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About misaobaku13
- Birthday 04/29/1993
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im just a kid and life is not fair!!!
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the yu yu gang is transported in to the future, in fact, one thousand years in to it! the year is 3005, and to get back, the team must find 100 orbs of time, with the help of a talking bird, yuske, kuwabara, hie and kurama search for the orbs, but what about the people of the future? they seem strange, almost...controlled. this mystry consumes the renkai tenkai, and it is something they will figure out...in time. okay then! heres how its gonna go! name: age: discription: bio? future? or present? human, demon, or half breed? other?(picture, adishinal info, etc.) remember do your best, and have fun! i'll start with mine: name:blue age:16 discription: (see pic) bio: (unknown) for now future half water demon, half machine (mechina (mek-na)) other: picture [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v473/bakugirl/roBOT.jpg[/IMG] "stop!" the police yelled, i pulled my cape over my head and turned twored them. "you want me to stop? well, here you go" i raised two plams and screamed "mizu no yoru!" (the water dragon). a beam of water hit he mech police and slowly morphed into a dragon. it hit them and sent sparks thorgh their bodys. i smirked "ta!" i said and activated my jet pack. i had only had a 5 week membory, and all i know is that i was an expiriment for the time transation,and they wanted me back. i flew into the fog of the sky, avoiding hover cars, and po pos (the name of the police^-^) i headed tword the abandoned space that i had been calling home. i was glad i was alone;i didnt have any one to see me. i had also noticed the behavior of the citizen of the city, they walked around like machina,but i knew they werent.i sliped out of my gloves and reveiled my hands. human hands. i know that i was put into an expiriment becuse of what i am. a hell creature. i had heard another word for my kind, demon, i think it was.i was nearing my home when i looked down. the city, a large and well developed place, full of life, humans and mechina, living unbeknownsted to each other. it was sad really, how two spiceis despised eachother tried to live in secret but failed tremendouly. i reached my home, a large warehouse with broken windows, and a single matress. i powered doen the jetpack and took it of as well, i nearly looked human now, ecepet for my legs, u could not remove them.i sighed and sat down on a large loft, and looked down. i heard muffled nioses "yuske, i dont think no one is here," a calm yet tough voice said "i dun know, this place screams 'watch out!'" a punkish boy said "hn. whatever, if your scared, sleep out side" a tough but rocky voice said. leaning in a little closer, i saw thier details a bit more. the calm voice belonged to a boy with red hair, and green eyes, the punkish voice belonged to a black haired boy who hair was held back with...something. the rocky and tough voice belonged to a short boy, wiht tall hair and crimson eyes. there was also another boy, his hair and face were very unusual, it was orange hair, and wide face. i felt my stomach churn at his site.i waited though the aruging then i dicided it was time for a closer look..... (to be continued) :demon:
~kimaru~ i watched the big hole in the sky grow bigger, nearly the size of 20 villages, i began to worry. i dicided to stay away from the others as long as i could, but sooner or later, i would have to meet up with somebody, 'i just hope that somebody would help me' i thought rushing though the trees, it has been three days, three days since i saw inuyasha, three days since i saw tomoji. but it was only two days since i saw lady knkiro. i remember what happened then, when the old woman we all thought was dead saved me from near doom. ~`~flash back~`~ "*cough*" i wopndered though a moutain of ice. ti was cold, i started to feel wozzy. i saw a fire, i felt a fire. i walked twored the heat while looking down. i started to hear laughter, then i lost my footing, i fell thought the ice, no, i fell of a cliff.i was looking into an illusion "grab my hand child!" i heard a voice say then saw a hand. i grabed onto it for dear life, not wanting to let go. it pulled me up, i was soon looking face to face with lady knkiro. "gasp*" i end here, i know no one has updated here for more than three months, but i want to keep it alive, this story would work, it really would! we just have to try!please, i am sure the creater of this board is feeling down, like this is a faliure, but guys..please
