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Everything posted by PainfulLife

  1. [color=DarkRed]All was dark and again there was pain but this was not self inflicted... He must have blacked out while he was being beaten yet again he woke and still those unforgiving fists were pounding on his already blackening skin... again he was falling into the black hoping for it all to end the blood was streaming from his mouth and open wounds slowly but surely dragging him to his doom... this is where I belong... his last thoughts as he welcomed the complete darkness of unfeeling cold.[/color] [color=RoyalBlue] The sky seemed to go on forever past the vast horizon over the hills and the ocean waves...[/color] [color=DarkSlateGray]Breathing in the salty air looking down from the high perch contemplating whether it was worth leaving such beauty behind he stood there feeling the wind testing it seeing if it was pushing him forward or pulling him back.[/color] [color=SeaGreen]Breath by breath he counted how long he was standing there feeling the restless breeze as undecided as he was. His heart was pounding in his head and he knew this was where he belonged. One last breath and all at once everything seemed to stop. The noise of the waves, the chirping of the birds, and the cool yet bitter wind. It all stood still in what seemed like a moment of his own perfection as he stepped forward one last time as the wind started again blowing with him giving him the feeling of flight, finally letting his body fall to the rocks and waves below claiming his body to be yet again joined with the earth. [/color] Yeah...... Ok that one was a little more peaceful I hope it was ok Please tell me if you liked it or not I'm always welcome to constructive criticism!!! [color=Red][size=1]Please do not double post. Simply edit the original post if you want to add to the original post. -- Lady Asphyxia[/size][/color]
  2. Ok great... gah I shouldn't have posted this up so soon... I forgot that I was going to be so busy all summer! I'm so sorry to the people who replied but now I am posting up my stats and if we can get at least two more people to join in... preferably angels then we can get started! Name: Kitsune Gabriel Freelance (ewww this name is so... plain... oh well called Kit for short) Age: ??? Unknown until later on... :p :shifty: Race: ..... Angel...... lol I'm on the human's side tho... Power/Aura color: Wind and aura color is Deep Red... wike bwood... Bio/Stats: around 5'10 almost 5'11 a solid 150lbs and has naturally dark brown hair ... dyed the ends blue and has two red locks of hair that randomly appear while using powers... Wings were white when born yet they started to gradually turn grey and are now boardering on black for this he has been accused of having sinned and sometimes is even accused of being half demon. Not much is known of his family except for the fact he has a adopted human sister... which is why he is trying to protect her village. Additional Information: usually does not speak unless completely necessary if you did not know him you might mis take him for a mute. He keeps his words locked up because of a childhood memory where speaking had gotten him beaten by his adoptive demon father... the main reason he does not care for demons... He usually likes to trust people almost to the point of foolishness trying to find good in everyone as per the raising of his gentle mother who loved the unlovable and was forced into an arranged marriage at an early age because of it. Still clinging to the hope that the war is not really there he always tries to avoid fighting yet will not hesitate to use his spells to protect his adopted sister if she is in trouble or danger. Yeah I think that pretty much sums it up... YEAH... ok so I hope more people join up!
  3. [COLOR=DarkRed]Note: This is the second attempt on starting a RPG so bear with me please if I'm not so hot at it... Ok so pretty much the summary breakdown is it is dawning on the year 777 A.D. (After Destruction) the world was recreated by the angels to destroy the humans and to give the earth a new life. Although there was a slip and there were a few survivors who were saved by the demons so again the humans are flourishing. They are making the same mistakes again and slowly going to the path of destruction yet again so the angels and "God" aka The Big Guy in this story are out to totally wipe out all life on the planet now along with the demons to start again. [/COLOR] Ok then that is pretty much the background story so it is now up to you choose to save the earth and all that lives on its surface (including plants and animals) or totally destroy everything and go again with a new Adam and Eve? The Angels and Demons have been fighting secretly with one another for almost 20 years now but the fighting is spilling into human territory and they are starting to notice and take sides. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]Ok now for characters: Name: (anything ya want it to be) Age: 16-??? (Angels and Demons can get pretty old) Race/Species: Your choice Angel, Demon, or even Human Power/Aura Color: Ok this is a little tricky... give me up to two elements you are good in then give me any color... take note that Purple is on the higher spectrum and Green is on the lower one. I will explain this a little more as the story goes on if you wish. Bio/Stats: Tell me a little about your background and reason for joining the war then a short description of yourself like how you look how tall you are... (note humans can't have wings...*cough*) Additional information: You can add anything in here like character personality or if you have a friend you can fall in love with them... Like an Angel and Demon falling in love of course would be a very good strong point to the story like Romeo and Juliet...But ah do keep the S content to a MINIMUM! *cough* [/COLOR] I think that pretty much covers most of it... I will start off a little of the story with my character in it for you to get a little bit of a feel for the story... [I] [COLOR=Navy]The rain was coming down harder than ever there was not much hope I would be able to make it back to the home village with my wings as soaking wet as they were... I sighed and set down in the shelter of the dense thicket that boardered my world and this one. I looked around trying to make sure I was alone then dropped down to the ground to pick some mushrooms for my village. I was in charge of keeping them safe and healthy so that also counted feeding them. Then I heard it the swish and then there was a blinding light I dropped my bag in the bush and ran my wings totally useless... Lungs burning and soaking wet I clung to a tree trying to stay up but collapsing into darkness just hoping that help would come.[/COLOR][/I] I don't know how good that is but yeah... I will post up my stats a little later! hope to get at least four people on each side!
