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lil kitsune boy

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Everything posted by lil kitsune boy

  1. 'You seem to be having trouble.' Eric said, blood dripping from his fingers. He raised his hand, watching the blood run down his arm. 'I apologize for the savagery,' he said, flicking some of the blood from his hand as he turned cold eyes on Taikaru, 'But I misplaced my sword somewhere in this battle and this seemed the best option.' He offered her a hand up and looked around to see what else was coming. Two more of the vipers waited about 50 yards away, looking for an opportunity to strike. 'These creatures will never learn.' he said, spotting his sword about halfway between the two vipers and himself and Taikaru, it's sheath lying next to it.. He broke into a run as the vipers began to slither forward, rushing to attack. Eric crouched low, ducking under one of the vipers' lunge and grabbing his sword. He skidded to a halt as one viper continued towards Taikaru and the other turned toward him. He sheathed his sword, letting his hand rest on the handle as he began to charge the viper. The creature opened it's mouth, hissing as it went in for the kill. Eric's eyes narrowed as he pulled the sword from the sheath, stepping to the side as he swung. The viper sailed past Eric, landing in two lazy coils, it's top split from it's bottom. The other viper stopped, turning to Eric and quickly burrowing underground. Eric closed his eyes, letting his powers and the vibrations in the ground tell him where the creature was. He walked toward Taikaru, stopping just inside ten feet of her. Suddenly, his eyes opened as the ground beneath him exploded, the viper coming up to swallow him whole. As the beast reached the height of it's jump, clearing the dust from it's emergence. Taikaru saw Eric, one foot on the creature's upper jaw and one on it's lower, standing on the vipers open mouth. 'Die.' he said, letting the viper's jaws snap shut as he sprang upward, turning in the air so that, when he came down with his sword, The viper was cut from head to tail, split open on it's top side. He landed in front of Taikaru, flicking the blade of his sword to remove the creature's blood. 'We should leave,' he said, sheathing his sword, 'More will already be on their way.' He began to walk, not waiting for a reply. 'Hold on.' Taikaru said, catching up, 'How did you do that? We've been training to fight these things and couldn't do that well.' Eric didn't even turn back as he replied, 'Twenty years, a lot can change.' 'Yeah,' she said, 'But not your looks. You still look the same as you did then, you haven't aged a day.' 'No,' he said, anger creeping into his voice, 'I haven't.'
  2. This should be about right, let me know if I should change anything. Name: Eric Corvis Age: 40, though he still looks like he?s in his early 20?s Gender: Male Home Planet: Earth Appearance: 5'7", long dark blonde hair, medium build, blue eyes, though when he loses control they turn yellow. Personality: Cold, distant and all-together anti-social. Bio: Eric spent most of his early life moving around, whether it was being expelled from old schools or problems with his family, he never stayed to long in one place. His family managed to settle down once, but he had grown so used to moving around he ended up causing trouble so he could move in with other family members. After a while, they became so sick of it they threatened to throw him out of the street. This sobered him a bit and he learned how to get along with his family, finally learning to accept staying in one place. After a while, he managed to make lasting friendships, even fell in love. But that was only until that damnable New Year's Eve, the night his life was destroyed. He was with his family, his girlfriend was there as well, he'd even planned to propose that night, when it happened. The wave of supernatural force that now threatens the world came over him like a tidal wave... When he came to, the girl he loved and his entire family were torn to pieces, and his hands were stained red with their blood. After the events of the last story, he spent twenty years wandering around, hunting the creatures who caused so much damage last time around. Now, he?s learned how to better control his inner demon, but he can still lose that control under dire circumstances. Ranged Weaponry: none Melee weapon: A traditionally handcrafted no-daichi. After his last one was broken, he went to Japan to have this one made by the finest sword smith he could find. Gift: Insight which results as brief glimpses of the future, effectively a danger sense that also increases his effectiveness in battle as well. He has also learn to cognitively use this, as to increase its effectiveness. Greatest Fear: Losing his battle to the demon inside him.
  3. Emory sat on the bow of the boat, his legs dangling over the edge as he rested his drawing pad against the railing, a half-finished sketch of the sunrise over the lake on the open page and a charcoal pencil in his hand. Suddenly, he heard the rest of the group as they began to congregate, preparing for the expedition. [I]They'll call me if they need me.[/I] he thought as he resumed his drawing.