tomji walked down the forest "HOW THE HELL??!!she got so different.." i walkedntil he got to a lare cliff" she.. i just... i couldent fight her!!! whats wrong with me?!!" ipunched the ground shttering the rock iwas on the fell "DAMNIT!!" iwalked aroung looking for a place to spend the night, then isaw something flash by "WHA-?" ilooked around and saw nothing he kept looking for a tree to sleep in, 'all of these things are to filmsy!" itought trying to locate one that could support me.i restless, and startd running,then was thrust dwon " WHAT THE HELL?!!!" ilooked to the side and saw someone in a coat' atleast i did something back" he started to walk over to the preson until she turned around " KIMARU??!!! " "HOLY SHIT!! TOMJI!!" she looked like she was about to explode "what are you donig her kimaru?!" "i couyld ask you the same question!!""what happend to your 'freinds'?!"none of your bissnes!!" at this point we looked each other in the eye and then it hit me. i LIKED her.i LIKED her!! thats why i couldent fight her! "hmph! well tomji would i be right in saying you want a fight?"i was shocked she WANTED to fight! i dont know what was wrong with her, shes the one who did wrong to me! why does she hate me? "whats with the grude kimaru?!" " what the hell do you think you killed my parents!" "what?! i would do no such thing!" " LIES!!" she charged at me "what are you talking about kimaru?! surly i would know if i killed your parents!" "yeah youd know! and i know you do! you did it while i was watching!" " what?! NO i did no such thing! YOUR the one who killed father! your the one who rueind my life!" she stoped "what?!" she looked perplexed "what do you mean tomji?! you-i-WHATS GOING ONN?!!!" she fell to the ground i ran to her i was well, confused why would she kill father then say i killed her parents?! i know her, she never lied before, would she now ? can i trust her once more? " kimaru, what are you talking about?" she looked at me " tomji, you say i killed your father?" "right" "and then i SAW you kill mother and father...whats.. i ...tomji? did anything unusual happen the night your father died?" "uh, actually yea, i kept seeing a babon coming in and out of sight why?" she perked when i said 'baboon' "tell me tomji, was it white?" why would she ask that? it was a baboon!" yes. it was" "naraku.. inuyasha told me that they were fighting against an evil dude that wears a white baboon suit, could it have been him?" what was she eambling about? "kimaru i-ii" she smiled and said " well, there are sturdy trees over in that dicection" she pointed north " you should find a good tree over there, and dont worry about other demons" "why kimaru? " i killed them all." and she ran off
i followed the others, wed made up a large gourp, i drew my wepon, and millons of demons came out "probayle tomji.."i tought out loud. i chagerd and hit three demons at once "DAMNIT! theres to many" kimikae was fighting with everyone else, and she got hit in the side "KIMIKAE!!" miroku ran tward her so did kagome i kept on fighting "miroku! kagome!" i yelled "take her back to the hut! i have an aid kit with herb and medicene, that should stop infection!" i charged some more "WIND SCAR!!" inuyasha wiped out more than half of the remaning demons in one blow!! "wtf! inuyasha what was that?!, nevermind theres stll more" inuyasha and his sis started beating them up sango and kilala did good and shippou threw toys...whateva they did.. soon the demons were defeted, and i ran back to kades hut "how is she?!"i screamed at kagome "shes bleeding bad but i think shell be okay" "okay."i sat down and looked at the others "so,kimaru, how do you know that tomji?"sagou asked "we'll sangou i-..i"i dont think i should tell them... i am not sure i am ready, i think i can trust them.." as you know i came from kanryou village, my mother slayed demons while my father was well, a dad.we just so happend to have a demon living in our village, but whom we could not find out.one night, wihle my mother was re-doing sutras, that demon revealled him self, he was who i thought was my freind!" i clenced my fists" tomji!.he walked in the house in demon form, and slayed mother and father, i got away,and have been training to defeat him and do what mother could not!"i was really botherd by telling this story, i had told it to no one since the incadent "so that means he also wants to do what he could not.."kimkae said "kimkae, lay down!" keade said "yes kimkae that is the reason,and now he is also looking for the shikon no tama..i donr know what he wants, but i am certain it has somthing to do with that hole in the sky..."i jumped of the tree and went deeper into the forest "wait! kimaru!"kimkae yelled "i'll only be a moment kimkae!" and i was off...
