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lil kitsune boy

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Everything posted by lil kitsune boy

  1. Outside the city, Asher led a charge of a hundred and fifty men on horseback in a march towards the city gates. He pulled them up short when he saw battles already taking place. 'So, they started the party without me.' Asher remarked. 'We call it 'fashionably late', sir.' one of the leutenents said. 'Right,' Asher said with a smile, turning towards his men. 'Men! Hear me! For years, we have been oppressed by this tyrant. Our people, killed and enslaved! So, now is the time! Now is the time when we must say 'No more!' Now is the time when we must take up our weapons and fight back! As you can see, there are others who, just like us, have heard the call and wage a war against this tyrant! Now, I beseech you all, my brothers... Take up your weapons, join the other brave souls here and free our land! What say you?' There was a resounding cheer as Asher lead the charge against the city.
  2. 'Enjoy yourself?' Eric asked as M passed him, exiting the room. 'How long were you there?' Ma asked, a little surprised. 'Long enough,' Eric said, smiling, 'You know, most people don't have what it takes to stand up to a superior officer.' 'Is that a compliment?' M asked. 'Eh, somewhere in between.' 'You do enjoy being an enigma, don't you?' M remarked. Eric chuckled a bit. 'It's worked for me so far.' he said. 'You know,' M said, 'You can't keep this up forever. Eventually you'll have to open up to someone.' Eric smile faded, briefly, 'You think so?' M looked at Eric, seeing the all the pain his smile tried to hide, 'Eric, sharing your past is not a weakness. As much as you think you're sparing other people, you're only bringing yourself more pain.' Eric turned away, walking down the hall. 'You might be right, M.' he said, 'But I can't. Not just yet.'
  3. Eric did not like this. Inside the snake's stomach was too narrow to draw his sword, even if he had it. Thankfully, it was still outside, away from the digestive acids burning his skin and clothes. Fortunately for Eric, that wasn't the only weapon he had. His hand shot into the pouch near his knee, coming out with two small knives. 'Sorry,' he said, 'but I'm going to have to be going now.' He plunged the knives into the creature stomach wall, cutting a hole wide enough to walk through, were he able to stand up in this thing, in one go. The creature writhed in agony as it's body was disected from the inside out. A few moments later, he had cut himself a hole to the outside. The creature fell dead as he jumped to the ground, rolling towards the building and his sword. He grabbed his sword, unsheathing it and turning back to the creatures in one smooth motion, only to find them all dead. He sheathed his sword and turned to the others to see M and Andy missing and a giant hole in the ground. 'I think they're down there.' he said. 'Ok, ' Lee said, 'But where are your clothes?' Eric looked down, it appeared the snake's digestive acids had burned him in a few spots and eaten away most of his clothing. 'Eh, 'he said, 'Everything important's covered, let's get going.'
  4. [I]'Et numini patri et fili, spiritus sancti.'[/I] Colville looked straight up into the sky, very bored. A pile of ash lay in front of him, the remains of yet another vampire who was unfortunate enough to cross his path. 'Why can't I find something worth me time?' he said, turning to leave, 'And I still have ta find that vampire from Australia and her little pet.' Colville wandered into the darkness, leaving the body of the little girl lying dead in the street.
  5. It was nighttime in the forest, and most of the village was asleep. But Asher never really slept, lately. Something was... nagging him, in the back of his mind. He'd very narrowly escaped Damion's soldiers. But it was something about the man that bothered him. 'Asher, you should sleep.' came a familiar voice from a nearby window. Asher turned, smiling. 'I can't sleep, ' he said, 'What's your excuse, Isabella?' The girl smiled, not a day over fifteen, her crush on Asher was clearly evident when she spoke to him. 'I was watching you again.' she admitted, 'You got beat up pretty bad, didn't you?' Asher laughed. He had to admit, Damion had worked him over pretty bad. 'Yeah, but I'll live.' he said. 'This time,' she countered, 'but you might not be so lucky next time. What do you think would happen to us, here, if I...' she paused, embarrased, 'If we lost you?' 'I don't know,' Asher admitted, 'I think you'd make it.' 'But, you almost died this time!' she was starting to cry, 'You always said 'ifyou know who you're fighting, you'll always be ok.' But that didn't help you, you weren't ok! And how long do you think it would take him to find this place if you weren't around? A few months? Weeks?' Asher was speechless. She was right. For all he knew about how Damion's soldiers fought, he didn't know a thing about the man himself. Was this what had been bothering him? In all the time Asher had fought, he knew bloodlust when he saw it. But was Damion about more than that? Could that tyrant be more than just that? It seemed impossible. 'You're right.' he said. 'You're damn right I am.' she replied, 'So, what are you going to do now?' 'I don't know,' Asher said, 'I'll have to think about it.'
  6. Kewl, that's two. A few more and we should be ready to start this thing. Come on and sign up, people!
  7. It hadn't been too long since he arrived in Japan. After he heard that the assassin and her little prodigy would be here, he had to come. It was turning out to be an interesting trip for Eugene Colville... 'Death', as he'd reclaimed his old, vampire given title, already. He'd already dispatched three vampires, and was working on seven more at the moment. 'You picked a bad place to be, Priest.' one of them said. 'Tell me,' Colville asked, softly, 'Which of the clans are ye from?' 'We are Zugai.' one of the others said, 'The greatest of them all.' Colville started to chuckle, after a moment it grew into a full-throated laugh. 'You mock us?' the first asked, 'Prepare to die, human!' Colville suddenly stopped laughing, and stopped the vampire dead in his tracks with a glance. 'Human?' he asked, his gun slowly rising, 'Not quite.' he finished as he opened fire. A few moments later, Colville stood there, an amused look on his face and seven piles of ash around him. 'The greatest of the clans, eh? I guess that mean the rest'll be just as easy.'