  4. Name: Edward Rowley Age: 20 Gender: Male Reincarnate (if applicable): None Physical description or pic: Coming soon Personality: Shy, reserved and a bit naive. He has trouble talking to girls or authority figures due to low self-esteem. Self confidence is nearly non-existant but at least he's not a jerk. Basic bio: Coming soon. Weapons or skills (if any): He carries no weapons but he has a natural aptitude for staff fighting. He learns extremely quickly and has a photographic memory. He also draws as a hobby but you'll never get him to admit he's any good.
  5. Name: Benjamin Hawthorne Gender: Male Position: Formerly with Reoan Personality: Sarcastic and cocky, but lately this demeanor has faltered in strange ways. Appearance: Picture coming soon. Weapon: Large Broadsword and a pair of modified Colt 1911's. Bio: Formerly a local band member and street punk, he was drawn into the conflict between Reoan and the forces of Heaven. He joined with Reoan for some time before being pulled along with the Zodiacs to Tokyo, until he escaped to find Reoan again. Show Time: 'Son of a *****!' Ben growled as he punched a nearby wall. He gritted his teeth as small shards sailed past his face. Amber jumped at the sudden violence and the grigori sighed. 'What are you so angry about?' he asked as Ben pulled his fist away from the wall. Ben ignored him as he turned away from the direction Reoan went. He took a step before Amber stopped him. 'Where are you going?' she asked. 'She said to leave,' Ben said in a harsh voice, 'If she doesn't want me, then there's no point in wasting any more of my time.' 'Two years was a waste of your time?' Amber asked, disbelievingly. He turned, his eyes dark and frightening. 'Apparently.' he said, before turning to walk away, alone. 'Where is he going?' Amber asked, turning to David. 'I don't know.' he replied. 'He's gotten stronger, hasn't he?' Amber asked. 'Much, as strong as any Angel,' he said, 'Quite a feat for a human... I wonder what gives him such strength.' 'Do you think he'll come back?' Amber asked, a hopeful look in her eyes. 'He's not the type to hold onto an alliance once it's broken,' David sighed, 'I don't think he'll help us again, after this.' 'Do you really think he's that angry?' David looked down at her, a sad look overtook his eyes. 'That one is lost to us.' was the only answer he could give. Is David right? Has Ben given up on Reoan? Will he return? Will he fight against her? Will I stop making this look like a 'To be continued...' montage from the Power Rangers? Anyway, good to see this up and going, again. Can't wait to get started. :animesmil
  6. 'She kinda reminds me of someone.' Shippo said, causing Inuyasha to flinch and glare at him. 'Two people,' Sango added, 'Of late.' Sasuke gave her a both confused and apologetic look. 'Anyway,' Inuyasha said, 'We've got things to do. Let's go.' 'Are you coming, too, Faye?' Kagome asked. 'What!?' Inuyasha protested, 'Don't we have enough people following us around, already?' 'Well,' Miroku said, 'If what she says is true, I do have an obligation to look out for her, don't I?' 'There, it's settled.' Kagome said, smiling, 'You're welcome to join us if you'd like, Faye.'
  7. It was a little past noon and the guards were getting irritable after a few hours of checking identities at the gate in the rising heat. 'I'm getting sick of this.' one of the guards said as he checked an elf's ID, 'Barely anyone comes through this gate, and this heat's not exactly conducive to armor wearing, either.' 'What do you expect me to do about it?' the other replied as he handed a Yeal his ID back. Suddenly, a cloaked figure appeared standing before them both. His hood obscuring his face from view, leaving only his mouth and nose clearly visible. 'Present your ID.' the first guard said. The man made no move to get his ID, he simply reached up to the clasp the held his cloak on. 'Present your ID.' said the other, more forcefully. The man smirked, 'You wanna know who I am?' he said, tearing the cloak off as the breeze picked up. His eyes were hazel, almost amber and they glowed with a fierce inner light. His hair was disheveled, but in a way the seemed to fit his handsome features and a red band encircled his forehead. He wore a tunic with short sleeves and a leather jacket with the sleeves rolled up to the shoulder. He also had dark pants that ended in black leather boots. He held the cloak with his outstretched arm, the wind sweeping his hair to the side as it blew the cloak across his body, obscuring it from view. Suddenly, he let go of the cloak and raised his hand, palm towards the two guards. 'What do you-' the guards started, then switched to, 'You're a human!' 'Smarter than I gave you credit for,' he said as lightning danced in his outstretched palm, 'Bite of Lightning!' Electricity arced from his hand, catching both of the guards, one in the chest and the other in the head, sending them into seizures. 'If you wake up,' he said, walking past the shaking bodies, 'The name's Lucian, and I'm here to have a 'chat' with the local vampire lord.' With that, he disappeared into the throngs of citizens as quickly as he arrived.
