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  1. OOC: Okay, I'll be gone for a while, this is all I have at the moment. IC: Sam woke up at the sound of the clock in the courtyard. ?5:00? I slept in?? she said as she got out of bed. She usually slept on the statue near the town square, but because of her luck the night before, she was able to purchase better sleeping conditions. She took her shower and got dressed rather quickly. She was in no hurry, but she hated feeling vulnerable. She sat on the chair in her room as she brushed her hair. She looked at her blades and noticed they were teetering over the side of her night table. She thrust her hand out and used the wind to call them toward her. A giant gust of wind blew her window, causing her blades to be carried over to her where they landed in her hand. The wind slowly died down but not before it blew over her face and made her feel completely refreshed. She looked outside of the window. Her mind wandered across the landscape. The night concealed many beauties found inside the town. She noticed that the day was brighter than before. She put her hood down and walked out her door. She went down to the clerk and paid her fee. ?Did you sleep well Miss?? ?Better than the night before, thank you.? She said looking away as he printed her receipt. ?So where are you off to?? he asked. She looked at him oddly. ?What are you writing a book?? she said as she got her receipt and left. She walked past the courtyard and stared at the clock. It was 7 already, and she was hungry. She walked over to the local market, and they were filling their baskets with apples and other fruits. She watched a while from a distance and then took notice of an elderly woman who was having a hard time with loading her baskets. She walked over and smiled ever so sweetly. ?Here, let me help you with that ma?am.? She said as she lifted her box of breads and apples. ?Thank you miss, you?re far too kind.? The woman said with a smile. ?You can never be too kind to the elderly, I always say.? She said with a quick smile. As Sam left, she waved her hand slightly as two apples and a piece of bread came out of her basket and concealed themselves inside her jacket, which was now blowing in the wind. She walked to the town square where she sat at one of the tables and pulled out her recent pickings. Not too far away she felt a cold chill come over her shoulder. [i]Behind you...[/i] She jumped up from her chair and turned around swiftly. "Thought you could surprise me, did you?" "It doesn't hurt to try." she said. The dark mage stared at her, red eyes glossy, whip in hand. "You know, you shouldn't just bring it out in the open so casually. You'll scare someone with that. "That's the plan." she said eerily. She lunged forward and tried to strangle her with her weapon, but Sam had tangled with her once before. She dropped to her knees and sliced her abdomen, leaving gashes of black substance coming out of the demon above her. She used her powers to throw her into the air, giving her time to stand back up. The woman screamed in frustration and fell to the ground. Sam ran toward her with both daggers in hand, but the demon disappeared in a whisk of smoke, leaving her stabbing down at nothing. "Damn.... it's barely morning..." she said. She put her daggers back into their proper places and left. She hated that woman.... that... demon... it was so hard to figure out what to do about her.... all she knew... was that they were connected somehow... and it had something to do with the powers she held.
  2. OOC: Since I don't know what it is you're wanting the first post to be... I'm going to start it where they are one person right now... if it's not good, let me know. IC: She walked with her hood closely over her head... it was night, and no one was out walking the streets. No one dared to since there were so many dangers in the area... Reports of Muggings... kidnappings... even murder prowled the streets. But for Samantha... none of this mattered. She gave little value if any to her own life. The streets glistened with light... the ground was wet from the rain that had poured just hours before. The street lights lit up the ground all around, making the feel a lot eerier than it usually was. Samantha was on her way to the local bar where she hoped to find something to eat. She didn't have money... but was willing to improvise without a second thought to it. She walked past the alleys when three men came over to her and grabbed her. They tried pulling her jacket off, but Samantha had been through this before. She pulled out her dagger and thrusted one into the man behind her. She pulled it out and swung it past the other man's abdomen. The last one stared at her and ran. She looked at the mess she had created and decided not to clean it up this time. She was hungry. She knelt down to see if these ones were more useful then the others before, and she was surprised that they were. "Aren't you some rich dead men. That'll teach you... pay for your girls. You never know when a girl will knife you for taking the cheap way." she dropped their wallets and walked off to the bar. She asked for a few napkins and cleaned her blade under her cloak. She couldn't stand to see them dirty... She got herself a bite to eat and got up from the table. She looked to the side of her and witnessed a brawl in the corner. Two men were beating on another man. She walked over and listend to see what the problem was. "Listen, I paid you your money... what else do you want from me?" "The rest of your money Jack-" In a blink of an eye both men had daggers to their throats. She smiled at the man who was sitting down. "Maybe Gambling shouldn't be a past time of yours anymore." The man looked up at her and nodded. "Thank you miss..." he said and ran out of the bar. She turned the men around and stared at them. They were no push overs. "I'd hate to dirty my knife over a couple of guys like you." "You Bit-" "Watch your tongue or I'll cut it off for you." she said staring at him. He looked at the other man and he grew afraid. She pushed the daggers closer and stared at them evenly. "Don't cause anymore trouble..." she said. She waited a while before walking away, keeping a careful eye out for one of them to pull out a gun. But they didn't, and she left the bar. She walked outside and tucked her daggers inside. So far, her day had been going unusually easier.
  3. She sat there feeling bad for the way she talked to Keijn. [i]"He was only trying to help..."[/i] she thought to herself... only it wasn't her thought... it was Tiegre's. "Tiegre, I want to be alone..." she said hoarsely. Her heart was heavier than it had ever been. She tried not to show people... she was never an open person... but her heart... was hurting... "Liz.... don't shut me out...." "STOP IT!!!" she screamed. She got up and ran from where she was sitting, trying to get away from the voice. But no matter where she went... Tiegre was still there in her mind... "You can't run from your problems forever Liz... let this go for now..." "DAMN YOU! I hate you .... I hate you for making me stay... for making me want to stay... for making him disappointed in me.... for making him.... hate me..." "He doesn't hate you Liz... he loves you...." Elizabeth kept running. She wasn't sure where.... she just ran away from the compound. The farther she ran, the more Tiegre talked with her. "Elizabeth, don't go so far from the compound... you don't know what's out there!" "I know enough....." she said through her tears. She ran until she couldn't take it anymore. She collapsed on her knees and just waited.... for something to take the pain away. "Liz.... you don't have to stay..... I don't want to come between you and your father.... you can leave... if you want to." Elizabeth could feel the sadness in her voice.... her mind shot back to where she was and she looked around. The base was no where in sight.... just ground laid in front of her... field.... she knew how to get back... but she didn't want to .... "I... can't leave, Tiegre.... don't you understand?" Tiegre said nothing as she waited for her to say something... but Liz was shaking... her body was completely worn out.... and the coldness crept over her skin. She sat there and picked up the sand and dirt around her.... she let it pass through her fingers... and she could slowly feel her hurt and anger pass through her in the same way. "If I leave.... I'll forever regret it.... I can't live like that... I need to see... this through. It's just hard.... when the ones that use to matter the most to you.... can't support you.... he'll hate me if I stay... he wants me to come back.... but I can't." Tiegre listened and felt her pain all the way back at the base. "I don't want to be the reason you're hurting...." she said. Elizabeth finally smiled. "Tiegre... when I'm here... I feel alive... and it's that good feeling... that makes me feel guilty. My father... will never understand.... but I can't just turn around now... I feel like I belong.... when I'm with you..." "Will you be okay Elizabeth?" she said softly. "Yeah... just give me a few moments alone... okay? I just need to think about everything... and I can't do that with a second mind in my head." she said as she got up. She could feel Tiegre's smile. "Very well.... I'll see you tomorrow...." she said, and Elizabeth felt alone again... she walked back slowly to the base... not even noticing the cold.... she enjoyed the cold whether... it made her body feel warm inside.... and she needed to feel warm.... from the inside...
