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As they rode, her mind was circling... what in the hell just happened? She smiled to herself... They had taken a break for their tired horses. She fed Flame some apples she had brought with her... it was her favorite food... She walked over to a small set fire. So many things had happened? it was a lot to take in. She smiled? Lady Lanyca? it had a ring to it that made her smile. Her name would be written somewhere?. Somewhere where the name of her father would be remembered? even if she was not important? her father?s name was written. She missed him? and she would try her hardest to bring honor to that name. She looked over and noticed Lee standing over the hill talking with James. They had all been riding the entire day? it was nice to stop for a while. She looked back toward flame and noticed Kayin smiling. ?What is it?? she said. She knew what it was. He too, was surprised with the appraise they were given. ?It?s all a little overwhelming, I guess? first, I?m just "Kayin Cloud"? and now I have the name Sir before it? I don?t know? it?s a good feeling though? to be recognized a little?? he said. She laughed a little. ?Well I?m sure there will be a lot more recognition after this war is over.? She said smiling. His face darkened. ?If we succeed that is.? He said quietly. ?Of course we will? we all have too much determination and reason to fail now.? ?Yeah, I guess so, but what about Thorin? he?s obviously planned this from the time of his expulsion. No doubt he has something in store for all of us in the future.? ?The future can be bleak, Kayin? but it?s what you do right now that changes it. So as far as I?m concerned, to look to the future? is a waste of time, unless you take charge of the here and now.? Flame nudged her and she smiled warmly as she turned around to Flame. ?I fed you missy, you?ve got to carry me still. I can?t be riding to war on a fat horse.? She said. She smiled back at Kayin and got up. ?We fight for those we love, Kayin? and we fight for our home? and if nothing else? we fight, because to give up would be folly. To lose hope would be meaningless? if I am to die? I?m not going without a fight.? He nodded solemnly and she smiled a little more. "Don't ever give up on hope... it's a gift that you should treasure... because without it, we're all as good as dead anyway." She walked away and brought Flame a blanket. She thought about what she had said? she should be taking her own advice. She had lost her father? her mother? and her home village? The pain of losing her father welled inside of her. She looked over and saw Lee? she knew what he was going through, and yet somehow he?s able to keep going. She frowned? she was ashamed for the way she was feeling earlier? she felt that since he was royalty, and that his father was important? that it made his grief less than hers. She felt wrong? she had compared situations? She attended to Flame and walked over to him. He sat by the fire, just staring intently on it for a while. She approached him and he looked up. She was confused at first as what to do, and so she just stammered through her words. ?Um? may I speak with you? your highness?? she said softly. He nodded for her to go on? She suddenly wished she had not approach him in the first place? ?Well? your highness?? ?Just call me Lee?.? He said. He could tell the formalities was new to her. ?I?m sorry? I usually don?t speak to royalty very much.? She said nervously. She felt a little better seeing him smile softly. ?I... I feel as if I should apologize for something.? He looked at her strangely. ?For what?? ?For something that had gone through my mind? you see? You know I lost my parents? in that battle?.? She stopped for a second as she composed her thoughts. ?And I know you lost your father? he truly was a remarkable king? But what I felt wasn?t empathy, it was more of? resentment?? He looked at her puzzled, and she knew she needed to explain. She sat next to him and just looked down? She waited for a while, she needed to explain this as best as she could... without confusing herself over her own words... she looked back up at him and he was waiting. ?I felt? that your pain wasn?t nearly as hard to deal with? because your father was a King? and that he would be remembered? However? in my case, my father was a valiant man, with a kind heart as well? though no one will remember him? because he was of the lowly class? it was wrong of me to do this? the death of a parent is a crushing blow, no matter who you are? the fact that your father will be remembered, would probably bring some comfort, but I?m sure it doesn?t lessen the pain. I was being? bitter toward you? and I?m sorry?? He looked at her for a while? he was silent. She felt a little awkward? maybe it was wrong to ask forgiveness from a King? ?There is no need for forgiveness, Jessica. I know you are hurting from your loss? I know you?re trying to forget the pain inside of you? but remember this? that pain won?t ever leave? but you can remember it? and it will help sustain you as you go on without them.? Tears came to her eyes as she remembered them. She quickly looked away and dried them. She had lingered too long, and was suddenly embarrassed. ?Thank you?? she said quickly as she stood up to leave. ?Jessica?? he said. She stopped in her tracks and dried the rest of her tears. She looked back. And his face wasn't stern... it wasn't full of pity... it was... one of respect... something she hadn't expected from someone of Royalty... He stood up at that point. ?There is no lowly class, Jessica? you may not be wealthy? but you are equal? there isn?t any difference as far as the value of my people.? She looked at him and he looked like his father at that moment? she smiled. ?You?ll be a good King, Lee? your father would be proud.? He looked a little taken back by the statement she had made... She smiled at him as another tear fell from her eyes. She walked away and sat over looking the area? she was starting to feel okay again.................