  8. 'You ok, babe?' Ben asked, smirking. 'What did you just-?' Reoan began, 'You simply enjoy working on people's nerves, don't you?' Ben's smirk grew into a mischevious grin, 'You caught that, did you?' Reoan could barely stop herself from smiling. 'I caught that.' Ben said, smiling as he helped her stand up straight, 'So, what's next? We go find these other two?'
  9. Name: Lucian Gender: Male Age: 20 Race: Human/Sorcerer Rank: None (too young to join during the war) Personality: Brash, arrogant, easily annoyed. He also holds a fierce intelligence, firely determination and unbreakable spirit. Unfortunately, he still comes off as a jerk. Height: 5'10' Weight: 186 lbs. Eye color: Hazel Hair color: Brown Body Structure: see attachments Character Snippet: 'What are we doing, Ariela?' the boy asked, a quizzical look on his face. The older girl smiled as she waved hiim over. 'Well, Lucian,' she said, 'If we want to eat tonight, we have to catch some food.' She handed him a wooden stick with a string tied to the end. He took it, looking at the makeshift hook she'd tied to the end. 'Fishing?' he asked, disappointed. 'Yes, fishing.' she laughed, 'Unless you can conjure up something else, my little apprentice.' Lucian looked down, a bit crestfallen. Ariela sat down next to him, wrapping her arms around him and resting her head on his shoulder. Lucian looked at her, a bit nervous, as she breathed in heavily, almost like she was smelling him, breathing him into herself.. He couldn't hold back the blush as he felt blood rush to his face. 'Ariela-?' he started. 'You're such a good guy, Lucian,' she interrupted, 'It's a good thing I found you, huh?' 'Yeah,' he sighed, smiling as he tore up a small piece of bread for bait. ----A few hours later--- It was just past sunset when he heard it, a scream of pain that shattered the calm silence of the night. His eyes snapped open, looking around for Ariela. When he didn't find her, he sprung to his feet, running as fast as his legs could take him towards the screams. He arrived to a horrible sight. A man leaned over Ariela's bloodsoaked body, which was now lying motionless on the ground. 'What have you done!?' Lucian asked, tears forming in his eyes. The man turned and Lucian could see his face. Gaunt and pale, his mouth was covered in blood. Ariela's blood. 'You... you-' Lucian couldn't even form a curse before the sobs wracked his body. Tears flowed freely as the creature that had just slaughtered the only person who'd ever given a damn about him began to close on him. 'What do you know?' the vampire laughed, 'Two for the price of one...' His hand closed about the collar of Lucian's tunic, lifting him from the ground to eye level with the beast. 'Why?' Lucian croaked through the sobs, his throat already sore. The vampire grinned, 'Why not?' he said, 'You humans are only cattle, anyway. And it's not very often you find a virgin of her age anymore, the blood of the pure is always the sweetest.' 'That's it?' Lucian asked. 'That's it.' the vampire repeated, 'It's not like you humans have any other reason to exist, just food for us.' Lucian's body went limp and the vampire laughed. 'There you go, just give up and it will make this easier on both of us.' the vampire said. But, then Lucian opened his eyes. They glowed bright red as the tears still flowed. Suddenly, Lucian's tunic caught fire, shredding as Lucian fell to the ground. 'I don't intend to make this easy.' Lucian said, rage and venom dripping from his voice. 'What the-?' the vampire said, taking a few steps back as Lucian raised his arm. As he stood, his arm outstretched with the palm of his hand toward the creature, his hand began to radiate heat. 'What are you?' the vampire asked, a bit of panic in his voice. Lucian ignored the question, silently thanking Ariela for what she'd taught him. The air in front of his hand began to burn, a small ball of flame appearing in front of his outstretched hand. 'This is impossible!' the vampire yelled, turning to run. 