  4. Elizabeth got up from the table and put her dish in the sink. Sora got up and started cleaning the dishes and Elizabeth tapped her on the shoulder. "Thanks Sora for the dinner, it was really good." "Oh anytime." she said with a smile. Elizabeth looked down and went on. "If you ever need anyone to talk to Sora, I'm here. I'm not the wisest person in the world, but I try the best I can to make those around me feel better.... or at least to be a listening ear when they need it." Sora smiled and gave her a quick hug. "I will... don't worry. I'm going to be fine." Elizabeth smiled weakly and left the room. They'd be waking up in 7 hours for the announcement. She said her goodbyes and left the room. She walked down the hallways to her quarters and opened the door. It was jammed yet again and she cursed at it. "Why'd I get stuck with the crappy door!" she said aloud. She turned around and decided to go for a walk. She wasn't tired... her mind was on other things. She knew she was quiet at the table... and she hoped people didn't find her bothersome. But she really didn't care anyway what people thought of her. She really had wanted to be alone.... She smiled. She remembered what her father had told her... [i]Whenever you want to be alone.. that's when you need to surround yourself with people the most...[/i] Tears came to her eyes... why couldn't he be proud of her? Why couldn't he just let her... be.... herself? She walked past the control center and a soldier ran up to her and gave her a telegram. She took it and thanked him and ran outside to open it. She knew they weren't allowed outside of the base at that time of night, but she wanted to really be alone... She went outside and crept along the back of the building. She sat against it and slid to her knees as she opened the letter. Even more tears came to her eyes as she read by the moonlight.... She finished reading it and dropped the letter in front of her. He was angry at her.... she was tired of fighting with him... it was so hard to fight with him when she loved him so much.... she wished.... he would let her be happy about her decision... to let her make her own mistakes... she had always loved her protective father.... but more than anything now, she wanted him to support her. She wanted to be [i]here[/i] .... and his forbidding her weighed down on her heart.... She never wanted to hurt him... she never wanted to make him sad... or hurt... was she being selfish? Was she being selfish for going after something she wanted? She had her entire life to find something to work for... but she knew she couldn't leave... she couldn't. Her heart was here... completely. Tiegre.... was special to her.... she couldn't figure out exactly what it was that made her special.... but she needed Tiegre as much as Tiegre needed her... and she couldn't turn her back now. It wasn't even a matter of choice anymore.... she couldn't leave even if she tried... She brought her knees closer to her and cried... she hated feeling weak... but losing her father's love was too much for her to handle.... she only hoped.... that she wouldn't regret her sacrifice... she didn't want to look back and feel that she made the wrong choice... but something in her heart told her things would never be the same... she broke down even more... she didn't even notice the temperature dropping outside... her body had already felt cold... she was tired of second guessing herself.... why did he do this to her? She kept questioning whether he truly loved her or not.... but she knew he did... he was protecting her.... but didn't he realize... she didn't need protection... she needed support.... her eyes shut tightly as she sat there in the corner and let the screams in her heart take over....
  5. Darrius walked her to her quarters and she smiled. "Thanks I think I can take it from here." she laughed. "Don't let this get you down, I'm sure everything will turn out fine." he said. "I hope you're right... thanks for talking with me Darrius." "No problem. Just hang in there. Your father will see you for what you're really worth. You'll see." he smiled and left. She closed the door and waited for her father to come back. She knew her father.... and things wouldn't just go away so easily.... Her father came in the room and he threw his hat on the table and sat down with his hand to his head. She watched from the other room in angst. She wasn?t sure what she should do. Her heart was with Tiegre, but how would she make her father understand? She walked in with a plate of food and sat next to him. He looked at her and his face dropped. ?Why Liz? Why did you do it?? ?Daddy, I had no intention of doing anything when I came here?? ?Now that you?ve done this, they?re trying to tell me that it would be better to let my little girl fight.? ?Daddy?? ?What is it you want to say? What could you possibly say?? he said looking at her. ??? ?There?s nothing you can say young lady. Nothing. You?re okay with disobeying your father, completely disregarding my wishes?? ?Daddy? I?m ready to make my own decisions? I want to fight.? ?You can?t Liz, you don?t know how.? Her eyes narrowed and she shook her head. She wouldn?t give into her anger and say anything she would regret. She clutched her fists as she let the anger sweep over her. With her head down, she continued. ?I?m not a little girl anymore. I know more about the military than most soldiers out there. I?ve lived on a base for the greater part of my life. I have learned, strategy, how to use different tools of the trade? I?m more capable than you?re willing to give me credit for.? ?Capable???? he laughed sardonically. ?Liz, you?re not capable of that at all. Why do you fight me on this?? ?Because you?re trying?? Elizabeth decided not to go on? she was tired of fighting with him. Jason got up and walked over to his daughter. He put both hands on her shoulders. ?Lizzy, you?ll find your calling someday. You still have an entire life to figure that out for yourself. Let time pass, Liz? let go of this. It?s not worth it.? Elizabeth looked at her father and reluctantly nodded. ?That?s a good girl. We?ll be leaving tomorrow.? He said and retired to his sleeping quarters. Elizabeth sat there in tears. She got up and decided to go for a walk? she knew she was doing it again to herself and she just needed to be alone. She walked down the hall and met a small corridor, where no one was passing. She lent against the wall and slid down to the floor. Why did he do this to her? She loved him, and it was as if he was using that against her? he was trying to make her feel as if what she was doing? was wrong. Just because she wanted something he had not already planned out for her. She stood up and was about to walk away when she broke down completely. She spun around fiercely and hit the wall behind her. She kept hitting it until she was completely worn out. Her arm felt numb and her head spun out of control. She shook violently as she cried against the steel walls. After gaining her composure, she walked back downstairs. Her heart heaved when she felt Tiegre?s prescence. She opened the door, and Tiegre was standing looking straight at her. She walked down the stairs and stared at