it took me a wihle to get used to hanging around with inuyasha and the others,Kikimae, however stared at miroku VERY strangly, i wonder whats between those two? all of a sudden miroku shows up"i, am sorry to bother u.. but would you be so kind as to bare my childern?" i went red"YOU WISH!" thrid time thats happend today oh well, cant stop men... "inuyasha!!!" kagome stop yelling!"inuyasaha! somethings over there!!" i slowly drew my wepon while inuyasah drew the tensiga, i watched and waited " its been a long time kimaru..." i know that voice!! "YOU!" it was my rival,tomji! "what the hell?!" inuyasha you look all funny eyed!!! " look, inuyasha let me take care of him" i said drawing my tarina, he mentiond something to me wile doing this " tsk,tsk still playing with toys i see? you wont get any thing done with that silly leftover of your fathers!" everyone looked dazed "you know him?" "yes kikimae, i know him, he slayed my family and i will never forgive him!!" i ran to him and fully drew tarina, he doged it, hes to fast!!! "still dewling in the past?.. i dont want to fight i actually need something of you, suprizing isnt it?" "you need somethin'?" i stoped dead in my tracks"what exatly is it?" i waited he sat down "well kimaru, i seemd to get your attention," he smriked "i need you to help me in collecting the shards of the shikon no tama, what do you say?" inuyasha perked up" sorry, shes with us!" "thats right why would i help you? your an inconsiderite panther demon, what would a pirestess like me want with a jerk like you?"i simled whenm i said this i had tarina at ready though i didnt trust him. "i see you've disenclind my offer, hm i WAS gonig to let you live, its a shame to have to hurt a pertty face like yours" that was weird...i am pretty though "but you leave me no choice.." he got up and pulled out one of his swords"i dont think so tomji! i am stronger than you, that why you aksed me isnt it?!" i knew it was... i hope..." tsk, and i thought you were smart kimaru..none the matter, your still goning to die..." i hate him!! :flaming: i carged at him he was unprepared i hit him badly,causing him to bleed badly he was down to easy.."well, i make a hasty retreat, good bye kimaru.." hm.. somethuin' aint right "wait!!" he deasperd into thin air "i wonder what he wanted " kagome said startled what was it he wanted? here is kimaru [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v473/bakugirl/kimaru.bmp[/IMG] i will retur for i am the darkness,and darkness never die!!!'~yami bakura~a.k.a: the most sexyest evil guy out there!!! [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v473/bakugirl/banmner.jpg[/IMG]
past~away from u guys!! "hm? whats goin on over there? there someone over there...oh well i have to trian i cant stop now i am so close!!" i turned aroud and saw a girl walk out of a hut she was talking to someone.i dicided to liten in on there conversation"inuyhsa,miroku and the other are coming to the village to take care of this hole in the sky.." i stoped and thought for a wilhe 'whos inuyasha?' "hey! you!"i tuerned aroud quickly and saw a boy with a red suit and silver hair with ears atop his head he was with other people too i didnt see them to well...wait is he a hanyou? he is! i only sence a small demonic arua from him..."who the hell are you?hanyou!"i yelled while pulling out tarina my bladed staff of the earth."hold on one mintie!"this was the girl i was listing to"who are?-"she paused when she saw the hanyou"inuyasha!!"she ran off to them than turned her attention bacck on to me"who are you girl?"she said with a serious tone in her voice"i...am kimaru...travaling pirestess...and who,may i ask, are you?"i knew she was supicious of me so i drew tarina and yeilded "i am Kikimae " sorry have to stop min e there i have to go to bed... :sweat:
i created a rival for my charter kimaru, so here he is: name:tomji age:15 descriptopn :orange hair and eyes , wears a suit sorta like inuyashas but has 3 sowrd holders and a blade holder. bio:born in the same village as kimaru, he was a mortal enemy to her and her family.he slayed her mother and fatherall in front of her eyes.he trianed for the soul perpose of killing kimaru. until hried by a mystiorous eveil... era: past side: eveil race: panther demon my thoughts: hes my soul rival and i will defeat him!! :flaming:
[QUOTE=Lexy]OOC: Okay I haven't started a RPG in a while so let's see how it goes. ;) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FUTURE: It's twenty years into the future and Sango and Miroku are dead, Kagome's back in her time for good, Shippo and Inuyasha are no where to be found, and Naraku has been killed by one of his own creations. Zaroo, the strongest of Naraku's incarnations, has killed his master and now has taken over practcally everything and the only person stading between him and total domination of hte earth is the young 17 year old half demon named Setsouke. One night when fighting jZaroo Setsouke naerly excapes death and is somehow transported into the past, before she is born and before Zaroo is created. Her knowlege of the future is her greatest weatpon but is also her greatest weakness because she too has secrets of her won. If they were to come out would it mean a brighter futre?......The end of her?......Or the end of the future as we know it?....... PRESENT: Inuyasha complaining, Miroku and his perverted ways but nothin out of the ordinary until one night a bright and colorful hole apperaed in the sky and something fell out. So as usual they went to go check it out and they came across Setsouke and of course Inuyasha didn't trust her, expecially ince she wasn't willing to say anything more about herself other than her name. The days that followed after became wierder and wierder as more and more soon found that they were much stronger to defeat. So Inuyasha, Miroku, Sango, and Kagome start to investigate why all this is happening. They will soon find out that the answers they seek lie deep inside Setsouke, her haunting past, and what happened that night in the future. They will also find out that they aren't the only ones looking for answers, and the others will stop at nothing to get them................... SIGN UPS: Name: Age: Description: Bio: Race: (Demon, Half-Demon, etc.) Weapon: (s) Special Abilities: (If Any) Era: (Present or Future?) Side: (Good or Evil?) MINE: NAME: Setsouke AGE: 17 DESCRIPTION: Setsouke has long light brown hair, yellow eyes, and sharp poisoness claws. She weras a long light purple skirt with a long slit down either sides and a matching long sleeved shirt with slits down either sides and mathing long sleeved shirt with slits down either sleeves. BIO: As a small child Setsouke was taught to fight by her parents and others she met on the journeys they took. When Setsouke turned 16 her parents were ingaged in a terrible battle with Zaroo that niether of them left alive. Setsouke has lived with the headmaster of her village ever since her parents died and her life up to this point has been nothing but trying to fight off Zaroo and trying to stay alive. RACE: Half Demon WEAPONS: Two small hand blade boomerangs and a sword. SPECIAL ABILITIES: When she's on the brink of death a surprisingly strong barrier appers around her. ERA: Future SIDE: Good ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: You can be any of the original characters or make up any of your own, have fun!! :D[/QUOTE] name:kimarau age:14 discription:kimarau has long braided black hair wears dark red fighting kimonowith a ribbon off her sandals;also cought wearing a reagular fighting suit, but not since she was 11. BIO:being a village roage, she sets off alone to train to fight anyone, no matter who,she struggled a terible past but wont tell anyone about it.very conseling about personal details about herself, she is usualy in a cherry mood, until she get fighting better be carful! race:encanted preistess(human) wepons:a bladed staff and a powerful curse that is unknown... specal abillates:able to surround herslef with an aora that helps her fly era: past side:good