'I don't think so.' Lucian said, 'Hand of the Pyro!' The ball of flame flew forward, catching the vampire in the back. The creature screamed as he burst into flame. Wasting no time, Lucian manifested a blade of pure energy, sending it flying at the creature's neck, severing the head clean off. It crumbled to dust as Lucian collapsed. He crawled over to Ariela's body, trying frantically to find some sign of life. 'Come on,' he said, panicking, 'You can't be dead, you just can't be!' But, no matter what he did, she wouldn't wake. He fell to the ground next to her, the weight of everything finally taking his consciousness. Before he fell asleep, one final thought came to him. [I]'I will find a way to get you back,'[/I] he thought, [I]'And then I'll destroy them. Destroy them all.'[/I]
  10. Ben waited till nearly everyone was in the car before he slipped away, disappearing behind a dumpster until he heard the car pull off. [I]'You're just going to leave them?[/I]' he heard from somewhere behind him. He turned, seeing no one. 'Yeah, I am.' he replied, realizing who was talking. [I]'Even though it's obvious one of them sensed something wrong back at that hotel?'[/I] Caleb asked. 'Hey, they have super powers and I have stuff I need to do.' he replied. [I]'Like help Reoan?'[/I] 'That's one of 'em, yeah.' Ben said, grinning as he pulled off the leather trenchcoat and tossed it in the dumpster. 'But first,' he said, 'I need a new coat, that one got thrashed when that Zodiac decided to pull me across an ocean.' [I]'That's it?'[/I] Caleb asked, [I]'A new coat?'[/I] Ben shook his head as he strapped the sheath across his back and headed back out onto the streets. It didn't take him long to find a public directory and locate the stores he was after. 'Don't suppose you can read that?' Ben asked, looking at the store's sign. [I]'Sorry, but no.'[/I] Caleb replied. Ben shrugged, 'Good thing I can, huh?' [I]'You know Japanese?'[/I] Caleb asked. 'Yeah, a bit.' [I]'Why didn't you help the Zodiac when they needed someone who knew Japanese, then?'[/I] 'They didn't ask,' Ben replied, then paused, 'How come you didn't know I knew Japanese? If you're supposed to be inside me and all...' [I]'It takes time for a soul to establish a connection with it's reincarnated self, especially when the reincarnation is so strong willed. You're quite a stubborn bastard, sometimes.'[/I] Caleb stated. Ben laughed, 'Yeah, I think I'll take that as a compliment.' he said before he walked into the clothing store. About thirty minutes later, Ben came back out of the store in a new set of clothes; A red leather trenchcoat with steel studs set in a simple pattern on each shoulder, A pair of military style cargo pants with zip and buckle style boots. Another shopping trip earned him an interesting find, a sword sheath with holsters fashioned into it, so that all his weapons would be in the same place. 'Why the hell would they even have something like this?' Ben asked as he strapped the thing across his chest and over his shoulder. [I]'Who knows? But, it does seem rather convenient.'[/I] Caleb replied. 'Eh, screw it. Now...' he looked down at a slip of paper the store had given to him to write down directions to the other stores on. 'Nan to ii mashita-ka?' Ben heard from behind him. He turned to see a small boy running towards him. 'Nani?' Ben looked at the boy, he seemed concerned about something. "Watashi no name wa Hideki desu..." the boy began. 'Watashi wa jouzu-ni ni hongo ga hanase masen.' Ben interrupted, 'Ei-go wo hanashi-masu-ka?' 'Engu-rish?' the boy said slowly, 'Very little.' 'Well, it's better than nothing,' Ben said, 'Now, what's wrong?' 'Your sword.' Ben raised an eyebrow, 'What about it?' 'It is...' he stopped, searching for the word, 'Dame, no good.' Ben drew the sword and pointed it at the boy, 'Seems fine to me.' The boy brushed the tip of the sword aside. 'I know where you can get it fixed.' he said. Ben grinned at the kid, 'I've got some time.' he said as he followed the boy. ****** 'This is taking too damn long.' Ben said as he finished cleaning the gun he'd been working on. [I]'Maybe, but they had the tool you needed to do some work on your weapons and the price they quoted you was quite reasonable.'