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Crimson Paine

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Everything posted by Crimson Paine

  1. Yes Hatori, Shigure and Ayame know (or is it just Hatori and Shigure?) I know its Hatori and someone else...anyway, Hatori (or someone) [spoiler]had a dream about Akito being a girl or born as a girl or something and the dream made them cry (the person who had the dream and someone else) and ever since then those two people have had a close connection to Akito and have sworn to keep it a secret...[/spoiler] Or something like that, so i have heard.
  2. [QUOTE=Dagger IX1]You're quite welcome. [spoiler]The image that convinced me ([url]http://www.designchronicle.com/memento/images/furuba/furuba97fin.gif[/url]) was actually posted to the same site, so I assume you probably had a chance to see it. I'm starting to wonder whether it would even be possible for the anime to have a second season, given what we now know, as well as the general complexity of the manga's plot. Akito certainly [i]sounded[/i] pretty masculine in the show.[/spoiler] ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] [spoiler] I would LOVE a second season and i know others would also since the ending of the first one left me (before i realised that there was more to it manga wise) questioning it. They showed Akito saying "i dont know" and just then went to Koyu who was outside waiting for them and never really gave us an actual answer as to wether or not she had her memory erased or whatever. It was pretty easy to tell she didnt but for the people like me (at the begining) who dont know about the manga all that much and think the manga is just what the anime gave us then we could be sitting there with people thinking what i did, "is that the end of it? Did she get her memory erased?" etc. I wish they carried on with it just like they did with Sailor Moon but we, the FB fans, dont seem to be as lucky as the 'moonies' were when they got their manga shown fully. I know its costly and everything yet i thought it would of been just as popular as Sailor moon or at least popular enough to have the anime carried on and not just stop where it did. A friend said that the anime only had 26 eps and i was just like "huh?! no way, it cant just have 26 eps!!" since i come from New Zealand and if we want the manga we have to order it from the States which gets rather costly (i ordered the 3rd and 4th books and its 25 dollars each) so another season of the anime would be good for us poor folks out here who find 50 dollars a tad bit on the dare side when you dont have the money though you want to keep up with the manga. The anime was done well and i know that another season would go down a treat with us who cant get the manga but i know trying to get the creator into agreeing with us and the people who made it is another thing. As for that site. I didnt see it on here i thought it would be best to go do some research of my own which is now gotten me curious to read the rest of the manga from where the anime left off (which is about volume 8 in america? ) since i want to know about all these new characters that are popping up like Akitos mother Ren and that Kureno guy and everything. I would read through that site but i dont really want to ruin the mang for me if i can get it when it becomes released so i have stoped reading ^^;;. Though i do admit that all this time (I saw the anime first) i thought Akito and Yuki could pass as brothers more then Aya and Yuki. They seem to have the same hair style and same sort of face shape and everything that makes them look the same and so I did think for a few minutes they were switched at birth when I saw Akito first off in the anime ^^;; [/spoiler]
  3. [QUOTE=Dagger IX1][spoiler]At first, the plot twist struck me as being pretty ludicrous. But once I calmed down and thought about the possible ramifications, I realized that it provides a pretty neat explanation for Akito's behavior (especially how she treats the other female members of the Zodiac, not to mention poor Tohru). She's incredibly possessive of the male Sohmas... and while that was a huge boon for shounen-ai fans--at least before her gender was revealed--it's not as though Fruits Basket is now totally lacking in s-ai subtext.[/spoiler] I won't be able to hunt down any scans until I get home later this afternoon, but I'll private message you once I attach the relevant images to this post. :) ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] Thank you. [spoiler]You are right, i found a pic on the net ([url]http://www.designchronicle.com/memento/archives/000164.html[/url]) that shows a picture of Akito as female. I have now calmed down over how much it looks like a cross dressing male (what? It does because of Akitos upbrining ^^;; ) but i can now look at the picture and realise that it isnt all that bad, strange still but not all that bad.I always thought Akito was male and so with not showing any breast signs that usually give away the fact that a woman is a woman (of course usually to an extent at least) i just couldnt believe it and thought that the Soma family was as strange (though wonderful) as you could get as it was with the curse and all. But thinking about what he said about Miss. Honda "she is a very ugly girl" also seemed to give us that whole indication who some girls love to make fun of other girls and be catty about other girls looks and what have you. I now think back to the times that you have said and it does make sense moreso and so as to why he acted that way towards Kisa & Hiro and Hatori and Kana when they said that they love the girls and everything. The signs were there and yet i guess myself and others never put much thought into them because of how Akito acts and was brought up...[/spoiler]
  4. [QUOTE=Dagger IX1]In response to your question... [spoiler]Sorry, but Akito is female. This is not a rumor and has absolutely nothing to do with some doujinshi; the latest manga chapters released in Japan (and subsequently scanslated for English/Chinese/etc. fans) confirmed that Akito, though raised as male, is in fact a woman. I can probably dig up proof if you really refuse to believe it, but I'm of the opinion that something so shocking would have been refuted long ago if it were somehow untrue. Recently, I've seen Akito's gender discussed on numerous other message boards, and so far very few people have tried to contest the revelations about her true identity.[/spoiler] ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] [spoiler]:faint: (1) can you please get me the scans? Might help if i can show a friend who thinks the same as me. (2) so the curse has given Akito no breasts? Because several times she comes in with a skin tight top on and even if she was b cup you would still be able to see some sort of bump to show a woman has breasts. Then again, now that i think about it, it does seem strange that a male (even if he does handle the core of the curse and is always sick) is as weak as what Akito is. Im not saying woman are weak im just saying that males tend to be stronger and have some sort of strength that doesnt get them down or whatever when they are sick when we females usually feel horrible and weaker when we are are sick. Our immune system cant seem to handle it as well as males can and so it does seem more likely that Akito is female just that some things about him make him more male then not (like the no breasts thing). I will admit defeat and say im wrong in this instance since now that i think aabout it, it does seem more plausable (sp) that Akito is female...[/spoiler]
  5. I am starting to get sick and tired of this roumor thats going around. I am a huge fan of Fruits Basket and yet now that some person did a doujinshi (sp) has gotten people into believing that Akito really is female. Now i dont know about you but i KNOW he is male and that is how the creator made him. A male. So i thought i would ask you what you thought. Is Akito male or female?
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