her? Tiegre laid down and softly pulled Liz over with her paw. Liz sat there with Tiegre and cried silently to herself. She didn?t want to go anywhere? she wanted to stay here. Liz looked up to Tiegre's growling and saw she was glowering at Sayne who had just come down. But Sayne didn?t seem scared at all by Tiegre. Liz softly touched Tiegre in order to calm her down and she stood up as she dried her tears. ?I was just saying goodbye to Tiegre. Daddy wants us to leave tomorrow.? She said with a sad smile. She started crying again, and Sayne wasn?t sure on what to do. He tried to comfort her by putting a single hand on her shoulder, but she sobbed harder and hugged him tightly. ?It?s not fair? none of this is fair, Sayne? my father tells me to leave with him? and if I say no? I?m forced to live with the feeling of letting him down. But if I go? I?ll miss her? I don?t know what?s right? I don?t know why she had to choose me. All I know? is that I want? more than anything to stay. Sayne listened? that was all he could do. He felt inadequate to comfort her, since he had never comfort anyone before? but she wouldn?t let go. Liz looked behind her at Tiegre and sat down on the ground. She looked at her arm and it still felt numb. She laughed uneasily. ?And if all of that wasn?t bad enough, I had to go and break my wrist on some unfortunate wall.? She said cradling her wrist. Sayne just stared at her. He could partly identify with her? at one point he cared about what his father thought about him? but now he was beyond that? Elizabeth looked at her arm and heard Tiegre?s small voice in her mind. She looked at Tiegre and her beautiful green eyes were bearing down on her. Elizabeth got up. Tiegre stared at her as she got closer. She sat on her paw and Tiegre lifted her and licked her wrist softly and gently. As she set her back down, Liz stared at her wrist. She looked up at Tiegre and tears came to her eyes. Sayne realized that Tiegre had used one of her special abilities on Elizabeth. She had healed her. He walked over, and Tiegre no longer growled at him. A few minutes later, Elizabeth was walking down the corridor with Sayne. But right when they turned the corner, Jason was there to greet them. He stared at Sayne in anger. ?What are you trying to do to my daughter, soldier?? ?Daddy, stop. I went to see Tiegre, I wanted to say goodbye. It was nothing more than that.? Elizabeth said looking at him sternly. Her emotions were already raw, and her thinking was completely scattered. ?What?s he doing here with you then? Are you following my daughter?? Sayne stared at him evenly with no expression whatsoever. Elizabeth shook her head. She looked at Sayne and whispered an apology. ?You better give me a damn straight answer here!!? he yelled. ?Just STOP!? she said loudly as she ran past her father. Sayne was about to go as well when Jason stopped him dead in his tracks. ?What did you think you were doing to my daughter, soldier?? he said firmly, but quieter. ?I didn?t do anything to your daughter, I only listened to what she needed to say.? ?Are you her confidant then? Is that what you?re telling me?? "Well someone needs to be. Because she can?t talk to those she?s closest to and to actually be heard.? He said looking at him evenly. Jason was surprised at the statement and just stood there looking at him. Sayne stared at him and then left. Elizabeth had run to her quarters and tried to open the door, but it was jammed. She banged her fist against it and cried. Sayne caught up with her and turned her around. She looked at him and cried in his arms. She was tired of everything. She stepped away and dried her tears. ?You better go, Sayne, my father?s going to come here any second now.? He nodded and she tried opening her jammed door again. He helped her with it, and she went inside. She squeezed his hand before he left. ?Thank you?. you?ve been really kind to me since I?ve been here.? He looked at her for a while and backed away. She watched as he left and closed the door. She would wait until her father came back. She knew she would have to answer for what she did. ************************************************ He got back and found her sitting on a chair at the table. He walked past her and went to his quarters. ?You?re not going to say anything then?? she said softly, staring at her hands. ?There?s nothing to say. We?re still leaving tomorrow, now more than ever.? ?And what if I told you I wanted to stay?? ?We?ve been through this Elizabeth, and I?m not changing my mind.? ?Dad-? ?That?s enough out of you!! We?re not staying here another minute. Make sure your things are packed because we're leaving in an hour. We?ll talk more when we?ve left.? He went into his room and closed the door. Elizabeth went to her room and sat there. She didn?t want to leave? not only did she feel that she needed to stay? she wanted to stay more than anything. [b]AN HOUR LATER[/b] She followed her father down the hall with her bag. She walked past many military personnel, and out to the jet. She tried to smile, but she couldn?t. She looked back, and heard Tiegre. [i]?Don?t go??[/i] she said. She stopped walking and looked back at the base. ?Liz, we need to go now.? Jason said. She looked at him and tears came to her eyes. She walked toward the jet and her father walked inside. She smiled at her father. ?I love you Daddy?? she said, tears coming down her eyes. He looked at her stunned as she closed the hatch behind him. The jet took off and the last thing she saw was her father?s surprised face through the jet window. Her tears streamed down her face. When it was out of view, she walked over to the military?s control center where she heard her father screaming her name. The man at the control desk looked at her and handed her the com unit. She turned it on ?Daddy?? ?Damn it Liz, what are you doing?? ?I?m staying Daddy? this is my decision, and I can?t let you control my life for me.? ?Elizabeth!!!? ?Be proud of me Daddy? someday? be proud of me? if you can ever find it in yourself to forgive me?? she listened to his words and screams at her as she hung the com unit back up. The people around her had heard everything. She looked at each of them and tried to smile. They were all quiet. It made her nervous. ?Um? I?m sorry for the commotion?? she said weakly. She picked up her bags and quickly left, tears falling from her cheeks. She returned back to their quarters. She felt relieved and sad at the same time. She missed him already, but this was something she had to do for herself. She knew she made the right decision? she just wished the right one? wasn?t so hard. She set her bag down and cried. There was a knock at the door. She got up and didn?t even bother to dry the tears. She opened the door and it was Sayne. She was a little surprised to see him. She folded her arms and then put a nervous and shaky hand to her face. ?I didn?t go?? ?This, I can see.? He said with a brief smile. She smiled too. She dried her tears and he gave her a quick smile. "See you on the battlefield." and he turned around and left. ******************************************************* OOC: Sorry for such a long post... wanted to get this in before the meeting.