Jessica thought she was hungry, but as soon as she smelt the food... her stomach went into knotts... all she could remember was the day before... her father's gaze. She closed her eyes and opened them, her face appearing softer... she put on a small smile... she wouldn't think about her life right now.... she would think about her duty. She looked around and noticed the Royalty around her... She felt small in a room full of important people. She walked back out and leaned against the wall frame to the dining hall. She closed her eyes... and tried to drive all of her sadness away. "Jessica?" Jessica turned her head and saw Kayin just looking at her... "What is it?" she asked turning her head back toward the ceiling. "I just wanted to say... that I'm sorry for your loss... I know how it feels to lose someone..." "Thank you..." she said softly. She felt an overwhelming since of dread take over her... her sadness darkened her expressions as she sat up from the wall. She straightened herself, and looked at Kayin... "You're kind words are noted, Kayin... I truly do thank you..." she said as she walked past him... her pain... the pain she was trying to hide was getting to her... her father died, fighting for his life... that was honor... yet, no one would remember him... no one would know how great of a warrior... or a father he was... She walked behind the dining hall and sat on the steps outside... she needed to feel the wind on her face... she needed to get her mind focused again... she couldn't disappoint her people... she may only be just a commoner... but her love for the things her father and mother loved... would make her do what was best... she hung her head in her lap as everyone ate... she wouldn't allow people to see her pain...
Sage let the tears fall as she saw Mayhony coming out of the area. "What are you doing out here?" Mayhony asked walking over to her. Sage turned away and held her knees to her chest as she sat there next to the water. "I'm dreaming..." she said quietly. Sage looked over the mountain as she wished her dreams were realities... "What do you want?" she asked. Mayhony looked at her oddly and walked closer to her. "I came to see you..." "You have a raid to think about, Mayhony... I can take care of my own problems." "Bull..." she said looking down at her. Sage looked up sharply. "What is that supposed to mean?" she said glowering at her. "You can't just sit here and think about your pain forever. You got to get up and move on with your life..." she said. Sage got up slowly from where she was sitting. Her gaze did not falter as she stared... "Go..." she said sternly. "Sage, I know you're hurting right now... I only mean to help you..." "You don't know the first damned thing about it..." she said evenly, her voice not raising in pitch. "Sage, we all lose the ones we love... but you are in danger right now... you shouldn't be out like this." Sage's eyes filled with tears, but her face did not change... "I can give a damn about my life right now... I can give a damn about you... about the raid... I can give a damn about Orion's Belt... I can give a damn, because everything inside of me is gone, and all that is left is this damned existence. You want me to move on? Fine... I'll move on..." she said as she picked up Ty's guns, which were all that were left of him, and left Mayhony there alone. She walked past Syn and Hyo who were examining the dead body. She overheard Hyo talking about the sniper, and she realized that he was the man that killed him... who took him away from her... She slowly walked over and pushed them away. She pulled out a recorder and heard Iodias' voice on the other end... she looked away from Hyo and Syn and walked. She loaded Ty?s guns? this would be her last defeat? the Shadow Dragon was gone. She dried her tears? the pain in her heart swelled as she walked on? she would take Iodias down with Ty?s gun?
Sage walked with her arms folded... her life being shattered... her heart feeling heavier with every step she took... with every breath... she wished it to be her last... Tears came to her eyes as she thought about him... they would never have that future together... the one she had always hoped for... She walked down the hill... her mind was clouded... she wished a flying bullet would hit it's fatal mark. But nothing came... Lady death was not so kind to her... She tired herself out looking for something she couldn't find... peace.... She kept on walking until she found a small pond... the water from the mountain side trickled into it, filling it's small pool with cool water. She knelt down and stared at it for a while. She wished it was a bit deeper... deep enough for her to leave this place and sleep for eternity... She shook her head.. she wasn't sure what she wanted anymore... she wanted her life back... she wanted him with her... by her side... she lived in him... and now that he as gone... that part of her... died... along with him. She heard rustling in the bushes and decided to let whatever come... to come... she waited for it, staring at the small pond... no fear... nothing... She lost everything that ever mattered to her... there was nothing more she could lose... that had any meaning... that had any purpose... She was a walking dead person, trying to find a way out of her own misery... and she waited...
Jessica was sitting out in the courtyard. She heard the bell and waited... she wasn't hungry, but she knew she needed to eat something. She stood up relunctantly and walked toward the palace. She was tired... she hadn't slept, but that wasn't what was wearing on her mind... the day before had hit her hard... She had remembered the people cry when the King had died... she remembered the shocked expressions... the songs that came afterward..... No one would sing for her father.... because she was of the lowly class... She trudged her feet as she reached the top of the stair. The place no longer looked beautiful to her... the once legendary setting had lost it's glow. She saw Lee heading down the corridor. She was about to say something when she just lingered back... she wanted to thank him for his words the night before.... but more than likely, what she had to say, didn't matter... she may have helped... but the fact remained... she was a commoner. She believed he would be a good king... and that the people would remember him and his father... always... But no stories would be written about her father... no songs to be sung... no tears... just pity... she walked on... her heart feeling heavier by the moment... she walked behind him... she wasn't even sure what she was doing anymore... she shook her head... her father loved their home more than anything... more than honor... she needed to be like him... But it wasn't her own honor and recognition she longed for... it was for her father.....
