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lil kitsune boy

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Everything posted by lil kitsune boy

  1. Ben twirled his guns and took aim as something materialized in front of the group. He put a bullet between it's eyes as it solidified, throwing it backward as more of them appeared. The one he shot slowly rose to it's feet. 'Looks like this is gonna be one crazy party,' he said, 'Let's rock.' He opened fire. Concentrating on the one he'd already wounded and letting the other two worry about the rest. He heard gunfire as the wind began to pick up and a blast of fire shot past him and into one of the creatures, incinerating it. Another fell to Ima's bullet. As the one he had been firing on fell, he ran up close and, using it's falling chest as a spring board, he sprang upward and twirled in the air, raining bullets down on a few of the remaining attackers. As he landed, one of them reached out, grabbing him throat. He fired two shots into it's stomach, but it did no good, it held him fast as it leaned in. Ben felt the wind pick up, again. But, it wasn't coming from either of the girls or the other one. Suddenly, he felt a jerk. Then, another. Then he realized what was happening. This thing was trying to suck out his soul. 'To Hell with that.' he said, jamming his gun into the things chin and pulling the trigger. It's head jerked backwards as Ben hopped away. Landing on one knee, Ben holstered his guns and drew his sword. 'Sorry,' he said, pointing the sword at the creature, 'I don't give it up on the first date.' The creature gave an eerie cry as an energy blade materialized in it's hand. Ben smirked. 'Where do they get these wonderful toys?' he asked as the creature lunged. Ben brought his sword up and the pair locked blades.
  2. Somebody please explain how they get me to do these things... Name: Haruko Hashimoto Age: 16 Gender: Female Appearance: ish attached Location: yeah, not a clue. wait till the map's up. Personality: Shy, innocent, and friendly(bit of a contradiction, I know). Cute, in an 'annoying as hell' sort of way. She has a tendency to put herself out for the sake of others. She has the uncanny ability to see good in situations where there is none that anyone else can see. Short History: She was the only child in a family of ten. Two parents, four granparents, an aunt, an uncle and a few older cousins... She just recently moved to Kitakata, with her father's job.(yeah, that's all i got for now) Subjects: Business, Visual Art, Geography, Gym, Math and English/Japanese(is that a choice or are you stuck taking both?) Relationships with other students: NONE!! She just moved here.
  3. [COLOR=Red]It was white, all around. Aside from the other person there. 'Where the hell did you come from?' Ben asked. The older man smiled, 'Oh, lots of places.' Ben drew his pistol and pointed at the man. 'Look, pops. I ain't in the mood for twenty questions, so let's cut to the chase.' he stated, 'Who are you, and what's going on here?' 'I'm here to tell you something,' the man said, still smiling, 'But I can't if you use that, now can I?' Ben twirled the gun around and holstered it. 'You got a point, old man.' he said, 'Just make it quick.' The man sighed, 'Kids, these days. Anyway, what do you know about your families past?' 'Aw man, pops,' Ben sighed, 'You're askin' the wrong guy.' The man walked around Ben and pulled the sword from his back. 'What the..?' Ben said, turning around. Th man held the blade up, inspecting it. 'Fine steel,' he said, 'Better than I've seen in a long time.' 'Didn't you have something to say? Something about my family?' Ben asked. He was getting impatient. 'I did.' the man replied, 'It also has something to do with that woman you were with.' Ben drew both pistols and aimed at the man's head. 'Hold on.' the man said, 'Let me introduce myself. My name is Caleb.' 'Ok, Caleb,' Ben said, the guns pointed, unwavering, 'Start talking.' 'Reoan once knew a man, you might even say she loved him.' Caleb said. 'Oh man, not one of these,' Ben said, 'Look, dude, I don't care about that stuff. The past is past, get over it.' Caleb grinned, 'Just what I'd expect from my decendant.' Ben stopped, 'What?' 'You, my young friend, are my descendant.' he said, 'By a few hundred years, of course.' 'So, you're showing up to me, because..?' Ben asked, dropping his arms. 'Reoan was in love with an angel, inhabiting my body. Then, he betrayed her.' Caleb said. 'So?' Ben asked, 'He's a dick, so what? There are a lot of them. What do you care? You didn't even know her.' 'Funny thing, that.' Caleb replied, 'I was a still-born. I died in the womb, because of Adoil. Then he took my body.' 'Well, isn't he a f*cker?' Ben replied, 'Anything else I should know?' 'Only that it's time to wake up.' Caleb said, tossing Ben's sword back to him. The white world Ben had found himself in started to fade. Caleb gave him one last smile before everything went black.[/COLOR] ******************* Ben sat up from the couch as he woke, shaking his head to clear it. 'So, where the hell am I this time?' he asked. Suddenly, he stopped, looking down at his chest. His hand went to his head. Then he stood, pulling off his coat and looking at his arm. 'Where'd my holes go?' he asked, 'The stitches are gone, too.' 'How'd you happen to wash up with our boy?' he heard someone ask. He turned to see a young latin woman in a red tank top. 'Yeah, this could work out.' he said with a smirk.