  6. Elizabeth climbed out of her Mech and smiled at Tiegre. A soldier came running up to her and handed her a note. "Your father is arriving in an hour, he wanted to give you the message." "Thank God he's alive... thank you" she said taking the note. She went back to her quarters and grabbed her jacket before meeting him outside. He came out of the Jet all clad in uniform. She smiled. ?Sorry I was late Liz,? he said as he gave her a tight hug. ?We were having flight problems....? Her father said. Elizabeth smiled at him warmly. ?Honestly Daddy, we both know exactly whose fault this really is.? She said taking his arm in hers. ?Listen, if we took off without my briefcase, I?d be even later than I am now.? He said with an exasperated smile. ?Excuses like that, Daddy, will get you 3 marks and an automatic drop to a lieutenant position you know.? She said with a wink. Her father smiled and kissed her forehead. ?We?ll see about that.? They walked inside the compound and there was a lieutenant waiting for them. She looked at her father and her father?s face went straight into that military face she would often see and was fond of. ?Admiral Jason Walker?? he asked. ?Yes, sorry for the inconvenience, there was a slight problem with preparations.? He said. Elizabeth couldn?t help but smile. ?No problem at all sir, they are expecting you inside.? He brought them to Dr. Kane and Commander Darcon De?Larne. Elizabeth kissed her father goodbye as he was about to walk into the office room. She put her hands in her pockets and decided to wait with Tiegre. She wasn?t sure how she would tell her father that she?s working with the military. At age 13, she had expressed her wishes to be in the army? she wanted to work alongside her father in protecting the people? but he had rebuked her, and told her that there were so many other fields for her to work in. He wanted her to be a doctor? but she had no interest in that at all? she had admired her father and his work for as long as she could remember. All she wanted? was to fight for the ones she loved? She reached the Mech room and crept inside. She wasn?t sure if she was allowed inside or not at this time, but she wanted to see Tiegre. She got out there, and went to the corner where Tiegre usually sat. She jumped up on top of her legs and played with her paws just like a little kitten. She jumped when she heard a small clank on the stone cold floor. Tiegre ears shot up and listened for an attacker. She walked behind the bins and was surprised to see it was just Sayne. She looked at Tiegre and smiled, and Tiegre recoiled back. Sayne's dragon stirred and growled as she walked closer... Sayne in a heart beat had his gun out and pointing it at Elizabeth. "Whoa, take it easy Sayne, I'm not the enemy." she said with her hands up in the air and a smile. He stared at her and put the gun away and continued working on the mech. Darcon looked down at his son and shook his head.... what had he turned his son into... all this time, he was acting more like a Commander than a Father.... and Sayne had needed a father all that time. ?Do you always?. Carry a gun?? she asked as he put his gun away. ?Do you always ask questions with no relevance to anything?? he said not really looking at her. She smiled. "Only when I know I can annoy those around me with them." he stared at her again and just went back to repairing his mech. Just then, the doors above opened. She looked up and saw Dr. Kane along with Darcon and Admiral Walker standing above the railing. Jason looked at his daughter with a surprised look. ?What are you doing young lady?? he said walking down the steps with Kane and Darcon. Elizabeth looked at Sayne and walked over to her father. ?I- I just wanted to take a look around, and-? ?And is he your guide?? he said looking at him with a flicker of anger in his eyes. ?No Daddy,? she said uneasily, ?I just wanted to do something as I waited for you-? ?She?s been chosen.? Sayne interrupted barely looking up from his mech. He wasn't comfortable with them all so close to Deviryn .He glanced up at Admiral Walker and he was still staring at his daughter in disappointment. Elizabeth looked back at Sayne and then Tiegre. ?What do you mean, ?chosen??? Jason said. ?Our new weapons,? Dr. Kane showed him the MB?s and explained. Elizabeth looked down and felt completely embarrassed. Her father turned around and walked out of the room. ?I won?t have this. My daughter is not going to fight. She?s not even a soldier!? ?Daddy, are you not even going to ask what I want?? she asked. But Jason continued walking. Elizabeth stood there waiting for an answer, but he kept walking. Darcon and Dr. Kane caught up with Jason and were talking with him. Sayne looked up and stared at the Admiral as he completely ignored his daughter. He shook his head and then she started talking to him. ?My father looks after me? he?s very protective of me, and well? sometimes? he doesn?t even take into consideration as to what I want sometimes?? she said. She looked back in the room and Tiegre was still looking at her. She felt attached to her for some reason, and it hurt that her father wasn?t listening to her wants or needs. "I?ve got to go?? she said. She left the room in tears... why couldn't her father understand?
  7. Elizabeth's heart raced as she saw the battalions coming their way. She looked up and hoped they could give them cover on the ground as well. "Liz, you can't rely on others anymore... this is [i]your[/i] life, and you need to take control of it. You have the power to destroy your enemies... just believe that you can do anything... and you will..." Elizabeth looked down for a while and a small smile creased her face. She laughed. "Then let's get rolling." she said. Tiegre picked up speed and ran toward the ground forces. Several tanker's started firing on Tiegre, but Tiegre was graceful and her metal body seemed to move as if it was weightless. They reached the front lines and attacked the tanks, Tiegre was on them in seconds, with Liz pouring her heart and soul into her attackers. Anyone who threatened her life wouldn't live past the night. Her determination burned through her, giving Tiegre's movements more agility, and grace. They took out the enemies one by one, not stopping or haulting for rest... and Liz was starting to enjoy herself. "I've finally had my chance to prove to myself what I can do..." she thought. "I knew you had it in you... " Tiegre spoke. They tore through the lines of battalions like wild fire.... destroying everything in their path...
  8. Elizabeth heard the alarm and looked up at Tiegre. Tiegre's eyes focused intently on her. "I don't know the first thing about Mechs...." Elizabeth stated. "You don't have to... besides, don't underestimate yourself Liz, you know more than you or anyone else realizes about the military." Elizabeth looked at her and knew Tiegre knew everything about her. She nodded as if she was ready. Tiegre knelt down as Elizabeth climbed inside. The hatched closed, and Elizabeth felt warm inside the heart of the Tiger. She smiled. "Alright, what now?" "Just think about what you want to do, I'll do the rest...." Tiegre sat up and darted out of the base. She followed the shadows of the Mechs in the sky. Elizabeth looked around and realized she was seeing through Tiegre's eyes... "What if something happens to you, and I can't hear you anymore? What do I do then, Tiegre?" "You'll know what to do, Liz." "I take it this is one of those "just be natural" games, right?" Elizabeth asked with a smile. "Sort of, except this is no game. If I'm no longer available... you'll be able to know exactly what to do." Elizabeth smiled, and she felt the breeze on her face... or rather, Tiegre's face... she was feeling everything Tiegre was feeling. "Why is that?" Elizabeth asked. "Because telepathy is one of my abilities, one of many more that you will soon discover." Elizabeth's heart rose and she almost made Tiegre come to an immediate hault. "My father...... is he okay?" she asked. Tiegre was silent for a while as she focused. "Yes, Liz... he's okay." "Where is he? He must be worried about me...." "He's coming to the base within the week. He knows you're okay, Darcon already let him know you were safe." "Darcon?" "Saynes, father... Commander De'Larne?" "Oh that's right... I didn't know he was Sayne's father..." she said. She looked up at the Mechs and remembered Sora's family.... she felt like a horrible person.... for being thankful that her father was alive... and yet knowing that Sora lost everyone except her father. She sighed.... they would be reaching point soon... "Let your emotions go, Elizabeth.... it will help you in battle.... to be passionate, is to be determined... and determination moves mountains." Elizabeth felt her fear rise within her, but she was ready... all her life she wanted to protect something.... or someone.... and she was finally able to do that.... with Tiegre at her side, she felt powerful.... as if nothing in the world could touch her... or hurt her.... she was starting to feel normal again.... comfortable... and she was able to be herself. "Let's do this then, Tiegre..." she said with confidence. Her mind went everywhere as she closed her eyes and got herself acquainted with all of the components of her mech......
  9. I made this shortly after finishing Full Metal. I had to redo the shading on Sousuke because it was too flat with the image I had originally gotten it from. So the lighting and shading was done by me, along with everything else :laugh: Good therapy this is ;) Have a look :)
  10. Elizabeth sat herself on the ground as she watched them all go to the Mechs. She wasn't sure what was going on.... but her thoughts went directly to her father... she hoped he was alright... [I][B]"Liz..........."[/B][/I] Elizabeth jumped up and her body trembled. She felt cold.... [I][B]"Liz..... come here...."[/B][/I] it said. Elizabeth tried to ignore it.... but it kept pressing her to find her... Elizabeth got up slowly and walked away from the group.... easily unnoticed, she went to the back of the facility and waited for something to make sense. She felt a warm breeze above her and nearly had a heart attack when she saw her. She looked at the mech and it stared at her, her eyes intent and ever so watchful. Elizabeth's mind, once again went completely cold... [I][B]"Don't be afraid...."[/B][/I] she said. her voice was soft and recognizable. "Who are you?" Elizabeth said. Her voice trembled as her eyes opened even more. [I]"I am Tiegre, and you are my Guardian..."[/I] she said. Elizabeth looked in her eyes... her eyes were beautiful... and her voice.... [I]"Don't be afraid...."[/I] Tiegre said to her. Elizabeth remembered her mothers song as she would sing her to sleep as a child... tears came to her eyes... [I]"What are you doing? That's my mothers voice..."[/I] she said shaking slightly. "Your mother was a beautiful woman, Liz...." Tiegre said softly. "Stop this!!!!" Elizabeth screamed. She looked at her and Tiegre was closing her eyes. Elizabeth felt cold again, and everything went black... memories of her mother flooded her mind and she saw her mother tuck her in to bed... she heard her song... and she cried. "Why are you doing this?" she asked through the tears. [I]"You are my guardian.... and I will be your guardian as well.... just as your mother would have wanted..."[/I] "Why me? Why did you choose me?" she asked. Elizabeth wasn't sure how she started knowing all these things.... but she did. And it was making her head spin. It was as if her mind was being flooded information and stored in her memory. She saw Tiegre as a test module... she knew everything about Tiegre now.... [I]"You have your mothers grace..."[/I] she said. Elizabeth looked at her confused. "How would you know that?" she said. [I]"Your mother was a very special person...."[/I] she said softly. Tears came to Elizabeth's eyes and she touched her gently and let the tears fall. She hugged Tiegre's leg and cried. Tiegre laid down and purred as she kept Elizabeth warm. In her mind, Tiegre sang to her softly the song her mother use to sing.... she had been without her mother's voice for so long....
