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Everything posted by samus413

  1. I tried what you said, it is helping a great deal. Thx! Unfortunatly I still have trouble transfering my ideas to paper. I hope I learn how to make quality orginals soon, I'm going to forget my Ideas at this rate. :sweat:
  2. I only hope kerry doesn't screw up like bush did, I mean we all know someone is going to screw up, we just try to pick the one who will pull the smaller blonder. I never rilized that we pick our leader, but we don't get to pick our choices for leaders. Oh, I want be saying much of anything on this topic after this so don't actualy direct anything towards me like Garelock did. Bye.
  3. OK, I just figured it out, We are against killing them, or any one else for that matter, but no one said they were against kiling us,any one else, or even themselves. Other than that I agree with you fully. This world is made of LOVE AND PEACE, but if you try any thing I'll chang that real fast.
  4. think of it as being hard wire idnto the human mind. you can't get rid of it with out actualy and litiraly cutting off part of yourself. Or if you had a lot of will power, but I doubt any one would have that much, not even me, and I said yay while someone choked me, don't ask.
  5. This is in reply to what Garelock said. Dude, we want to stop the war to avoid casulties too, just because they aren't of our citzenship doesn't mean we should let them die. ultimately we try to stop a war early so in the long run fewer people die. Unfortunatly, as long as there are people who think they have the right to kill others bassed on there believes, we're screwed. Bush just made some mistakes that made us come out of it worse than it could have. If he had stopped it sooner a lot of people might not have died, but that's just it, it's only an if. [QUOTE]"Wouldn't war be great if it were only fought between the ******** who started them?" [/QUOTE] yeah, but they affect us too much, so we can't affored the wrong people to win.
  6. what most people don't understand about the U.S. is that they act like every other country is there business because it is. if you were to consider that most of the stuff in the U.S. are imports you'd see how easily a war amongst two contries can directly affect us. if china and japan (I just picked two I see alot on stuff I buy) were to go to war and one defeated the other, we would loss a lot of stuff, alot of good anime from japan, I just picked up a picture frame in my house and it said made in china,so there goes that to. Easy to see why we should interven and try and stop it. To that extent I agree with bushes want to go to war and stop them, not blow up just stop, we need the oil, it would almost stop all activity in the U.S. if that happened. with such a scarcity of gasolin I'd have to walk to school, especialy under the circumstances. Hey, I'm actualy starting to like Bush, but I'd still pick Kerry.
  7. I have a problem, and it's a very confusing problem. I can draw anime very well, but I can't seem to draw my own origanle art. It's not lack of inspiration cause I have way to many ideas. I just can't seem to get them on paper. I drew a image from the internet perfectly the first try, but why can't I draw my stuff. :confused: If any one has had this problem please tell me how you got over it. oh, this problem persists with computer drawings as well.
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