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Everything posted by PainfulLife

  1. Kit walked in a trance slightly intruiged but very intimidated by the cold Syn. he noticed the girl walk by and noticed on the note her name was Kani... She looked like a nice person. as Syn agreed he could come along to the meeting Kit was thrilled and couldn't wait. Then Syn walked behind a tree Kit folowed not far getting a curious glace from Tom. He took one look and saw a back full of scars. terrified at what he had seen he briskly walked back to Tom getting another odd glance, before syn walked back to where they were with a fresh shirt on. Kit wanted to ask where the scars had come from but he wasn't sure if it was such a good idea he opened his mouth but closed it instantly he felt he had bothered him enough today... Thinking about it this was the most he had talked in a while and to someone he barely knew. Still curious he seemed to stare at the older boy and then without even knowing it blurted out.. "How did you get those scars!" He immediatly regretted it as Syn rounded on him with cold eyes...
  2. I'm going to be posting all of my poetry in this thread for now I GUESS..... Life's Pain I'm standing here so alone no one's here I seek a home. Lost in the light itself I'm drowning in my sorrow. it may be self pity to say in the least. But I'm here now I'm suffering without so much to eat. I lock myself in my room hide from the world yet my pain and my memories never are never really gone. I wish for the end as my pain grows even more I'm hurting myself and it's paining others. I want to forget or go back into time but it seems I keep wishing for imposible things. The life I once had so filled up with joy is now but a shadow I once could recall. Yet here I am now writhing in pain phisiclly and mentally i'm almost all drained. So I write here and everywhere to try and hold out and seek out of here to cling to the world that I used to love but now hate because of hwat it did to me. [COLOR=DarkRed]I'm not to sure... just respond if you feel like it... I'm just kind of venting... but the feelings are true...[/COLOR]
  3. After toni killed the childshe walked off with Mira still intoxicated with the smell of blood making her wish to spill more. toni was getting impatient with waiting she wanted to kill... not just anything either she wanted to kill those annoying angels... As Mira and Toni were walking back to the Buik they noticed someone running to where the kids were felled and they turned their walk to a brisk jog. They loved to kill but not to be caught. Mira pulled Toni along but she was pulling back. she didn't like to be caught but she wanted to kill more. the taste of blood was in her mouth as she broke free of mira and ran towards the person just upon finding the slain children. The person happened to be one of the mothers and she was crying and looked up as Toni approached. She turned around kind of in a daze and in seeing Toni tried to cling to her all the while crying about calling the police and such... Mira was catching up as she spotted the other mother and the commotion started. it all happened very fast Toni drew her daggers and the other mother screamed attracting still more people around the park... toni killed the mother clingingto her swiftly and turned around as mira was shutting up the other and noticed all the people who were starting to show up... Toni's only thought was sllaughter but mira shook her head... they were in to much trouble now so they ran off shaking off their demon forms and hopping in the car making a swift getaway... OOC: ^_^ BLOOD!
  4. Kit was in shock after the yelling stopped... He had been in his own little world trying to ignore the whispers when a biting yell ran across the hallways making everyone run away... Kit looked up finally as the boy who was called Pshyco in the whispers walked away. Kit didn't want him to leave he ran after him not caring about class anymore and tried to call out not knowing the boys name... "Thank You! " He managed to gasp out with his low raspy voice still rarely used.
  5. One year my freinds all dressed like final fantasy characters and they were so hilarious My now g/f Angela was Dagger... not princess garnet, dagger... then my other freind who happens to be another girl dressed up like squall... ^_^ we all laughed until she threatened us with her home made gunblade... we even sneaked in a Red XIII red skin and tail to complete the look...We even had a yuna... the look was cool but she did her hair all wrong...^_^; me I dressed as my self but this year we are going to do the same thing and my freinds are all trying to make me into a Rikku... Note I'm a GUY i don't know what the heck they are thinking... i personally am actually going to try and be Zidane cause he's cool or maybe Amarant...
  6. As Toni and Mira jumped in the car Toni felt a last blowing warning from the wind but ignored it. looking ahead to the road she wondered who would fall victim to their torment first. Turning to Mira she asked..." So where to first?" OOC: sorry for the short post I hope to get a better one out tommorow...