  4. OK well I have a title Turned Tables and pretty much it will be all Angels and Demons at odds... but here is the biggie... the angels are evil and the demons are supposedly good... at least when it comes to the good of the universe and the survival or all things living... Well that's about all the story I have so far... if anyone wouldn't mind adding to the story or saying at least if they like the idea? then I can start recruiting people... I really would love to start an rpg of my own for once... Thanks in advancew to all that respond! :D
  5. *sniffles* I remember reading throught the 6th 7th and 8th mangas and practically yanking my hair out at each page turn! I love the series soo much and I have just started to watch it on anime dvd... I don't have much money tho so it is hard to get all the stuff.... :( boo for being broke...Ok well then apart from the horrible expenses... *grimace* I love htis so much and I'm glad it is up for discusion... and I'm also relieved ot find I'm not the only guy out there who likes this series... or shonen-ai/yaoi stuff.... *blush*... Ok then I'll be back in laters to scream about some more stuff later! byes!
  6. [quote name='Afire][FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=Purple]First of all, I want to ask you a couple of questions. Have you told anyone in your real life that you have been raped? Have you sought any counseling? If you're keeping this as a big secret, you're never going to understand that there is no shame in being raped. No one is going to view you as a bad person. The bad person is the one who raped you. Think of it like being in an accident that wasn't your fault. You might need medical attention or therapy for a while, but you will get better. You might feel better if the person who did this to you is prosecuted so they don't go around doing it to someone else. If it's an ongoing problem with someone doing this to you...for goodness sakes, tell and adult that you can trust or call the police! Whatever you do, don't keep it a secret. That will only keep the shame alive. There are so many people out there that can help you deal with this.[/COLOR][/SIZE'][/FONT][/quote] thanks... I have gotten help now... I don't need anything more here.... so I might have this place closed or locked soon by a moderator... and to all who have helped thank you and to all who have been weird thank you as well for at least taking time to look at this and respond!
  7. Still kind of startled from Tom's breifness Kit just noticed Syn was there... He loked at him and wondered if he was still mad at him... He decided not to chance it and sat down harder than he had ment to on the ground making a loud bump echo out... there was silence after that everyone seemed to be off in their own little worlds. Kani seemed almost reluctant to talk, Tom ah well he was just being Tom.... trying to keep everything together... Then Kit looked at Syn and shuddered again absent-mindedly rubbing his threoat without even meaning to. He saw Syn glance breifly at him with those cold eyes again and he stared away and tried to focus on Kani to see if she would speak... The silence was getting eerie then and Kit hated it. He was surrounded by people for once yet there was absolute silence. The silence seemed so much louder than the distant yelling and such going on further down the path. Kit looked around again and sighed he was no silence breaker... heck he was no talker... yet something pushed him forward willing his lips to move and his voice to speak out... "I am Kit Dansure... I have been called a vampire almost all of my life and I haven't had many freids or ever really talked much out of fear that people wouldn't like me..." He trailed off what was he saying?! He shook his head as he saw Kani and Tom looking at him but not Syn... "I really wasn't invited and don't know what this is really about... and I really don't care about that anymore because just from observing you guy... and girls... I found you all to be cool people worth some respect... not like at school..." Kit looked around and saw he had even attracted Syn attention... Kit was nervous now as he saw the three of them just kind of looking at him blankly... Kit took this as a bad sign and muttered "I'm sorry I shouldn't have said anything..." and with that he turned to walk away feeling lost...
