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About Dante_666

  • Birthday 07/14/1990

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    Like Devil may cry alot!!

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New Member (1/6)



  1. Name: Drake Age: 24 Race: Vampire Bio: (not quite sure for now sorry) Nice name.....Viktor I know where you got that from, just messing with you. (Underworld)
  2. So its not to late to join yet? well here's my stuff: Name: Zephyr Age: 14 Gender: Male Race: Human Appearance: Red hair medium length, black T-shirt with sleeves cut off, jet black pants. Starting class: Paladin Starting Weapon: Lionheart, and Defender Starting abilities: Holy blade, Nurse, S: Double sword, R: Counter
  3. [font=Arial Black][b]Ever since all the crystals were destroyed and Ivalice was gone, the world seemed different. Marche knew that something happened when he destroyed all the crystals. He felt that there was something going on back in Ivalice, he knew that he needed to go back. So Marche gathered all six of his friends to go back to Ivalice and see what is going down.[/b] [/font] [b][font=Arial Black]Later on that night Marche was holding onto the book trembling with fear and excitement. He missed all the friends that he had in Ivalice so he was excited, but he feared that something was dreadfully wrong in Ivalice. With his trembling hands he slowly opened the dusty old book and carefully paged through it being carful not to tear the worn pages. Then he closed the book with a quiet thud and went to sleep, dreaming about Ivalice and engagements. In the middle of the night everything started changing again, back to looking like Ivalice.[/font][/b] [b][font=Arial Black]Marche woke up to find himself laying on a brick road. He sat up slowly and carefully because who knows what part of Ivalice he might be in. He noticed he was actually in Cyril and it was safe so he jumped to his feet and started walking around looking for familiar faces. After about an hour he saw a very familiar face, it was Montblanc! He ran up to Montblanc and said his hello's and the set off to find his other friends.[/font][/b] [b][font=Arial]This is where the story begins.[/b][/font][font=Times New Roman] [/font][b][font=Arial]Setup[/b][/font] [b]Name:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] (no younger then 14) [b]Race:[/b] (Human, Bangaa, Viera, Moogle, Nu Mou) [b]Job:[/b] (has to relate with race) [b]Weapon:[/b] (not a super weapon please, and you can have 2 swords if you got double hand) [b]Appearance:[/b] [b]Abilities:[/b] (no more than 3 main job abilities, R Ability,S Ability) [b]Bio:[/b] [b][font=Arial]My Setup[/b][/font] [font=Times New Roman][b]Name:[/b] Marche [b]Age:[/b] 14 [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Job:[/b] Paladin [b]Weapon:[/b] Defender, Lionheart [b]Appearance:[/b] Blonde spiky hair, Red T-shirt with ripped off sleeves, Blue vest with brown dirt spots, Ice blue eyes, Light blue jeans. [b]Abilities:[/b] Holy Blade, Saint Cross. R: Counter S: Double Sword [b]Bio:[/b] Ever since Marche was a kid he loved Final Fantasy games. He could play them non stop if his parents were gone. Even at school he would draw Bangaa, Viera, and all of the other Final Fantasy characters. Marche was shy and so he had no friends in school or out of school, until one day there was a school snowball fight. After that fight his life changed, his new friends Ritz and Mewt came to his house that night after the snowball fight and they read an old dusty book. After they had read the book Ritz and Mewt had to go home for the night. When they left Marche went to sleep dreaming about the book they all had read. The next day Marche woke up to find himself in a city that wasn?t his city. He got up and noticed all the weird looking people around him. He met a moogle named Montblanc and he invited Marche into his clan. He found a way to get back home a little bit after joining Montblancs clan. He had to destroy all the crystals in Ivalice and then he will be able to go back home. When he destroyed the crystals everything went back to normal and he was happy to be home. Well I hope this works out.[/font]
  4. Ok, I will look into that. Thank you very much.
  5. [left][b][font=Arial Black]Ever since all the crystals were destroyed and Ivalice was gone, the world seemed different. Marche knew that somthing happened when he destroyed all the crystals. He felt that there was somthing going on back in Ivalice, he knew that he needed to go back. So Marche gathered all six of his friends to go back to Ivalice and see what is going down.[/font][/b][/left] [left][b][font=Arial Black][/font][/b] [/left] [left][b][font=Arial Black]Later on that night Marche was holding onto the book trembling with fear and and excitment. He missed all the the friends that he had in Ivalice so he was excited, but he feared that somthing was dreadfully wrong in Ivalice. With his tremcling hands he slowly opend the dusty old book and carefully paged through it being carfull not to tear the worn pages. Then he closed the book with a quiet thud and went to sleep, dreaming about Ivalice and engagments. In the middle of the night everything started changing again, back to looking like Ivalice.[/font][/b][/left] [left][b][font=Arial Black][/font][/b] [/left] [left][b][font=Arial Black]Marche woke up to find himself laying on a brick road. He sat up slowly and carfully because who knows what part of Ivalice he might be in. He noticed he was actually in Cyril and it was safe so he jumped to his feet and started walking around looking for familiar faces. After about an hour he saw a very familiar face, it was Montblanc! He ran up to Montblanc and said his hello's and the set off to find his other friends.[/font][/b][/left] [left][b][font=Arial Black] [/font][/b][/left] [b][font=Arial Black]This is where the story begins.[/font][/b] [b][font=Arial Black]Setup[/font][/b] [left][b]Name:[/b][/left] [left] [/left] [b]Age:[/b] (no younger then 14) [b]Race:[/b] (Human, Bangaa, Viera, Moogle, Nu Mou) [b]Job:[/b] (has to rlate with race) [b]Weapon:[/b] (not a super weapon please, and you can have 2 swords if you got double hand) [b]Apperance:[/b] [b]Abilities:[/b] (no more than 3 main job abilities,R Ability,S Ability) [b]Bio:[/b] [b][font=Arial Black]My Setup[/font][/b] [b]Name:[/b] Marche [b]Age:[/b] 14 [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Job:[/b] Paladin [b]Weapon:[/b] Defender, Lionheart [b]Apperance:[/b] Blonde spikey hair, Red T-shirt with ripped off sleeves, Blue vest with brown dirt spots, Ice blue eyes, Light blue jeans. [b]Abilities:[/b] Holy Blade, Saint Cross. R: Counter S: Double Sword [b]Bio:[/b] Ever since Marche was a kid he loved Final Fantasy games. He could play them non stop if his parents were gone. Even at school he would draw Bangaa, Viera, and all of the other Final Fantasy characters. Marche was shy and so he had no friends in school or out of school, untill one day there was a school snowball fight. After that fight his life changed, his new friends Ritz and Mewt came to his house that night after the snoball fight and they read an old dusty book. After they had read the book Ritz and Mewt had to go home for the night. When they left Marche went to sleep dreaming about the book they all had read. The next day Marche woke up to find himself in a city that wasnt his city. He got up and noticed all the wierd looking people around him. He met a moogle named Montblanc and he invited Marche into his clan. He found a way to get back home a little bit after joining Montblancs clan. He had to destroy all the crystals in Ivalice and then he will be able to go back home. When he destroyed the crystals everything went back to normal and he was happy to be home. Well i hope this works out.
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