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  1. Sam decided to get her mind off of everything... she was tired of letting idiots like Jun get the best of her emotions. She went back inside of the building, and went into her room. Zack said something of their angels appearing... but she had never met hers... she was tired of waiting for her, and she felt like just giving up on the whole thing. She sat in there and realized how well the room was built for her powers. She not only could practice, but she felt the earth in the walls, the floor... it was as if she was outside. She opened the window and let the sun shine in as she sat on the floor and focused her energies on the ground. She thought to herself and wondered what kind of energies the earth itself holds... if she could grasp it... and use it for things other than... planting. She smiled.... if that was the only extent of her powers, she would be useless in battle. She stood by her window and looked at the earth. She thought about it... and wondered what in the hell she was suppose to do to summon that kind of power. The room shook... "Wrong choice in words... sorry about that... how in the "world" am I suppose to do this?" she said. She looked outside and decided to just wing it. She outstretched her hand and whithered the ground so she drained it of it's life force... gathering it's power to herself. "Do not be greedy with your powers..." she heard. She turned around and saw Zack standing there. She smiled sheepishly and returned it's power where it belonged. "I was just seeing what I could do with my powers." "They can be manacing tools of destruction, or they can be gifts for mankind." "Okay, but how in the... world... am I suppose to beat any creatures by making the flowers grow????" she said angrily. "You'll figure it out." he said as he left. "Damn idiot..." she mumbled. Her room shook. "Sorry!!!" she yelled. She jumped out her window and landed on the ground below. She hated touchy things... and she didn't need any crap from a room full of earth! She walked back and sat by herself. She hated feeling weaker than those around her. She looked at her blades. At least she had some skills, and they had NOTHING to do with powers...
  2. "You're friend has quite a temper." "He was only reacting to the way I was..." Jason stopped as he looked at his daughter. "Did I really hurt you... like he said?" Liz nodded not looking at him once. He dressed his wounds when the alarm went off. She looked at her father. "Are you going to be okay?" "I'll be fine... but I want to talk with you later..." "Alright... I'm sorry Daddy..." "We'll talk later..." he said. She nodded and left. Jason frowned... he would have told her that he loved her... but there was plenty of time for that... right now, he had some pride to swallow... ***************** Liz walked to the hanger and noticed Sayne getting in his Mech. "The Idiot..." she smiled. [i]"He shot your father..."[/i] "Yes, but at least it wasn't anything damaging... my father's a tough man. He'll be fine." [i]"He pulled a gun on you."[/i] Liz stopped for a second to think about the statement... "Yes... nothing I won't repay in full later, I assure you." Tiegre laughed. [i]"Now there's the Liz I look forward to working with each day."[/i] Liz laughed. "We'll give them hell. Let's go."
  3. Elizabeth was pounding like crazy on the wall when Sayne came out and saw her losing it. "Knock it off Liz!!" he said as he pulled her away from the wall. She stopped and shook violently as the emotions were getting too much for her. "He's killing me....." "Who is?" he asked angrily. "My father wants nothing more to do with me if I stay...." she whispered as tears fell from her eyes. She dropped to her knees as he left. She didn't know where he was going... but her confusion left her just sitting not doing anything... [i]"Get up Liz..."[/i] "I can't..." she whispered. [i]"Stop losing faith in yourself. It's pointless and ridiculous. Take charge of your own feelings!!"[/i] "Why does he hurt me like this?" she asked with tears in her eyes. [i]"Because he wants you to do what he tells you to do."[/i] "Doesn't he care?" [i]"In his own way, he's still protecting you... he won't see it your way... he never will..."[/i] "It's not fair..." she said silently. She thought quietly about everything that had happened. [i]"You know what you want."[/i] "I know...." [i]"You need to find Sayne... something tells me he's going to do something he will regret..."[/i] Liz looked around and sprang up. She ran back inside... she only hoped she could find him... she didn't know what he had planned... but she didn't want Sayne to be hurt in any way...
  4. Elizabeth ran her hardest through the halls... she wanted out... she wanted to be away from her father... from Tiegre... from everyone. She didn't even notice Darrius in the hall call out to her as she ran. She didn't want to talk to anyone... She got to the front doors and opened them. She looked outside and knew no one was allowed outside... no one... but she was no one.... she didn't matter... nothing she did... mattered. She was confused... her emotions took over and she couldn't control anything she did. She crouched over in pain as her fathers words flashed over her heart. She was tired of making decisions that would hurt someone... that she cared for. For an emotionally unstable person, things that once seemed wrong... became the only right thing to do. For someone who's emotions are so strong... life doesn't seem real anymore... She wanted to go away.... and live in a world where she didn't need to make decisions. She stared at the water as if she was there.... but she wasn't... she wasn't there... [i]"Liz... back away... and don't do this to yourself..."[/i] "You say that because you want me to stay with you... what if I can't stay with you Tiegre??? Am I going to lose you?" "Only if you allow yourself to forget..." "Get out of my mind!!!!" she screamed. She wasn't the type to give up... but the emotions... were getting her completely mixed up. "He wouldn't want you to throw your life away..." "I SAID GET OUT OF MY MIND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" she yelled at the top of her lungs... she got up and pounded the side of the compound with her fists. She was losing it... and she knew it... but there was nothing more she could do to stop it... she was lost.... he had pushed her to the edge...