[/I] Caleb told him. Yeah, maybe.' Ben replied, 'But, I'm still getting bored.' The door opened to the right of the table he'd been using as an old man came out, holding Ben's sword wrapped in cloth. 'So, how'd it go in there, old man?' 'First,' the old man said, 'I'd like to apologize for Hideki, my grandson, I know he dragged you here. And also to thank you for going along with it.' 'I'm not too worried about it.' Ben replied, 'I got a chance to do some work on these guns and clean 'em up a bit.' The old man sighed, 'I am relieved, then. And, as a reward for your patience, I have completed the repairs on your sword. I even made a few improvements.' 'What kind of improvements?' Ben asked as he holstered his guns and reached for the sword. When he picked it up, it seemed lighter than before. He pulled it free of the cloth, cutting the cloth as he did. 'Well, it's lighter and sharper than before, to begin with.' the old man said, 'Also, it's just as strong, so it will not chip or crack for some time.' 'Not bad, old man.' Ben said, spinning it once before sliding is into the sheath across his back, 'Now, about your payment...' The old man held up his hand, 'No money, not now.' 'What?' Ben asked, disbelievingly. 'I have learned to trust my feelings over the years,' the old man said, 'There are many things, terrible things, happening in the world. I believe that you know something aboutthem and can help to bring balance back to this world. If you can do that, it will be payment enough.' Ben shrugged, 'Have it your way, old man. And if we survive past all this crap, I'll come back for a new sword.' 'I would like that.' the old man said, smiling. Ben stepped out onto the street and looked down on the sheet of paper to the last set of directions. [I]'Is it time to go back?'[/I] Caleb asked. 'Nah, Reoan would have moved on, by now.' Ben said, 'She doesn't seem the type to let herself get caught by staying still too long.' [I]'Then how are we to find her?'[/I] 'Like the old man said,' Ben replied, 'I'm gonna trust my feelings.' [I]'You have those?'[/I] Caleb asked, sarcastically. 'Shaddap,' Ben shot back, 'Besides, I think I have an idea of where she would have ended up, so keep your trap shut. It's time to head to the airport.' (*looks at the post* daaaaamn... guess i'm making up for lost time here...)
  11. 'What the hell?' Inuyasha and Sasuke said in unison, 'Who the hell are you?' 'Ok, that was weird.' Kagome said, sighing at the boys' little outburst. 'I think what they're trying to say,' Miroku said, attempting to smooth out the situation as he turned towards the new arrival, 'Is that, if you wouldn't mind...' He dropped to one knee in front of her and took her hand in his. 'Would you please bear my child?' Sasuke winced as he heard the sound of a giant boomerang hitting Miroku on the head. 'Or, maybe,' Sango said, angrily, 'She could just tell us her name.' (I'd have written more, but I think I'll leave describing your character to you. ^_^ Enjoy.)
  12. 'Well, you Zodiacs never cease to amaze, do you?' Ben said, watching the rain fall as they searched. 'Probably not,' Kariz said, 'Why?' 'It's starting to piss me off.' he said, simply. She looked at him. He was quite an enigma. She just couldn't seem to figure him out, beyond the fact that he was a jerk who held the door every once in a while. 'Ben?' she said, finally. 'Yeah?' 'How did you end up with Reoan?' she asked. Ben turned, his eyes contrasting the stormy skies with their bright amusement. 'You really want to know?' 'Yeah.' she replied. He smiled, 'She beat me.' 'What?' 'I didn't stutter,' he said, 'She beat me in a straight fight. Not many people can do that, powers or not.' 'So, you just work for anyone that beats you up?' 'Nah,' Ben sighed, 'There are other reasons, but only one important one.' 'Which is?' Ben just smiled. 'Well?' Kariz asked, impatiently. He stopped as he saw three black cars at the mouth of an alley. 'What is it?' Ima asked. 'Yakuza, I'd guess.' he said with a smile, 'Wonder what they're doing there.' He headed towards the alley, drawing both pistols as he approached.
