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Everything posted by InuyashaReborn

  1. the name of the tour sounds really familiar. i went to a linkin park concert, but i cant remember what it was called. i know that korn, snoop dog, the used, and less than jake weren't there, tho. when i went (and this was in summer '03) i saw reevis, cold, mudvane, and linkin park.
  2. InuyashaReborn

    Linkin Park

    before i say anything else, i'd like to compliment everyone in this post for getting along so well!! :) there's people who love linkin park, peole who like them ok, and people who don't like them at all, and everyone's still being civil! anyway, linkin park is one of my favorite bands, if not my favorite. right now [I]breaking the habit[/I] is my favorite song of theirs, and they havent made any songs that i didnt like. last summer (2003) i also got to see them in concert! :D
  3. i had a blankie, and still have it, but i was never extremely attached to it. i did have a little pillow that my mom made for me out of a hand towel, that i still keep with me at night to this day. it's really grundgy looking anymore, and needs to have its stuffing replaced, but i'm still attached to it all the same.
  4. you're eyes can change due to other things than lighting. (i know from experience) people who have more than one color in their eyes genetically can have different color eyes at different times, depending on what they're wearing and if they wear makeup. for example, i got bored one time so after i had taken out my contacts, i stared up at the ceiling light for a few seconds, then looked at my eyes in the mirror. (the point of staring at the light was to get my pupils to retract so i'd be able to see more of my iris) and i found out that i naturally have 3 different colors in my eyes. dark green, sandy brown, and brown. so my eyes are usually either brown or green. (lately they've been green more often, though) so genetically your eyes can change color, in a manner of speaking. you just see a color that was hidden before.
  5. i'd have to say inuyasha for this one. it may sound strange being that i'm a girl, but the more i watch the series, the more of myself i see in inuyasha. i can't really explain it though...
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