believe me, I'm trying." she said in a light tone that mocked his shocked reaction. She turned around and jumped off the Ship. The Rose tried to catch her but she was too late. She fell to the ocean floor and walked to shore. She would find Revonair and kill him.. hopefully then, the curse would be lifted.. she looked back at the Rose and felt the voice slipping away from her. The Rose pleaded for her not to commit suicide. She smiled as she told her, "I'm already dead. I was dead before I was born..." OOC: lol, we'll figure something out Heero, don't worry, you'll make this one of the best stories just like the others you've created. ^_^
  5. ...

    My New Banner

    :D Thanks a lot :) Always nice to have compliments :) This is my favorite banner I have created in a long time. Had lots of time on my hands and things to sort out :) So what better way to get crap off the mind then to devulge yourself into art ^_^ Thanks again.
  6. ...

    My New Banner

    Thanks :) That was what my banner was missing... but when I tried fixing it I got a little carried away and went with an entirely new banner :) Comments and crtiquing welcomed :)
  7. Jyotika looked on. She looked at the water, tempting to just jump off. "I hate this life... I don't want to go on anymore..." Jericho looked at Heero, and Heero knew Jericho was upset. "Don't worry about it Jericho. I'm sure the Rose has a good reason for wanting her to stay alive." "Hell, I wish she would let me know these things sometimes." he said as he walked off. Vey kissed Heero and followed Jericho. Heero looked on as they walked away. Heero knew he had to find out what was going on. Why the Rose wanted her life spared. He knew they shared a History. He couldn't help but feel as if he was being pushed to talk to this girl. And then he realized why when he glanced back and three Ropes were pushing him forward. He laughed. "Alright, Alright... I'll go talk to her.." He walked over and folded his arms as he went beside her. "I'm sorry for what happened earlier." "You should be. I didn't do anything wrong. I came here to return what was mine, and now I see differently." "Do you want to talk about it?" She stared at him and frowned. "I'm not sure I want to tell you. How do I know I can trust you?" "How do you know you can't? Besides, you said it yourself. This ship can read hearts and intentions." "This Damned ship can go to hell." "What are you saying?? This ship has done nothing wrong!!" he said angrily. He couldn't stand her saying things about the one who spared her life. "Nothing wrong to you sure, she chose you, but she used me. She used me like every other person in my life." "Now you're spouting things I can't even understand. What's going on? I want to hear your side." "Nobody just cares like that, Heero. You're wanting something in return." "You're right. I want your trust. I'm not going to hurt you like the others in your life. Whatever they did to you, you can't go blaming me for it." "I don't believe you." she replied cooly. "Then your no better than those who have hurt you." She turned around sharply. "What would you know of it? Have you been a bastard child, Heero? Or did you grow up in a family that loved you." "My mother died shortly after I was born. But yes, my father loved me very much." She stared at him and a smirk came to her face. "All of you people are the same. You live in a world where the life around you is perfect with it's little problems. And when you meet the likes of me, you can't even comprehend that the world that treated you so nicely could ever be the hell I can describe." "You're wrong about so much, Jyotika. I know first hand how horrible this world can be. My father died in the hands of a bunch of Damned Pirates, and I had two Crew members be killed one by one because of me. And to top it off, I've had to deal with your father. I don't know how much you know about him, but he's been giving me hell ever since I heard his name." "He's not someone I respect Heero, if you're wondering where my allegience lie. He raped my mother, and I was forced to live with a mother who resented the thought of me. After she died, good ol daddy comes and saves the day. He picked me up at the age of 7 and brought me to his damned ship where I became his midnight toy." Heero stared at her. He never imagined the pain she had been holding back all this time. On the surface, she just seemed bitter about losing a ship... but what he found out hit him hard. "I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to pry." "It doesn't matter anymore Heero. I don't think you'll hurt me.. I guess that's why I was able to tell you." a small smile came to her face. "Maybe I am beginning to trust