  8. Eric stood in the doorway, leaning against the doorjam. For the moment, his trademark smile gone from his face. His fingers were idly playing with the tie on his sword. His gaze going back and forth from the children playing outside, to Farel's prone form. [I]Why didn't I see this coming? Is something blocking me?[/I] His eyes closed as his head fell to rest against the frame of the door. 'Damn.'
  9. 'Damn,' Asher said, slowly rising to his knees, 'How can he be so strong?' As an answer he was hoisted to his feet by two soldiers. 'What shall we do to... I mean, with him?' one of them asked. Asher coughed, surprised to see blood fall to the ground. Then all he could taste was dust and copper. 'Looks like we won't have to do a thing, the king beat him half to death.' the other said. 'Yeah, he probably won't ever be strong enough to be threat.' the first said, 'Stupid kid, to think he had the nerve to threaten our king.' 'Screw it, let's get him back to the dungeon.' 'All right, but let's go through the back streets. Otherwise, we'll never get him there, this crowd's out for blood.' The back streets were nearly empty, most of the people having shown up to watch the 'example' the king had prepared. [I]Good enough.[/I] Asher thought. 'So, what do you think the king will do to this one?' the first soldier asked. 'What do you think?' the other answered, 'Kill him, probably painfully.' 'You think so?' Asher piped up, 'Beause I really don't like pain.' With this, Asher pulled his arms free and twisted one soldier's head around like a bottle top. 'What the hell?' the remaining soldier drew his sword, but too late. Asher drove his knuckles into the the man's throat, collapsing his windpipe. 'Even if it's for my enemy, the only one I want to see in pain is Damion.' Asher rubbed his wrists where the shackles had worn them raw, as he started out of town. 'And, next time, I swear he'll get it.'
  10. :: Three thousand years ago... :: The air was oppressive in the demon's workshop. The forge had been blazing for the last month as the promising young smith worked. 'Are you done yet, demon?' the man demanded. 'Patience, Amatsu Mikaboshi.' the demon replied, swinging his hammer, 'A sword of this quality takes time and skill. This is why you came to me, because to use less of either would cost more in the end.' 'I tell you, Totosai,' Amatsu threatened, 'If this sword is not perfect, there will be no escape from my wrath.' 'So you said when I began,' Totosai reminded him for what had to be the hundredth time this week, 'But your 'God of Evil' act only prevents me from concentrating on your sword, my lord.' Amatsu turned to leave, but left one more statement before he did. 'Just remember, Totosai. I am the god of evil, and if that sword is not done before I return, you will find out how I earned my title.' Totosai sighed as he pulled the sword from the fire and thrust it into a pool of cool water. 'To see this sword used for such evil,' he said to the empty cave, gazing at the perfect blade through the steam, 'It breaks my heart. But, maybe someday, it can be used for good...' :: A month later... :: 'Now, Izanagi,' Amatsu declared, 'Instead of killing you, I think I will seal you away, so you can watch as I rule your world. The very world I took, in only one battle, with this sword.' Amatsu held up a small, ornate box, uttered a few words and Izanagi was sucked in, sealed away for all time. :: Present day... :: 'And that's how the legend goes.' The man said, looking around the classroom. He was in his early thirties, very handsome with close cropped brown hair and a 'lady killer' smile. This was 'Motosawa-sensei'. The teacher all the girls had crushes on, the one everyone went to for advice. 'But, Motosawa-sensei,' A girl in the third row said, 'If Izanagi was sealed away and Amatsu ruled the world, how come he doesn't now?' 'Very good question, Ms. Ieyasua.' Motosawa replied as the girl blushed, 'In the story, some of the other gods rose up to defeat Amatsu Bikamoshi. Thus, freeing the world from his reign.' 'But what about Izanagi?' another student asked, 'Would he still be locked away, or did they let him out?' Motosawa chuckled, 'I believe they would have let him out,' he said, 'Otherwise, how would we be hear? He is the 'creator god', after all.' Then Mr. Motosawa realized that one student wasn't paying the strictest attention. 'Mr. Haruno,' he said, 'Is this not interesting enough for you?' 'Sasuke,' one girl scolded him, 'Why aren't you paying attention?' Sasuke looked away from the window he'd been looking out of, back to the girl's angry face, and Motosawa's disappointed one. Brushing his raven black hair, which was in desparate need of a cut, out of his yellow eyes. 'Thank you, Ms. Umuino.' Mr. Motosawa said, 'But, she's right, Mr. Haruno. You should be listening.' Sasuke shrugged, 'I would, but I've heard all this before.' 'Really?' Motosawa asked, 'Then, please, how does it end?' Sasuke sighed, 'Amatsu was defeated by Bishamon and Ho-Masubi, sealed away and his sword was lost during the battle. Afterwards, they freed Izanagi and lived happily ever after, right?' Sasuke finished as the bell rang. 'Alright, everyone,' Motosawa said, 'I want you to write what you think about this story, no less than three pages. Class dismissed.' Everyone rose to leave, but Mr. Motosawa called Sasuke aside. 'Sasuke, is everything alright?' he asked, once most of the students were gone. 'No, why?' 'You've never zoned out in class like that before.' Mr. Motosawa said, 'Are they teasing you again?' Sasuke closed his eyes, a source of constant aggravation and ridicule since his childhood. 'No,' Sasuke said, 'It's not that. It just seems like I'm... like I'm not where I should be right now, you know?' Motosawa sighed, 'Sasuke, nobody wants to be in school...' 