  5. Sam smiled at what she had learnt... she had no clue she could maneuver life and the earth in such ways... then her smile faded as quickly as it had come... she could bring plants to life... but she was unable to give her family the same. She looked to the side and noticed Isabelle eating.... she reminded her of her mother's grace... when she used her powers... her mother was beautiful... and was always calm and serene... she had that queenlike personality, that made you look at her with respect... She got up and walked around for a while... she played with her powers, trying to learn other things with it... she sat under an oak tree and smiled when she used her powers to bring it to life... the ground around her flourished and it made her feel.... useful.... She saw Jun not too far away and debated whether she should go up to him. "Damn it Sam, when have you been afraid to confront anyone??" she asked herself. She walked over and he just stared at her. She knew she was disturbing his silence. But she wasn't the kind to just give up. "How are you feeling?" she asked. He turned around completely at the comment. "About what?" "About last night..." she said softly... for some reason he intimidated her... it wasn't something she was used to feeling... no one intimidated her... "How did you know about that???" he asked surprised and angrily as if she had pryed into his business. "I found you... don't you remember?" she asked confused. "I remember Zack. I don't remember you at all." he said turning around again. She stared at him for a while shocked... and slightly hurt. "I'm sorry for bothering you." she said as she turned around and left. She hated feeling this way... this was why she couldn't attach herself to people... she always does something wrong. She walked across the field in the back and looked at the trees.... their vibrant colors mocked her... she thrust out her hand in anger and withered them before her... and smiled... she hated feeling hurt... but her powers were able to compensate for that. She wished he didn't hate her so...
  6. Elizabeth walked around for a while on the roof... she felt bad for blabbing like that... she shot off her mouth because she was so happy... but she noticed Sayne's uneasiness... she swore to herself not to be such a blabbermouth anymore. She smiled... she truly was happy for the both of them... She let the cool air brush through her hair and heard footsteps behind her. "You always liked the sea..." he said. She looked behind her and smiled brightly when she saw her father. "Daddy?" she said with tears in her eyes. He didn't respond. He just walked to the edge of the roof and looked over the edge. "Why do you go with them Liz?" Her smiled faded and she looked down. "Daddy, I've told you so many times... but you don't listen to me..." "Because those are not good enough answers for me." "What would be a good answer then? Nothing daddy... you don't want to know that I want to stay..." "I don't think it's necessary..." "Well it is to me." she said quietly. "Do you love me? At all?" "Don't do this Daddy...." "Because if you did, you'd realize I don't want to lose my only daughter." "And I don't want to lose my father, but you won't turn your back on the military just because of that!" "It's different with me Liz... you have so many chances at life." "Maybe... but isn't it my choice?" "No.... you should trust my judgement." "Just like you trust mine?" she said with tears in her eyes. "I'm giving you a choice. The way I see it, you choosing to stay with them is a deliberate turning on your father. You stay with them, that will be the end of our relationship. If you don't... then I want you to return to our homebase over the east ocean, and I will return shortly. The choice is yours... don't disappoint me." he said standing there. Elizabeth stared at her father for the longest time in shock. She ran off the roof in tears. Her insides were burning, and her heart couldn't take anymore... she only wanted to be happy... and she was doing everything wrong.
  7. Sam entered her room... it was quiet, and cold... something she wasn't disagreeable with... but it still left her feeling... sad. For some reason, her powers were not that gift her mother always called it... "I couldn't save them...." she whispered. The colors in the room were warm colors, but it brought tears to her eyes... nothing felt warm anymore.... nothing. Everyone she loved died.... and nothing could save them. She often wondered why try to save anyone... but she knew why she always did. Somehow... she tried saving people to justify her failure with her family... she couldn't protect those she loved... even when she wanted so desperately to... She went out of her room... it brought nothing but hard feelings... it was later in the night, and she heard screams.... it was in Jun's room. She went to the door and debated whether she should go in. He hated her... that was no mistake. But something bothered her about letting him scream... he was obviously sleeping... she waited a second more until she heard another scream, and then a crash on the floor. She opened the door and a burning dresser flew right toward her. Using her powers, she stopped the dresser and cooled the flame. She looked over at Jun and he was sitting on the floor facing the window. The flames were slowly burning the curtains. The walls were made of stone, and were not lighting on fire... she cooled the flames on the curtains and Jun turned around. She stared back at him... and waited for a response... but he gave none. She looked at him, with concern in her eyes... and smiled weakly...