you." "I hope so. I want you to stay on the Rose." She looked up toward the sails. "The Rose and I have been at odds ever since I came back to reclaim her. I thought I was saving her from a damned Pirate." "What do you have against Pirates anyways?" "It's not that I hate them, I mean I'm one of them through and through. I just don't see how Treasure seeking ever brings anyone happiness." "Maybe other things bring happiness, Jyotika-" "Tika.. call me Tika.." He smiled. "Tika, being a treasure seeker doesn't define our lives. At least not mine. I've found happiness elsewhere." "It's not even that that upsets me. She saved me from Revonair and protected me from Revern. I lived in the depths of this ship for most of my teenage years. After she deserted Revern, I sailed her to this uncharted Island I found on my own. I had her stay there where she would be hidden until I found something to repair her damage. When I came back, she was gone.. I didn't know what happened to her. But I swore to find her and save her. How was I suppose to know that she had ditched me for someone else?" Heero stared at her as the waves crashed against the side of the boat. "You blame her then for the pain you feel now?" "No, I blame her for her actions. The pain I feel now is the pain I've felt throughout my life." she said flatly. "Maybe this is the way it was suppose to be, Tika, maybe life is suppose to turn out this way where you and I meet." "Are you talking about destiny?" "I'm talking about the Rose. I think she's planned this from the beginning." "What are you talking about?" "The Rose says you know Revonairs secrets.. we can use that to end this. And hopefully bring closure to the pain you feel." "I knew there was a catch to this whole talking thing." "This is not a catch, Tika. I'm not forcing you to do anything. I'm not even going to ask you to help me stop him, But I'm sure you can even see the oppurtunity that has been set before us." She stared at him and shook her head. "I don't know how much help I can be." She looked up. "I wan't to stop that bastard though if it's the last thing I do." "He's a walking dead man, Tika. Did you know that?" "He's been that way as long as I've remembered him. I was conceived obviously before he had turned to the damned." He looked at her and shook. He had taken advantage of her the way he is now.. It made him sick. "He'll pay for the pain he's caused you, and the pain he's caused me too." "I'll take care of the pain. No revenge on earth can take care of this hole I feel. But I will work with you and your crew." He smiled. "Excellent." Tika nodded. She turned around and walked to the storage room below. When she got there, she placed her hand on the hidden door on the wall. She opened it and knelt down. The ship stirred and she could feel the memories flood back. "Rose... why did you leave me? Didn't you know I would have come back for you?" She heard her voice in her head as she reassured her it was for the best. "For the best? Damn you, what makes you think you can decide what the best means for me?" The voice soothed her as her tears fell. "I'll help you, Rose, but I don't want to go on afterwards. I'm tired of the pain.." The sadness in the ship hit her hard. She choked up as she got up from the small door. "I'm tired, Rose. I've searched for happiness, and I'm not finding it anywhere." The windows opened and the warm sea air rushed in as she stood there. The wind blew over her feeling like a blanket. She smiled. "Rose, this doesn't change anything. I know what I have to do." The warm air kept hitting her and the ship spoke to her again. "We'll see... but I doubt I'll find the happiness I'm searcing for." The ship rocked up and down, and she smiled. She sat in the corner of the cellar and leaned her head against the wall as the Rose rocked her to sleep like old times. "Thank you old friend.." she whispered as she went into a dreamless sleep.
  8. Okay, first of all, put yourself in this person's shoes. Here you are making a story. AND YOU ALONE have the right to say someone is accepted, while another is not. To question the person's decision is petty. Period. Now, while I'm not saying that what you're saying has absolutely NO truth to it, I am saying to pick the person a part because they are a "mod" or a well liked person, is just unfair. I'm sure if we all wanted to, we can scrutinize EACH AND EVERY PERSON here for denying people from Story threads. Bottomline, it really isn't that big of an issue IMO. Because I know that if I started a thread, I wouldn't want people saying I'm being unfair when I choose who stays and who goes. Because it's MY thread. And I make the rules as far as who I want posting in my story.