Jessica walked next to Tellzar who was still riding her horse, Flame. She walked in silence. Her heart was heavy, and she tried not to think about what she saw? what she found. She wished she had never found them. Then she could believe that they were still alive. ?Is something bothering you?? Tellzar asked looking down at her. She looked up and smiled sadly. ?Is it that obvious?? she said with a tinge of embarrassment in her voice. ?Well, I?m sure everyone here is weary from battle? but yours seems a bit more than fatigue.? He said cocking an eyebrow at her. She looked on. She didn?t know him well, but she didn?t feel like keeping her feelings to herself. ?My parents died in that battle? they?re gone.? She said. He stared down at her, and she could see a hint of sadness in his eyes. ?I?m truly sorry for your loss?? he said. She smiled. ?Thank you for your kind words? it is greatly appreciated.? She said solemnly. She looked at the King in front of her and noticed his wounds wouldn?t stop bleeding. She shook her head. She looked at Lee and knew he was aware of his father?s condition. She looked down again. ?Everyone has suffered a loss in their own way today.? She said. ?No victory is met without loss. People died today? homes were destroyed? a people grow in fear behind their strong King?? She patted Flame on the scruff of her neck and gently caressed her face. Her coat shined brilliantly in the sunlight. She looked at her father?s sword. She carried his legacy in her? he was always proud to call her his daughter? and she was always proud to be his daughter. She would miss him? Her mother?s voice, her song? she used to think her mother was an angel of mercy sent down to guide her. Her mother was her stronghold? and now she too was gone. Tears came to her eyes. She wiped them away quickly? there would be a time to mourn? she needed to stop thinking about her own losses. Everyone was in pain? what made her loss any more disheartening? She couldn?t think about her pain? it would do her no good. No good, when there was a coming battle to face. She looked up at The King and noticed him holding his side. She lowered her head? the people would lose their King? and hopefully his son would take his place, and rule with the same kindness and love, his father had shown the people? hopefully he would become that motivation for the people to stand tall in the face of their adversaries?
Jessica slashed the monster through the neck and pushed the dead body away. She looked at the broken man on the ground? it was her father? she screamed and frightened those around her, and drawing attention to herself for her attackers. She ran to her father and knelt by his side. His eyes were open, but there was no life in him. She shook him as if he was sleeping, but he did not stir. She knew her attackers were advancing. She looked around and saw her mother not too far. She stood up and killed her enemies in a burst of fury as she made her way to her mother. She was dead as well? in her hand, she clutched her necklace? with a single gem in the middle of it. She cried as she lifted her mothers hand to her face and kissed it softly. She took the necklace and put it around her neck. She glowered at the dead creatures around her? she walked back to her father shakily. She shut his eyes as the tears streamed down her face. Another creature made its way toward her and she jumped up and stabbed it in the heart. She pulled her blade out and kicked the body away from her as she walked away. Her father was dead? her mother was gone? she looked behind her and noticed the others. She would not leave them? she would fight for her parents? even if they were gone? she would fight for their home that they loved? she would fight for them? in honor of what they taught her. She made her way toward the others, sword drawn and ready. She would stand by her King and her people? she made her way, her eyes distant, her heart broken? her stamina weak. But her will to do what she came here for? was still burning strong inside her. She walked to the clearing where Lee fought? she looked to the side where she saw the other medallion holders? she would fight? for the ones she lost? She raised her sword and killed all the enemies, with a blaze of fury. Her mind was aware of everything around her... she made her way to where Lee fought and noticed Ziarre not too far away. She raised her sword... this was where she belonged. There would be a time for her to mourn her loss... but she needed to stay focused... she would use the pain inside of her to fuel her need to move on...
Jessica saw a group of villagers running. She rode toward them to see what they were fleeing from. A woman in her late thirties stopped her. "Quickly, an injured dwarf is in the clearing... can you help him?" Jessica knew who she was talking about... but she wanted to look for her parents. She looked at the woman and smiled warmly. She couldn't let him die... not when he held a high respnsiblity to the people of Valahria... "Yes, I'll see what I can do..." she rode quickly to see him knelt on the ground with his mace clutched in his hand... and a creature advancing toward him. Without a moments hesitation, she threw her blade and it inlodged itself into the creatures neck. With a high scream, it fell to the ground gasping for air. Jessica dismounted herself from Flame and pulled the blade out, leaving it on the ground. She looked at the dwarf and smiled. "Need a little help?" "That would be appreciated." he said slightly. She knew he was wounded badly. She pulled out some medicine her mother had made her and applied it to his wounds. "This will stop it from infecting your system..." she said. She watched warily for any attackers that would try to take advantage of the moment. She saw a villager watching and she knew she could use his help. "Sir, please help me, I need to get him on my horse." she said motioning him to come forward. The man looked at her, but eyed the dwarf. He smiled at the dwarf. "My family thanks you kind dwarf for what you have done.. you saved my wife and children..." "He's wounded badly... we do need to get him out off the ground." she said smiling. The villager nodded, and helped her lift him to her horse. She strapped him on Flame and gave him the reigns. "Flame," she said quietly, "Be gentle, you need to bring him to safty. Make sure he does not fall." She looked at him and gave him his mace. "Thank you..." he said, but she shooed them off. She trusted Flame... she knew she would do her part. She glanced behind her and ducked when a sword barely missed her. She looked up and saw the creature right over her. Without Flame, she had the disadvantage of height.... she ducked again and stuck her blades into it's legs, making him yelp in agony. She then thrusted her sword into his flesh and pulled it out. The creature fell revealing another creature. She pulled the blades out and returned them to their sheaths. She ran toward the creature and stopped dead in her tracks when she saw the body underneath him... was her father...