'It's not that,' Sasuke interrupted, 'I'm not sure what it is.' Motosawa smiled, 'Well, it seems that this is interferring with your school work, so I'm recommending that you take the rest of the day off.' :: The fuedal era... :: This battle was a long time coming. Inuyasha, one of the sons of the Great Dog Demon. Kagome, the girl with holy powers from the future. Miroku, the monk who's line was cursed by Naraku. And Sango, the demonslayer who seeks to free her brother from Naraku's control. Against Naraku himself, the demon incarnation of Onigumo. This would be the final battle. 'Now you die Naraku.' Inuyasha declared, 'Windscar!' A powerful burst of energy flew from the sword. Accompanied by a sacred arrow fired by Kagome and the Horaikotsu, thrown by Sango. While, on the other side, Miroku opened his Wind Tunnel. Naraku tried to hide behind a barrier, but the combined power of the three projectiles pushed him back into range, where Miroku's Wind Tunnel could pull him in. 'This isn't over, you insects!' Naraku cried, 'I'll be back!' Miroku closed the Wind Tunnel over Naraku's cries, sealing him inside. When he opened his hand, he saw the hole fading, until it was gone completely. 'It's gone.' he said, almost collapsing in relief. 'Really?' Kagome asked, 'The Wind Tunnel is sealed?' Miroku nodded as Kagome and Sango leaned in to look. They looked for a few moments before Inuyasha heard two sharp 'smack!'s. 'Some monk.' Inuyasha said, spotting something on the ground. He squatted down to look closer. 'I found the Sacred Jewel.' he said. Everyone turned to look at him. They all knew what this meant, there was a choice to be made. 'Inuyasha...' Kagome started. 'Inuyasha,' Sango interrupted, 'You don't still intend to become a full demon, do you?' Inuyasha turned, then after a few moments, tossed the Jewel to Kagome. 'You hang on to it,' he said, 'At least until we find someone to guard it properly.' :: Five Hundred and two years later... :: 'The Bone-Eater's Well?' Sasuke asked. 'Yes, that's it.' his mother replied, 'Legend has it, they used to throw demons that they'd killed into it, and they'd disappear.' 'That's kinda gross.' Sasuke said, 'Is that it?' 'Oh no,' she replied, 'Supposedly, you can use it to travel to the past, but only if you have a connection with it. But, that's just an old story.' She laughed, 'Now come inside and help me with dinner. Maybe after we're done, I can tell you about your grandfather's sword and the dog demons.' 'Again?' Sasuke asked, heavily, 'You tell me that story every other day.' 'Well, it was always one of your favorites. Now, hurry up and get inside.' As Mrs. Haruno turned to go inside, Sasuke leaned over to look inside the well. 'Bone-Eater's Well, huh?' he said to no one. Sasuke looked down, hoping, maybe, to see something. But, after a few moments, gave up to go inside. As he turned his shoe found a wet spot on the floor, but he caught himself. 'That was close.' he said, turning back to the well, 'I almost fell down there.' As he turned to leave, he heard a voice from the well. 'It breaks my heart. But, maybe someday, it can be used for good...' Suddenly, Sasuke felt dizzy. He tried to make it to the stairs, but the vertigo overcame him and he fell. He fell farther and farther, shouldn't he stop soon? Did he fall from the Earth? No, that was ridiculous. So, where did the ground go? So many things went through his mind that he almost didn't notice when he hit the ground. Sasuke coughed. He tried to stand, expecting to feel dizzy again, but was surprised to find that he felt fine. He looked up, hoping to see the wellhouse, his mother and her 'You-know-you're-not-supposed-to-do-that' look. Imagine his surprise when he saw a clear blew sky and a bird fly overhead. 'What the hell is going on here?' he said as he began to climb. Sasuke almost fell again when he reached the mouth of the well. His family's shrine was gone, replaced by forest. 'Um, where'd Tokyo go?' he asked the trees as he pulled himself the rest of the way out of the well. Sasuke walked around, trying to gain a bearing on where he was and what happened. He saw a town in the distance, so he headed there. He was almost to the town when he finally noticed something. The houses, they looked... old? Like huts, but like they were newly made. This has got to be a dream. That's it, I was knocked out. he thought, trying to rationalize what he was seeing. But, something about that didn't make sense. It didn't feel like he was dreaming. Sasuke walked a bit, trying to find someone who could tell him where he was. As he passed, he heard people talking in their houses. They seemed to be talking about some powerful threat, and Sasuke heard mention of a sword. After half an hour, he came across an old woman. 'Hello?' he called, trying to get her attention. The old woman turned. Sasuke noticed she was dressed like a priestess, and her right eye was covered, possibly gone, by a tsuba. 'Oh, a visitor.' the old woman said, 'What can I do for thee?' Thee? Sasuke thought, 'I was just wondering where I was. If you could tell me...?' The old priestess smiled, 'My name is Kaede and ye are in Edo.' she replied. 'Edo?' Sasuke asked, 'How's that possible? Edo was renamed...' Sasuke stopped. 'Supposedly, you can use it to travel to the past, but only if you have a connection with it. But, that's just an old story.' 'No way.' Sasuke murmured. 'What is it?' Kaede asked, ''Is something wrong?' 'Um, yeah, maybe.' Sasuke said, 'What year is it?' Kaede stopped to look at Sasuke. Noticing the jeans, the sneakers, the t-shirt and black jacket. 'Let me guess,' she said, smiling, 'There was a well involved?' Sasuke's jaw dropped, 'How did you..?' 