  7. [quote name='Kid Anime']I think my head's more like a jukebox. Sure, I have songs stuck in my head, but my memory's so good that it tries to play them all at once. But the one song I've been trying to remember, 'Freckles' I think, the opening to Rurouni Kenshin, won't come to me! .[/quote] that's really funny because that's the song that is so stuck in my head because me and my freind had a marathon of watching and she insisted to play the beginning everysingle time and sing along... just thinking about it makes me wanna burst out in song... (takes deep breath) I brushed against those freckles that I hated so life goes on and I heave a little sigh for you... it's heavy the love that I would share with you but it dissolves like it was just a sugarcube... Now a little pain is sittin' in my heart has shrunken a bit but it really does hurt me now... those silly horoscopes I guess I can't trust them after all... If we could get further away...Ohhh... I wonder what it would be liiike... Yaay... I'd be so happy inside my heart... all those memories I have are beautiful in my mind... but they don't feed the hunger deep inside my soul... and tonight I thought I'd be just sitting in my sorrow... But now I must wonder why what did it really mean to you... I just can't see it anymore... I just can't see it anymore... OoooOoo.... ^_^ I'm weird....b
  8. Magic Knights Rayearth might be a good one as well or maybe even DN Angel.... My girlfreind is obsessed with those ones right now... (she's 15 though...) :huh:
  9. :rolleyes: i fixed my avi! ^_^ I'm still looking for an Outlaw star banner with Gene or twilight suzuka or even melfina would be nice... Please! anyone...! :D :love2:
  10. Toni walked off not caring about her first class and just skipping it... she didn't care what the teachers said she hated math. She then walked off to history as the second class bell rang and she took her seat and looked around. She could sense the angels and grimaced they always left her felling the urge to kill someone. She turned to see Mira mouthing off to Imric and taking her seat behind. Toni turned around and whispered to her..." Don't you wish we didn't have to be in the same class as those damn angels?" mira just shruged as the teacher gave a loud cough and began the boring lesson. Toni found herself drifting off to sleep not really aware that her dreams were showing her something. She soon ignored it and tried to sit up straighter as the teacher prowled by making sure everyone was working.
  11. [COLOR=Navy]This is a poem I wrote while reflecting on what has recently happened to me...[/COLOR] Invisible Pain I?m suffering on the inside yet you never tend to see it do you? I?m killing myself slowly yet you never seem to notice The faith I once had is diminishing did you know? The love I once bore for the world is now replaced with hate I keep on hurting myself do you notice the scars? I have wished death upon many around me My screams of anguish are ear piercing do you hear them? My dreams of the future are diminishing There is no forever anymore in my head did you notice? There is no more sympathy for you I?m talking to myself do you over hear me? I?m lost in my own world that I made for myself The paintings I draw are depressing don?t you see them? The music I listen to I can relate to I still need your love and attention did you know? I fight for what I believe is right in my heart My life is always confusing me were you aware of that? My happiness is just an act Did you know? Did you notice? Did you see? Did you hear? Did you?
  12. OOC: Sorry I was gone... I'm back now... Kit looked up from his thoughts as he saw some teachers drag off a struggling boy and hid feeling sorry for the guy at the same time... after they passed he walked to the lunch room and waited for the bell to ring... In the lunch room everyone was talking and gossiping and he was hearing all the whispers again..." Jinx, phsyco, red eyes, rape girl, and his least favorite vampire." He looked around and saw the guy that was being dragged off earlier talking to a guy wearing sunglasses and he had gotten up and walked off... Kit just stood there he wanted to know what had happened but then he felt it none of his buisness... He walked out of the room again it was to loud for him. Kit found himself wandering to his next class Trig and stopped outside the doorand waited for the next bell to ring.
  13. I was looking at the sign ups and saw that someone had the same element and was a deamon to... is that ok or are we going to have to change or something? :huh: :sweat:
  14. Toni looked up she had no idea why but the wind had changed and the clouds were voicing their discontent. She sighed and wondered about this was it time to get the angels already? She looked around and talked into the wind getting a whisper in return.. "It has begun..." She almost shuddered but then with her deamon half supporting her she kept her face serious and walked the rest of the way to school... As she was almost there she sensed the energy fluxuating and the wind blowing harder warning her or pushing her forward she wasn't sure but it was pushing her towards someone...
  15. [COLOR=Navy]This was really well done! I really enjoyed reading this... ^_^[/COLOR] :cool:
  16. I am very apreciative for all of you who have put in your veiws and have worked out what I am going to do.... So thank you all who helped me and well thanks just all of you for responding... I really apreciated it and have really learned more than I even may now for right now.... I have now requested for this thread to be locked by Panda so don't be mad because this thread has no more real use here and to all of you nice hearing your imput on the subject! :love:
  17. OOC: My friend is in the hospital right now but he sad he would get back to posting as soon as he could... I'm sorry for breaking from the story but I felt you all had to know where one of the characters went... He should be out by either tommorow or Friday... Thank you all for listening bye! :(
  18. [quote name='Japan_86][COLOR=Navy']Keep your feelings to yourself. You don't love him and you'll end up forgetting about him in a couple of weeks anyhow.[/COLOR][/quote] How could you say that! I've known him as a friend for a long time now! I find all of your advice pretty helpful but some is just plain mean... I really wish love wasn't so complicated... A school girl crush, infatuation, or whatevre you want to call it I really don't care as long as he knows that I at least have those feelings for him... I find it unfair to just forget or not do anything because what if it is meant to be? Maybe not right now but later when we are older! *_* I really don't know what to do with some of you people... :angry2: :twitch: :nono: :nope:
  19. I know this may seem a bit off the wagon but well your life is just really full of angst now isn't it and one thing keps happening after the other always dealing with your boyfriend... Now as I get back on you shouldn't balme yourself at all because it's just wrong... If anything you should blame him for killing himself... Like the other person said suicide is a very selfsh act and all you can really do is watch from the sidelines... Also maybe he was just trying to get attention and really didn't mean to kill himself my friend got seriously hurt pulling a stunt like that.... so just think about it....
