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About kiraluna

  • Birthday 07/07/1989

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  • Occupation
    artist, writer

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  1. I really like Staind. The lead singer's voice is really beautiful in a way. The lyrics are amazing and there is probably at least one song theyve done for anyone to relate to. they come up with more songs and every song I enjoy listening to. they havent succumbed to writing songs that try to get more money and end up sounding lame. The arent concerned about popularity anyway. Definitely worth listening to. I'd recommend Staind to anyone.
  2. I'm all for FMA. People who have lost interest in the show will probably be back to discuss the new upcoming season. I'm excited about it after going to a panel with three of the voice actors recently at SacAnime last weekend. They said the new season is based more off of the manga than the previous one.
  3. Thanks for all the help because all of it I took into thought and I know what I want to do now. I'd actually like it if anybody could tell me if my drawing is good enough. I have drawings up at [url]http://kiraluna[/url]. deviantart.com if anyone would like to look. Thanks again for the help. I really appreciate it.
  4. [quote name='Sojiro']yeah, drawing a manga seems easy if your a good artist, but that doesnt realy mean anything, it takes so much time and patience, lots of confidence, and commitment, i suggest u dont rele start one now, lots of ppl think they can, but it will take years sometimes, thru out the day tho u should sketch some of the characters u might want to use, get used to drawing them, give them personalities and unique little charactersitics. :D but stay strong, if u r devoted enough to your cause you might create some pretty awesome stuff.[/quote] Yeah, I usually start out a manga really good but then I dont get time to really work on it and I hastily finish it so it turns out looking horrible. I already have my characters down really well and i have somewhat of a story line. I'm thinking of putting more effort into it, trying to actually spend time on it this time now that I'm set on which story I want to do.
  5. [quote name='Kinjitsu']I've also been trying to draw my own but by the time I get near anything close to a decent manga I think of a different idea that seems so much better.[/quote] Thats what happens to me. I'm not sure what idea I want to use in my manga. It's hard because I only really have time to do one manga, but I have several good ideas. I'm thinking of combining any ideas that I can. Thanks for the help. I think what I'll do is start drawing and work out what happens as I go along as long as I keep a little ahead of what I'll draw next and keep my main idea in mind when I choose what happens. If I just keep planning what will happen, I don't think I'll ever get to paper with it. [color=darkblue][size=1][b]Do not double post in the future. You have been warned. -Lady Katana[/b][/size][/color]
  6. Wolf's rain is definitely one of the best anime I've ever seen. But it's very depressing. Especially right now for the episodes they've shown recently on Adult Swim. The only other anime that made me cry was a movie called "Grave of the Fireflies." I did kind of expect it to be sad because of the name of the show. It is a great anime! But still, very sad.
  7. :confuse2: I need help! A lot of it! I'm trying to do a manga, but I'm having trouble keeping at it. And I'm having trouble drawing it. While i usually draw very good, when it comes time for me to draw for my manga I don't do so well. I'm also having trouble with my story line. Does anyone have suggestions for doing better on my manga? Please let me know if you do. Thanks!
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