  8. Kit almost yelled when he was rudely awakened by Tom and he got up and was about to protest when he noticed Kani was hurt so he just stood and watched for a few seconds. He listened to Tom trip over his word s then found that Tom was talking to him... and as he was about to answer He had started talking to Kni again... With a sigh Kit stood up from where he had fallen, almost forgetting he was on the ground, and brushed himself off. He just watched as Tom talked to Kani and she talked back and he wandered off again... He had no idea what he was doing first he invited himself to a thing he had no idea about then he is poking in things he wasn't supposed to.... Kit sighed and looked back longing to stay with the people yet knowing that also he would be in trouble if he didn't get home soon... he keep walking all the same yet at a slower pace and then stopped. he felt stupid to just have walked off so he of course headed right back to see both Tom and Kani staring after him... Did they actually care??? he wondered... he wanted so bad to be noticed at this point he jus tstod there and waited to see what they would do....
  9. OOC: where did everyone go???? Please we were just starting!!!!! and this is my first RPG I really wanna continue this!!!!!! But right now My character can't go anyfurther!!!! Please come back everyone!!!!!!!
  10. *sigh* Ok people I guess I really was still asking for that... but still I can think of worse things than my Dad on national telly or my mom going off and cheating on my dad.... I really could think of worse.... Ok so ... well... I reallly don't feel I should post this to everyone but I feel I am brave enough to face you all now... Ok so you all listen really good... I was raped Ok guys that's my bigo secret and thing I'm stressing over I feel horrible Ok Now you all know.... I have no I dea why I'm telling you all but i guess I feel the need to be I dunno slaped or something I wouldn't mind bashing or anything I really don't not anymore... I should have just come out with it in the beggining ok... so there you all go.... Please just respond and stuff if you wan't to I am posting this because I'm ready... ready for the worlds veiw of myself.... so give it your best shot people!!!!!!!!!!
  11. [quote name='ssjSolarPrinces][COLOR=GREEN']Alright, why did some of you people start talking about Batman, of all things? I think PaifulLife was asking for real experiences with pain, not the experiences of a fictional character. Okay, I just had to say that before I continue.[/COLOR][/quote] Thank you very much for pointing that out... yeah I hear all of yuand such... yet I am not all that sure... i can't figure out my problem I would tellyou what happened but I'm kind of embarresed so i will have to leave that out I'm sorry if I seem vauge... Please I still need help in dealing with REAL life you know where all the pain and drama is real.... I just don't know what to do with myself nowadays.... :(
  12. I really love this story! I'm so glad you updte it a lot to! ^_^ Keep up the excellent work and stuff!
  13. I think death would be a grand adventure. another thing to experience even if it is the end you have experienced all life and death.... ^_^
  14. I just started my in car lessons and stuff so I'm still prety horrible at handling the car... Well once I was driving along and my dad screams to stop... well me being the stupid person was all there aren't any stop signs or signals so why stop? I figured that out as I heard a big thump and an bump.... I stopped the car and ran out to see a cat hiding under my car looking scared to death! I had hit the poor thing and the owner came yelling and screaming at me telling me to watch the road... I felt totally horrible and ended up paying for the vet bill with my allowance just to have the thing die from old age (apparantly) two months later.... The reason the cat was supposedly in the road in the first place was that it was a blind senile old cat probably actually wishing for it's life to have been over... ^________^ I'm odd I really did feel for the cat but... it was kinda old.... get my point... *_*
  15. Kit stopped running as he got closer to the plaza and caught his breath... why was he so scared? He mentally chided himself there was nothing to worry about.. But the burning on his neck reminded him there was something to worry about... He didn't mean to upset Syn he just ..... Kit didn't know what he was thinking he was so stupid letting his guard down like that. Kit sat down on a bench and looked around then closing his eyes listening to the sea waves and the gulls all making a sweet melody... Feeling more relaxed he took a deep breath and smelled the fresh sea salt in the air and was beggining to fall asleep. He hadn't been able to get much sleep because his mom was drunk but not drunk enough so she had been storming around and breaking things not letting Kit get a wink of sleep... Kit finally drifted off to sleep dreaming of what it would be like to be surrounded by freinds who accepted him for him and where there were no whispers on the gossipers lips......
  16. (blinks) *sigh* I'm glad everyone is saying stuff... and it really has helped a bit... yet I still find myself falling.... I don't really know what to think what to do... so I don't I don't think I don't do anything... I am a shell right now... sounds silly don't it? Well my next question to you all is how do you get revenge?
  17. At first I wasn't sure about reading this... but I saw you had so many responses I did... Oh am i so glad I decided to look at this! the story so far is brilliant!!!! ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep up the mos excellent work and post up the next chapter soon!!!!!!! Well BUH-BYE for now!!!!! :love:
  18. Kit looked around from where he stood all the classes were in session and he didn't feel like going to his last class just to get in trouble or laughed at... So he wandered around the deserted hallways stoping every once in a while to hide behind a corner to avoid a teacher or two... As Kit sat down in the courtyard he thought where were all the people supposed to meet again? he wracked his brain... the plaza! that was it! he thought since he had no intention of going back to class he would just head there earliy and just watch out for Syn or maybe Tom... Possibly even the nice girl Kani who seemed to be the organizer of the group.... He wandered outside again and saw Syn sitting under a tree and without thinking was approaching him again... But as he saw what happened to the girl he fled running as fast as possible away to the plaza...