As the Prince rode down the hill toward the enemy, Jessica glanced at her king. She noticed the fear and age in his face, and her heart softened. He reminded her of her father. She watched as the other medallion holders followed and rode down to meet them head on. She waited, she wasn?t sure what she was waiting upon. She was brought to her senses when they King?s loud voice bellowed through the mountain pass. He charged down, and a feeling of dread washed over her. Her hometown? her home? she had only hoped her parents had gotten away in time? she would look for them, but she needed to get through the creatures first? She followed her king and branched off toward another section of creatures. Her flaming sword tore through the creatures as she charged through them. Her horse, Flame, rode her way towards Jessica as she was always taught to. Jessica smiled; Flame could never stay where she would put her. She grabbed her horse?s reigns and pulled herself up onto its auburn back. Her thoughts went to her father instantly when she fought the creatures? as blood stained her clothing, and the screams and cries were heard throughout the plain. She noticed a group of townspeople at the corner of her eye. They were being surrounded. She returned her sword and rode as fast as she could, pulling out her twin blades. She took out the line of creatures as they had circled around them, trampling many as she tore through the mess of bodies around her. She noticed one aiming an arrow at her horse. She turned quickly and sliced the arrow as it came straight for her. At this time, the townspeople had gained the upper hand once again and attacked the creature with their spears. Seeing they had a handle over the situation, Jessica left it in their hands. She looked around and noticed a number of towering bodies of creatures. To her horror, she realized that they had attacked a small group of people. ?Run Flame, make haste?? she whispered into the horse?s ear with urgency. Flame ran as fast as she could. Jessica past a dead body and her stomach turned? it was one of the townspeople from earlier? her heart sank when she realized how many people would die today alone. She pulled out her sword and the red hilt glistened as it sliced through the creatures hide. She heard wails as they pulled off of one another. She went through slicing them one by one until she made it down to the bottom of the pile. What she saw had frightened her. She jumped off her horse as Flame gave her cover. She knelt down to the small boy who was no longer moving. Her heart sank. She remembered the once vibrant boy who would play in the marketplace of her village... She picked up the boy and cradled him in her arms. No doubt he had fought side by side with his father? no doubt he watched his father fall in front of his own two eyes. She looked around, and came back to reality as she realized where she was. She gently laid the boy back down and closed his eyes. She jumped back on her horse, with a sense of sadness? her heart stammered in her chest? she only hoped that she would not find her father?s body in the mess of blood and broken flesh when she was through? She fought for him? for her mother. Her sword shone brilliantly with the bright reds of the dawn. She ran toward the creatures? there was nothing that would stop her from saving her family?
As he spoke with the people, Jessica couldn?t help but look around the room. She was sure no one would mind if she familiarized herself with it all. She got a nasty look from the guard, as he realized her request was granted. She smiled. What did he expect? The King was a reasonable man, who cared for the people. And it was no surprise that his son was of the same manner. She smiled broadly for the guard who turned around shook his head in disapproval. She was used to it. She walked over to the end of the room where the balcony was. She could see all of the townspeople as they looked worried. She knew this coming battle could cost her her life? but she would deal with it when the time would come. She hated death? the thought of people being taken from their loved ones disgusted her? it was the enemy she would fight? and she would make sure that she prevented that from ever happening?. Her father had taught her that the only motivation for fighting for a warrior should be to fight to protect the ones you love and the land of your people. Never for ones own self gratification, or for revenge? only for the sanctity of others. And she would keep his words close to her heart. As she was taught to do, all of her life.
