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the running man

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Everything posted by the running man

  1. Have any of you noticed how many people are dying often recently, I mean a week ago or so some guy came up here from florida and murdered two people, a man and a wife and was chased for two blockes before he stopped threatened to kill himself,then finally gave up but, I digress. A couple months before that some guy got shot crossing the street or something. I live in a relatively small town and it seems that every couple months somebody else is getting shot. I just wondered if anybody noticed the same sort of thing happening now.
  2. Look, I sorta have it hard too I mean I'm like 5'2'' or something and people try to mess with me all the time but not so much as they used to. those f***ers wanna mess with me and I'll fight them without another word. You should just try to assert yourself a little more of coarse, I bet you hear that all the time.I had enemies just because I was short. after I asserted myself some of them even became my friends. Of course that one girl sounds like a f***ing b***h.
  3. Hmmmm...I believe that maybe we can heighten our perceptions and things like that only to a certain extent life force could probably exist, for instance have any of you ever heard of those really expensive meditation places? I mean even though people never see it some claim that through their meditation that they can harness enough chi to even levitate, even though nobody has actually seen it happen.But that could be explained too.do you know about how for example if you skateboard or something like that when you're doing a really great, hard trick or something and your friends tell you to prove that you can do it, they peer pressure you and you can't stay focused on the trick so you get messed up.Only it might be slightly harder or something.I'm just saying that maybe someone has honed their skills enough to do something like that. or maybe it's a big, fat lie. what ever the case if they want to believe in it than they can, they just might be psychotic or something. I geuss you might really ever know if some body could circulate it or controll it or whatever. P.S. sorry for this huge post M.C.L.
  4. I know this might have already been discussed but does any body here really watch the show Anime unleashed? It's a show that every other week or so shows a different part of an anime series. I was just wondering I think it's an ok show but I think it cuts off the series's it shows too early. I would like some input, that is if anybody really watches it.Thanks!!! :)
  5. dude almost everyone at some point in time has heard about inuyasha. Personally I love the series, I do not currently own any of the movies but I plan to shortly. Inuyasha is one of my favorite animes ever :)
  6. I was just wondering, what is it that keeps us from just exploding when we get angery. I think it has to do with the fact that we play violent video games and things like that. I think if we can simply and a little bit at a time release that anger, that hate we can control how we feel(at least about that).I really think it would be easier if we would just hit the person who had it coming in the first place.if we could really controll our hate why would we need punching bags? I will gladly appriciate any comments on the subject. :) p.s. sorry this post is so short.
  7. dude you should talk to your girlfriend's girlfriends and other boyfriends and see if they knew if she was like that... do they even know if they're being played by her. but if they did and their down with it maybe you should try to for a while too...
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