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About DemonsLover316

  • Birthday 03/16/1983

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  1. Jarod leapt back from his assault. He wondered why he had even charged the thing to begin with. He glanced at the others continuing their attack. He was sick of following their lead. Then he heard Arturios's comment. "Undead..." He ran through all the past encounters he's had... It was a skeleton...regardless of how big or powerful...it was a skeleton. Nothing but bones being held together by magic. And it was already dead. It was impossible to make it more dead...so... An idea came to him, and he let his voice ring out. "Stop attacking...will someone try to heal the damn thing!?!"
  2. About time I posted. Name: Caleb Troy Appearance: Shaggy Black hair, dark brown eyes. Stands about 5'10". Moderately muscular. Seen wearing a pair of dark blue baggy jeans, white sleeveless shirt, and an oversized black hoodie. Bio: 19 years old. Caleb and Natene have been practically inseparable for more than half their lives. They've shared each others ups and downs and have been there for one another through just about everything. Caleb's parents had been killed in a car accident when he was about 9 yrs old which forced him to move in with his aunt. There was a reason she had never had kids. She never hit or yelled at Caleb. In fact, she rarely even acknowledged that he existed. She didn't even comfort him when his parents died. The first thing she said to him when he moved in was, "Well, I'm sorry...but don't expect me to change my life for you. You're gonna have to make the most of it." Then she walked out. She liked to go out and enjoy the night life, just about every day. Caleb hardly ever saw here, so he was forced to deal with the death of his parents and raise himself. Fortunately, he did not have to go through it alone. He met Natene. She helped him find the joy in life. And he stayed by her side ever since. ~~~ The day the portal opened changed my life. It changed all of our lives. I remember walking Natene home from school and heading home myself. As soon as I walked in the door, I noticed that my aunt wasn't home. There wasn't the usual smell of cigarettes lingering in the air, which means she more than likely hadn't come home the night before either. I threw off my shoes and lounged on the couch, trying to find something to watch on TV. After a few minutes, I just couldn't keep my eyes open. I didn't feel tired or anything, at least, I didn't think I was. It didn't feel like I needed sleep. It felt more like I needed to GO to sleep. Its hard to explain, but now that I look back on it, it felt almost like I was being forced to go to sleep. I woke up to static on the TV. I sat up with a jolt not knowing why. Then I glanced at the clock. It was just after midnight. ~How the hell could I have slept like a rock for so long?~ I thought to myself. I took a deep breath, then noticed how thick the air felt. Something wasn't right. I grabbed my sneakers and hoodie, and headed outside. Thats when I noticed the sky. My house sat just behind the middle school, and an array of colors bombarded me. I shielded my eyes for a moment, letting my eyes adjust to such a sight. I began to walk closer. There was something swirling admist all those colors. When I got across the street to the fence bordering the the baseball field, I stopped. The colors seemed to be emanating from what looked like an actual opening in the air itself...in space itself. I looked closer. Was that sunlight? Were those fields within that portal? There was only one thought that raced through my mind as I ran off. Natene. Befriended creature: a mercurial Creature's appearance: 119 yrs old. A shapeshifter. Few have ever seen its true form since it can take the form of just about anything it chooses...As long as it remains relatively the same size and is a living thing. It can also alter its form in parts, changing only certain aspects to help it to adapt. (will discover true description later in story) Natural form is roughly 3 ft tall, 6 ft long.
  3. Jarod's eyebrow raised. "That must be kinda convenient. All of us walking around with little power storages of psionic energy." He takes off the voidstone...immediately feeling a surge from his armlet, and hands it to Arturios..."What exactly happens to that energy that you drain?" It was more of a rhetorical question than one that he was actually waiting for an answer for. Jarod figured that Arturios drained the voidstones to boost his own powers, him being a psion and all. Definitely not a man to be taken lightly if that was indeed the case. Jarod smirked slightly, "Sparring huh?" He glanced around at the others. "If you think it would help...who's up against who?" Jarod crossed his arms in front of him. The cloudiness faded from the black amulet within his armlet. His right hand clenched slightly and the gem seemed to glow slightly, then faded again just as quickly.