  19. I'm really interested in this after reading all this... But being the pathetic computer person I am... -_-'' I have no idea how to get fansubbing at all... *_* Would anyone mind helping me out so I can see what you all are talkingabout!!!
  20. *sigh* why has this thread all of a sudden turne into a batman one!? *pulling hair out* I guess I asked for it....
  21. ... I wasn't really sure on posting this and if there is already somethingout there like this I apologize... I really wanted to know some other people's veiws on their life maybe and why it seemed horrible and maybe how you recovered... I'm going through a hard spot in my life I guess and no offence but knowing other people suffer out there and not just me makes me feel so not alone... *_* So if I don't sound totally stupid I would really appreciate it if you would post your veiws good or bad.... :(
  22. Yes Power to the people who just lock their whole computers completely! *_* I have my whole computer locked so you can turn it on but... that's pretty much all you can do with it... and if its a computer you all use like a family computer I think it's absolutely fair yu get to keep some privacy for yourself... ^_^ :cool:
  23. My most memorable holloween was not really the costumes which were great but what we did.... We were all actually dressed up as Final Fantasy characters but me being the poor sport I am didn't really... But as I was getting bored I ran up to a few houses ahead and got my candy and said I was looking for my freinds and then left right as my freinds were coming up the walk and they got their candy and asked if the person had seen me... well Of course the person was all they left like a second ago but they were all we didn'tsee anyone... And the person got all freaked out and came out of he house to check herself... At this point though I ruined it and burst out of the bushes laughing at them all actually making the lady scream and made my freinds chase me down the rest of the block... t wasn't planned but it was so hillarious we planned another one and scared the man half to death... ^_^ *_* This year though I'm gonna dress up really cool! Like maybe Zidane or Amarant from Final Fantasy IX... ^_^ Ok well buh-bye! :D
  24. OOC: This is the first RPG I'm starting so I will need a bit of leanience if it is not up to par... [COLOR=DarkRed]There was yelling, screaming, and crying al through the town, and 10 teens were all around the source of it. Ten shadows running away to the same place... just away anywhere but where they were before. 10 tourtured teen souls fleeing their pain. 10 teens destined to meet each other. Love,Death, and Freindship was destined for those 10 people and they would experience it together.[/COLOR] What I need for sign-ups: Name: Fist and Last please (can be whatever you want...) Age: 14-19 please Gender: Reason for Running away/Bio:Doesn't have to be too long but try not to duplicate reasons for running away... I will limit a maximum of two of the same things... Attitude: mean, shy, depressed, withdrawn, cold, something like that. Even more decriptive would be nice like helps others, covers up pain with different moods... Description: Pics are fine and descriptions don't have to be perfect but enough so we know what you look like... Also if you know others and want to be running away with them please say so... My character: Name: Kit Dansure Age:17 Gender: Male Reason for running away/Bio: His mother is abusive and his father just ignores it. One night while walking hime he is grabbed by some stranger and mugged... he goes home and his mother yells at him for being weak and that is when he can't take anymore so he runs away... Attitude: he is a bit shy at first and doesn't like to talk much about himself. He likes to console others yet is sometimes a little mean about it. Description: Stands around 5'11, is a bit built, Has Light brown hair with Crimson highlights that covers his left eye so it is about medium length almost past the shoulders. Tries not to show his facial expressions so comes out looking a bit stoic. He always wears jeans and only has one shirt that is just a plain black T-shirt.
  25. Kit took the nod as a forgiving sign and was about to follow after Syn until he heard the commotion behind him. looking after Syn wanting to follow but to scared he decided he would be better off following the other kid Tom. he hesitated as he saw the brawl but went after Tom when he ran away. He hesitated again outside the door and heard the water being turned on. Then it was turned off Kit took a glance inside Tom looked pretty upset and he walked in nervously. "Are you Ok..." Kit winced as Tom turned to look at him. Not from his red eyes but from nerves. Rubbing his neck again Kit was about to ask again louder in case Tom hadn't heard but he just brushed past him saying, "I'm fine OK..." Kit looked after Tom he didn't want to be alone anymore... He had just been around two people from school then they were all leaving... Kit wasn't ready to give up but he was scared, scared of rejection and scared of what Syn had done. Checking his neck in the mirror he hopped his mom would be to drunk to notice and walked out of the bathroom not really sure where to go next.
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