  11. Most of the time, girls will giggle at someone because of their appearance. For the most part, it's because they're good looking or such. To be completely honest, I don't have preferences. Even when I have the "perfect" man in my mind, someone comes around and tears that entire image into threads. The truth is, there is no "perfect" anyone.... the only things I would want.... is to feel completely comfortable with this man.... to where I could tell him anything about myself, and I wouldn't feel embarrassed about the person I am. He wouldn't want me to be something I'm not.... but above all.... to feel special in his eyes.... would be the greatest gift the man in my life could give me. To feel.... like his only..... those are things I would want in a person.... a best friend.... that I could share happy times.... and sad times with. Where I can cry..... but be okay at the same time because he's there just to listen.... those are the things I would want.... everything else.... such as appearance.... have never really mattered in my life. I fell in love once... and this guy, lol, everyone thought I was crazy because of the way he looked.... but it was never a problem with me.... just as long as I felt special.... everything else fell into place. Personality.... well, he'd need to be a lot more stronger than me... I've got a strong personality, and when I get in my moods, lol, I can't have a man just cower to my every wish.... but I wouldn't want him to push me around either. I'd want him to be able to tell me when I'm wrong... and to show me why.... to be that guidance... that best friend.... who can tell me when I'm over looking things that should be obvious to me.... We couldn't agree on everything.... because where would the fun be in that? :laugh: But above all........ just to have fun with him.... to be able to be.... myself...... and not be ashamed of the person I am. ;)
  12. I came here initially only to post artwork and get feedback. I was doing that with my other account, Vash IDK, but then after doing my first RPG, Kurakow Training Acadamy, I had officially gotten hooked into RPGing. So I guess I still stick around here just for the stories..... and a few friends I have here. :)
  13. Elizabeth sat there as the table got even more crowded. She got up from her seat and threw away her garbage. She didn't know any of these people, and it was starting to get to her. She went over to Sora and put her hand on her shoulder and whispered a thank you. Sora looked at her and asked her to stay. Elizabeth smiled. "I'll be back in a while..." she said and turned around and almost forgot the rose. She picked it up and held it as she walked away. She smiled as she smelt it's fragrance and headed for the field. She felt uncomfortable with it all.... especially since she barely knew him and he had gotten her such a lovely gift. She put the rose in her bag and walked until she reached the fence at the edge of the field. She put her fingers through the grate and stared outside. She wanted to leave.... she didn't want to stay anymore. A soft wind blew and the sun beat down through the trees. She wasn't social.... she hated large crowds.... she had been in and out of the school through out her high school years, and the only things she gained were enemies. Her thoughts went to her father. She smiled... They had just returned from another overseas trip... Her father was a Fleet Admiral of an assault landing submarine, the [i]Shadow[/i]. Periodically, they would take trips there so he could oversee and check up on the crew and maintanace of the ship.... the water was like a second home for her... she often would imagine that her mother was a part of the sea... and when they would leave.... she was closer to her mother. Her father never told her anything about her mother. But she understood such things were hard to speak of. She died when Elizabeth was 4, and her father had been using work to distract himself from the pain. But she knew he missed her... more than he let on. And even though she never knew her mother.... she missed her too.... she needed a mother in her life...... but she would never tell her father..... because she was afraid of hurting his feelings.... her father was her best friend... and he cared for her more than anything else in the world. Lunch was almost over.... Elizabeth picked up her things and headed for the cafeteria... She couldn't wait for the day to end....
  14. Name: Samantha (Sam) Ming Age: 18 Gender: Female Appearance: Sam: Green eyes with Long, thick brown/black hair that comes down to her waist. Pale skinned, no taller than 5' 5". Wears a long jacket and jeans. Appears to be quiet, but a spit fire to those who really know her. Angel: Resembles Sam with Paler skin and rosier cheeks, a flawless beauty, clad in white garments. Demon: Black hair with a hunger for revenge and sorrow. Darker skin with black blotches up her arms Element: Earth Weapon: Twin Blades Bio: Samantha grew up in a loving family. Her family wasn't the perfect family, but they were hers. Her family loved her more than she ever even realized at times. At the age of 16, Samantha found her parents dead on the porch outside of their home. The police were never able to find their attackers. Samantha would have gone after the case on her own, but she had to take care of her 7 year old brother and 4 year old sister. She lived in an apartment where she took care of her brother and sister, protecting them from any sort of harm.... as best as she could, until one night, thieves broke into her house. Her younger brother Mark found them, and they shot him in sight. Samantha woke to Kayla's screams and rushed into the room only to watch them as they shot her little sister for making noise. Samatha went mad and tried to kill the bandits, but they left as quickly as they could to avoid the cops. She tried to help them, but it was too late. The police never found the ones responsible for their deaths. Because of this, samantha lost all faith in the justice of men. From then on, she took matters into her own hands. She was always on the go.... afraid to feel attached to anything.....
