Hmmmm...I believe that maybe we can heighten our perceptions and things like that only to a certain extent life force could probably exist, for instance have any of you ever heard of those really expensive meditation places? I mean even though people never see it some claim that through their meditation that they can harness enough chi to even levitate, even though nobody has actually seen it happen.But that could be explained you know about how for example if you skateboard or something like that when you're doing a really great, hard trick or something and your friends tell you to prove that you can do it, they peer pressure you and you can't stay focused on the trick so you get messed up.Only it might be slightly harder or something.I'm just saying that maybe someone has honed their skills enough to do something like that. or maybe it's a big, fat lie. what ever the case if they want to believe in it than they can, they just might be psychotic or something. I geuss you might really ever know if some body could circulate it or controll it or whatever.
P.S. sorry for this huge post M.C.L.