'Come with me.' Kaede interrupted, 'There is someone you should meet.' :: Two hours later... :: 'So,' Miroku said, 'You can travel through the well, just like Kagome.' Sasuke nodded, 'I guess,' he said, 'But, you're sure I can go back whenever I want?' 'That's right,' Kagome said, 'Don't worry about a thing.' Sasuke let out a breath, looking around at them all. His eyes stuck on Inuyasha. 'You got a problem with me?' Inuyasha demanded. 'No, not at all.' Sasuke said, quickly, 'It's just... Your ears, they're...' 'Not human,' Inuyasha finished for him, 'You got a problem with that?' he asked, cracking his knuckles. 'Well, no.' Sasuke said, smiling uncomfortably, 'I think they're pretty cool. They remind me of a story.' Inuyasha turned up his nose, walking away. 'You shouldn't act so surprised,' he said, 'You think a demon would be used to that sort of thing.' 'A what?' Sasuke asked. 'Come to think of it, I have been sensing a demonic aura since you arrived.' Miroku stated. 'Wait,' Sasuke said, 'You're trying to say I'm a demon?' 'Yeah.' Inuyasha said, 'Like you didn't know. Now cut the act and fess up!' 'Inuyasha.' Kagome said, 'Sit!' Sasuke flinched as Inuyasha fell to the ground with a thud. 'How the he...?' he said. 'I'm not sure how to tell you this, Sasuke,' Kagome said, reaching over to pat his hand, 'But, Inuyasha was right. You're a demon.' Sasuke pulled his hand away, standing. 'You know,' he said, 'I thought I was nuts, waking up in the fuedal era. But, you guys got me beat.' 'I know this seems hard to accept...' Miroku started. 'Don't.' Sasuke interrupted, 'Just don't, the last thing I need right now is...' Sasuke was interrupted by a loud explosion outside. 'What the hell?' Sasuke yelled, running to see what had happened. Outside he found Kaede and a few men he'd seen in the village running towards them. 'Boy!' the old priestess yelled to him, 'Get the others outside, there are demons on it's way!' Sasuke began to turn as the others ran by him, Inuyasha in the lead with his sword drawn and a red mark on his face. 'You picked a bad time to show up, demon.' Inuyasha said as Sasuke looked back, right at three fifty foot long centipedes. 'What the hell are they? Sasuke asked. 'It's a centipede demon.' Sasuke heard as something crawled up his back and sat on his shoulder. 'Who are you?' Sasuke asked, looking at the little boy on his shoulder. 'I'm Shippo,' he said, 'I'm a fox demon, and a great warrior.' Sasuke looked at him, disbelievingly. 'Ok, so I'm still a little kid.' Shippo conceded, 'But, I help out.' 'Ok, so why aren't you helping now?' Sasuke asked. 'Why aren't you?' Shippo shot back. 'What am I supposed to do?' Sasuke asked, 'I've never even been in a fight, not to mention the fact that I don't have any powers or weapons.' He finished as Inuyasha cut a demon in half with the Tetsusaiga. Shippo was about to answer when he noticed something that made him go white. One of the demons was headed straight for them. 'Run!' Shippo screamed as he jumped from Sasuke's shoulder. Sasuke turned, but too late. The next thing he knew, he was encased by a coiled centipede body. 'That's it!' Inuyasha said, 'I'm getting sick of playing with these things, I'll get that last one with my Windscar.' 'Inuyasha, no!' Sango said, 'If you use your Windscar, you'll hit Sasuke, he's trapped in there!' 'Damn it.' Inuyasha spat, 'Why'd he have to go and get himself trapped? He should just bust out of there.' Inside the centipede shell, Sasuke was freaking out. 'What the hell is going on here!?' he asked frantically. This had to be a dream, it just had to. 'Am I gonna die here?' At this thought, something inside Sasuke snapped... broke, awoke, was born, he wasn't sure. All he knew was that he was not going to die here. 'Do you feel that?' Miroku asked. 'Yeah,' Sango said, 'A powerful demon aura.' 'It's about time he wised up.' was all Inuyasha said before the centipede demon blew apart. 'Iron Reaver Soul Stealer!' Sasuke cried. 'What!?' everyone asked in unison. 'Hey!' Inuyasha said, walking over to Sasuke, 'Where'd you learn how to do that?' Sasuke, out of breath, looked up at Inuyasha. 'My mom told me stories...' he said, between breaths, 'About someone who could do that... that's just what it looked like in my head, so I did it.' Sasuke stood as Inuyasha opened his mouth to say something. Inuyasha stopped as Sasuke slapped his neck. He pulled his hand away and looked down to see what it was. He saw, what appeared to be, a human...ish, flea. 'Mioga?' Inuyasha asked, 'What are you doing here?' 'Master Inuyasha,' Mioga said, popping back into a much less... flat, shape, 'I bring terrible news.' 'Yeah,' Inuyasha said, 'So, spit it out, already.' 'Rumors among the demons of late have had a startling correspondence,' he said, 'In other words, they're all about the same thing.' 'Yeah?' Inuyasha prompted, getting impatient. 'They're all about a sword.' Mioga stated, 'A sword that's powerful enough to kill a divine being in one blow!' 'So?' Inuyasha said, 'Rumors are rumors. There's no need to get so worked up about it.' 'Master Inuyasha!' Mioga said, 'Do you realize what would happen if a demon got their hands on a weapon of that power?' 'Yeah,' Inyasha replied, 'If it even exists. But, for now...' Inuyasha was cut off by a scream from Miroku. Everyone turned to see what was wrong to see the monk clutching his right hand. 'Miroku!' Kagome said, rushing over. Miroku turned away quickly as dust and rock began to tumble their way toward him, driven by the wind. 'What the hell?' Sasuke and Inuyasha asked at once. 'No.' Inuyasha said, I can't be, Naraku's dead.' 'Tell that to Miroku!' Sango said. Miroku fumbled through his robes, pulling out his prayer beads. As he wrapped them around his hand, the wind began to die. 