  15. Elizabeth was late for PE class once again. She ran her hardest to the gym, and tried opening the door. She realized Tawny and her friends had already gotten there. She cursed under her breath and slammed her fists on the Gym door. "Let me in Tawny!!!! I'm going to be late! This isn't funny anymore! Damn, why can't you girls just grow up!!!!!" she hollered. She slammed her fist one last time, when the doors suddenly opened. "Look what we've got here Jenny, Daddy's little princess." Tawny said. Elizabeth looked at her with hatred as Tawny toussled her hair. Elizabeth tried to get past them, but Tawny and Jenny stopped her. "What in God's name are you guys trying this time?" Elizabeth said as she folded her arms against her chest. "Just a little target practice." Jenny said as she pushed Elizabeth to the wall. Tawny punched her in the stomach and they both tried to pin her to the ground. But Elizabeth was a lot faster than them. She sprang up and kicked them both in the face. As they regained their balance, Elizabeth took advantage of the moment and ran into the Gym where she quickly got into her gym clothes. She looked back over at the door, and noticed a flaming Tawny and a bloody nose on Jenny. Elizabeth smiled sweetly and headed out for the class. She made it on time. ************* It was lunch time, people were heading off with their boyfriends or girlfriends, or just friends and eating lunch in circles. Elizabeth smiled as she often would. She never had time to create good friends or even keep friends for that matter. She went to the cafeteria and passed Tawny's table. Tawny put her foot out and tripped Elizabeth so her food fell on the floor. She hated school.... she hated Tawny. She was about to punch her when she saw a girl around her age.... Sora.... come over and help her with her things. "Hey, come over and sit with us... there's plenty of room at our table." she said with a smile. She had a cute smile. Elizabeth smiled back. She got up and smiled at Tawny and Jenny as she walked past them. But not before back handing Jenny on the head. Jenny was about to strike when Tawny stopped her. Elizabeth made her way to the table and sat down. She felt pretty okay sitting there, it was a new experience for her. Usually she would sit by herself, but to sit with others, usually made her uncomfortable. But the table was pretty quiet anyway, so she didn't worry about having to keep up a conversation. She was never good at those. "You have a name?" Sora asked. "Elizabeth Walker." she said with a smile. "I'm Sora, and this is Sayne." Sayne looked up and nodded his hello as he continued eating. "Nice to meet you both." she said. She continued eating what wasn't ruined in her lovely run in with Tawny and waited for the bell to ring.
  16. Hey, I hope this is okay ;) [I][B]: Pilot Sign-up :[/B][/I] [b]Name:[/b] Elizabeth Walker [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=http://students.uat.edu/ryagruve/ep21_4.jpg]Pic 1[/url] & [url=http://www.manga.sk/Informacie/Recenzie/FullMetalPanic/fmp_13.jpg]Pic 2[/url] [b]Personality:[/b] Very Quiet, and always underestimated by others. Because she is quiet, many people don?t realize her full potential. Not even her father. But she?s very sure of herself? and doesn?t like being talked down to. [b]Bio:[/b] Elizabeth lived with her father ever since her mother died. At age 4, she moved to Sandon, where she lived with her father. Her father was a Fleet Admiral, and because of that, they would be on frequent trips around the world. She had very little time for friends and her closest friend was her father. She admired her father, and his work, to the point of wanting to join into the military at age 14. Her father forbade this of her. In secret, she worked on different military techniques since her father has asked her to be more of a lady than a soldier. She is unsure of how her mother died, since he keeps that to himself, and she hoped one day her father would let her know. [b]Crush/Love:[/b] None at this time [b]Weakness:[/b] Emotionally Unstable [I][B]: MechAnima Sign-up :[/B][/I] [b]Name:[/b] Tiegre [b]Personality:[/b] Tiegre can sense the people around her. She too, only trusts Elizabeth, and those Elizabeth trusts as well. Since she can sense these things, it comes naturally for her to want to protect Elizabeth. When she sense that Elizabeth doesn?t like someone, she attacks without warning. But she is very gentle to those Elizabeth can trust, and has a soft and angelic nature to her when kind. A motherly trait Elizabeth finds to be most appealing. [b]Appearance:[/b] [url= http://www.tulsawalk.com/parks-places/tulsa/tulsazoo/white-bengel-1.jpg]Tiegre[/url] [b]Abilities:[/b] Claws are it?s most powerful weapon, each claw is a sharpened blade and can cut with precision if need be. It?s cry is piercing and her speed is faster than any other machine. [b]Special Abilities:[/b] Tiegre can speak directly to Elizabeth through telepathy, and uses telekinisis. This makes their bond even stronger. She also can heal and heal others as well. [b]Weakness:[/b] Acting on Elizabeth?s impulses too quickly. She can feel her anger, and she lets Elizabeth?s anger, fuel her. Even if Elizabeth is just simply annoyed with another, Tiegre will attack.
  17. [quote name='satan665']Seriously though, I don't think that people should meet from the internet...especially on anime boards because we're all ugly as sin and thats why we can't see each others real faces. You don't want to ruin the fantasy.[/quote] Speak for yourself old man :laugh: just a joke... really... :D As for the stereotypical types, anime doesn't just belong to a bunch of "geeks." And besides, I'm sure most of the people who want to meet [i]others[/i] can most likely care less about appearances. They want to meet people because of the person they are.
  18. Hey I'll see if I can keep going on this one :) lol.... hopefully no more surprises in my life to take me away from this place ;) [color=green][b]Name:[/b] Elizabeth Walker [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Agenda:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=http://students.uat.edu/ryagruve/ep21_4.jpg]Pic 1[/url] & [url=http://students.uat.edu/ryagruve/ep4_3.jpg]Pic 2[/url] [b]Personality:[/b] Very Quiet, Knows many military statistics, and always underestimated by others. Because she is quiet, many people don?t realize her full potential. Not even her father. But she?s very sure of herself? and doesn?t like being talked down to. [b]Live:[/b] Tekachi Base... they end up going to Syon when her father is requested as an audience due to the recent events. [b]Rank:[/b] No Rank? Daughter of a Fleet Admiral [b]Abilities:[/b] Gun specialist along with hacking. An expert at both, but has had to keep all her skills on a down low because of her father?s opinion of such activities for a young woman. [b]Weakness:[/b] Emotionally Unstable. [b]Bio:[/b] Elizabeth lived with her father ever since her mother died. At age 4, she moved to Tekachi, where she watched her father make his way up the ranks as a Fleet Admiral. She admired her father, and his work, to the point of wanting to join into the military at age 10. Her father forbade this of her. In secret, she worked on different military techniques since her father has asked her to be more of a lady than a soldier. She is unsure of how her mother died, since he keeps that to himself, and she hoped one day her father would let her know.[/color] [color=darkblue][b]MB (Mechanical Beast):[/b] Tiger [b]Name:[/b] Tiegre [b]Personality:[/b] Tiegre can sense the people around her. She too, only trusts Elizabeth, and those Elizabeth trusts as well. Since she can sense these things, it comes naturally for her to want to protect Elizabeth. When she sense that Elizabeth doesn?t like someone, she attacks without warning. But she is very gentle to those Elizabeth can trust, and has a soft and angelic nature to her when kind. A motherly trait Elizabeth finds to be most appealing. [b]Appearance:[/b] [url= http://www.tulsawalk.com/parks-places/tulsa/tulsazoo/white-bengel-1.jpg]Tiegre[/url] [b]Abilities:[/b] Claws are it?s most powerful weapon, each claw is a sharpened blade and can cut with precision if need be. It?s cry is piercing and her speed is faster than any other machine. [b]Special Abilities:[/b] Tiegre only has one special ability, and that is her mauling. When she mauls, her body glows red and burns her victim. She also can heal and heal others as well. [b]Weakness:[/b] Acting on Elizabeth?s impulses too quickly. She can feel her anger, and she lets Elizabeth?s anger, fuel her. Even if Elizabeth is just simply annoyed with another, Tiegre will attack.[/color] [b]And btw, Tiegre is pronounced[/b] [i](Ty-ee-grey)[/i]