  4. Kagura smiled, 'So, how long until you go after the sword we've heard so much about?' 'I don't know what you're talking about,' Inuyasha said, drawing his sword, 'But, if it's a fight you want...' Kagura raised her hand, 'No, not this time.' 'Then what the hell do you want?' he asked, angrily. 'I'm simply here to confirm a rumor,' she replied, 'About a new demon.' She looked at Sasuke. 'What?' Sasuke asked, 'I dunno what you're talking about.' 'Don't play the fool with me, boy.' she said, 'Word travels quickly with demons, and I just happened to be close by. Interesting story, if short.' Sasuke looked at her, a quizzical look on his face. 'Well, I really must be off.' she said, hopping onto a giant feather, 'Don't disappoint me, Inuyasha. If I find the sword before you, it may be a little anti-climactic when I destroy you.' As she disappeared into the sky, Sasuke looked at Inuyasha. 'Ok, she's a *&#!ing weirdo.' he said.
  5. Ben pulled his shirt on, followed by his coat and holsters. 'You think you can make it for five minutes, without me here?' he asked Reoan. 'Where are you going?' Jacob asked him. Ben shrugged. 'Somethin' about that guy pisses me off.' he said. 'You're gonna fight a Zodiac?' Amber asked him, apprehensively. 'Depends,' he said, sheathing his sword on his back, 'On what he does when I get there.' He jammed two fresh clips into his guns and holstered them. 'You'd be going to your death, you know that.' Reoan said. 'I think I started on that trip when I signed up for this little adventure.' he smirked as he opened the door. 'Don't do it.' she said. Ben's smirk grew into an evil-looking grin, 'Well, if I knew you cared that much...' he trailed off as he closed the door. 'Insufferable human.' Reoan said. ***Outside*** 'Kadar, right?' Ben said, twirling a pistol in his hand. 'Yes.' he said, seeming a bit dejected. 'I have one question for you.' Ben stated, pointing the gun at the man. 'What's your deal? Do you even know what you're here for?' he asked. (ooc: yeah, it's short. but, i guarentee things'll get real interesting, depending on xy's answer)
  6. i'll post a.s.a.p. i'm a bit wiped, since it's 1 in the morning. don' worry, i'll get something tomorrow and it'll be good, i promise.
  7. ooc: wow, this turned out shorter than i though it would. oh well, i ran out of ideas, take it away, Astdis. Eric grabbed some clothes out of his bag and headed into the shower. A few minutes later, the door opened and steam poured out. Eric walked out in a pair of heavy leather pants and black boots, shaking his fingers through his hair to dry it off a bit. [COLOR=Blue][I]Hold on...[/I][/COLOR] Something was... missing. He couldn't place his finger on it, until... [COLOR=DarkRed]'Morning, sunshine!'[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]'Bloody hell...'[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]You don't seem happy to hear me, my love.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]'You think?'[/COLOR] Eric said, exiting the room. [COLOR=Lime]'You're out, already?'[/COLOR] Eric turned to see Alex standing behind him, two cups of coffee in her hands. [COLOR=Blue]'You didn't...'[/COLOR] She held one of the cups out for him, [COLOR=Lime]I didn't know how you like it, so I just made it the same as I like it.[/COLOR] He smiled and took the cup, [COLOR=Blue]'Thanks.'[/COLOR] he said, sipping it. [COLOR=Blue]'This is great.'[/COLOR] he said.