'Ok,' Sasuke said, 'Someone wanna explain?' ::Summary:: Two years after the destruction of Naraku, Inuyasha and the others have managed to settle down and begin normal lives. Miroku's Wind Tunnel has disappeared. Kagome has returned to her own time, but manages to visit from time to time. The Sacred Jewel has been reassembled and locked away from the world, guarded by Kikyo. But rumors have begun to spread amonst the demons of Japan, rumors of a sword that could destroy the world. Said to originate near Hokaido(far north), the sword is rumored to possess a power that can kill even a god in one blow. Now, demons all across Japan have begun a frantic search for it. Even worse news, Miroku's Wind Tunnel has reappeared! Is Naraku still alive? If he is, is he after the sword as well? It looks as though the normal life everyone thought they'd gained will be a little harder to come by than they thought. The time has come to pick up their weapons and save the world... again. It's up to you what your character has done for the last two years, unless it was already up there(like Kikyo). So, how's it sound? Sounds like fun, huh? Oh well, here's the character info we need, then we'll get started. Name: Age: anywhere between 9(i'm guessing that's shippo's age) and 25(exeptions for full demons) Gender: Species: human, demon, or half demon(please include what kind of demon, inuyasha's a dog demon, shippo's a fox demon, that kinda thing) Eyes: Hair: Height: Weight: Weapons/Powers: such as, the tetsusaiga(not really, unless you're inuyasha) or the wind tunnel, a giant boomerang(horaikotsu) travel through time(for the moment, we're just gonna call this a power, but if you want to, i need a good reason, like being inuyasha or kagome) also, please include when they lose their powers(half demons and curses should be the only ones who have to worry about this) Personality: what you're like. are you fun loving? irritable? do you tease small children and animals for fun? that kinda stuff Background: as much or as little as you want, but please put something so we can get an idea of your motivations(if you don't want other character's to know, simply say so) Mission: what you're doing here Here's an example: Name: Sasuke Age: 18 Gender: Male Species: Half-demon(dog) Eyes: Yellow Hair: Black Height: 5'6" Weight: 143 lbs. Weapons/Powers: Iron Reaver Soul stealer, Blades of Blood, travel through time, enhanced strength, speed, senses and endurance. Loses powers during the night of the new moon. Personality: cheerful enough, but if you make him angry, there's a good chance you aren't walking away whole... or at all. Background: Sasuke spent most of his young life hearing about his grandfather and great-uncle from his mother. He decided that he wanted to be like them when he grew up. Of course, in the year 2005, there isn't much chance that he'd meet a demon to fight. It didn't really help that he was constantly made fun of by all the children in school for his strange yellow eyes. He always felt like his life wasn't ever going to go anywhere, until he found that well on his family's shrine... Mission: Find the sword that threatens the world and find his grandfather's demonforged sword. There ya go, something like that. You are, of course, welcome to play any of the established characters. New characters are welcome and encouraged, as well.
  11. 'Bastard!' Asher yelled down the corridor, shaking the bars on the cell, 'Come back here and fight me, damnit!' 'Shut up, ' one of the guards said, his hand resting on his sword. 'Or what?' Asher asked, 'You'll kill me? I don't think your 'lord' would like that, since he wouldn't get to slaughter yet another person with his own hands.' 'I said shut up!' the guard said, ramming his armored elbow into Asher's face, cutting him above the eye. Asher didn't waste the opportunity. He grabbed the guards arm and pulled with all his might, unfortunately for the guard, it was already up against the bar of the cell. Asher almost winced at the resounding [I]crack[/I] of the guards arm breaking. The other guard drew his sword, but Asher didn't come near the cell door again. 'Don't think I'll go down so easy, ' Asher said, more to himself than to the guard, 'I'll fight until my last, you son of a bitch.' 'Shut up!'
  12. Eric smiled, reassuring the villagers that he and Ivy could help them as they administered the antivirus. 'You must be angels.' one old woman said. 'Angels?' Eric said, 'I thought Buddhism was the official religion here. Shouldn't you be calling us buddhas?' The old woman smiled, 'There are a few Christians here, you are not alone.' Eric smiled again, 'I'm not a christian, and certainly not an angel. I don't even believe in God.' The old woman looked at him like he was a lost puppy. 'Your faith will return someday,' she said, 'God still loves you.' Eric chuckled as he gently pulled the needle from the woman's arm. 'You don't believe in God?' Ivy said as he passed. Eric readied another syringe, 'No.' 'Why not?' Eric greeted his next patient, assuring him that this would destroy the virus. Then he spoke, 'A lot of things. But, mostly, because of what happened that New Years' Eve.' 'You lost something, too?' she asked, 'What?' That's when they heard a voice in their earpieces. It was Taikaru. 'Ivy. Eric. We need help.' she said. 'What happened?' Ivy asked. 'We were attacked by a sandviper.' she said, a bit frantic, 'Farel was bitten.' Ivy stood quickly, 'We're on the way.' she said. Eric stopped her. 'We can't both leave these people,' he said, 'I'll go.'
  13. Colville simply stared at the space the assassin had stood a moment before. A look of disappointment on his face. 'Ye've lost something, vampiress.' he said, 'Now ye be like the rest...' he sighed his sadness. Looking down on his sword, he decided to leave it there in the dust. He drew his guns, then twirling them back into their holsters. '...on borrowed time.' he finished.