  9. She hung her head as everyone laughed and celebrated around her. "Damn you... Damn you Rose, why did you trick me??" The Rose loosened her grip on the girl as she felt the girl's sadness. "I'm not going to kill your precious Captain!!" she said loud enough for the Rose to hear her anger. The Rose loosened it's grip completely and Jytotika fell to the floor. "Damn you... Damn you all... How does it feel Rose? How does it feel knowing you've finally done the betraying? You made me feel special, as if you needed me. I swore to protect you.. DAMN YOU!! You saved my life then, Rose!! [B]Take it now[/B]!! I don't want this pathetic excuse for a life anymore!!" She ran for the edge of the ship to hurl herself off but the Rose caught her as she fell. "Let go of me Dammit!! You never cared about me, why should you feel sorry now??!!" The Rose pulled her back as she squirmed to get free. Heero and Vey came running down the deck. "Trying to escape are we??" he yelled. "You can say that!" she spat out. "That's it, you're dead." he ran toward her with his sword and pushed her to the side of the ship. "Take my life, it's not worth living anymore!!" she screamed at him, her stare even and hard. The Rose put a rope on Heero's sword as he was about to strike. She stopped the killing blow and Heero looked at her with confusion. "She's the enemy Rose!!" he said trying to convince her otherwise. The Rose pulled the sword back even more and let it fall to the ground. Jyotika stared at Heero who looked at her. "What's going on here??" "She's a coward. She can't finish what she should have done in the first place." "What in the HELL are you talking about??" "Isn't that Right Rose, you can't bear the thought of killing someone who doesn't have a black heart, now do you?" The Rose shook with resentment from the words. "Apologize now.." Heero said angrily. "She's taken everything from me!! Why should I? Because her "Captain" says so??" Heero fumed. He looked at Vey who just stared at her with even more confusion then Heero did. "What do you want me to do?" he asked the Rose. He listened softly hearing just the waves, and the wind, but it created something only he found comprehensible. He looked at her and frowned. "You are Revonair's Daughter?" "I said that before didn't I?" "How come you aren't with him then?" "I don't want to talk about it. That's my business and my business alone." "Then how do I know you aren't going to work against me and join Revonair as soon as he gets here." The ship creaked negatively at Heero's words. He knew the Rose knew something about this girl that he did not. "You should know as well as I do that she can read hearts and intentions!" she said flatly showing no emotion. He looked at her. "Is she of any use to my crew, Rose?" he said. Again the response was only loud enough for Heero to comprehend. "You will stay here then." "I'm not a part of your Crew, Heero." she said evenly. "You are now whether you like it or not, so I suggest you get used to it." he walked away with Vey and left her standing there. "Damn you Rose... still trying to save me? Well it's not like before. You betrayed me.. I'll never forgive you for that. One act in kindness doesn't redeem one for years of pain.. And I mean that toward all!!" She turned around and leaned over the side. She wanted death... she wanted to die.. She didn't have anything to live for.. She felt a Rope at her shoulder and closed her eyes as the tears fell. "Get away from me!!" she screamed at the Rose as she pushed the rope off of her. "It won't work. I won't be fooled by your tricks again. I'm done with the head games. You had me bring you to an uncharted land, you got what you needed. Don't try to make me believe you cared!" The Rose shuddered under her feat and the Rope slipped back. She knew her words had hurt her. Jyotika stod there in silence as they moved across the ocean. She wanted nothing, she felt nothing.. her life was dead before she even began living... and she felt death's cold sting whenever she breathed.
  10. The shots were sliced as it got quiet again. Jericho looked over the side and saw someone swimming toward the ship. "I'll KILL YOU!!!!" he screamed as he started shooting bullets at the swimming foe. The figure grabbed a hold of the boat as the rope came down and picked her up. The figure held onto the rope as the Rose brought her up quickly and set her gently on the side of the ship. Jericho knew it was a friend. He knew the Rose could read the hearts of men. He went over to her and she got up from the ground. She looked at Jericho flatly. "Who are you?" "Hey, you're the one who came aboard here. I want to know who you are." She looked around and took in her surroundings. "Where's the captain?" she said in an almost sweet sounding voice. Her facial experssions never faultered. "Look missy, I asked you a question, and I demand an answer!!" he said as he pointed his guns at her. She looked at him and started walking away. "I'm warning you!!" he said. "Go near the Captain's quarters and I'll shoot." "You can shoot, but you'll miss" she said with her back turned. Jericho let out a couple shots and was amazed when she took her daggers out and sliced both the bullets in half. "I told you you would miss. You could have saved yourself a couple bullets." "Who are you lady?" he said as he dropped his guns. "I'm am the Devil's Rose Captain. And I'm here to take what belongs to me."