  8. Eric lay on his bed, the night's events replaying in his mind. [COLOR=DarkRed][I]'I wouldn't get too attached, if I were you.'[/I][/COLOR] Eric let out a breath, [COLOR=Blue][I]Back off.[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed][I]'But, you know you'll lose this one, as well. Don't you?'[/I][/COLOR] Eric urned his head, seeing Alex on the bed across the room. Her red hair showing above the blanket. [COLOR=DarkRed][I]'She'll die, just like the other one.'[/I][/COLOR] Eric closed his eyes. [COLOR=Blue][I]I doubt that.[/I][/COLOR] The other one chuckled, [COLOR=DarkRed]'And how is that? If you don't kill her, something else will.'[/COLOR] Eric looked over, again. She looked peaceful. She wasn't kidding when she said she'd get a good night's sleep. [COLOR=Blue]I won't let that happen.[/COLOR] he thought, closing his eyes. [COLOR=DarkRed]'Like last time?'[/COLOR] the other said. Eric didn't answer. Instead, he simply let unconsciousness take him.
  9. Name: Squall Age: 23 Personality: Quiet and introverted, he's quite antisocial until Rinoa comes into the picture. Apperance: Brown hair and eyes, a bit of a pretty boy, even with the scar going from the right side of his forehead, across the bridge of his nose, to the left cheek. Weapon: Gunblade, Lionheart
  10. Brandon slipped by the mass of people escaping the building. [B]'Hehe, that was easy.'[/B] he thought, making his way to the office marked 'Mr. Hoshi'. It was well kept, everything organized and in it's place. [I]'Maybe too easy, be careful.'[/I] Hecate said. Brandon pulled a small knife out of his back pocket and popped the lock on one of the filing cabinets. 'Right.' he said, as he began going through the files. A few minutes later, he had all the files that he could carry and then some. 'So, what do you think?' he said, 'Things are gonna be suspicious if there's no damage from that fire out there.' [I]'True enough.'[/I] Hecate agreed. Brandon walked out into the hall, facing the closed front doors. 'Hehe, time to blow this place.' he said, 'Damned!' The front door of the building blew off their hinges, accompanied by a gout of flame. Backdraft, is what they'd call it. Convenient excuse, that.
  11. Sasuke smiled. 'It is, kinda.' he said. 'Kinda?' 'I don't really care all that much,' he said, 'They belonged to someone I respect, that's all that matters to me.' 'Have you tried them out, yet?' Kana asked. 'Nah, I'm not sure what would happen.' 'Well, that's why you try them!' she said, a bit excited. 'Hey, kid.' Inuyasha said, looking back, 'You smell that?' He pulled the straight sword from the sheath on his back. 'Yeah.' There was a gust of wind as a woman appeared on the trail ahead. 'Inuyasha.' Kagura said.
  12. Eric sat alone in the tavern, away from everyone else there. His guitar sat in his lap, freshly tuned and waiting to be played. Now, if only he could bring distract himself enough to do it. 'Hey, there.' Eric jumped, turning to see who'd spoken as Alex plopped down in the chair in front of him. 'A bit jumpy, huh?' she said. He slouched in the chair and sighed. 'Maybe,' he said, 'What can I do for you?' She smiled at him, 'I was actually wondering if there was something I could do for you.' He looked at her, raising an eyebrow. 'What makes you think I need anything?' he asked her. She shrugged. 'Well, whatever caused you to black out back there probably wasn't too pleasant.' she said, 'Maybe you want to talk about it?' 'Not really.' he said, standing and walking away. 'Fine,' she replied, 'I can't make you. You'll just have to deal with it on your own.' Eric stopped. 'You don't want to get close to me.' he said, without turning. 'Why not?' she asked, 'We're going to be stuck together for a while. Why not get used to it?' 'I killed her.' he said, 'I killed them all.' She stopped, 'Who..?' 'That New Years',' he said, 'I killed my mother, my father... my little sister, too. I killed her...' 'Oh, god...' 'I killed Eve...' tears were beginning to well up, 'The same night I was going to propose...' He turned, looking her straight in the eye. 'And I did it... with a smile on my face and a song in my heart.'