  13. (sure, why not?) 'This is sooo not good...' Sasuke said, stumbling to his feet. 'You shouldn't stand, yet.' Miroku said as he reached out to steady the young demon. 'Shut up,' Sasuke said, whirling on the monk angrily, 'I've gotta go find that thing and get my grandpa's sword back!' Suddenly, Sasuke stopped, glancing towards the trees. 'Who's there?' he growled, gripping his other sword tightly. (sorry it's so short guys, i've been unexpectedly torn away from my internet connection and am dealing with short stints on dial up, for the moment. i promise you'll get something longer and much better, next time)
  14. Sasuke jumped backwards as the demon's blood splashed down where he was standing. 'Good to know.' he said, glancing back at the wolf girl. 'Sasuke, watch out!' Shippo yelled. Sasuke turned in time to be struck again by the creature, sending him soaring through the air and knocking the beaten katana out of his hand. The demon reached for it. 'Don't even think about it!' Inuyasha yelled, sending another Windscar attack at the beast. It jumped, letting the blast pass harmlessly under it. It grabbed the sword and ran, picking up the sheath where it had fallen the first time it had struck Sasuke and disappearing into the forest. 'Damn,' Inuyasha said, 'it got away.' 'With Sasuke's Tetsusaiga.' Kagome added. 'That wasn't the Tetsusaiga!' Inuyasha insisted. 'Wait just a moment,' Miroku said, 'Where is Sasuke?' 'Over here!' Shippo called, 'I think he got knocked out.'
  15. Emory sat, pseudo-yoga style, in the chair as he waited for everyone. He had his ever-present sketchbook, working on a drawing. His bookbag was on the floor next to the chair. 'Emory?' He jumped, dropping his pencil, as he looked up to see Ashlyn looking at him. His eyes widened and he looked away. 'Um.. What's up?' he asked, picking up the pencil he dropped. 'I wanted to know why you wanted to go with us so bad,' she said, 'You really don't seem like the type for adventures.' 'Uh, hehe,' he seemd a bit lost, but he managed to get out, 'Well,' he held up the sketchbook, 'Maybe I'll find something to draw on the way. Something I wouldn't have seen, otherwise.' [I]Why did I[/I] say [I]that?[/I] he thought, [I]Now she's gonna think I don't care about the people that went missing. Or worse...[/I] His head fell a bit as he sighed. [I]Where is everyone? Please, someone show up and get me out of this mess...[/I]
  16. ooc: don't worry about it, i'm just glad the game's back ^_^ Ben launched one of the demons into the air with an uppercut that landed right below the demon's ear. He grinned as he heard something crack, probably a broken jaw. 'Not bad, human.' the demon said as it's jaw popped back into place. He thrust his hand, like a knife, at Ben's face. It hit only empty air. 'Ho-?' the demon was cut off by a foot landing in it's stomach. Then, they hit the turbulence. Ben saw two of the Zodiac fall as he srung from the floor, the force of the turbulence sending him flying over the demon's head. 'What?' Ben asked, 'You think that, just 'cause I don't have super powers that I can't kick your ass?' The demon whirled on him, planting his fist into Ben's stomach, knocking the wind out of him. Ben dropped, gasping for air. 'Exactly,' he said, raising his hand and grinning as his nails grew into claws, 'You may be good, but you're still only human.'
  17. The demon resembled a giant, roughly humanoid beetle. With gorilla-like arms and giant pincer jaws. 'Wha- What is that!?' Sasuke asked. 'Doesn't matter.' Inuyasha said, raising his sword, 'We're gonna kill it, anyway!' Inuyasha jumped at the demon, slashing with all his might. The beast reeled as the Tetsusaiga impacted against it, but seemed uninjured. 'What!?' Inuyasha asked, not believing the demon was that tough. The demon swung, catching both Inuyasha and Sasuke with it's arm and sending them flying. 'Everyone, look out!' Miroku called, unwrapping the beads from around his right hand. 'Wind Tunnel!' he shouted. Everything in front of himwas sucked into the vacuum that resided in his palm. The demon reacted quickly, throwing a nearby boulder in the way, in a vain attempt to seal the hole. When that didn't work, the demon dug it's claws into the ground. As it came closer to Miroku it jumped, clearing the pull of the Wind Tunnel and landing behind the monk. It swung it's arm back and sent the monk sprawling a few yards away. 'Miroku!' Sango cried, sending her horaikotsu at the creature. The creature simply raised it's arm and smacked the weapon away. 'Damn,' Inuyasha said, rising to his feet, 'This thing's better than I thought.' 'Yeah,' Sasuke grinned as he reached his feet, as well, 'Smarter, too.' 'You look like you're enjoying this, kid.' Inuyasha remarked. Sasuke shot him a glance as his grin grew into a smile, 'A little bit, maybe.'
