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About Rainbow_Anime

  • Birthday 03/05/1990

Contact Methods

  • AIM

Profile Information

  • Biography
    Well, I have blonde hair, green eyes....ask me if you want to know more!
  • Occupation
    Don't have one yet..

Rainbow_Anime's Achievements

New Member

New Member (1/6)



  1. [quote name='Ozy Jones][COLOR=DarkOrange']Right click, click on properties, and select and cut the address. Then you just have to paste it into your sig with image tags.[/COLOR][/quote] Ok I got it....I'm sooo happy!!! Do you have aim?
  2. [FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=Purple]What attracts me most about Anime is the characters, and how beautiful they are...They aren't like other charcters, I love the way they come up with their personalities... As other people have said, I also like the backrounds and the use of colors..[/COLOR][/FONT]
  3. [QUOTE=Ozy Jones]How's this? [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/rabanner.jpg[/img] I know you didn't ask for one, but I made an avi too.. [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=22378&stc=1[/img][/QUOTE] OMG! Thank you sooo much! I love em'! You can email me sometime if ya want..my email is [email="Raver_Bubbles@hotmail.com"]Raver_Bubbles@hotmail.com[/email] [color=teal]EDIT:[/color] One more question...how do you know what the URL is for the banner? [color=teal]Please use the Edit button if you wish to add something to your post. ;) -Syk3[/color]
  4. This is a really stupid question, but since im a new member can someone tell me how to get your banner on the page? I remember the last time i did it ,and it was really small and no one could see it...Thanks.
  5. Can someone make me a banner with Edward from Cowboy Bebop on it..And maybe on the bottom could it say::: Teeter, Totter, Teeter, Totter......Thanks.... :ball: :)
  6. Do you like my new banner?
  7. Can someone make me a sailor moon banner? If anyone could i would be really happy! Thanks....
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