  13. hey, i say, 'go for it'. we can always hunt you down and beat you with a stick, later. no, not really. but, yeah, i'd like to see 'em.
  14. sorry it's taking so long for mine, the scanner seems to have an issue with me. as for ben's style... think dante from devil may cry, only in black.
  15. 'Damn it.' Ben said, as he left the room. These two were asleep, the girl and the grigori. With nothing else to do, he decided to take a walk around the town. He grabbed his coat, pulling it on, but leaving the shirt. He'd be back before he was missed. Outside, it looked like any city in the world. Ben began to walk around, no real destination in mind. Hell, he'd never been here before. He passed an old shop that caught his eye. Above the store's name, something in a language he couldn't understand, there was a picture of an angel holding a sword above it's head. 'Funny, how many of them are showing up, lately.' he said. Suddenly, an old woman came rushing out of the shop, stopping in front of him. 'You!' she said, 'What are you doing here? You should not be here!' Ben looked at her, a smirk on his face. 'Yeah?' he said, 'Then where am I supposed to be?' 'You cannot continue, like this.' she said, ignoring his question. 'Like what?' 'You cannot help her.' she said. Ben drew his gun and took aim between the woman's eyes. 'What do you know about it?' he asked. The woman looked at him, harshly. 'Such an undisciplined youth.' she said, 'To point your weapon at an old woman, don't you see what she is doing to you?' 'She didn't,' he said, 'I just don't like anyone with a bigger mouth than me.' There was a noise behind him, he turned, both guns pointing in the direction it came from. 'Well, then we'll have to see how far your mouth will get you, no?' she said. 'What're you..?' he trailed off, seeing that the old woman had disappeared. He turned back as two creatures bagan to rise from the street. 'Looks like a party.' he said. He started forward, but stopped as a shooting pain ripped through his chest. He looked down, seeing the wound Reoan had put in him. It'd definitely slow him down. One of the creatures grinned as a scythe appeared in his hands. The other held a similar weapon. 'Aww, man. Not you guys, again.' Ben said, 'I was hoping for a little variety.' He took aim at the two creatures and fired. The creatures remained unfazed as the bullets impacted. 'Upgrades, huh?' Ben said, throwing the guns into their holsters and drawing the sword, 'Nothin' I can't handle.' The things lunged, swinging the scythes at Ben's chest. He stood his ground, raising the sword, perpendicular to the ground and catching both blades on it. The creatures began to push, hoping to force Ben's blade back onto him. Pain shot through his chest, again. He felt his arms about to give and dropped backwards, letting the blades pass over. He fell backwards, rolling to his feet. He was met by a blade coming straight at him. He raised his arm, just in time to stop it from imbedding itself in his skull. In exchange, it lodged itself in his arm and broke off where blade and shaft met. Not wasting any time, he turned and used the same blade to cut the head off the, now weaponless, monster. He kicked backwards, catching the other in the stomach as it's blade fell into his calf. He fell to one knee. 'Lots better than last time.' he said, smirking through the pain. The creature put his hand to the ground as Ben broke the shaft off the blade in his leg. When the thing pulled it's hand away from the ground, another scythe came with it. 'I gotta learn that trick.' Ben said, standing slowly. The creature rushed at him, but Ben had had enough. He tossed the sword into the air and punched the creature in the nose. Blood sprayed as he drove the blade in his arm into the creature, followed closely, by a spinning kick than landed the blade in his leg right where it's heart should be. As the sword fell into his waiting hands, he spun it around, taking the head off the thing's shoulders. 'Bloody hell.' Ben said, pulling the blades from his arm and leg. He began the long walk back to the hotel. When he got there, Amber and the grigori were still asleep. He began to patch himself up, wondering what the hell had just happened and whether Reoan had woken up, or what, yet.
