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Everything posted by S9per

  1. Sheesh. You people are crazy. Although looking at it for a bit does make me realize that the gold is a bit hard on the eyes. Like...it's not really hard to read or anything as long as you're going around reading the links and stuff and the text boxes, but when you try to look at it as a whole it seems kinda weird. Like...it's not too bright hard on the eyes...I think it's just a crappy color hard on the eyes...but it's not really a big deal that much. I like the color scheme honestly, but it's just...well, a little odd. Oh, and also, the only thing that really bugs me...and I think this may be more irritating on the eyes than anything else, is that it's not centered on the page, which makes it seem really annoying, and I always feel like I just want to take the corners and drag it out to make it big, but I can't... It feels kind of annoying looking at it that way.
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