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Everything posted by Gin-kun
Chapter 1 Lightning flashed across the dark, cloudy sky. It frowned down on a man in battered old clothes, lying against the wall of a small alley. The rain fell in thick sheets, nearly blinding all outside. The man slowly opened his eyes, and let out a long, slow groan. He raised his head up. He couldn?t see well through the torrent, but he could make out the shape of a square object lying a few feet in front of him on the opposite wall. He dragged himself across the rough cement of the alley until he was right in front of the object. He still couldn?t see well, but it was easier to make out from the position he had been in. The object seemed to be broken in some way. He reached his hands out to feel the object, and see if that would help him to know what it was. He touched the surface of it and moved his hand over the smooth surface. He came to a more rugged part and felt a sharp pain in his fingers. He brought them up to his face and saw his own blood dripping from them. The object seemed to be made of some sort of glass. ?I?ll check it out later after this rain stops,? he said in a scratchy voice. He leaned up against the wall next to the glass and fell asleep after a few minutes. When he woke up the next morning, the sky was still cloudy, and the torrents of rain had turned to mere drizzle. He crawled back over in front of the glass. He could see now that it was a broken mirror. Shards lay on the cement in at its feet. He looked into it and he was wondering who he was when it hit him; flashes came to him. Men in masks bending over him with scalpels; a sign needing a volunteer. A volunteer for what? He thought in the middle of his memories. A few more hit him. A room full of people; an apartment he had never seen before. Then, they all stopped. He found himself looking at the forehead of his reflection. There seemed to be some sort of cut in the middle. He was wondering what it was, when a sudden circular red glow came from around the middle of it. The cut (so he thought) started to open, and he almost let out a gasp of pure horror. There was a large, glowing red eye in the middle of his forehead. He scrambled back across the alley to the wall he had woken up on the previous night. He was still shivering with fright and trying not to look back across to the mirror. The eye was pulsing with a small pain. He stood up and tried not to think about it. He started walking out of the beat up alley and on to a street that wasn?t as cracked and broken as the alley. He tried to keep his head down so no one would see the eye. It was an embarrassment to his person. Three eyes wasn?t a normal sight. Another flash came to him. It was the same apartment he had seen earlier. Except that it was outside where the number was showing. He now knew where the apartment lay. He sprinted to a street on the right-hand side of the one he was on. The small road had few people on it. His footsteps were quick. He reached the apartment complex and stared at number 201. That?s it, he thought. The sound of his footsteps echoed in the dim morning. Stair after stair, he raced up them. He reached the door and pushed it open. Inside there was nothing. No furniture, no pictures, no people. The only thing in there was a small wallet lying on the floor beside a piece of paper. He crossed to where it lay and picked up the paper. It read: If you?re reading this, then you know I sold everything I own and headed for the labs. But, in case anything went wrong, I wrote this note and left you my money. This experiment they told me about was too great a chance to pass up. I needed to do it. They offered me money to do this. And I desperately need it. I hope to be back soon, and I can?t wait to see the results. I?ve got to go. Garin The man spoke in his raspy voice, ?So? I found my name. Garin?? A tear ran down his cheek. He had nothing but the rags on his back, the money he left himself, and his name. Garin picked up the wallet and opened it. There was more than enough for some better clothes. He left the note on the floor of the apartment and walked out, clutching the wallet. The eye was still aching. The dull throbbing of it made him sick to his stomach. He couldn?t think straight now. It was more crowded outside now than when it had been when he entered the apartment. He joined the tide of people. He wouldn?t be noticed now. He felt a small tug on his arm and he was yanked out of the throng. ?You?re coming with me, Garin,? a cruel voice said in his ear. Garin turned and saw a man grasping his arm. The man was clad all in black, and his dark eyes stared down at Garin?s striking fear into his heart. Garin put up a struggle. He tried to wrest his arm from the man. He finally used force. He reared his arm back and punched the man in the face as hard as he could, and the man immediately let go. He sprinted to the nearest store and walked inside. It was full of clothes. He walked as quickly as he could down the aisle and turned onto a smaller one. He heard the bell as someone walked in, and he stopped. He peeked around the corner of the aisle that he turned from. The man was standing there looking around. ?May I help you, sir?? a voice said behind Garin. He jumped and turned around. An attendant was there smiling at him. ?No thank you,? Garin said trying to disguise his voice. The attendant walked off looking a little oddly at him. He looked back around the corner and the man wasn?t there. Garin ran to the door and wrenched it open only to find the man outside waiting. ?Thought you could get away, did you?? he said, pulling out a gun. Garin took a step back. ?You plan to kill me?? he asked the man. ?I,? the man pointed the gun at Garin, ?plan to take you back to where you came from.? Garin stared at him with anger in his eyes. The man smiled. ?Now, I don?t want to pull this trigger if I can help it,? he said. ?But, if you insist on not