  16. Sasuke laughed. He set the box on the ground and opened it. Inside, there were two swords. One was a katana in a sheath with torn wrapping on the hilt. The other was a straight sword, it's hilt wrapped in red cord leading down to the coin shaped pommel. There were supplies for cleaning them inside, as well. 'That looks like the Tetsusaiga.' Kagome said. 'And the other is the Tokijin.' Miroku stated. 'Alright, where the hell did you get these?' Inuyasha demanded. 'These were my grandpa and great uncle's.' he said, picking up the katana and pushing the sheath under his belt. He picked up the straight sword, revealing another sheath under it. 'But, I guess it would be a bit weird for you.' he said, 'That would mean you're one of them.' 'Like hell I am!' Inuyasha shot back. 'Right,' Sasuke said, 'Anyway, shouldn't we get going? This sword isn't going to find itself.'
  17. [COLOR=Lime]'Fight it, Eric. You've got to follow my voice.'[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]'That sounds like...'[/COLOR] he turned, facing the other one. [COLOR=DarkRed]'You know it's not, why do you do this?'[/COLOR] he said. [COLOR=Blue]'Shut it.'[/COLOR] Eric said, [COLOR=Blue]'I know how i get out of here, now.'[/COLOR] The other looked a bit nervous, [COLOR=DarkRed]'Do you, now?'[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]'Yeah.'[/COLOR] Eric said, cracking his knuckles. The other backed up, quickly. [COLOR=DarkRed]'What are you doing?'[/COLOR] he said, nearly tripping over his own feet. Eric smiled, looking past the other one. [COLOR=Blue]'You're not so strong, you know.'[/COLOR] he said, walking past the other, [COLOR=Blue]'Not if you're scared of me.'[/COLOR] He continued walking, until he reached a glowing white door that rose from the blackened ground. As he reached for it, the world around disappeared. [COLOR=Green]'Eric?'[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue][I]That voice, it can't be...[/I][/COLOR] he thought as he opened his eyes. [COLOR=Blue]'Bloody hell...'[/COLOR] he said, his head pounding as he looked up at Alex. [COLOR=Blue]'Thanks.'[/COLOR] he said, [COLOR=Blue]'You probably just saved more than just me.'[/COLOR] He stayed silent after that.
  18. ooc: ok, eric's turn for an unconscious hallucination, ready for this? [COLOR=Blue]'Where am I?'[/COLOR] Eric looked around, an expanse of darkness surrounded him. He began to walk, trying to find his way back. [COLOR=Blue][I]Back to where? Where am I supposed to be?[/I][/COLOR] he thought. It seemed like he'd been walking for hours. [COLOR=DarkRed]'Hello, my love.'[/COLOR] Eric jumped, turning around quickly. And there he was, staring at himself. No, not himself. It was [I]him[/I]. He could tell by the eyes. Blood red eyes. [COLOR=Blue]'What do [I]you [/I]want?'[/COLOR] he said. The other shrugged. [COLOR=DarkRed]'To help you find your way back.'[/COLOR] he said. Eric looked at him, skeptical. [COLOR=DarkRed]'You don't trust me?'[/COLOR] he said, [COLOR=DarkRed]'I'm hurt.'[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]'Go to hell.'[/COLOR] Eric said. The other laughed. [COLOR=DarkRed]'But, my precious, if I went to Hell, I'd have to take you with me.'[/COLOR] Eric turned away, beginning to walk, again. [COLOR=DarkRed]'That's not the way, you know.'[/COLOR] Eric ignored him and kept walking.
  19. *looks down at the sketchbook in his lap* well, i was just bored, but... i'll get on that. nice drawings, by the way.