  8. Liz looked at her blankly when she said that. Her father was in the room, and she felt so embarrassed. But she was having a good time, she wouldn't let him take that from her. "Matchmaker???? God, don't call me that!!!" she said smiling. Sora laughed. "I only wanted to see two good friends happy." Just then, Darrius sat down next to her with a bowl of fruit loops. "Fruit Loops?" she asked a little later" ?What! I haven?t had anything to eat since that coffee at breakfast, I?m starving? ?But seriously, couldn?t you find any thing other than fruit loops? she laughed. Darrius shrugged, pouring the cereal into the bowl ?well I guess it?s like my father used to say, you are what you eat...? She laughed at his comment and looked at Sora. "Then that makes him a fruit loop." she said with a smile. ?...And I?m sweet? laughed Darrius giving Liz a wink. Liz got a little uncomfortable for some reason as he winked at her. Something she hadn't felt before... she never got embarrassed like that... and it made her uncomfortable. "Something wrong Liz?" he asked looking at her concerned. She smiled and shook her had no. She looked up and her father was staring right at her. She smiled a little, but he just kept frowning, and he turned back around. Sora and Darrius were laughing at something, and she tried to smile again. But something was noticeably wrong with her now. Thankfully, the meeting was about to start. She'd explain everything later.
  9. OOC: LOL!!!!!!!!!!!! I should have known, I could never teach [I]you[/I] a lesson without getting something like that in return :laugh: What was I thinking? ;) IC: Sam glared at Jun as he looked at Zack. He avoided eye contact with her completely, and it annoyed her. As Zack started talking, she could see the humor in his Jun's eyes. He was pleased with himself that he was able to scare her. She couldn't help but smile. He was an idiot... but at least he was finally able to see reason. She would have to know more about this man. Something intrigued her. She wasn't sure what it was, if the feeling came from the fact that she wished she could strangle him, or if it came from the fact that he's just so difficult, he'd make a perfect challenge for her. Regardless, she wouldn't be leaving him alone anytime soon.
  10. Elizabeth sat on the roof of the base, looking down over the edge. She was enthralled with heights... she loved being able to feel on top of everything. It was cold outside, and the cold air was making her shiver. But she didn't mind it. She loved the sea. It was her home. Her father was a Fleet Admiral, and they lived on ships all their lives. She enjoyed those times. "Miss Elizabeth?" a man said. She turned around and smiled. "Miss Elizabeth, you are to report downstairs imediately, the Commander is holding a meeting, and wishes for all the pilots to meet him down there." "Thank you." she said. She recognized the private from the controls room and smiled. "Your father... is here as well... he will be in the meeting... I thought you would like to know." She stared at him blankly and nodded. "Thank you..." she said. She went downstairs and went into the office. She sat down next to Sayne. He looked embarrassed for some reason. She smiled. She gave him a wink of assurance and waited for the news. Just then her father walked in. She stood up and smiled when she saw him, but he walked right past her without a look or a word. Her smile faded away and she slowly sat back down and stared at her hands in her lap. "Keep your mind focused, Elizabeth." "I know..." Liz channeled back. She wiped the tears from her eyes, so her father wouldn't see.... he never saw... and he would continue to refuse to see.
  11. Sam went over to Jun and noticed the blood pouring from his leg. She pulled out her antidotes and handed him one. He looked at it as if not knowing what it was. "It will stop the bleeding. If you're going to fight, you need to be in your top performance." she said. He stared at her for a while, annoyed at the fact that she was right. He grabbed it out of her hand and began treating himself as he lent against the wall. "They're obviously as strong as us Zack. How in the hell are we suppose to fight one of those things off? Let alone, stop them?" "Now that we're together, we can stop them as a team." he said looking at them all. Jun laughed menacingly to himself. Sam stared down at him and he just kept cleaning his wounds. "You really think we'd all make a good team? You don't even know me. Just because you have powers, doesn't make me inclined to help you." he said. "Well then you'll die." Zack said staring at him. Jun stood up. "Fine by me, was never good with crowds anyways." he said as he walked away. Sam looked at Zack and then Jun and ran after him. "If I knew it was going to be this hard-" Zack began "He'll be back." his angel said to him. ************ "Damn it Jun, where are you going?" "Why in the hell do you care?" he said as he kept walking. "Didn't you hear him? We need to work as a team to get rid of these things." "I can handle myself. I always have and I always will." "Yeah, well what about the rest of us? We need you Jun... we can't do this on our own." "Well start figuring out how, because you're not getting any help from me!" Sam pulled on his arm and he jolted backwards. "You're not leaving." she said staring at him angrily. "And what makes you think I'd listen to you?" he replied cooly. "I can give a crap if you listen to me, or anyone else. Bottom line, you're not leaving." He tried to burn her hand, but she was quicker than that. She started an earthquake and he fell to the ground. She leaned down and stared at him fiercely. "I'm not going to DIE because you're too stubborn to see the light. You'll help us, or I'll open this earth and have it swallow you whole right now." "Your threats mean nothing to me." he said evenly looking up at her. "It's not a threat... it's a promise. You're so hell bent on dying, then I'll quicken the pace for you." she said angrily looking at him. He was silent, and angry... understandibly so... "We need you, Jun... and I don't want to die. I'm not ready to." she said, tears forming in her eyes. She wasn't the kind of person to cry... not so easily... but she was so tired of everything. "If Zack says... our chances are greater with all of us together, then dammit, we need to BE together. Help us, and then you can live your life whatever way you want to." she said, her gaze never faultering. He looked at her, the anger still there.... but not as much... he stood up slowly and stared at her firmly. Then he walked past her and went back to the group.
