Kit looked up at the clock 10 more seconds 5-4-3-2-1 *BRRING* Finally he was out of homeroom! He didn't know anyone there but in his next classes he didn't consider himself alone. Yet alas he was stopped by his teacher at the door, "Is there anything wrong Mr.Dansure?" the teacher asked. Kit just kept his head down he never liked to make eye contact with other people it made him feel uncomfortable and sometimes scared. the teacher sighed and told Kit to sit down at his desk until he was ready to answer his question. "Why...?" Kit croaked out in a voice rarely used in the past few days. The teacher looked at his with an odd feeling he wasn't going to get much from his 'troubled' student so he sighed an dsat down in front of Kit. "Why what Mr.Dansure?" Kit sighed he hated his last name but it was th eone his father had given him oh well.
It had seemed the teacher had started to talk again but Kit was looking out the window again still wishing he could go somewhere interesting somwhere not surrounded by water that gave him such bd memories. Then there was a tap on his shoulder the teacher had to get ready for his next class so he wrote out a note to excuse him from his next class to go to the counselor...
Kit looked at the note in disbelief why the heck is he sending me here?! So he just crumpled up the paper stuffed it in his pocket and walked off to his next class ignoring the stares yet th ewhispers still broke through. "Loner, Vampire, Freak and even more directed towards others... "Jinx, Pshyco, and such"