  4. Jarod had wandered just out of sight of the encampment to clear his mind. He knew there was nothing in this direction...and he was almost positive that Arturious had known that as well. He made use of this "break" though. He settled against one of the many rock formations that dotted the landscape, and closed his eyes. The voidstone around his neck seemed heavier than before, and it was becoming more of a hindrance than anything. He hadn't encountered anything thus far that the voidstone would have any use against. The others may have needed them before he arrived...but the enemies he had seen or heard of were either in service to creatures of the Wraith or much too powerful to even begin to stand against...such as the Shadow-Kai. He placed his right hand to his chest, over the spot that concealed the voidstone. As he looked down, he noticed that the gem in his armlet grew cloudier still. He had never knew what power the armlet held...if any...and he definitely did not know what this signified. Maybe he'd ask Arturious when he had a moment. Jarod pulled himself upright and began to head back to the encampment. He arrived back just as Arturious asked about teams. "What teams..." Jarod asked.
  5. Jarod slowly began to remember why he didn't like traveling in groups. He glanced down at Zaion, sighing slightly. "I've learned to survive. No matter what it takes. And as far as my blades go,...thats something you don't need to worry about." He glanced up at hearing Arturios command. He fought back the urge to say anything back, just nodded. Without another word, or another thought of the dragon that had joined them, Jarod began to head north.
  6. Jarod began to walk slightly to the back of the group keeping some distance between him and the last person. He didn't like authority. Plain and simple. And he was growing tired of Reaf constantly taking control. He didn't know Jarod. Otherwise... He fingered one of his blades, Cylos, rolling the handle around his wrist. The blade began to grow with a faint blue aura that he couldn't really explain...and almost ignored. His weapons had been acting strangly lately, not that he ever knew that much about them to begin with. They were "gifts" as was the silver armlet on his right wrist. The black gem within seemed to have lost its luster recently, growing cloudy. The voidstone that he had picked up miles back, seemed like a burden on his shoulders. He tucked it under his shirt for now. He hadn't slept. Did they not believe him when he said he didn't need it then? There was just something about this group...they seemed too confident. Like there ws absolutely nothing that they could not handle. Well he knew better. As did Arturios, but it would have been unwise for it to be said that some may not make it back alive. He kept his thoughts to himself as his nose twitched, picking up that familiar scent. He alterred his direction slightly so that his pace put him several feet behind the one that he had heard being called Shero. He closed the gap quickly, and was about to say something when...
  7. **I'll speak for my own character** Jarod glanced down the rock face to Arturios. "I haven't encountered anything thus far that I would consider a real fight." His demeanor changed slightly, as a sinister grin crossed his face, and Delos glowed a deep crimson, "But I've never been bested." He flipped Delos around his wrist and slammed it into the rock face, the blade piercing the stone as if it was soft mud. "I think I'll be able to handle myself. Its the rest of you I'm worried about," he said glancing at the rest of the group.
  8. Jarod looked around at the rag tag group. After they set up camp, he walked up to Arturios, and sighed, "I'll take first watch...I don't sleep much anyway." Without waiting for a reply, he walked to the outskirts of their small camp and climbed up a small rock formation to have a better vantage point. He took a seat and drew his blades casually, his arms resting on his knees. Occasionally his gaze would follow the various members of their group, his eyes spending a bit more time on that one female that attracted him to follow in the first place. Then his eyes would shift back to their surroundings...
  9. That same scent wafted by him as Jarod noticed, the female pass him by without so much as an acknowledgement. he could have picked her out of a crowded room, and wasn't quite sure just why yet. He absentmindedly adjusted the silver armlet on his right arm, the black jewel having a sharp luster to it at the moment that went unnoticed. ~All in due time~ he promised himself. He glanced back at the one standing before him. He noticed that his attention was no longer on him, but someone older and stockier approaching. Something about the old man told him he was not to be trifled with. He remained quiet as he approached, only half paying attention to what was going on. His main focus was still that female...but if accompanying this group held any interest for her, nothing was going to keep him from indulging his curiousity. He crossed his arms and remained quiet as the old man reached him and the other.
  10. The shrill whistle pierced Jarod's eardrums and took him out of his slight daze, just quickly enough for him to catch the woman leaving the tavern. He shook his head to clear himself and tried to figure out what just happened. He had never felt such raw power before...and it intrigued him. ~I don't know about being able to help...but my curiousity has the best of me...~ He pushed himself away from the table and slowly made his way out of the tavern, the bouncer flinching back ever so slightly as he passed. Jarod smirked. When he was outdoors, his ears perked up slightly. ~Now where had that whistle come from?~ He tried to judge the best he could, and headed off, noticing that even among the crowd, there were several others seemingly looking for that same whistle. He kept his distance, having lost the female in the crowd, but continued to follow the others that were no doubt headed in the same direction.