  12. Liz walked back inside the compound. The island's sea air was getting to her. She looked in the hanger and saw Sayne just sitting in the room alone. "Don't Liz... you'll only get hurt in the end." "Tiegre, why don't you just stop being so protective... let me make my own mistakes." she said as she walked over to him. "Need someone to talk to?" she said looking down at him. He kept looking ahead, not even acknowledging her. "You know, I was just thinking what it would be like to like someone... It's weird, I've never thought of anyone in that way." she said as she sat across from him. He just kept staring. "Did you find her? Because she said you didn't talk to her when she came down here." "She doesn't want to talk to me." he said. "Now how do you know that?" "Because I heard her, alright!!" he snapped looking at Liz. Elizabeth froze for a second and then a smile creased her face. "Try harder, Sayne." "What are you talking about." he said half angrily. "If you really like her, she should be worth it to confront." "Why do you care so much?" he said looking at her, his eyes narrowing over her. "I want to see you happy. And I want to see Sora happy. You care for her... don't you?" He didn't move for a while and then slowly nodded. "Then she should be worth talking to. Or at least... to tell her how you feel. It would mean a lot to her, and you would feel a lot better for it." "You make it sound easy Liz." "That's because it is, Sayne..." "Well not for me... I don't know the first thing about pouring my heart out to someone, let alone caring and showing that kind of... affection..." he said. She looked at him blanky for a second and then smiled. "That's the most you've ever said to me. I must be making some kind of progress." He looked at her seriously, and then shook his head as a small smile formed on his face. "Listen, no one is ever really [i]taught[/i] how to show affection. It's just a natural impulse when someone cares for another person. He was silent once again as he thought about what she was saying. "Sayne... she [i]does[/i] cares about you..." she said. Suddenly she laughed and he looked at her as if something was wrong. "She wouldn't be so mad at you if she didn't have feelings for you you know." she said as she winked at him. She stood up and walked away. She knew this was a big decision for him... hopefully he would make the right one for him.
  13. Elizabeth was sitting in her room when she heard Sora come in... she had gone down to the hanger, and she seemed upset again. She walked over to her room quietly and sat down looking at her. She was cradling her arm and looking at the wall. "Still said nothing to you?" she said. Sora nodded slowly. Liz looked at the same wall and sighed. She knew Sora was hurt. "It's as if no matter how hard I try to get him to see me... he doesn't. I know he feels something for me... what am I supposed to do?" "Do you feel something for him?" Liz said quietly. "I don't know... I'm just comfused." "No doubt you are... but if you care about him... think about the things you want. You want him to understand you, right?" Elizabeth said looking at her. She nodded silently. She turned Sora's face toward hers and smiled. "Then you need to do the same. He is a very secluded person... while he most definetely cares about you... it's hard for him to show that kind of emotion... to anyone. Allow him that... don't push so far. He's not perfect... we all have our problems... and he deals with his in different ways. But his ways... are [i]his[/i] alone. As his friend... you should just make sure you're there for him." "But what if I need him here for me? He doesn't even acknowledge me when I need him the most." Elizabeth looked at her seriously. "You need to find exactly what it is you want... and if he can't give you that... then you're looking at the wrong person... but if you care about him... despite everything else... then what you recieve shouldn't matter... not every man is perfect for you, Sora. You have to find that one... that makes you happy. Only then, can you both be happy. He cares about you... in his own way. And while it may not be the way you would imagine someone showing warmth... or feeling... it's still his way." she smiled. "And he does show warmth... you just have to keep an eye out for it sometimes." she said. Sora nodded as Elizabeth stood up. Sora smiled up at her. "So what are you looking for in a man, Liz? Surely you have someone in mind." "To tell you the truth... just as long as I feel needed.... I'm okay." she said with a smile. "That's all I look for." Elizabeth walked out of the room and went for a walk. She needed some more air. Her father was coming tomorrow... and she wasn't sure what to expect.
  14. Elizabeth was walking back from the Mech room when she passed Vick in the hall. "Good fighting out there today Vick." she said. "I'm always good at what I do." he said. She laughed. "Sure you are. See you later." he stared at her, and his face creased, but she just smiled and walked on. It was time to see Dale. He was still in the Infirmary. She walked over to the nurses and asked if he was awake yet. They showed her to him, and she sat on the chair and smiled. He was half asleep. "Taking a nap I see." she said looking at him. "A much needed nap I might add." "So what's wrong with you?" she said leaning back in her chair. "A few bruises.... nothing much. They just wanted to run me in for tests that's all. Gave me a sedative, and I'm just now finally able to kick the light headed feeling." "Well you'll live I guess." she said. "Thanks for your concern." "Hey, only trying to help. Take it easy okay?" she said with a smile, as she got up from the chair and left. She walked around the base for a whle and just sat against the wall. "Now will you take the time to reflect on your own problems?" "I'm fine Tiegre... I can't do anything about these problems anyway, so why deal with them?" "because you'll go crazy when he gets here.... he's not going to be the same sweet man when he left the first time." "I know.... I know..... why does he have to do this to me?" "He's wanting you to change your mind." "Well damit, I can't do that... not now... not ever. If he wants to lose a daughter, then fine by me." she said. She walked back into the mech room and decided to just spend some time in there. Her reasons were so clear whenever she was with Tiegre... and she wanted to feel sure of herself.. she didn't want to doubt herself anymore.