She shook within herself as the emotions were circling in her head?. She screamed as she ran for the door. Senkai and Syn had to pull her back with a joint effort. They pulled her away, and she collapsed to the floor. She shut her eyes tightly as she started feeling cold? and empty. Senkai and Syn just watched her as she cried. ?You?re ?. All?. WRONG!!!! He?s NOT DEAD!!!? ?Stop it, Sage? he?s gone now?? Senkai said. She screamed as the tears fell from her eyes. Syn helped her to her feet as she stood there looking down for a while. ?He wouldn?t leave me? he loves me? he wouldn?t leave me alone?? she said quietly, almost hauntingly. She walked over to the window. She looked out and dried her tears. ?He?s not gone.? She said. She looked down and saw a newly sifted soil in the distance. She stared and lost it. ?YOU?RE KILLING HIM!!? she said. She jumped out the window before Senkai and Syn could stop her. She ran to the grove and stopped. She got on her knees and tried to undig the newly dug grave. ?He?s alive!! HOW COULD YOU BURY HIM ALIVE???? she screamed, as her hands touched the soil, Senkai pulled her away quickly. She pushed past him and tried to go over to the grave. Senkai pulled her away, but she kept kicking and screaming. ?He?s gone?? he kept repeating to her. She shook her head in disbelief, but he shook her until she stopped screaming. She looked at Senkai, and a fear she had avoided all her life, crept slowly into her mind. She glanced back at the grave? it wasn?t real? the one she loved? was not gone? he had to still be alive? she walked over shakily to the grave? she knelt on her knees and stared at it. She looked at her hands, and still felt his heart beating. She felt him near her? but it was all in her mind. He wasn?t there for her? he never would be again. She waited? she wasn?t sure what for. She had read in many stories where she would feel something? she would feel his presence if she stayed a little longer. She would feel some sort of a breeze? and she would hear a voice? and she would feel okay again? she waited for that breeze? she waited for that feeling to come for her. She waited, and waited? but nothing came. She looked at the grave and tears fell over it. She cried relentlessly. ?I want to be alone, Senkai? I want to be alone.? She said. Senkai stared at her. He didn?t want to leave her alone. But he didn?t want to upset her anymore either. He nodded and walked away. Sage looked at the grave. ?I know you can?t hear me? you?ll never hear me again?? she said softly. ?I don?t believe you?re alive even after death, Ty. You?re not thinking at all? you?re not in any pain, you?re not in any heavenly place either. You?re dead? you?re in a hole? in the ground? no longer able to think. Not able to feel peace. You don?t feel?? she looked away. ?You?re not going to live with me? you?re not going to bring me comfort when I?m down. You?re not going to tell me that you?re here for me anymore? you?re not going to dry my tears when I?m sad? you?re not going to make me feel? needed? or worth something.? She stared at the darkness? there was nothing beautiful about it? there was nothing peaceful about it anymore? She waited for that single warm breeze to blow? but nothing came. She felt even emptier as the time passed by. ?How could you do that to me? How could you leave me knowing that I needed you? How could you ? after everything that we shared?? Her eyes filled with tears. She looked out into the woods? it wasn?t the same place? but she remembered everything? she remembered it all, and a deep sadness filled her heart. She begged in her heart for the breeze to come? for that healing to start. But nothing came. She looked down at the ground. She placed her hand on the grave. She felt soil. She wanted to feel him. She wanted to feel him so bad? She laid her head down on the grave. She just laid there. She wasn?t the same? and she never would be again. The only one that mattered to her? that made her want to live? was gone. And the only part that was left of him was buried six feet under. The only visible trace of his life? was out of her reach. She cried in pain? she didn?t have anything left? and no amount of healing would recover the hurt she felt in her heart. She had nothing? she wanted nothing. She wasn?t the same? her heart was shattered. She closed her eyes as she laid there. She would wait until the breeze would come? she needed to feel him near? she needed to be near to him. She loved him. She heard his voice in her head? she remembered his smile? his winks? his loving words? but they would only be memories now. They would only linger in her mind. She would never hear him again? she would never see him again? and she'd never feel him again. The pain swelled inside her. She shook in pain and misery? as the emptiness inside her grew... She whispered softly? ?Was it worth it?? she said quietly? ?Was the confusion really worth all of this? Did you even wonder... what I would feel? Is this what you wanted?? she sobbed quietly, as she waited for that warm breeze that would never come.
Kayin spoke up first. As he talked to her, Jessica tried not to gawk at the scene around her. She noticed that she was the Fairy Princess, no doubt the medallion holder of Wind. She was graceful, and very beautiful, just as she had imagined when her father told her about the Kingdom of Fairies. She smiled a little, he had promised to take her there someday... hopefully when he was well, he can hold true to his promise. "Is this true, .... I'm sorry, and your name is?" James spoke softly as Jessica turned her gaze. She composed her thoughts quickly. "Jessica, if you will, and yes... I wish to fight for my father. For my family... and for my home. And I'm not taking no for an answer." she said. She recognized the Elven Prince. Her father spent many hours explaining to her the majestic presence of the elves. She smiled again... it was as if she was reading from a fantasy novel from her mother's shelf of books. And she hoped she would be a part of it. "That may be the case, Jessica, but if every man woman or child who wished to fight for their home was brought in, we would have an entire community to account for." she said, smiling. Jessica looked at Kayin who just stood there next to her. He looked as determined as she did to stay. "That may be the case, but I'm sure Kayin and I are the only ones who are willing to be jailed if not granted the request we have." she said. Aria laughed, "True, well, let's bring you both inside, shall we?" she said. Jessica and Kayin followed them inside. She looked around the palace. It was even more beautiful inside, then outside. She wouldn't mind being jailed in a place like this. She laughed at the thoughts as she noticed Kayin looking at her oddly. "What is it?" she said amusingly. "You know we could still be put in prison, don't you?" he said looking at her. "Well, I can't think of a more honerable reason to be jailed, can you?" she said with a smile.