  14. Asher ducked behind a crate near the castle gate as a pair of guards passed by. [I]This sneaking around thing's getting harder all the time.[/I] he thought as the guards disappeared from view. [I]One of these time's they might even catch me.[/I] [I]Now to get in the castle, free the prisoners and send up that signal.[/I] He circled around to one of the rear gates onto the castle grounds. There was only one guard here, so this would have to be the best entrance. He managed to get past the guard before he woke. He thought he was home free until he felt the tip of a spear at his back. 'And who are you, sneaking into the castle at this time of night?' the guard asked, pressing the spear against Asher's back uncomfortably. 'I'm a bard,' Asher lied, 'Here to entertain the king's guests.' 'Really?' the guard asked, disbelievingly, 'With three swords on you? Turn around and let me get a look at you.' [I]Damn.[/I] Asher thought, slowly turning. The guard nearly dropped his spear. 'You're Asher Ravenblood!' he practically screamed. Wasting no time, the guard thrust his spear at Asher's heart. Asher grabbed the spear as he twirled to the side. To his surprise the guard didn't let go. Instead, he pulled the spear the opposite way, nearly out of Asher's grasp. Asher recovered quickly, using the spear's momentum to spin him further, until he was directly behind the guard. 'It'll take more than one pitiful guard to take me out.' he said, drawing a dagger from his belt. He stabbed the guard at the base of his skull, dropping him in an instant. He looked down at the corpse with a kind of disappointment before continuing on his way inside.
  15. Eric weaved in and out of the barrage flying at him. This was actually kind of fun. At least when he was fighting, he could almost forget. [I]Kill, tear, blood, flesh, fear... A face, familiar, beautiful, dead... Laughter, pain... death, kill...[/I] Lost in the past, the moment. Where everything he'd known was torn from him. Suddenly, Eric was knocked to the ground by a blast. He laughed at the pain, it was forced. The physical pain was nothing. Not when you compared it to the pain he felt in his soul. 'Freeze program.' he said. Everything froze in place, waiting for the command to start again. [I]Damn... If only I could just forget, but that wouldn't be right, would it?[/I] He slowly stood, setting himself in a combat stance. 'Resume program.'
  16. Asher turned the corner running, bringing him to the gates of the town. 'Halt!' one of the guards called. Asher slowly turned, hoping they didn't recognize him. 'C-can I help you?' he said, panting. 'What were you running from?' the guard asked. Asher paused, trying to think of something, 'Nothing, just in a hurry to get home. Just received word, my wife is having a baby!' He lied with a smile. 'That is good news!' the guard agreed with a smile, 'You should hurry home.' Asher bolted, running as fast as he could. [I]That was close.[/I] A few moments later, four armed guards came running up to the gate. 'What's going on?' the gate guard asked. 'Have you seen anyone suspicious?' one asked. 'Nothing suspicious, sir.' the guard replied, 'Just a man looking to get home to his wife.' 'What did he look like?' 'About five and a half feet, strong but not large, long black hair and eyes of violet. He had no scars that I could see and was quite handsome.' 'You fool!' one of the guards yelled, 'That was no ordinary man, that was the leader of the Rebellion against our great King!' 'W-what!?' the gate guard stammered, 'I... I have n-no excuse, I should have detained him, but he told me of his wife, that she was having a child and he needed to hurry.' 'Just the sort of thing to expect from a lying pig like that.' 'Please, he left but minutes ago.' the guard said, 'If you hurry, you can catch him.' ::In the forest:: 'Whew! That was close.' Asher said to no one in particular as he climbed up into a branch to take a rest. Then, off in the distance, he heard the heavy clanking of armor. 'Damn,' he said, 'Why can't they take a hint? I don't want visitors.' he said to himself as the sound of the sodiers got closer. As the four soldiers passed under him, he swung down and dropkicked one in the chest. As they fell he pulled the sword from the man's belt and rolled into a crouching position. 'Asher Ravenblood.' the soldier said, 'You are under arrest for conspiracy to commit treason against your king, surrender or prepare to die.' '[I]Your[/I] king.' he said, grinning and twirling the sword in his hand. 'Now let's dance, boyos.'
  17. Here are the established characters, I have pictures for most of them. Name: Genjo Sanzo Weight: 64 kg Height: 177 cm Eye Color: Purple Hair Color: Golden Blond Blood Type: O Constellation: Sagittarius Species: Human Age: 23 Birthday: November 29 Favorites: Cigarettes, Beer, and Mahjongg Weapon: Shourejyu (gun), Maten Scripture, Paper fan Memorable Quote: ?Omae wo korosu (I?ll kill you)!?, ?Baka (Stupid)!?, ?Uruse/Urusai(Shut up!)? Profile : He was nicknamed ?Kouryu the River Drifter? by fellow disciples in the Kinzan Temple where he grew up. Komyo Sanzo was like a father to him as he taught him everything there is to know. When he was killed by demons his title was passed on to Kouryu and his name changed to Toua Genjo Sanzo Houshi. He possesses the Evil Sutra he can use to exterminate demons quickly and to retrieve his late master?s sutra. During the time when Togenkyo?s demons are going maniacal, he is being ordered by the Sanbutusin (Three Buddhas) to journey to the West along with three demons to find out something about Gyumao?s revival and hinder it. Name: Cho Hakkai Weight: 69 kg Height: 181 cm Eye Color: Green Hair Color: Brown Blood Type: AB Constellation: Virgo Species: Human to Youkai Age: 22 Birthday: September 21 Favorites: Liquor, Hakuryu, Mahjongg, Gambling (cards), kids ^_^ Weapon: Chi Gong (an ancient Chinese form of martial art that uses your body?s energy or chi) Memorable Quote: ?Yare yare desu ne (Oh dear).? Profile: He started out as a silent boy named Cho Gono who used to be feared by the children in the orphanage. As he grew up he fell in love with a woman named Kanan (in English version, Kanna) and tried his best for them to live together. However she was raped and kidnapped by the 100-Eye Demon, so he went to their tower and exterminated all 1000 of them?which made him a demon. But because of her being pregnant from the demon, she killed herself in front of him. He was taken care of by Gojyo later on and met Sanzo and Goku who arrested him to the Three Buddhas for murdering the demons. Instead of being executed, he was said to live a new life and