coming with me I won?t have any choice but to.? ?I do not want to come with you, so you?ll take me by force!? Garin yelled. He started running at the man. He reared his fist back again ready to punch him, but at the same moment he heard the gun go off and there was a pain in his right foot. The pain was intense. It seemed as if it went by in slow motion. The next thing he knew, the man and the gun were laying apart on the ground. Garin ran to the gun and picked it up. The man lifted his head up. Garin put the barrel of the gun to the man?s head and said, ?You think you?re hot stuff? I think otherwise,? the eye was throbbing. ?Now, when I lift the gun from your head, I want you to stand up and put your hands in the air.? ?Fine, we?ll do it your way,? the man said. Garin pulled the gun away from the man, and the man stood up quickly. He drew a knife from the inside of the coat. ?I?ve failed,? he said lifting his head to the sky. ?I couldn?t capture him!? With that, the man stabbed himself in the neck, and fell back to the ground in a pool of his own blood. Garin stood there, horrorstruck. The man had committed suicide right in front of his eyes. He couldn?t believe it. The blood started running slowly down the street towards Garin. His hearing was growing faint. He heard the dull roar of sirens, and a crowd gathering. What was he going to tell them? He hadn?t killed the man. He had killed himself. His hand was still on the knife. All the pain Garin had in his body was numb now. His whole body was numb. His vision grew faint, as well. And he fell to his knees and blacked out. ***** Took me almost forever to write it, cause I couldn't ever find time to write on it. Anyway, I hope ya like. If you'll remember my mutant thing, it's from this story right here, but it's near the end instead of at the beginning. W00T! Finally finished! lol I've been a little lazy with this. And despite the NO REVIEWS!, I'm going to keep posting until I get *at least* one. Enjoy. ********* Chapter 2 Garin shook his head. His vision was still a little fuzzy. ?Where am I?? he asked. ?Stay still. You?re in the back of an ambulance. When you?re fully awake, the police want to interrogate you on what happened,? a highly feminine voice said from around his feet. He tried to lean his head up to see who had spoke, but the nurse stood up and pushed him back down. ?You need to rest,? she said. She was very beautiful. Garin looked up at the ceiling of the ambulance. His feet were hanging off the edge of it. There was an aching around his eye. The eye was pulsing with a sharper pain than it had been earlier before the man had confronted him. He felt a little pressure around his foot. ?You won?t be able to walk for a few hours. You got shot in the foot. Luckily, the bullet passed right through, so you aren?t in so much trouble,? she said. ?What?s your name?? ?Garin. That?s it,? he said, not looking at her. He felt like screaming from the pain, but he couldn?t bring himself to do it. ?Garin? That?s a nice name,? she said, sitting down next to him. ?You can sit up now, but don?t go too fast.? Garin leaned up. He looked down at his right foot where he had gotten shot. It was heavily wrapped in bandages. There was a huge blood spot in the middle of it. A man dressed all in dark blue walked up to the ambulance. He pulled a badge out of his pocket and said, ?Young man, I?m Officer Burgesses. I need to ask you some questions about what happened here a little while ago. ? Garin nodded and swallowed. He remembered the eye? Wait! He thought. The eye! He quickly reached up to his forehead. He couldn?t feel the eye. Only the small cut-like state he had found it in that day in the alley. He let out a sigh of relief as the officer took out a notepad and a pen. ?Now son, tell me what exactly happened here,? he said, prepared to write. ?Well?? he thought back to what had happened. ?He cornered me into that store over there,? he pointed to the store. ?I hid and he came in, looked around, and left. I decided to leave also, so when I came outside he was standing there waiting,? ?Go on?? the officer said, putting the period on another sentence. ?He pulled a gun on me and said he didn?t want to fire it and cause a ruckus. But when I tried to make him take me by force, he shot me through the foot. I punched him, and he dropped the gun. I took it and put it to his head and told him to stand up. He stood up and pulled out a knife. Then he said he couldn?t get me and mission was failed, so he stabbed himself in the neck and fell back down.? ?What do you mean you ?tried to make him take you by force??? the Officer Burgesses asked, not looking at him, but writing an endless sentence (so it seemed). ?He said he was going to take me somewhere cause I had to be exterminated,? Garin said, feeling clueless. ?Ok?? Officer Burgesses finally looked up and stopped writing. He flipped the front of the notepad over and said, ?That?s enough. I can tell you now that you?re innocent of killing this man. Thank you for your cooperation.? With that, he walked back over to the crime scene. Garin tried to stand up. He was a little dizzy. He staggered his way over to the white lump on the ground. There was a small line of crimson around the hem of the sheet. It must?ve been a sheet to be stained like that. Blood was slowly coming from under the sheet. Two paramedics came over and put the lump of sheets on a stretcher. They weren?t too careful cause as soon as they lifted the stretcher, a hand fell out from the bottom grasping a knife. Garin came to his senses. That wasn?t a lump of sheets. That was the man?s body with a sheet over it! He moved back a little and tried to not vomit. It was sick enough to have watched the man die, but to see his blood-drenched body carried off on a stretcher. He turned around and started walking off. The crowd that had gathered at the scene was dispersing. He followed them through the streets. People emptied into buildings on