  18. 'We don't have to eat whatever Inuyasha says we have to eat.' Tao stated. 'No, it's fine. There's no problem with the noodles.' Kagome replied. Sasuke shook his head and looked off into the forest. [I]Is this really happening?[/I] he thought, [I]Am I really surrounded by these people? In the middle of the fuedal era?[/I] Suddenly, he and Inuyasha looked up at the same time. 'Demon.' they said, in unison. Sasuke wasn't sure how he knew, but he did. This scent couldn't belong to anything else. 'Now?' Sango asked. 'Yeah.' Sasuke said, drawing his swords. 'You know how to use those, kid?' Inuyasha asked. 'Pointy end goes into the bad guy, right?' Sasuke shot back as the others grabbed their weapons. Inuyasha smirked as he drew the Tetsusaiga. Sasuke's jaw dropped as it transformed before him. 'Ok, I gotta learn how to do that.' he said as something burst throught the treeline. 'What the [I]hell[/I] is that thing?' Sasuke asked.
  19. Name: Benjamin Hawthorne Height: 5' 7" Weight: 176 lbs. Age: 20 Appearance: Medium build(like all my characters), Blue eyes and blonde hair. There's a small scar on his left cheek, barely noticable. He wears black leather pants and boots but has forgone a shirt in favor of a red leather trenchcoat. Race: Human Position: Still neutral, but as he starts to understand what's happening, he's finding that he'll have to choose a side, eventually. Weapon: A bastard sword and two 10mm pistols. Bio: Ben lived an interesting life. Moving around for the first half, between his abusive army father and his mom who hadn't a clue how to raise a kid. Not to mention getting himself kicked out of most of the schools he went to, for some reason or another, mostly fighting(which he's quite good at, to the point that it was suspected that he was a Guardian). The second half was spent in a small town in the middle of nowhere. After that, he settled down a bit(thank god, for medication and realizing you don't need it). But, he never lost his will to fight. Recently, he's found himself in the interesting situation of working with the people who were trying to kill the ex-Guardian he was working with and being stuck in Japan.
  20. Ok, finished it. Name: Sohma Jiro Age: 16 Gender: Male Appearance: Looks just like his uncle, Kyo. Background: Jiro spent his life as the cat of the Sohma family curse. Shunned and ridiculed, only knowing that they hated him for something he could not control. He learned to hate his family from an early age and continues to until this day, especially that damn Yukin. He also has a tendency to disappear for months at a time to train... Or just get the hell away from everyone else. Animal: Cat Fight: Oh yeah.
  21. 'Hot springs?' Sasuke asked. :animeblus Miroku's arm fell across his shoulders. 'There's no need to be nervous,' he said, 'It's simply a chance to relax and enjoy the sights.' 'Sights?' 'The scenery,' he said, 'Is quite beautiful around hotsprings.' 'Miroku...' Sango began. 'What?' 'Stop putting ideas in the kid's head.' Inuyasha said, 'We don't need him getting beat up, like you.' Sasuke sighed as the sun began to fall and they reached the hotspring. 'This won't end well.' he said, under his breath.