changed his name to ?Cho Hakkai?, and since then he traveled with the other three to the West. His role of a peacemaker made him Sanzo?s adviser (but he doesn?t usually listen to him), Gojyo?s best pal and Goku?s big brother. Name: Sha Gojyo Weight: 75 kg Height: 184 cm Eye Color: Red Hair Color: Bright red (blood red in GS Requiem) Blood Type: B Constellation: Scorpio Species: Half-Human Half-Youkai (Taboo) Age: 22 Birthday: November 9 Favorites: Women, Liquor, Cigarettes, Gambling (cards), Mahjongg, Picking a fight with Goku and stealing his food Weapon: Jakujou (a staff with a crescent-moon shaped blade attached at the end with chains) Memorable Quote: ?Bakazaru (Stupid monkey)!? Profile: Gojyo comes from a taboo intercourse between a human and a demon, which is said to bring misfortune. The proof of his being half-youkai half-human is his red hair and eyes. He was taken care of by his demon stepmother and her son Jien?the stepbrother of Gojyo since they have the same father. Because he resembles her husband and a strange woman, she attacks him at times until it grew serious and Jien had to kill her himself and ran away. As he grew up he gets by life through gambling and women often flock to him. He found Gono (who changed into Hakkai) and lived together in his apartment 3 years before they were summoned to prevent Gyumao?s revival with Goku and Sanzo. Name: Son Goku Weight: 51 kg Height: 162 cm Eye Color: Golden Hair Color: Brown Blood Type: O Constellation: Aries Species: Earth's Child / Youkai Age: 18, appears much younger Birthday: April 5 Favorites: Food (what else), and Fighting Weapon: Nyoibo (Almighty Staff), Sansetsukon (three jointed sticks), his claws and mouth (when in true form) Memorable Quote: ?Haraheta (I?m hungry)!? and ?Ero kappa (You perverted water monster) / redroach!? Profile: Goku is born from a rock that contains the spirit of the world for centuries, making him rich with earth?s aura. He was imprisoned in a dark cave made of rock on top of Mt. Gogyo due to a crime he committed in an early age, and his years were frozen there. He stayed there for more than 500 years until Sanzo freed him and let him stay in the temple where he causes trouble to the dismay of the monks. He follows the highest-ranked monk anywhere and was one of the selected youkai by Sanbutusin to accompany Sanzo to his journey to the west. Name: Kougaiji Weight: 65kg Height: 174cm Eye Color: Red Hair Color: Red Blood Type: A Constellation: Aquarius Species: Youkai (Demon) Birthday: January 6 Weapon: Summons other evil powers to help him defeat his enemies Profile: He is a demon prince, son of Gyuuma Ou. His stepmother, Gyokumen Koushu has put his real mother into a spell and promised him to release her if he follows her orders. He has no choice but to obey her and do all the dirty work for her stepmother that includes taking away Sanzo?s Sutra for Gyuuma Ou?s revival. Has a half-sister Ririn whom he cares about very much. Although he?s a demon with an evil intention, he has a very good heart and cares for his subordinates. Name: Dokugakuji Weight: 81 kg Height: 189 cm Eye Color: Blue Hair Color: Black Blood Type: O Constellation: Taurus Species: Youkai (Demon) Birthday: May 13 Weapon: demonic sword(it?s got an eye in it, that?s all I know) Profile: One of Kougaiji?s subordinate, he is Gojyo?s half-brother. His real name is She Jien (whom Gojyo calls him). Good-natured and friendly, he is not totally evil but his blind devotion to Kougaiji who helped him find meaning in his life is admirable. Name: Yaone Weight: 53 kg Height: 173 cm Eye Color: violet/purple Hair Color: purple Blood Type: AB Constellation: Aquarius Species: Youkai (Demon) Birthday: January 28 Weapon: Drugs and Explosives (she?s an apothecary) Profile: A polite and kind woman, she was saved by Kougaiji from the 100-eye creature. She remained by Kougaiji?s side ever since that accident. She is entrusted by Kougaiji to take care of Ririn, his half-sister. She is very royal to Kougaiji. Although she knows that their enemies were Sanzo and his company, she is still kind to them ESPECIALLY Hakkai. In fact too kind? Ok, that?s what I got for established characters. You are, of course, welcomed and encouraged, to make up your own character. Any character?s in the series that are not here are left out only because I couldn?t find anything on them. If you would like to play one of them, you?ll have to find the information, since apparently I can?t, but you?re definitely welcome to play them.
  18. Ok, this is the sign up thread. This is a Saiyuki game, for those of you who don't know what it is, it's(yet another) retalling of the story, Journey to the West or The Monkey King. Since I don't feel like writing more now, if you'd like more information, PM me or look it up, whichever you find is easier. Ok, a few rules(mostly thing I just don't like, also known as proper gaming ettiquette): 1)If you want to include someone else in your post, make sure it's something their character would do(if this is too complicated, ask 'em before you post) 2)Don't try to kill off other PC's(player characters, bad guys are, of course, ok) 3)NO power gamers. There is a limit to your power, deal. All the character's are about the same power level, it's just that they're powerful in different ways. 4)I've noticed that people start games on here and then just let the players go, I don't run games that way. You might not like that. If not, don't sign up. If you want to do something major(i don't care if you succeed in looking up porn on the internet, but if you wanna hack into langley and steal government files, that's a bit different), you're gonna have to check with me first. 5)I'll allow it. I allow a lot of things in my games, as long as they're plausible. Basically, this means that, while I might seem a little mean with the rules and all, if you give me a good reason, I'll overlook something, or let you get away with doing something you usually wouldn't be able to. (just to get myself out from under some of those angry glares, the only reason I have rules #4 and #5 is to avoid #3, power gamers piss me off to no end) 6)Have fun, it's just a game. Hence rules #1 and #2, that's to keep everyone having fun without any fighting in the teams.(The idea is that, at first, the two teams are working against each other, so they might fight) 7)Sign ups. Here's how this is gonna work. You have to PM me with your character, after I send you a PM back saying that you've been accepted to the game, you can post your character so everyone knows what they're in for. Then we'll get started on the game. That's the rules. Aside from that, have fun.