  15. Sam couldn't say anything... she had never learned to use her powers like that.... only in defense. But Jun didn't seem impressed or astonished. "I'm Jun." he said and looked at Sam. "Oh, yeah.... I'm Samantha... um nice to meet you Zack." "Where's the other element?" Zack said looking around. "Right here... she said coming out from the side. "There were a couple over there that had gotten away." she said. She looked at the other two and her eyes met Sam's. "Sorry for that.... hope I didn't hurt you too much." "Well I was able to recover. I'm Sam... this is Jun... and you are?" "Isabelle." she said cleaning her weapons "Well now that we know everyone what now?" "There's another element out there." Zack said. "What?" Sam said looking at him irritatingly. "The Element of water. Once he's found we can start." "Start what???" Sam said exasperatingly. "You really don't know, do you?" Zack said with a smile as he leaned back on one of the poles.
  16. OOC: Glad to have you here! Look forward to posting with you too :) IC: She heard the glass shattering from the diner they had come from. "What was that?" she said looking at the man next to her. She still hadn't learned his name yet, and that bothered her. He didn't say anything, the whole thing was confusing him. "Damn it..." she said as she ran full speed toward the diner. He stared and decided to follow... he knew something important was up. "What happened here?" Sam demanded as she looked around. "A man was just thrown through the window... he didn't appear to be injured..." Just then, a woman had got up and ran out the through the broken window. Sam ran toward her and tried tackling her to the ground. But something happened, where she was twisted through the wind and tossed to the ground. She looked back up, and the woman didn't even turn around, she was too intent on running... she must know where the man who went through the window is... Sam got up and pulled her blades out. She knew something was happening. Just then the man caught up with her. She looked at him and smiled. "I think we found a third power... damn, just how many are out there?" "They said the man that flew through the window asked for the powers of Wind, Earth and fire to join him..." "Well then we better follow her." she said as she started to pick up the pace. "It's Jun." "What?" Sam said looking at him. "My name... it's Jun." he said as he ran ahead of her. She smiled and ran after.
  17. Elizabeth walked to the control center. "Any messages for me?" she said. The soldier looked through the pile and found one. "Your father is coming here to Lunar Base." he said as he threw the note away. "That's it?" she said surprised that there was nothing more. "That's it. He asked that the later be read aloud to you." he said. "Nothing more .... personal in your pile?" she saod softly. "Excuse me, what?" "Personal.... oh never mind..." she said as she walked away. She went to check on Sora at her room... anything to get her mind off of everything that was happening to her. She went to the hospital unit and asked around. She finally was able to find out that she left and was seen going into her quarters. She knocked on the door and the door opened. Sora's eyes full of tears. "Sora.... what's wrong?" she asked as she went over to her... she couldn't understand what happened. "Nothing... I'm just... confused that's all...." "Confused about what?" She was silent for a while... "Why does he have to be so cold..." she said as she went back into her room. Liz stared at her as she walked away. "Don't do it Liz....." "Tiegre, she's crying... how could he let her cry?" "He has things he needs to deal with on his own.. you can't help him." "He should at least know that he made her cry!" she said running down to the Mech room. She looked in and saw him working on his Mech. She ran down the stairs and stormed right up to him, making Deviryn growl. "He doesn't like people getting too close." Sayne said not even looking up. "He's not the [i]only[/i] one it seems." she said as she folded her arms and stared at him. "...hn...?" he said, still not looking up. "You care for her.... that's obvious. Everyone on this base knows it." "I'm glad my personal life is the topic of most discussions on this base." "Why do you push her away? If you care for her, show her something!!!" He didn't say anything. He just continued to work on his mech. She waited for a response and decided that she'd get none. "You made her cry, Sayne... is that what you wanted? Is that what you wanted to see? If you could make a girl cry? Sora needs to know you care, and not just on a whim." He didn't respond. But she knew he was listening to her. She knelt down to his level and looked at him. "There's more to life than just war... and pain. You open yourself to her.... she could show you that..." she said. He looked at her briefly, but still didn't respond. She got up and left the room, leaving him to his thoughts. "You can't help him, Liz... he can only help himself." "Well sometimes people need a little wake up call... he seems so sad and distant Tiegre... and he needs a human contact in order to bounce off of." "He has his father." "Who is nothing like a father to him..." she said looking down... her father was coming, and yet he left no note for her? "You have your own problems Liz..." Tiegre said softly. "I know.... I know Tiegre." "You can't save everyone... worry about yourself once in a while." "I will.... I will Tiegre..." she said softly.