  11. You need to understand, what you said here is completely fine. It was the [i]deliverance[/i] that got me. For a reader like me to read your posts, and then posts that follow, it seemed as if it was something you felt you needed to point out to that person that what he said was wrong, and that he's making his story up. It's one of those things I guess where you think your saying one thing, and it coming off completely different. The way you explained it in that last post makes sense. But the way it was [i]delievered[/i] in posts before, made a reader like me feel as if you were trying to prove him wrong, and stated that he can't prove [b]no matter what he did[/b] that what he was claiming, was the truth. If you *truly* were not meaning to sound as if you were trying to prove him a liar, (which now I honestly believe you weren't) I would advise in the future you look at your posts more carefully. Because this is the response you get from what [i]you[/i] wrote. I'm not speaking for all readers out there of course. This is just my take on what happened here. And I wasn't talking directly to you, James. I was talking about others here too who seem to come on topics like these, ONLY TO PROVE A POINT. I think that's rude. And it's something that I hope changes in the future. Because debates like these can really do people a lot of harm psychologically, if talking to the wrong type of person. We don't know who we're talking to on these boards, and to assume that people can take whatever we throw at them is wrong. Because it can really hurt someone. You never know. Bottom line, I hope people take into consideration other people's feelings. No one likes to feel pushed out of their own thread.
  12. Jyotika Age: 18 Personality: Quiet and serene. Her mannerism conflicts with many she's with which makes her hard to get a long with. While she's not confrontational, she will strike when she needs to. But only if it is necessary. Extremely Smart and has been a pirate for her whole life. Appearance: She has long dark brown hair that appears to have a hint of red when in the sunlight. Her eyes are hazel green and has a very serious face. About 5' 5" in height. Weapons: Twin Daggers and a pistol BIO: Jyotika is Revonair's daughter. She was born from a woman he had raped and left for dead on one of the lands he had been on. After coming into the world, she lived with her mother in poverty and sickness and her mother ended up dying of pneumonia. Revonair later found her and brought her to live on the ship with him. But he never treated her like a daughter. He raped her throughout her childhood. And she lived silently on the ship trying to hide from him. But he always found her. After Ravern destroyed the Callestria's Ghost, she went on his ship as a stow away. She lived on the rose and knew it was alive. The rose kept her safe from harm. Finally, the rose deserted Ravern and docked on some uncharted land. There, Jyotika parted ways with the Rose, swearing to return when she found some supplies to fix her with. When she returned, the Rose was gone. The Captain was destined to be Heero, but she didn't know that. She felt that Heero stole the ship from her, and swore to find the ship and destroy the man that stole her. Unknowingly to Jyotika, The Rose [i]chose[/i] Heero. Something she would soon find out.
  13. [quote name='James][color=#707875']If I told you that I am pregnant, you wouldn't believe me. Why? Because I'm a male, and we know that biologically speaking, males are unable to give birth (well, for now anyway, lol).[/color][/quote] Oh my goodness... are you serious?? This is not something so black and White James. Science [B]CAN [/B] be wrong. I'm not trying to say that you're wrong, or that Heero is right here. [B]ALL I AM SAYING[/B], is that you can [B]NEVER [/B] say someone is making a story up on a board. It's just not fair. Because you're right, you'll never believe him no matter WHAT proof he gives you!! So why even doubt him publicly in the first place??? It's just plain rude in my opinion. You're making it hard for people to post because you want [I]undeniable [/I] proof that what they say is true. And if that's not fair, I don't know what is.
  14. :rolleyes: OK ... That whole "debate" ^^^ was not needed. Meaningless. I mean, who can really say someone's eyes [i]don't[/i] change color, if you've never MET the person?? :rolleyes: To state that science says no to it, is just closed minded in my book. You should all keep your facts and figures to yourselves if you're going to beat them down on people. You have no way of knowing for sure, so why don't you leave it at that? :rolleyes: But we're all having fun right? :laugh: Right. :flaming: lol... My eyes used to be brown. But as I got older, they changed to a brownish hazel. And now, they're a Hazel Green. It was very weird, because every single person in my family has brown eyes. So when mine changed color as I got older, my mother thought something was wrong, like I was going blind or something. We went to an eye doctor and he just told me it wasn't going to affect my eyesight, (which was a good thing, believe me) and that sometimes eye color does change in time. It's just been getting greener ever since. But I think it's stop changing now. It's pretty green already. :)
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