  11. A man can only walk so long on barefoot, even if that man is Jarod Caine. He sighed deeply as made his way through town. All the hustle and bustle around wasn't making things easy though. He preferred his wild companions more than anyone remotely civilized. His somewhat shaggy appearance attracted some unwanted attention from passerbys, some hurrying to the other side of the street; others doing their best not to make eye contact. The only real "uncivlized" look about him was his barefeet, which had gathered not only a large amount of callouses, but were caked with mud, and his toenails were longer than most. He cared nothing about what others thought of him or his appearance. If he did...he would have realized that it wasn't his feet that bothered those that got a look at him...but his eyes. His gaze seemed to pierce through people, and he hardly noticed it most of the time. He brushed his hair out of his face, having been sometime since he actually had the urge to cut it. His face, however, kept its smoothness, and never showed a sign of hair growth. He glanced up at a sign, [I]La Tavern.[/I] ~Simple and to the point...perfect place for me.~ Jarod pushed the door open slowly, the smells practically smacking him in the face. Sweat, bad food, tolerable food, alcohol. The faint smell of sex wafting from upstairs...and just a hint of cinamon near by. He closed his eyes and walked in, letting the aromas fill his nose. A hand pushing hard into his chest, brought him out of his brief daze. He glanced done at the hairy wrist blocking his way, and the burly man in front of him that it was attached to. His other hand rested on the bar to give him added support to push him out. "No shoes. No Service. We don't serve the likes of you hear." Jarod raised a slight eyebrow. He was used to such treatment. He might have even left without a word...if it wasn't for that last comment. Without so much as a blink, Jarod reached beyond him, grabbed ahold of one of his blade, and with one swift motion, slammed it into the bar...right between the man's fingers. A slight trickle of blood appeared next to the man's middle finger, Delos seeming to vibrate in proximity to it. Jarod smiled. "I suggest you get your hand off of me...or you'll lose that just as quickly." The man stood there dumbstruck. He hadn't even seen Jarod move, and a crimson blade now almost severed his finger...maybe even his hand. The hand that had blocked Jarod now fell limply as he walked by, practically ripping the blade out of the bar. The bouncer stood there wrapping a towel around his flesh wound. Jarod began to notice that his little scene had attracted some unfriendly eyes, so he grabbed a mug of ale from the bartop and slipped to one of the tables in back. He slammed the ale back in one gulp, and his eyes scanned the room. Some of the waitresses made it a point to avoid his table, some pointed and whispered to each other. The other customers tried to hide their sidelong glances at him. Then it hit him. He breathed in deeply. Something familiar, yet not. A smell...an aroma...an essence. He continued to take in the people around him...until his eyes fell on a female. He breathed in again...more deeply...savoring something. He noticed her chatting with some other male...but that quickly left his mind. There was something about this female...something familiar...something...unique.
  12. OOC: Lets make things interesting Name: Jarod Caine Gender: Male Race: Human Age: 21 Description: Stands at 5'9" and weighs just over 200 lbs. Not overly large muscles but well-defined. His hair is a dark brown, almost black, and somewhat shaggy. His eyes, however, are almost completely black, with only faint hints of white at the edges. Loose black pants end just below his calf muscles. Travels barefoot wherever he goes, so his feet are hardened with callouses. His sleeveless black shirt has a slight metallic shine to it and clinges tightly to his upper body. Both articles of clothing are surprisingly enough made of the same material, simply forged (not sewn) differently. On his right wrist is a thick silver armlet with a polished black gem at the center. Unknown magical properties. Weapons: A set of twin blades - Cylos & Delos. Sheaths are strapped to his back. One blade is a deep crimson...almost bloodlike (Delos), while the other is a midnight blue...almost black (Cylos). The blades are sharply curved. As the blade extends out of the hilt, it curves sharply down around the front of the knuckles, just missing the skin, ending about 18 inches past the hand. (About the length of your forearm) Both blades are razor sharp and have some mystical properties. Personality: Never knew his true family. Those that raised him treated him coldly and with malice. Hardened his personality to the point of being numb. Has never felt the need to help or trust anyone unless his own well-being was at stake. Headstrong, Stubborn, Short-tempered. Although at times his actions may seem rash, his mind is quick, cold, and calculating. Never lets his emotions rule his judgement...although he often lets his anger and rage fuel it. In battle he is stealthy and merciless. He relies primarily on his bare hands and his blades...but any of those that have seen him fight...and lived (the number is few)...have seen something else besides strength and agility. Some untapped energy lies within him that not even he is aware of. What people do know of him is this... ...If you hear his blades, you're already dead. If you don't hear them...you're still dead.
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