Jessica walked as far as she could to the gate without causing a disturbance. She asked the people around her to move, but they were piled up against the entrance to the Castle. She looked on and sighed. She?d have to do things the hard way. Jessica pushed past the men, women, and children, gaining many glares and curses her way. She shoved her way through until she made it through. She straightened herself up before walking to the guards. She looked back at the angry mob of people, and decided it was best if she avoided the crowd. She didn?t feel like being hunted down by angry towns people. She went up to the guards and they held their weapons to her throat. ?No one except for Royalty is allowed past this point.? They said evenly looking at her. She smiled wickedly. ?And what makes you automatically assume I am not royalty?? she said with a slight laugh. ?Well for one you?re not dressed the part?? the younger guard said. His senior glared at him, and the guard slipped back without another word. ?We are expecting only one other, and you do not fit the description.? He said eyeing her, and wondering what she was doing there in the first place. Her eyes grew darker. ?I request a meeting with the King.? She said solemnly. ?Did you not hear me the first time?? he said louder. ?I said no one except for Royalty is allowed past-? ?Fine, then I no longer request, I demand a meeting with the King.? ?Do I have to throw you out of here myself, girl?? ?I have come to offer what assistance I can, I won?t be turned away. If the home of my fathers is being threatened, I won?t stand by and wait on others to save us from peril. I [b]will[/b] do my part.? She said folding her arms. ?I will not repeat myself, commoner.? He said snidely. ?Nor will I, guardsman.? She said, keeping ground. ?Then this will be brought to the King, where I will see to it that you are put in chains!!!? he said angrily as grabbed her and pushed her through the gates. She looked back at the crowds, and noticed some were laughing and smiling, as if pleased that she may be reprimanded and jailed. She smiled too. Anything was better than watching at the sidelines in such a time. She would do what she could for her family? for her father?s home. She would not just let it be ruined.
Jessica made her way through the crowds. She listened intentively as she passed by. She could feel the fear around her... "Thorian has risen... he rides for Valahria..." she heard among the people. Her heart froze... her thoughts turned to her father who laid ill. She would please her father? she would make him proud of her. She would make him proud of his little girl? She smiled at the thought. [i]Little girl?[/i] If anyone heard her use those words they?d kick her for sure. She may have been skilled, but for whatever reason, the facts still remained. She was a woman, and the only one with the skills of a warrior. It took her a while to attain the respect of the others around her. But she finally did. And she was highly respected. More because of her determination to stay in the face of laughter and ridicule when she first became a warrior. And after three years, she knew she belonged? and so did the others. She walked to the castle. She made her father proud then? and she wouldn?t let him down now. She would defend her people... she would join in this battle against Thorian.
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In a situation like that, my only thought would be to get away. How I get away would completely be a spur of the moment type of thing. Would I use force? Yes. Do I carry a gun? No... any sort of weapon? No. So this makes me absolutely defenseless. If I were in trouble, you better believe I would find anything around me to bring my attacker down. Even if I were to be MUGGED, I would not just stand by idely and let them take something that belongs to me. Because the way I see it, if they are bold enough to take your purse from you, or a wallet... they're bold enough to take more than just that. Maybe the situation would seem more serious for women. It's just one of those things that unfortunately, have happened to many people. Even in school, things like this happen. Whether physical or sexual, there is always some punk trying to hurt someone else. And no one gets away with hurting me...
Name: Jessica Lanyca Age: 21 Sex: Female Realm: Human Realm (No Medallion) Weapon: Wields a sword given to her from her father. It was suppose to be passed to the eldest son in the family from generations before, but because her mother had complications, she was not able to give birth to another. Unlike most men, Jessica's father did not resent the fact that his firstborn was a daughter. Instead, he taught his daughter the ways of a warrior, and hoped that one day she would take her place at his side in the battle field as her family had in the years before. She holds her father's sword with the utmost care and respect. It is her most treasured possession. It symbolizes the love her father had for her, and the trust he had in her. She also wields twin blades that also belong to her father. Appearance: [url=http://www.cf-network.com/cfan/IMG/jpg/talim.jpg]Jessica[/url] Personality: Her personality is light hearted? smiles, not very out going, but for the most part is happy. Her nature is serene though, often tired in a living sense? not tired as a lack of sleep, but a very wise nature about her that earns the respect of many warriors around her. Weakness: Jessica Fears death, and the death of those near to her. While she seems fearless in battle, she is known for saving those around her, instead of fighting for victory. She believes that the more lives that are saved, the better the chances are for a victory in its own due time. Something many warriors disagree with? Bio: Jessica is the only child in her family. After she was born, her father taught her the ways of a warrior. She remembers tender moments with her father, whom she loves dearly, and she remembers her mothers laugh when she would watch her daughter try to be just like her father. Such memories she holds dear, and she keeps them with her as she fights and defends those she loves. Her father has sense gone ill, and her mother takes care of him as best as she can. She was tempted to leave her duties as a warrior, and return home, but her mother insisted that it is what her father would want her to do. She fights for her family, but most of all, she fights for her father, and tries to keep his spirit alive within her. *Let me know if I need to change anything ;)
:) Maybe you should be keeping the door open for someone else, Serena... because I never thought I would ever be over him. I was actually in love with him... it wasn't an infatuation... he made me feel special... but when you do leave the door open for someone else, and that person does come along... I can guarantee that you will feel a lot better. Not only will you be thankful that he wasn't the man you picked in the end, you may even see that your friendship is repaired in a way, where you can "tolerate" his behavior a little more :) lol, the guy In my situation was a complete jerk... in more ways then I've even explained here... lol, just believe that there is a heck of a lot better guys out there who will treat you the way you should be treated. :) And when you find that someone, don't let them go ;)