  18. Thanks Heero ;) Name: Relena Darlian Age: 19 Agenda: Female of course Personality: Quiet... and caring. She's not rude, nor is she abrassive, but when she has to, she will stand up for what she believes in, and fights for those that she loves. Since the partings from the other Gundam Pilots though, she has become a lot more independant. She has had to be since she has mainly lived on her own. Appearance: [url=http://www.croik.com/essays/gundamwing/relena.jpeg]Relena[/url] Her bangs have grown out, but other than that, she looks the same. Bio: Raised by the Darlian family, Relena's true identity was the princess of Sank Kingdom. She had an older brother who had gone by the pseudonym of Zechs and had been protected in the dark by him. Due to her environment, Relena was raised to be mature beyond her years even though at times she would expressed dissatisfaction toward her own environment. She later on became the queen of Sank Kingdom and worked hard for the sake of peace, despite the fact that she had to go against the wishes of the Rommefellar Foundations as a result. After Heero left, she became a silent part of the Sank Kingdom. She protected it on a broader scale, but refused to be named Queen. She keeps her codename relevant, and has since lost touch with all the former Gundams. She is a respected person, and very reveared for what she has fought for and done in her life, all at a young age. She has made a name for herself, and people have grown to admire her for her quick thinking, and dedication to their country. While her heart is still with Heero, she had long since viewed him as a road she could no longer follow. But because she knew he was still out there, she was able to draw on that strength, and believe in herself and her abilities.
  19. "I've had enough of this little chit chat. I have things to go and do." he said as he ran out. She stood up and ran after him, putting her cloak on. There was no light outside, and she had lost complete track of time. She looked and saw him walking across the courtyard. She wouldn't let him leave so easily. She wanted answers for what was going on with her... and she hoped to find them in him. Just as she was about to catch up with him, she saw a shadow screech above her. She looked at him and used her powers to push him an instant 7 feet away. He hit the nearby wall and looked behind him in surprise. He saw her fighting a demon... but this one was different... "Leave me alone, human, it's not you this time I'm after." she said. "Get the hell out of here!" "Oh stop talking so sweetly with me, honey." she said as her whip slashed Sam's face. Sam looked back at her and caught the second blow in time by raising her arm. The whip wrapped itself around her arm, and Sam pulled it out of her grasp. But before she knew it, the man was already up to this demon and had his hands over her neck. He was about to snap it when Sam screamed. "Stop!!!" she said as she ran over to him and pushed him to the ground. "What the-" he looked over to where the demon stood and she was gone. "What the hell were you doing?" he said as he looked up at her. She was on top of him and felt instantly embarrassed. She sat up and looked back at where the demon had stood. "She's my match... if she dies I die as well..." Sam said softly. "What are you talking about...?" he said. "You haven't met yours I take it?" she said. He slowly stood up and looked down at her. "What are you talking about girl?" Sam was quiet for a while. "You have the power of fire correct?" He was silent, but he knew denying it would only delay him the answers he wanted. "Yes. What of it?" "Because of that power... you have a seperate entity... I can't explain it... all I know... is that ones with powers... such as me... and you.... we have a... match... a demon that is linked to us in every way... you can't destroy it... or you will die as well. It's impossible to kill them... without killing yourself." "Where did you learn all of this?" "She explained it to me... the first time I met her, I came so close to killing her... but as I squeezed the life out of her... I felt life leaving me as well... it was... an incredible feeling... to be between life and death.... but near death I was... and I don't want to be that close to it again... she told me then why that was... as she mocked me... she said we humans have a pathetic will for life.... and it's our downfall..." "Are you saying I have one... and I haven't met him yet?" "Well, you obviously haven't killed him yet. Maybe you thought you did... or maybe you haven't met him... it seems unlikely, only because they follow their human forms everywhere... she's a constant burden of mine... and I have to stop her whenever she gets near..." He helped her up to her feet and looked at her. "How long... have you known about your powers?" She stared at the damage on her arm. "For as long as I can remember. My mother called it a gift to keep quiet..." she wiped the blood away and saw the welts forming along her arm. She walked over to the fountain and got her hankerchief wet as she laid it over the burning flesh. "Whip from a demon can leave a nasty little mark." she said with a smile. "Where are you off to?" Surprised by her statement, he wasn't sure what to tell her. "I don't know... yet, why?" She shrugged her shoulders. "Just wondering." she looked back at him. "Want company?" "I prefer to walk alone." he said. "Same here, but things change." she said as she walked on with him. "I don't like people following me." he said as he looked at her. "Then consider me as your stalker, because I'm not easy to get rid of. And I'm Sam by the way. You'll be stuck with me for a while."