  19. OOC: Umm? okay I finished what I wanted to post? read on, I added some more? Sage just stared at nothing as Mayhony talked to Syn. What she said, shocked her. She didn?t know what to think. She decided not to think about that right then... the thought scared her... She looked at Syn. ?Ready?? she said. *********** They left the house. Sage walked on and noticed minutes later that Syn was lagging behind. ?Hurry up you idiot.? She said looking at him. He was looking himself up and down. ?Does this outfit make my hips look big?? he asked turning to the side a bit. ?Because I don?t think it flatters my figure much.? He said. Sage rolled her eyes, ?Syn, you make a very pretty girl. Is that better?? ?Very funny.? He said walking faster. ?Just stay out of my way and I?m sure everything will be fine.? ?You?re not going to do anything stupid are you?? he asked. ?Define stupid.? ?I mean stupid as getting yourself killed.? ?Well I can?t exactly say that what we?re doing here is safe, Syn.? ?What we?re [i]doing[/i] is killing those bastards that were responsible for taking Ty?s life. Not adding to their list of casualties.? She walked on in silence. ?I?m not going to try to get myself killed, Syn. I want them dead as much as any of you. It?s the afterward I?m not so sure of.? ?What do you mean by that?? She didn?t reply. The truth was that she didn?t want to hold a gun ever again. She was done? she was fed up with the people who died because of a single bullet. She was tired of people leaving her? she was tired of feeling empty inside. She would find something? and then lose it. It was the story of her life, and she hated it. They reached the city by nightfall. Sage looked at Syn and smiled at his uneasiness. ?Something bothering you, Syn?? she said sardonically. ?Listen, I?m allowed to be nervous here, okay?? he said pulling his skirt down. Sage laughed. ?Well I?m allowed to enjoy myself in your pain.? ?No wonder you and Ty hit it off so well? you both have that sadistic humor to your nature.? Sage smiled. That was another thing she had always loved about him. She looked at his gun at her side and wished he was near. ?Sorry? that was inconsiderate of me, wasn?t it?? Syn said. ?No? it feels good just to hear his name.? Sage said with a smile. Her eyes filled with tears as she wiped them away. ?Alright, we?re just going to pick up the supplies here in Lakfakalle. Please Syn? don?t draw any unnecessary attention to yourself.? She said. ?The way Mayhony dressed me, it?s as if I?m looking for a warm bed tonight.? Sage rolled her eyes. ?Baby.? ?Fine, I won?t complain anymore. Let?s just get going.? Sage walked over to the store and looked around. She left Syn for a while, and instantly realized the mistake she made in doing that. She went back only to find Syn playing his part? a little [i]too[/i] well. She watched with her arms folded as Syn bargained with the sales clerk on some prices for the supplies they would be needing. ?It?s 400 dollars for that piece of equipment ma?am.? The clerk said. Sage almost laughed at loud at his performance. ?But it?s so big and bulky for someone like me to carry all that way to my home. The burden for me is going to be more than I can handle. You can take off just a measly 100 for me can?t you? For the trouble I?m going to be going through for this product?.? ?Well?? ?Please?? Syn said in his highest pitched voice he could manage. Sage shook her head as she went to look for transportation. Syn was enjoying himself a little too much. She just hoped this whole ordeal didn?t cause problems for Mayhony and Syn later in life. She walked out of the store and went to a car dealer at the edge of the city. The man was sitting in his office and jumped up when he saw her come around to look at the cars. She rolled her eyes. This was one of the reasons she hated the common working man. All a bunch of fakers. ?Well little lady, is there anything I can help you with today.? ?I?m looking to buy a car.? She said. ?Well what kind did you have in mind?? Sage stopped in her tracks and looked at the man. ?The kind that is drivable.? She said with as little enthusiasm as she could manage. ?I see you?re the silent type of shopper.? He said. Sage rolled her eyes again. She was really starting to get annoyed. ?Listen, how about I call you if I find something I want to take.? ?That sounds like a plan.? Said the idiotic salesman as he returned to his office. ?Silent shopper?? she said to herself shaking her head. She looked at the selection before her. She wasn?t sure what Mayhony had in mind, but she knew what she thought would be a good car. One that wouldn?t make a lot of noise? black preferably, and with good mileage. She looked on for a bit and jumped when she felt a tap at her shoulder. ?What?s got you agitated?? Syn asked. She turned around and saw him with an armful of stuff. ?You, that?s what. You almost gave me a heart attack.? ?Sorry.? He said backing away. ?What are you looking for?? She turned back around and eyed him warningly. ?Stupid question, forgive me.? He said with a smile. ?If you didn?t resemble a woman so convincingly, I?d hit you right now.? Sage said as she looked through the lot.? ?Wow, this getup really does come in handy!? he said as he repositioned the items he was carrying. She laughed a little. ?Syn, I just hope you don?t enjoy all of this [i]too[/i] much.? She said as she walked up to a Black RV. ?Oh don?t get me wrong, this comes in handy, but I?m not thinking of going through any life altering changes for it. Besides, these heels are uncomfortable.? ?That?s good to know.? She said. She looked at Syn and smiled. ?Go tell the salesman to come out here.? ?Will do.? Minutes later he came outside closely followed by the salesman. ?So have you found the car you?re looking for?? ?Yes, we want this one.? Sage said opening the car door. ?Um, well?? the man said as Syn got in the car as well. ?Just tell me how much it is.? Sage said impatiently. ?It?s not for sale, I?m sorry. I sold this one already.? He said looking at her. ?Pity. Do you have any others just like this one? Mileage and all?? she asked staring him down. ?No, Sorry ma?am. Maybe I can interest you in something else?? ?How about I just pay you more than this other client of yours.? She said. ?I?m sorry, but a man under the name Iodias gave me strict instructions not to sell this car until he came here to get it. Says he needed it badly?? ?Oh really.? Syn said looking at Sage. Sage shook her head. ?Bad call sir.? She said. Just then, Mayhony came up right behind the man with a gun to his back. ?What the-? ?And here we were almost going to give you the choice.? Mayhony said smiling at Sage and Syn. ?Now hand over the keys and no blood will be spilled in this quaint little business of yours.? ?Damn Bi-? ?I don?t think so.? Syn said Wig and make up completely off as he pointed another gun to his head. The man begrudgingly walked over to Sage and handed her the keys to the car. ?What I am supposed to tell Iodias?? ?Tell him The Shadow Dragon has returned, and he?s taking what belongs to him.? Sage said as they drove off. ?Vengeance is not kind?.? She muttered under her breath as they drove out of the city with full speed.
  20. Sage followed Mayhony back to the house... she never wanted to return to this place alive... she turned her head and noticed Ty's guns... "They're yours now, Sage... I'm sure he would want you to have them." Mayhony said, noticing her eyes on his firearms. "Ty hated people touching his things... he shot my hand once when we were kids. He said I was too close to his possessions." she smiled lightly. "He was very protective over the things that belonged to him." Mayhony watched her for a while as the smile on her face turned into tears. Sage turned away and went upstairs to her room. As she went she hollered to Mayhony. "I'll be down... just call me when everyone's ready..." she said. Sage reached the top of the stair and closed the door to her room. She leaned against the door frame and stared at the ceiling. What was she to do now? He had left her... and now, there was nothing for her but memories. Nothing for her... but the time she spent with him... the few months they were together.... and the days where she found out about his feelings for her... she wished he was still near. She walked over to her bed and sat there staring at nothing for a while. She wanted to feel him near again. She pulled out her gun and looked at the trigger favoringly. She didn't want to feel anything anymore... the pain inside her... was because she allowed herself to love someone.... and became attached... she stared at it long and hard. She checked to make sure it was loaded...... She then threw the gun out the window... she put her head in the pillow and screamed as the tears fell... she wanted to end it all.... but it wasn't in her nature. She wanted to blame him for the emptiness she felt now that he left her... but she could not find it in her heart to hate him... she still loved him, with every fiber of her body, she loved him... she hit the bed with her fists as if she was fighting off an attacker... she screamed in the pillow, out to no one, asking for an explanation.... asking why the people she loves... leave her.... why she was forced to live in a world.... where she loves alone.... she slowly calmed down and came to her senses... She softly whispered.... something only he would hear... something only he would know... something... that she would feel... for the rest of her life....