Okay, as I have said before? I actually went through the exact same situation? I?m going to say what I did, but again, this was my solution, I have moved on, and IMO, my life is better because of it. I was this guy?s friend ever since we were born. We had seriously known each other for that long. Our mother?s were pregnant at the same time, we would do things together all the time. It wasn?t until about 6 years ago when things got serious. Anyway, I completely felt as if he toyed with my feelings looking back on everything now? I confided in him, just as much as he confided in me. We were that close. We still know each other better than any two people know each other at all. But you see, he didn?t want me? he chose some girl he met in Mexico, who is a minor I might add, and decided that she was the person for him. I was crushed to say the least, and I truly felt as if my world around me was falling apart. But after I got myself up again (and that in itself took me a long time?) I was able to get my mind off of him completely? are we still friends? Yes? but it will NEVER be the same? and I don?t expect it to. If I were to find that he ever had feelings for me now, and he wanted to go out with me?. Would I? Absolutely not. I learned a long time ago, when he took what we had and threw it out the window, that I was his second choice? and I NEVER settle for second in ANY relationship. I?m completely over him, he still tries to repair what we once had, but it will NEVER be the same. After telling him that, I was finally able to find closure, and have since moved on. I found someone new who makes me happy? happier than I?ve been in a long time? and I hope the same for you. You just need to really move on. A man who puts you in second, should never come first in your life. :)
Completely agree with the above Statement made by Siren ^^^ My belief, is that if you have completely looked up the topic you are forming an opinion on, then you are welcomed to form and voice it. If you do not know what in the hell is going on, you should never form an opinion and voice it. That's called "being neutral" in a debate that involves serious knowledge on a specific topic. Such as politics. It is never a good idea to form an opinion and vote for something, if you do not know all the facts behind what you are supporting. That just back tracks the system, and you end up making those around you pay for your uneducated guesses. And wasting people's time on sloppy reasonings never gets anyone anywhere. You just annoy those who DO know what they are talking about. lol, I've been in too many debates in my life, and each time, there is always a "people pleaser" among the group, who goes with the "popular" opinion, and starts spatting things that don't even make sense to the rest of the people in the circle. Also, having a firm opinion is very important. Personally, in a situation where there ISN'T a right or wrong, a firm opinion is needed. BEFORE you open your mouth. :) There's nothing wrong with changing your opinion when one side leans you toward their reasoning, but it gets tiring when in a debate, and you see someone constantly changing sides. :rolleyes: Of course, this is IMO :laugh:
I'm confused... this girl you like now... and the girl that you think will go out with you.... tells you... that your ex is no longer interested in you... and have you asked your ex???? lol, again, communicating is a big issue here. Regardless of what you and this girl says, this other girl hasn't told you that it is over. Get the facts from her, and THEN move on. :) You still need to communicate with her. Even if she isn't your pick anymore.
Completely agree with Zeta on this one. lol, with one more thought. The fact that this girl made you think you weren't going out... and then said to a friend that you were... tells me you have problems with communication. I'd work on that before even considering a new girlfriend. :cool: Nobody likes a guy who doesn't go to them for the facts. You should have confronted her when you first thought things cooled down. That's my advice. Work on your communicating skills. You're not ready for a relationship if you hear about your [i]own[/i] relationship from friends. :smirk:
[quote name='Inuyasha7271']Most Teenagers shouldn't even use the word love in Highschool, Middle School, or Elementary school relationships cause they really don't mean anything and barely last over 1 1/2 years I myself am a Sophmore in Highschool right now and know that love rarely means anything when someone says it.[/quote] [QUOTE=Lalaith Ril][color=indigo][i]See this is what I disagree with, naturally because I disagree with way too much, but anyways. Who are you (or who am I) to say what a teenager means when they say love? Who are we to decide what love means to someone else? The simple fact is love is subjective, it means something different to every person, and that teenager could be saying love and mean it. Just look at this thread so many different people have views about love, how can you say that one is correct and one is incorrect? Theres no way to prove one is right and one is wrong. I believe love is what you make it to be. It can find anyone. A child says he loves his parents, a child says he loves his friends, should he stop saying it because he's incapable of comprehending "adult" love? Love is what love is. Each person has a different set of eyes, each person views it differently, how can you decide for them? A person should say love if they believe they are in love, why put an age limit? I think thats, a funny concept, to put an age limit on love, but hey thats just me.[/i][/color][/QUOTE] LOL!!!! Believe it or not, you both are right. :laugh: First of all, I just want to make it clear that "adult" love, and the love a child has for their parents are two completely different types of love. There are many different types of love out there. The love one has in friendship, the love for a family member, neighborly love (meaning the care you even show those you do no know) and of course, the love for a mate. I agree with you Lalaith Ril, Each person has their own views on love. There is no one way to look at love, and there never will be. But I also agree with Inuyasha, where in the post he says that Most kids shouldn't even use the word. The word Love is definetely being thrown around too loosely today. You have young children who have barely lived and matured, thinking they have found their "only" one. And yet, some have and find out [i]when they are older[/i] how much that person means to them. I truly believe that only those who have matured, can comprehend love. Love is a very serious matter (the love one shows to a mate that is...) and shouldn't be thought as something every guy and girl should do when they reach 13 or 16 years of age. I know a person who found love at 16 years of age, and is still very happily married to her husband. So do I throw my opinions out the window, just because one person found love under the age of 16? Absolutely not. Because like Lalaith Ril said, Each person has their own views on love. I won't change mine, simply because someone's relationship worked out. I truly believe for the most part that you must be mature in order to truly grasp the concept of Love. And maturity comes with time, and a long life of experiences.