  20. [QUOTE=demonchild781]Ok kiddies, Remember people, I am GOD in this rpg. What I say goes! :animesigh[/QUOTE] Don't you know the rule? You're not God. God's one of your NPC's. :D
  21. Ben looked at the girl's desparate eyes... damn that conscience. 'Boil some water and get some more alchohol. I'll need some clean cloth and a lighter, too.' he sighed, it was going to be a long night. 'You mean it?' the girl said, tears in her eyes, 'You'll help?' 'Yeah,' he said, impatiently, 'Now go get the stuff, we don't have a lot of time.' He looked down at the guardian. He'd have to stop the bleeding and finish closing the wound. For the first time, he kinda wished he had some of those powers. 'Here's the alchohol, the water's boiling, now.' the grigori half-breed said, handing him a bottle. 'Good,' he said, 'Now the best thing you can do is stay away from here. I'll need as much room as I can get.' The larger man backed away as the girl came in the room with clean cloth and the lighter. 'What do you need this for?' she asked, handing him the lighter and setting the cloth down on a nearby stool. 'The lighter?' he held up the needle and put the flame under it, pulling it away only after the tip of the needle had began to glow red. 'Sterilization,' he said, 'Wouldn't make any sense to go to all this trouble just to have her die from a damn infection, would it?' He threaded the needle before dipping it into the alchohol, better too much than not enough. Then, he got to work. After a few hours of careful and tedious sewing, making sure every stitch was in place and the wound wasn't going to reopen, Ben fell backwards into a nearby chair. 'Is she going to be ok?' Amber asked. Ben sighed, 'Well, I'm not a real doctor. I've just had to do this enough times to know how... It's up to her, really.' 'What do you mean?' 'She's on the edge, either way.' he said, stretching until about fifteen different joints cracked, 'It depends on how much she want's it.' 'I've done all I can.'
  22. [I]This sucks! Don't you have a spell that'll get us where we're going?[/I] [B]I already told you, it doesn't work that way. Besides, if you'd gone the way I told you, we wouldn't be in this mess.[/B] Hacate replied. [I]Oh, shut up...[/I] Brandon told her. Brandon had been walking for the last few hours, trying to find the other people who'd been on t.v. So far, no luck. [B]Are we there, yet?[/B] [I]I swear, if you ever... Just shut up.[/I] he sighed. He came up to a house, (when did he get into this part of town?) with quite a few people leaving. Only, half of them were transparent. [B]I think we're here.[/B]
  23. Sasuke sighed, pointing in the direction the girls had gone. 'What's wrong, Sasuke?' Kana repeated. 'Nothing, just thinking.' he replied. 'About?' 'Everything that's happened,' he said, 'Yesterday, this whole world was nothing more than a story... Today, I'm neck deep in it.' He adjusted the case on his back, again. 'Hey, what's in the box?' Inuyasha asked him.
  24. ooc: sorry it's short, doesn't seem to be much i can do, at the moment... ^_^() ic: Kyoshiro caught her looking down at her hoodie. He looked disappointed. 'Don't you know how to fight?' Kyoshiro asked, like everyone should be able to.
  25. [I]'Having fun, my precious?'[/I] Eric could almost feel the voice, dancing around in his head. Eric spun, ducking under one creature, only to get a fist in the face from another. It hurt like hell, but, at least, he knew they were solid. [I]'You're going to die, like this. You know that, right?'[/I] 'Rraaagh!' Eric screamed as he shot backwards, just as another shadowmelder appeared in the spot he'd just vacated. He drew his sword and slashed, splitting the thing in half. The sword slipped from his hand, spinning across the room and imbedding itself into the wall. [I]'Now... Now we see what you're made of. Show them, my love.'[/I] One of the shadow melders paused, turning towards Eric. He stood, rigid and trembling. His eyes slowly opened. They were blood red... Two shadow melders began to circle around Eric. Slowly, the began to close in on him. He stood straight, his eyes following them. They sprang at him and he was enshrouded in an impenatrable umbra. 'Eric!' Ivy cried. 'Is he dead, too?' Taikaru asked. There was a low popping noise, followed by a pair of unearthly screams as the shadow around Eric shredded apart. The last of the shadow melders turned to flee, but Eric noticed it first. He jumped on the creature's back, a sadistic smile on his face. 'Where do you think you're going?' he asked it, his voice sounding like someone ripped the vocal chords out of a demon and shoved them down his throat. He raised his hand, his fingers looking like claws, and shoved it through the shadow melder's back. Blood sprayed as his fingers burst out of the thing's chest and his smile grew. He hopped off the shadow melder's back as it fell to the ground. Blood dripped from his hands and face as he slowly made his way over to the wall where his sword had stuck. The others watched him, nervously. What had just happened, back there? He reached up and pulled the sword from the wall. As soon as it was free, he collapsed, unconscious.
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