  20. OOC: Time to meet some people, LOL It was around noon time and she sat at her usual spot. Not too far, a dispute was erupting. She kept her hood even closer to her face... she wasn't really wanting to get in the middle of anything. "Are you just going to sit there as if you can't hear me?? I said you're sitting in my spot!!!" The man seated did not even look up... he just leaned even further back into his chair. "That's it, nobody ignores me and lives!!" he tried to pull the man up from the shirt collar, but the seated man grabbed his hand, held it and threw it away from him. "DAMN IT!!" the man screamed. He looked down at his hand and it was burned completely. "What kind of freak are you???" The man simply threw a lighter onto the table. "I don't listen to jackasses." he said threateningly, yet quietly. The man rushed out of there to find something that would stop the burning. It was then when Sam realized he had powers... just like hers... it was odd... getting use to the fact that she had powers, but now she found another. Just how many people in this world had some sort of power? She got up and sat down at the table the man was sitting at. She pulled off her cloak and stared at the man in front of her. "I'd rather be alone." "Sure you would. So would I, but I got some questions first." "Can't guarantee I'll answer them." he said as he took his drink from the table. She noticed his jacket was covered in blood. "Is that human blood? Because it doesn't smell like human blood." she said He raised an eyebrow at her, but decided not to respond. "That was some trick back there... funny how a lighter can burn so much. Did you suffer the same injuries?" "What are you? Some kind of journalist?" he said. "My questions will be answered first..." she said using the forces of the earth to pull the lighter over to her, making an obvious display of her powers. "Then I'll answer yours." she said letting a small smile crease her face as she played with the lighter.
  21. "I'm on my way.." Liz said. "Liz, do we really have time for a rescue mission right now?" "I can't just leave him there... what if a tank strays and attacks his Mech?" "Alright...." Tiegre said changing course. "Besides, I'm sure Vick will be happy to finish off the rest by his self... it'll give him something to boast to himself about." She felt Tiegre smile at her and they headed toward the water. She saw Dale's Mech Cobra. "Having a little trouble Dale?" she said jokingly. "Well that's an understatement, just get us out of here..." he said. "Got it." Tiegre bent down and hauled the Cobra Mech over her back. "Is he secure?" Elizabeth asked. "Completely, ready for departure." "Alright Let's-" "Several heat sources coming from the south... they've spotted Dale's down mech and were coming to recruit it." "Hang on..." she said. Elizabeth ran toward the enemy and engaged each one head on, throwing them out of the area, and tore through their outer structures. "Hey does this rescue wagon have to be so bumpy?" "Shut it Dale..." Elizabeth said with a laugh.
  22. They got out and looked around. Sage pulled out her guns.... Ty's guns.... and shot every single guard in sight. "All clear... let's move." she said. "Damn, I haven't even changed yet! I'm still in a freakin dress, how is anyone supposed to take me seriously when I'm wearing a dress???" "You should have dressed more practicle Syn... we're going on a raid, not a date." Sage said as she reloaded. "You girls are having too much fun with this." he said as he pulled off his earrings. "No, Syn... you look intimidating... just wipe off the blush and you'll be fine." "Damn it... you're really not going to give me time?" "I'm going now... sooner or later Iodias is going to know that we busted through his front gate... I'm not giving him the chance." "We need some sort of plan..." Syn said as he got his bag of clothes. "Then here it is. I'm going after Iodias. You two go around the side to the treasury. Get as much as you can, and be careful, he may be trying to make his escape that way. Don't let him get away!" she said as she ran full force toward the doors. "Syn, we should go after her..." Mayhony said. "No... I think this is something she needs to do for herself..." he said. "Hurry up then and change... we don't have much time. *********************** Sage went through the halls and saw men running... they had heard the break in... someone tripped the alarms. "Damn it..." she said. She closed her eyes... she couldn't fail... not this time.... [I]?You know what you have to do. Just remember I?m going to protect you.?[/I] He had said. She remembered how he looked at her... his eyes... the pain of remembering brought tears to her own... [I]?Don?t be afraid. You have the training, and you?re one of the best assassins I know. Just let your reflexes take over. You?ll know what to do.?[/I] He had said as he stared at her. She wiped the tears from her eyes... she had to do this... for Ty.... for herself... "Ty.... you'll be with me.... and with you in my heart I can do anything..." she said ashe clutched his guns to her chest. She pulled out of the corner and took out all the men in the halls... She slipped in and out of the shadows, just as Ty had done... just as Ty had taught her... thinking nothing but of the game ahead... as she hunted her prey.... the man who stole her love.... her life... she would make him pay dearly.... he may have killed Ty.... but he did not defeat the Shadow's Dragon.... he lived in her... and she would keep Ty alive.... inside of her. Her eyes beared down over the dead bodies around her... her eyes glowered ahead as she walked to the main hall.... Periodically, she would shoot another man... she saw 5 of them at the end of the hall guarding a room... she knew Iodias was inside there... [i]?I will never allow anyone to take you from me?? he said holding her. ?And what about me Ty? Am I not supposed to feel the same way toward you???? ?I?m going to protect you? I can protect myself Sage.? ?Damn it Ty?? she said as the tears fell from her eyes. ?You can?t be strong forever!! You?re not invincible. They?ll get you? they?ll kill you? and then I will die. I swear to you? I will die??[/i] He had held her even tighter.... and she wanted so desperately to feel his arms again... She took out a small grenade and waited 7 seconds for detonation before throwing it toward her prey... it detonated on contact, killing them instatnly and destroying the door.... and she saw him.... his face blank as he stared back at her.... "You will not live this time.... Ty may have shown you mercy.... but I will not...." she raised her guns and shot the two guards who thought they were concealed... she pointed the gun at Iodias.... "It's just you and me.... shoot me if you dare... run... cry for help... but no one will hear... and your efforts will all be in vain.... you coward, I wanted your death to be as painful for you as it was for me... I've been dying ever since you stole him from me... but not this time... you will die...." she said as she pulled the trigger.