  19. Name: Gene Colville Nickname: 'Paladin' Colville, or simply 'Death' Age: 23 Gender: Male Species: Human Appearance: picture below Weapons: Two customized Desert Eagle 9mm semiautomatic pistols Personality: A Vampire Hunter and a madman, he goes out of his way if it will allow him to kill anything he sees as evil(including humans, at times) Bio: Father Colville started out as nothing more than a psychotic killer, bent on ridding the world of all evil(seeing as how he's nuts, that definition is pretty wide), at which he was quite good. Eventually he was stopped by the Catholic Church, who used a form of hypnotism, which locked the madman inside until the command is given. But now he's been freed from Vatican control, and his spiral into true madness has finally begun.
  20. Eric hit the ground rolling, luckily he was on his feet before the vampires came around for another pass. 'M, Farel, how fast do you think you can get back to the surface?' M spoke first, 'A few minutes, what do you have planned?' Eric shrugged and smiled, 'I'll hold them off as long as I can, it might not be much, but it'll be enough for you to get back before they catch up.' 'Are you kidding?' M asked, 'They'll tear you apart!' Eric chuckled, 'Yeah, probably. But, they need you now, so I don't really see much of a choice.' [I]Does it show that much?[/I] 'Besides, this works out for me, anyway. Farel, you go too.' 'Don't tell me what to-' 'Just go!' he said, his sword swinging back towards them. 'I can buy you time, but only if you leave now!' They turned, reluctantly, and started running. Eric turned, his smile growing wider, 'It's a lovely night out tonight, wouldn't you agree?' The leader laughed as the vampires landed surrounding their new prey.
  21. Colville rubbed his throat, cursing the vampire. 'Damned beast,' he spat, 'I'll have her head for this...' He paused, an insideous grin playing across his face as he dropped the sword, 'But first, I agree, I need to bring the other back.' He disappeared, his bloody sword lying in the street and his laughter echoing in the night.
  22. 'You look so sad.' the little girl said as Eric tied a bandage on her knee. 'Alright...Carl, Farel, Eric, Taikaru! You all are with me...Andy, Ivy, and Lee...stay up on the surface. If we need your support...we will contact you.' Eric finished tying the bandage he was working on and smiled at the little girl, 'I'll be all right.' he said, 'Just make sure you take care of yourself until we come back.' The little girl smiled as he picked up his sword and turned to leave. [I]Does it show so much?[/I]
  23. Name: Asher Ravenblood Age: 19 Height: 5'7" Weight: 153 lbs. Gender: Male General appearance: Black hair, bluish-purple eyes...(inuyasha's human form, minus the crazy red suit), with a scar in the shape of a cross on his back Occupation: Leader of the Rebellion, smith Bio: Asher was born and raised in a small forest village, where he was always causing trouble. Though his village was far removed from the tyranny of King Damion's rule, they still felt it's effect. One day, while he and his sister were in town, selling knives and such. She was 'selected' by the King. Asher tried to resist, but was severely injured, almost paralyzed, when a guard nearly severed his spinal cord. It took him two years to heal and regain the ability to walk. He has sworn revenge on the King and to free his sister and all the others the king has enslaved.
  24. Screw it, straight ripoff. This is a Saiyuki game, for those of you who don't know what it is, it's(yet another) retalling of the story, Journey to the West or The Monkey King. Since I don't feel like writing more now, if you'd like more information, PM me or look it up, whichever you find is easier. Ok, a few rules(mostly thing I just don't like, also known as proper gaming ettiquette): 1)If you want to include someone else in your post, make sure it's something their character would do(if this is too complicated, ask 'em [I]before[/I] you post) 2)Don't try to kill off other PC's(player characters, bad guys are, of course, ok) 3)NO power gamers. There is a limit to your power, deal. All the character's are about the same power level, it's just that they're powerful in different ways. 4)I've noticed that people start games on here and then just let the players go, I don't run games that way. You might not like that. If not, don't sign up. If you want to do something major(i don't care if you succeed in looking up porn on the internet, but if you wanna hack into langley and steal government files, that's a bit different), you're gonna have to check with me first. 5)I'll allow it. I allow a lot of things in my games, as long as they're plausible. Basically, this means that, while I might seem a little mean with the rules and all, if you give me a good reason, I'll overlook something, or let you get away with doing something you usually wouldn't be able to. (just to get myself out from under some of those angry glares, the only reason I have rules #4 and #5 is to avoid #3, power gamers piss me off to no end) 6)Have fun, it's just a game. Hence rules #1 and #2, that's to keep everyone having fun without any fighting in the teams.(The idea is that, at first, the two teams are working against each other, so they might fight) 7)Sign ups. Here's how this is gonna work. You have to PM me with your character, after I send you a PM back saying that you've been accepted to the game, you can post on the Adventure Inn thread(I'll have a title by then, which will be in the PM back) so everyone knows what they're in for. Then we'll get started on the game. That's the rules. Those are the only things I won't change, aside from that, send whatever suggestions you got my way and we'll see about getting this thing going.
  25. Colville pulled the sai from his shoulder, then turned to free the assassin. 'It seems yer friend has quite a dark side to her.' he said with a smile.
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