Tears came to her eyes as she looked at him. Her fears slowly washed away. She nodded in agreement as she stared up at the sky. She wasn't sure what the future held out for them... whether grim... or good. She couldn't shake the feeling that the worse was about to come. But she knew that whatever future was instore for them, she needed him by her side. She needed to be with him. She loved him with all her heart. And the thought of no longer having him by her side... scared her. But she couldn't expect him to change... she couldn't expect that. He could change everything for her... but it was the Ty she met all those years before that she fell in love with. The man she knew now... was the man her heart loved more than anything. She knew love was hard for him to feel. Especially with his past... knowing what he had been through, she knew how hard it was to have someone in his life. But she also knew what it was like to be alone... and she knew she needed him as much as he needed her. She knew he loved her... she knew in her heart. Everything he had done for her in her life... even now. She knew because he showed her each day. Whether or not he could understand fully what those feelings were, was something she never needed. All she needed was for him to allow her to be with him... all the way until the end. To whichever end that may be. "Get some sleep, we train tomorrow, we're going to go after the Zeal Crystal." Mayhony said as they spun around. "We're trying again. The last obstacle should be gone now. We start retraining tomorrow, get some rest." She walked away and Sage looked at Ty. She knew he wasn?t in a hurry to get back inside. She sat with him just waiting. She would never leave his side? the two of them were a team. And she would never let him be alone again. She gently placed her hand over Ty?s as she sat with him. He looked at her and she just stared into the night. ?I love you Ty? and I will stay by your side? no matter what the future may hold, I won?t leave you. I don?t expect you to change? I don?t want you to? I love you for the person you are now. I only ask that you allow me to be with you from here on out. I will never leave you alone.?
Sage cried silently for a while. She sat in the corner of the room clutching her arms until they bled. How could she do that to him? How could she break down like that? She hung her head. She looked at his guns and remembered what she almost did. What had come over her? She looked at the blood on her arms. She cried even harder. She had put him through the same pain she had been in? she was going to let him blame her death on him? just as she would have blamed his death on herself. But what she had done was worse. She would have made him watch? She shuddered as she remembered faintly what had happened. Her mind circled in pain. She cried even harder as she remembered his face? what had she done? She stood up and looked out the window. She had destroyed everything she had tried so hard to keep. She had made her own fears become a reality. She glanced at his guns again. She couldn?t handle it anymore. She had done what she feared? she had lost him? She picked up his guns and stared at them for a while. She remembered what he said about always protecting her. Didn?t he know that she needed to protect him as well? She looked outside again as she reloaded the gun. She lost him? She stopped as she remembered everything he had said. She looked back outside. She didn?t want him to change. She dropped the gun in front of her as she put her hand over her face. The blood trickled from her arms onto the floor. She never wanted him to change. Taking risks was one thing, but to expect her NOT to take the same risks was another. She was an assassin too. And they were a team. She knew he loved him. She knew he was learning, but the feelings were there. He didn?t need to explain them to her. She didn?t need to have him do anything for her. She needed him to allow her to be there for him? in the same way he wanted to be there for her. She loved him? and she would die for him, just as he would die for her. He needed to know that. She opened the window and looked outside. She looked for the darkest area, and knew he was there. She grabbed his guns. She never wanted him to change. She loved him for who he was. But he couldn?t change her either. She jumped out the window and went out over to the trees. She walked silently. She knew she would have a hard time finding him. She stopped and she knew he was near. ?You?re not going to lose me that easily Ty. You misunderstood a lot of things.? She said. She knew he heard her? She sat against one of the trees in the center of the grove. She knew he was around. She just didn?t know where. ?I never want you to change Ty? so why do you want me to?? she said. She looked down as she stared at his guns in her hands. ?You say you can?t change for me? I never wanted you to? so why do you expect me to change? You expect me just to let you take risks for me.? She said. She gripped his gun tightly in anger. ?Dammit Ty, I?m assassin too!!! I will protect you, just as you say you want to protect me. So why did you push me away earlier? I know you love me. So don?t you even think it?s not there. Don?t think for one second that by suppressing your feelings will make everything go away. I love you. And while I know you don?t fully understand it, I still love you.? She looked up at the canopy of trees. She usually felt safe surrounded by them? but she felt cold and alone. She had lost him? her fears became a reality? ?I know everything about you, Ty? I know your past? I know the kind of person you are now? I know you? and I love you. I never wanted you to change for me. I?m not a selfish person, Ty. I never needed you to shower me with love? I only ask that you are there for me, the way you always have been. But? allow me to be there for you. I know you love me? you know it to. We are a team, Ty? you are no longer alone. You are no longer by yourself. I am always with you. And as a team, Ty, I need you to let me be at your side. I need to be there helping you, just as you want to help me. If you die, I will die? I don?t want to live without you. I know someday this life of ours will end. And I want to be with you? all the way up to that end. Can you allow me to be by your side, Ty? For better or for worse?? she said.