  23. OOC: :laugh: I'm sure Sayne's special ability wasn't meant to hurt anyone else... I don't think that's where Heero was going with this at all... but I could be wrong... I just don't see that in Sayne's character... he's dedicated to his team... just my thoughts anyway :) IC: All Elizabeth heard over the radio was static and screams. "Tiegre, can you fix our transmission?" "Our transmission is fine, Liz... they're not doing too well up there." "The battle is almost won! What do you mean they're not doing well?" "Apparently, Sayne used Deviryn's Special Abillity, Rage, and it's doing a lot of damage... A lot..." "Open a secure channel..." "I don't think that's a good idea..." "Open the channel dammit!" Tiegre opened a channel and all she heard was static. "Sayne, do you copy?" They was nothing more but static, but she could make out a vague response. "Damn it...." she said. She clenched her fist as she took out another hover tank. "Sayne... I know you're still in there, you need to stop your attack.... the enemy has been destroyed..." "..........hn......." "Dammit, Sayne, prove your father wrong for once and show him you're capable of responsibility!!!!" she screamed. There was static on the other line, but she could hear a slow decent from the mechs above... "He stopped...." Tiegre said softly. Elizabeth looked up. "What happened up there?" Tiegre was silent for a while... "He connected with his Mech..." she said. Elizabeth watched as the rest of the tanks and war ships were destroyed.. "It's about time he connects with someone." she said with a smile. She looked at the damage.... the old abandoned buildings on this desert land were destroyed... "Good thing no one lives in this ghost town... or they would have been in some serious trouble back there." "Sayne has more problems than you realize... more problems then you will be able to help him with..." Tiegre said. "I know.... but that doesn't mean I can't try every once in a while... that's what friends are for you know." "Maybe... but I'm not sure if Sayne is really wanting friends." "Well only time can tell right?" she said with a smile. "I guess.... don't get your hopes up though Liz." "Me? I've always got hope in something" She said with a smile as they finsihed the battle.
  24. Elizabeth tore through another battalion of tanks that was coming their way. "Three missiles coming in at mark 3." Tiegre said. Elizabeth looked behind her and saw the missiles coming in fast. She quickly moved out of the way, and picked up a tank with the mouth of her mech, Tiegre took over and tossed it out of her mouth, making contact with the three missiles, causing a major explosion. *Transmission* "Is everything okay down there?" Elizabeth was too busy to see who the message came from. "Everything's okay, missiles are being shot from above and below at all angles... they're really trying to get tanks over to the Base." "They're planning to take it over..." she heard Sayne say. Elizabeth attacked another line of tanks and noticed Vick moving even faster than before toward their enemies. Elizabeth smiled. "Show off." she said. Tiegre was surprised by the smile but decided against asking her what it meant. Then she heard a small laugh and was really confused. But Elizabeth brought her back to reality. "Come on... we got them on the run Tiegre, let's give him a hand ratting the rest of these guys out." "You did give him a hand you know." Tiegre said. "Yes, but only you and I know that. Vick would never admit it." she said with another smile. Tiegre ran toward the rest of the Tanks that were coming toward the side Vick wasn't able to protect. "I can take care of this here." he said angrily over the intercom. "Sure you can, but I'm such a nusiance, I'll just help anyways." she said and ended transmissions.
  25. Elizabeth ran toward the battalion attacking from the rear. She looked behind her and saw Vick was taking care of them from the side. She let her heart take over as her anger once again fueled Tiegre and moved gracefully from one enemy to the next. After she finished her attack on the side, she went back toward where Vick was fighting. ?Sensors picking up a heat source coming from above.? Tiegre said to her, Elizabeth quickly looked up without swaying her focus on Vick. ?What?? she saw a burst of fire coming from a ship from over head, they were shooting at the ground mechs, and their line of fire was bearing on Vick. ?We need more cover down here!? She said over the intercom. ?We?re on our way.? Keiji said. She knew the fire was coming in close on Vick, and he either wasn?t taking notice, or thought he can withstand the blast. ?Vick, move out of the way, four blasts are coming your way.? She said. ?I?m fine, Elizabeth, worry about your own tail.? He said. ?Tiegre, at that trajectory, will he make it if he goes his current course?? she asked. She already knew the answer before Teigre responded. ?No, the blasts are to broad, he needs to move to his left out of the range of fire. Those missiles are set to destroy him in any second.? Elizabeth was already moving toward Vick. ?Get out of the way!? ?Leave it alone, I know what I?m doing!? he said. But Elizabeth ran over to his mech and pushed him out of the way, just in the nick of time. ?I told you I was fine, dammit.? ?And I made a judgment call that might have saved your life.? ?I don?t need saving.? He said getting back up. ?No, you need to realize that this war isn?t only up to you to win. Stop being a hero.? She said as she ran back to the battle, but not before Tiegre healed his mech of the current damage.
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