  21. OOC: lol, I guess some people are either taking a vacation or whatever.... better get this thing going again. :) IC: Jessica rode with her head held high. Though she was without Flame as her ride, she rode without a thought to her life... without a thought to what she was without. She only thought about what she had... she had a determination that did not faulter. As they rode, their pace had slowed after a while. She knew their horses were tired. She looked at her horse and she smiled. She could tell he was trying his hardest. Lee stopped and spoke to Tellzar, and she took the chance to feed her tired horse. He was a white horse with a beautiful mane. She had taken a liking to him when she first purchased him back at Saedon. "Here.." she said softly with a smile as she fed him. She still didn't have a name for him, and she wasn't really ready to give him one... the pain of losing Flame was still close to her. She looked out... it would be a long day. They rode again to Thallis. She had only heard of the place... the Kingdom of Hawks. She was told by her father of their strength. Their brutality had scared her as a child, but what held her interest was their want to fight for the good... and their bitter hatred for evil. Suddenly, a shadow passed over them, and the group looked at one another, Lee looked up and stopped when he noticed a Giant Hawk flying over them. She didn't quite understand what was going on, but after a while, Lee turned and faced them all and smiled. "He's a messenger, sent to show us the way. They're expecting us." he said. He turned around and rode hard as the bird above them flew with so much speed. The rest followed as fast as they could. Jessica smiled... they would be in Thallis soon.
  22. OOC: I won't be posting much anymore... you guys can kill or play as my character if you would like... again, it doesn't matter to me... I don't really want to have to write a really long death scene for her right now.... it's... just... emotional.. things... I'll miss you... IC: Jessica woke up from her sleep... she had healed pretty nicely... but her reality... was taking longer to heal... she wanted to sleep... where everything was okay in her life... where everything... was the way it was... when her heart wasn't so heavy... when her guilt.... of letting those who needed her.... down.... her life.... was shattered.... but she still couldn't let go of hope.... as she had said before... a life without hope... was dead from the start. She held on... even though she wasn't sure how much heartache she could take... she held onto her knees as she cried... she needed the time alone.... the ones she loved... seemed so far away.... but she held on... knowing... she would be thankful for what she had... and thankful.... that all was not lost....
  23. OOC: :laugh: Hope you get it up soon Heero ;) It wasn?t long before Lee and the other medallion holders came to their side. Jessica looked at Tellzar and smiled. They were going to be okay. She made her way toward them, the pain in her shoulder bringing her down. She knew she wouldn?t last long. She walked over to Lee and James who were fighting the new wave of beasts. James looked at her and instantly saw the dagger in her shoulder. ?Jessica, you shouldn?t be fighting like this!? he said, Lee turned around and noticed it too at that point. She laughed a little at the apparent concern. ?This is a war, your highnesses, and I would keep my attention on it instead of my shoulder.? She said with a painted smile. She knew they knew she needed rest, and so she walked away, defending, and hoping no trouble would follow her as she tended to her shoulder. She went behind a stone wall imbedded in the side of the hill and pulled out her medicines. She tended to the wound and pulled the dagger out. She tried not to look at it, just so she would stay conscious. She cleaned it and waited as the shaking in her body would not stop? she thought about Flame?. And the way she died. Her body shuddered? this wasn?t the time. She got back up and finished bandaging her wound, as she staggered again and almost fell back. She came out from behind the wall, only to be thrown back toward it as two beasts made its way toward her. She tried to get up from the wall, but the pain was too much for her?. She pulled out her sword and lost conciousness.
  24. Jessica noticed Tellzar beside her. She was thankful he had come, she was in over her head this time. Blood poured from her shoulder as she fought, the dagger still was inside her shoulder? She knew that if she ripped it out she would cause more damage to her arm? but fighting the way she was would not help anyone. She noticed others coming to aide them, and she held on to her consciousness for a little longer. Tellzar looked at her, and noticed her stagger. ?Jessica?? he said. ?I?m fine? the others are coming, let?s just hope they get here quickly?? she said evenly. She wasn?t going to lose now? while everything around her was falling; she wanted to pay the bastard back who had taken everyone she loved away? The blood made her feel faint as she fought hard, slicing her enemies one by one? she used the hatred inside of her to help her hold on. The others were fighting with them now, and she prayed that her will was strong enough to get her through? the dagger imbedded itself inside her, reminding her of Flame? her pain reached her heart, making her strength leave her even more? the enemy was losing, but she wouldn?t stop? her anger? her hurt? made her keep going? to repay what they had taken from her. And she was losing her strength with each enemy she killed.
  25. Jessica woke to the sound of footsteps behind her... thinking it was Flame, she stood up slowly and stretched. As she stretched, she was ripped from the ground and thrown toward the tree. She looked behind her and saw three beasts about 7 feet in height that were surrounding her. She drew her sword and smiled as it glowed with the reds and greens her father had ordained it with in the brilliant sunlight. She waited for their attack and suddenly wondered where Flame was. She looked frantically as she kept her eyes on her attackers. There was no one around. "Damn me and my sleeping habits!!" she said. One of the beasts growled at her and she charged. She thrust her sword into on of its legs and pulled it out, cutting off another beast?s limb. Both beasts fell to the ground, but still kicked hard as they made there way closer to her. She lifted her daggers as she went for the third and threw both of them into its heart. The Beast staggered back as she sliced the other two over the neck, killing them instantly. She looked at the third and the beast had pulled out the blades and held both of them in his claws. She moved back as she realized she had just made a mistake that could prove deadly. She went over to where she was sleeping, and caught eye of Flame... she was dead. "NO!" she screamed. She walked over to Flame as the Beast threw one of the blades. It made it's mark in her shoulder. She yelled in pain as she picked up her sword and ran for the beast. She sliced it until all it's life was drained. She stared down at her prey and waited for her body to stop shaking. She looked at Flame who lay on the ground, half mutilated by the beasts. She took her sleep wrap and laid it over her. She wasn't sure how much more she could take... she feared death... and it was happening all around her... she wanted to save the people... the ones she loved, but she failed them... and now this... the only thing she had left from her childhood... her friend... her only friend through those years... had left her as well. She dried her tears. The pain was too much for her to deal with... for her to ever have to deal with. She wouldn't allow it to take her over... she fought through it and put the pain... the loss in the back of her mind... she walked toward the hordes that were coming down the mountain. She looked up and saw the creatures with wings that seemed to be attacking along side them... she hated them all... she wanted each of the creatures to die... she was losing her mind... her sanity... and her will to go on. She drew out her sword. She would fight because that was her duty... and hopefully, reason would find her again.
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