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Everything posted by S9per

  1. This game looks fantastic. I would've been happy if it were just Super Mario 64! But this! Yoshi, Luigi, etc, all with special moves and stuff! New levels and minigames. This game is going to be amazing! My only concerns (for now) are with the analog control as Sciros mentioned. I don't know how exactly they'll pull it off, but I have my hopes, and my concerns. But then again, I don't really care about that...I think the control will be fine and I think I will love the game.
  2. Yes, it is definitely a fantastic game. One of GCs best easily. One of the funnest RPGs I've ever played. It's quite long, and still has tons of replay value. I haven't beaten it myself (had to take a break for a few other games), but i can't wait to beat it and start New Game Plus.
  3. I think throwing in Dante is a cheap move. They're just cheapining the character. Throwing Dante in everywhere. Dante in this and Dante in that. It's sad when one's guest star library is the same size as his main star game library. Even sadder when only one of those titles is any good. Yes, Dante is cool, but stop throwing him in every single game that comes out. I think I would've wanted the game despite the random cameo/easter egg of Dante being in there. It makes the game seem more gimicky and only takes away from the main storyline of the game, making it start to seem like it's all about Dante. I would've been happy if it was just some other cool demon character instead of Dante. The game does look really cool, and looks like a lot of fun though.
  4. S9per

    American Idiot song

    I really like the song. I've had it stuck in my head like crazy. I think it's catchy. I definitely like the song even if the lyrics are sometimes a little nonsensical.
  5. S9per

    X-Men Legends

    [quote name='Mage15']Of course the game is not limited to one person, there can be two players max for PS2 (I'm not sure what the player limit is for Game Cube or X-Box but i'm pretty sure its the same for PS2).[/quote] Dang, that's what I was gonna ask. Anyone know for sure what the player amount is for this game on GC or XB? I would hope 4-player, but well....
  6. Yeah dude. Haha, I'd say that's fine. Your parents do sometimes know what is best for you, but often times, they don't. Restricting what you write because of stupid little things like curse words and things like that is just silly. What they don't know is probably better for them (and for you). :P
  7. [quote name='ChibiHorsewoman][color=darkviolet']I forgot who sings it, but I've had Stupid American stuck in my head off and on for a few days strait. Pretty bad huh?[/color][/quote] Hmmm...haha, a quick search on the internet yielded "Eddie from Ohio." Haha, I've never heard of them before.
  8. Ohhhhhh....no no no no, NOW I know what you're talking about! Of course. Haha, I'm so stupid. Wow, I completely forgot that the game even did that. What you could do, is start a new town, with a new different character, then move into your new town. And move your new character into your old town. Then you can erase your old town. That way you can keep most of your items and stuff. And you'll end up keeping a lot of your towns members too cause they'll move into the new one also (as they always do when a new town is introduced).
  9. Tales and Four Swords are fantastic games. Tales is a great RPG that is a lot of fun with a great combat engine. Four Swords is a just a helluva lot of fun four-player. Single player, it's a decently fun Zelda game, but four player is just one of the greatest multiplayer experiences ever. And Dante is in the PS2 remake of Viewtiful Joe...I don't think he'll actually be in Viewtiful Joe 2...
  10. I don't like GTA. Repetetive, boring, gameplay with some do-them-once things that people like to brag about doing. The best part about GTA is the music and radio stuff, and playing through the story mode once is fun. Honestly, the design for the game is there...the problem is that driving around the city is boring to watch and boring to play...at least for me. The new one looks to add a lot of stuff to the game, so fans will of course like it...but they need to change some of the basics for me to really like the game.
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