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Everything posted by PainfulLife

  1. Kit looked up as a person rushed past him to the bathroom and shruged it off ignoring the rest of the whispers he tried to not listen to anything heading off to his next class where he knew he would be able to see at least one of his friends and this girl who he had been watching from afar... Not looking where he was going he pretty muched walked in to the door and heard snikering behind him... "Oh look the vampire can't see in the light..." Kit looked up at the people from his embarrising position on the floor and glared at anyone looking at him until they all backed off and left with the second bell ringing signifying the next class starting.
  2. Kit looked up at the clock 10 more seconds 5-4-3-2-1 *BRRING* Finally he was out of homeroom! He didn't know anyone there but in his next classes he didn't consider himself alone. Yet alas he was stopped by his teacher at the door, "Is there anything wrong Mr.Dansure?" the teacher asked. Kit just kept his head down he never liked to make eye contact with other people it made him feel uncomfortable and sometimes scared. the teacher sighed and told Kit to sit down at his desk until he was ready to answer his question. "Why...?" Kit croaked out in a voice rarely used in the past few days. The teacher looked at his with an odd feeling he wasn't going to get much from his 'troubled' student so he sighed an dsat down in front of Kit. "Why what Mr.Dansure?" Kit sighed he hated his last name but it was th eone his father had given him oh well. It had seemed the teacher had started to talk again but Kit was looking out the window again still wishing he could go somewhere interesting somwhere not surrounded by water that gave him such bd memories. Then there was a tap on his shoulder the teacher had to get ready for his next class so he wrote out a note to excuse him from his next class to go to the counselor... Kit looked at the note in disbelief why the heck is he sending me here?! So he just crumpled up the paper stuffed it in his pocket and walked off to his next class ignoring the stares yet th ewhispers still broke through. "Loner, Vampire, Freak and even more directed towards others... "Jinx, Pshyco, and such"
  3. [SIZE=3]Name:[/SIZE] Toni [SIZE=3]Age:[/SIZE] 17 [SIZE=3]Gender:[/SIZE] Female [SIZE=3]Apperance:[/SIZE] Mid back length dark brown hair w/dark red highlights about 5'5. Green eyes and good posture. Face is kind of long so expression is serois usuallly. glasses... not nerdey and bulky but thin and trendy and mature look so to speak. Also loves to wear jewlery like rings and necklaces. [SIZE=3]Demon Apperance:[/SIZE] All dark red/ maroon hair about lower back tied up in a single braid kind of loose. Gets to be about 6 feet. Eyes turn more of a grey green and looses the glasses. Two wings that are a really dark blue almost black. Also facial expression becomes more manic and sadistic. Still the same jewlery except for an extra necklace with the emblem for the element in control. [SIZE=3]Weapon:[/SIZE] Two daggers with Dark Blue blades that conduct electricity and Red handles with Black sheaths. [SIZE=3]Element:[/SIZE] Wind :D
  4. Kit looked away from the girl sitting next to him and stared down at his feet and saw a person passing a note and whispering... "the wierd vampire who looks like he always has a hangover..." He strained his ears to try and listen to what the teacher was now telling the class but all he could hear were the whispers, "Never makes any friends hes to good for anyone..." No he made friends he just never really hung out with them... Then more whispers, "I heard all his friends left him because he wanted to recruit them all as vampires to..." then the cold feeling of bitter laughter drifted down his spine making his fidget in his seat... All he wanted to do was to leave. But to where... He looked out the window only to see an empty space nothing ever looked that interesting he felt like school should be a haven for him away from the foul smell of alchool and smoke yet then came the whispers... always the whispers driving him even madder than his mother...
  5. Kit was running as fast as his legs and lungs would let him he was late for homeroom and he already had enough detentions as it was. He burst into the classroom and looked around the teacher glanced at him and said nothing as he continued down the attendance list. As Kit walked to his seat he heard the group of girls in the back giggle and whisper, " Oh look here comes the vampire... I bet he was up all night sucking blood ..." Kit blocked out the rest and sat at his seat toward the back of the room next to another quiet looking girl and he glanced at her curiosly...
  6. Name: Kit Dansure Age: 16 Nationality: 1/4 chinese 3/4 unknown Grade: 11 Apperance: Dark brown hair Kind of long a little shaggy with bright red highlights. Green eyes and 5'10 about 165 pounds... always wears long or baggy clothing and even wears pants during the summer. Personality: Very withdrawn yet once you get to know him he can be very friendly and hyper almost as if trying to hide something... Bio: Used to live in LA then his father was transfered out to Hawaii, Mother has drinking problems and dad is always off working and never home. What they whisper: Some people think he is a vampire because he is a bit pale and wears long clothing all the time. There have also been roumors flying around that he drinks just like his mother... (I'm not to sure about this I think I might wanna change this...)
  7. Uhmm I really like outlaw star and if anyone could possibly make a Banner for it I would really appreciate it! :love:
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