  22. Name: Emory Gray Age: 20 Gender: Male Physical description or pic: attached Personality: Shy and intelligent. Sweet and senstitive. A bit of a self-esteem issue. Yeah, he's a bloody nerd, what of it? Basic bio: Emory was always a shy person, from his first day of school. He got along fine, as long as he was alone. When people talked to him, he always seemed distant or nervous. But, he got good grades and didn't get into trouble, plus he liked to draw and had the spare time, so he made it through, alright. When he was in the 7th grade, his parents divorced. He was never told why, but they acted like they got along around him and didn't talk about each other when the other was gone. After high school, Emory went to The Art Institute of Washington to study, thanks to his few friends, threatening to hurt him if he didn't apply. After graduating, he joined a program put together by some Oxford graduate students in the British Isles. Mostly as something to put on his resume, but he also loved the chance to draw some of the landscapes there. Skills: Hm... Video gaming, drawing, photography and selling himself short.
  23. 'You're awake?' Kadar asked, 'That should've put you out for...' 'Yeah, shoulda, woulda, [I]didn't[/I].' Ben interrupted. 'Ok,' Kadar said, 'fine. I suppose you're gonna try and get some sort of revenge on me, now?' Ben shrugged, 'Nah, that'd be too easy. I'm just gonna warn you. You ever do that, again and I'll personally crucify your ass, got it?' 'Like you...' Kadar stopped as a bullet whizzed by his head. 'What?' Ben asked, adjusting his aim to the other man's head, 'Just remember, I don't work for you and I'm not a Zodiac. You try shit like that with me and you're dead.' (ooc: yep, short ass post, but i'm kinda tapped. we'll try for something a little longer tomorrow)
  24. ooc: sorry, everybody. my brain's been fried, lately and i haven't been able to think of anything for this. i'll get something up soon, though. i promise.
  25. 'Pretty sneaky for an angel, aren't you?' Ben said, appearing behind the man and resting his arm over his shoulder, leaning on him. There was a gun in his hand. 'The human that was with Reoan?' Adoil asked, a bit confused, 'And now, with the Zodiacs?' 'Yeah,' Ben said, "I'm weird, like that.' He gave the angel a shove, spinning him around to look down the barrel of the gun. 'You have no reason to point that at me.' the angel said. Ben shrugged, 'Reason? I don't need a reason.' he said. 'I just don't like you.' He cocked the hammer back. Adoil looked at him, critically. 'The most undisciplined human...' he began. 'Shut it.' Ben spat, 'At least I didn't kick somebody out of their own body so I could hit on some guardian. You call me undisciplined? Maybe, but at least I have some damn honor!' He fired twice, planting a bullet in each one of the angel's wings. Adoil looked at him, understandably, shocked. 'How do you know about that?' he asked, 'You have never lived before...' He stopped as a look of recognition came over his face. 'C-caleb.' he managed to stammer, 'It can't be.' 'I know you know how to fight, angel.' Ben said, holstering his pistols and dropping down into a martial stance, 'Let's see what you got.' 'I will wipe you from the face of this world.' Adoil said as he fell into a simliar stance. Ima protested, turning to Kariz, 'Shouldn't we do something?' Kariz shrugged, 'It's his ass not mine. Besides, he wants to pick a fight with an Angel, let him.' Ima turned back to the other two. 'Are you out of your mind?' she asked. 'Probably.' they said, in unison. They angel spread his wings and pushed, launching himself at Ben. He came straight with a right, catching Ben in the chin. He staggered backwards, spinning into a roundhouse kick that caught the angel in the stomach, doubling him over. They both staggered backwards, putting some space between them. Ben wiped a bit of blood from his lip and gave Adoil a grin. The angel looked at him harshly before coughing. Something warm and wet hit his lip and his hand shot up. It came away with blood on it. 'What?' he asked, shocked again, 'I cannot bleed, I'm not a mortal.' 'Check again,' Ben shot back, pointing to something behind the angel, 'You need to pay a little more attention.' Then, Adiol realized what Ben was pointing at. It wasn't something behind him, it was his wings... ...and the two bullet holes in them. 'You aren't gonna be able to pull any of that 'immortal' crap, for a while, with those, are you?' Ben chuckled. Adoil smiled, 'You mortals are full of surprises, aren't you?' I half expected you had gone into this, knowing you could never win.' 'Never is a long time, angel.' Ben said, smirking, 'You should know.' 'Now, run away, like we both know you're going to.' Ben said. 'Until next time, mortal.' Adoil replied, 'We'll finish this, then.' 'Yeah,' Ben said, 'Next time.'
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