  20. Thank you all who have suggested those things so far I really appreciate it and hope it works...(I wish I could get alone time with him...) I sadly will have to wait till this friday so I wil either be rakeing up all my courage or I will be worrying... I have known my friend since I was in 7th grade and he was in 8th so we have known each other for about 3-4 years and I have become so used to just being his friend... yet someone just woke me up and seemed to slap me in the face and tell me you like him stupid! (I guess it's part of growing up...)
  21. Cry not for me I?m already crying for myself I can?t take what I am I can?t take what I have this world is so consuming in my feelings stressed of so much I can?t take it anymore I just want to fade away? Always just fade away I don?t want to have to live like this no more it?s killing me and hurting others. I am so lost and astray in what I think I don?t know anything anymore I keep hiding myself away to try and ignore the pain yet it stays and here I am still in this suffering world that has so much that it could give yet takes it all away the joy peace and unity like I said its killing me and hurting others the things that go through my mind slowly consume me and I have no sense of time I lose track of myself and find myself wandering further away from the truth that I thought would be right? I have felt the truth has lied to me and now that I grow older new things come into play and the cold hard slap of reality has come down on me I feel no pain on the outside yet I?m screaming in agony on the inside. I have nothing I feel that is right anymore it all seems so wrong and I have no way to tell of what I?m doing I don?t even remember what I?m doing here I wish I knew these answers are wanted yet might trouble me? I wish to throw myself astray in the silent self array of hopelessness I don?t feel love I only feel hate I don?t feel happy I only feel sad I don?t feel safe I feel so naked I don?t feel nice I only feel anger. I keep these things to myself no wonder I feel like I?m going to burst I just want to find what I?m supposed to do as I run out of tears and start shedding blood trickling down my arm I feel everything trickling away with it all the anger, pain, and sadness including my life?. Please rate or respond...
  22. I have just recently found that I have a crush/ am in love with one of my best freinds... I really don't know how to tell him... I'm a girl and am actually using his account to post this because he isn't using it... I am really not sure how to aproach it like should I just tell him, write him a letter, ask him out, Or what? I am really desprate and feel I need to tell him soon... :love: :blush: :love2: :luv:
  23. Maybe if you were to express your feelings with a etter of some sort like writing then if you are to scared or imbarassed to face Will and Shane face to face they will still get what you are trying to say... YOu know three ways are complicated and I'm not even sure if that is what you want... but in the end you should be OK as everyone else has been saying if Will is truely your friend he will accept anything... And not to be on the dark side of things but the worst that could happen is really rejection and I know it might hurt but there are always other fish in the sea.... :rolleyes:
  24. He put the knife up to his left wrist and put pressure and with a breath he closed his eyes and slid it in a line. He stared at the almost invisible white line as it started to bleed turning into a red mess. That is when it hit him the glorious pain the mind numbing feeling alive kind of pain. That was all he was focused on the pain everything else cleared and he was in bliss. Even as more blood pooled out all he could do was stare and then he wondered was he going to die? No he thought I will not die I will just begin a new adventure.
  25. Kit glanced around he was sure his class was supposed to be in here he looked around once more and sighed leaving the empty classroom behind. He walked down the empty halways still hearing the whispers yet not and in a sense he felt so relieved. He decided he wouldn't be blamed for not showing up to class if he didn't know where it was so he sought a place to go. He passed by some book shelves and saw someone crying he wanted to help but he was afraid of getting involved with someone he didn't even know so he continued on further passing by the boys changing room he noticed a spatter of blood on the door and glanced in... He imediatly wished he hadn't, there were some pretty badly beaten up boys but there were not ready to give up on their taunting for the day...( Stupid idiots can't even learn a leason)... One guy looked up and said, "Oh look the vampire smelled our blood and has come to suck us dry..." at that remark Kit ran he didn't want to hear any more but right before he left he heard another interesting thing... "if you need some blood to drink go get the phsyco no one will mis himm..." Kit had no idea what they were talking about. He slowed his run to a jog then a brisk walk he needed to get out in the fresh air so he headed up not really knowing what he was doing...
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