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Everything posted by foolycooly6363

  1. What's with the new FFVII games?! Three new games for the PSP and PS2. Adevent children is a new one for only the PSP (so far) it looks like a lot of the old characters are there right? But another one "dirge of cerberus" doesn't seem to have any main characters like cloud or anyone. and then there's Crisis Core- final fantasy VII (working title) not to much info is on this one yet but there is still another year to wait since it isn't scheduled to come out until 2006. also "before crisis" for mobile. honestly, can't the make the games for every platform. but still what's the deal with final fantasy VII all the sudden. Why not make new story's instead of going over old ones. I give up. if anyone knows why there doing the final fantasy VII thing all the sudden please tell me.
  2. it may not be out yet but the previews and special exclusive viewings all point to the fact that prince of persia wrrior within is even better than sands of time. first of all it is now an "M" rated game compared to "T" like sands of time was. the violence is more intense making the action and adventure much better. somepeople thought it was bad timeing for the game to come out due to HALO 2 ( also an eccelent game) coming out a few weeks earlier. But from what i see it's the perfect time to release it. so get your hands on a copy 11/30/04.
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