either side of the road until he was the only one left. Garin limped along the sidewalk. The weather was becoming cold. The dreary sky promised more rain later on in the day. He could see his breath now, hanging in mid-air. He put his hands in his pockets. He really needed to find a store. Streetlights came on. It must be near dark, he thought. There was a store to his right. Garin stopped and looked in the brightly lit window. He went to the front door and pushed it open. He walked in and attracted a few stares from the customers already inside. There were clothes all around. Blue ones, black ones, red ones. Clothes of all colors. Over in the corner was a selection of leather. There was brown leather and black leather. He thought a minute. The leather would be best. Black leather. He went to the corner and picked up a black leather jacket with white fur around the collar. He got one of the black muscle shirts on the hangers near the leather jackets. Now for some pants. Garin looked around the room. Pants were on the other side. He got some baggy black jeans. He needed to stay warm in this cold weather. Garin looked next to the register. There was a rack with bandannas on it. Several patterns decorated the various colors on the rack. He put the clothes on the counter and chose one of the light blue ones with the black Dragon patterns on it, and threw into the pile of clothes on the counter. ?The total comes to $107.42,? the cashier said, holding out his hand to take Garin?s money. Garin flipped through the money, counting. He got the right amount and gave it to the cashier. He turned around and walked out. He thought to himself, Now where am I going to change into these at? Garin looked down the sidewalk. There was another alley there. He quickly ran to it and went in it. Trashcans lined the walls. He stacked a few of them up. He had made a small wall between himself and the streets on either side. He quickly changed into the clothes and knocked down the wall of trashcans. He ran before the owner came out looking for the cause of the noise. It was totally dark outside now. The only sources of light being the streetlights and the dim lights filtering from the windows of apartments and houses. Maybe a few neon signs here and there, also. One of the signs had a picture of a gun on it and said ?Rick?s Gun and Pawn Shop?. Garin thought. He was debating with himself wondering whether or not to go in. He needed to protect himself somehow? But he had already protected himself so much today that a man committed suicide because of it. That was only one man. He could tell that in a big, important city like this there was bound to be gangs. Just in case? he thought. You never know what?s going to happen when you live on the streets? After thinking this, he crossed the street and opened the door to the gun shop. ********* *DUN DUN DUN* Yes, the black leather jacket of doom?. I do hope to get some reviews. especially after this chapter.
[URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v297/Sage_Gin/project001battlescarred.jpg]Same mutant thing, better stance and form.[/URL] It's the same thing from the other mutant thing, 'cept this one's battle scarred. It's like... during the major battle, but I can't draw people, therefore, I couldn't draw the dude that it's fighting. Hope ya like.
Hehe, nice. I made my own banner. It's only about my... 5th-6th one that I've actually [I]used[/I]. It's got the job done. I like the pic, and the quote. And, yes, I used Paint. I have Photoshop 7.0, but when I try to save it as a .jpg it automatically adds a .png on the end. Like I tried to do this one in there, and the file was named: knivesgunsig.jpg.png. I don't knwo why it does that, but it gave me a bad first impression with Photoshop, so I use Paint now. If you wanna know how to crop in Paint, you use the dotted rectangle to select the piece you want, then right-click and click "Cut". It'll cut it from the page. Next, you go to New and don't save the changes you made to the document. Then on the New page, you right-click and paste it. It'll come up as the part you cut out. Now, you can add text, change the coloring, etc. If you don't know how to get them on the forum, I can help with that too. Just PM me or im me on AIM or Yahoo! Messenger. I'll be glad to talk to anyone that wants to talk to me or anything like that...
Most painful ([physically painful) experiance ever
Gin-kun replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
Yes, it hurts to get hit in the nuts.... With anything... I haven't been hit there lately, but I did hit myself there by accident with my nun-chucks. o3o;; Another painful experience. Breaking my arm when I was 7. I can't say that I've broken many bones, cause I get more than enough calcium everyday. This being my one and only broken bone (so far), I would not want to do it again. We were playing hide and seek. I was running from the person that was it. I tripped over a tree root, and landed smack on another one. Broke both the Radius and Ulna (I believe that's the name of them). Sad to say that was the worst summer of my life. The very week I got my cast off, I had to get my tonsils out. Yet another I've had was the bike wreck a few months ago. I was riding ahead of my friends and bro (they were on foot) and I don't know what happened, but the next thing I knew, I was on the ground. Scraped up the back of my hand, the front of my other hand, and sprained my wrist. Not to mention the various scratches I had on my right side. I was still on my bike as I lay there for a few seconds. Couldn't move. Another (yes, another) was when I was around 8 (I think...) I was jumping on my trampoline. I did a little suicide dive thing, and landed on the back of my neck. Couldn't move for a few minutes, so I must've hurt my back in some way. I was lying there trying to get off. Nothing. I still don't think my parents know. :D -
It's like Bowser off of Super Smash Bros. Melee. Sacrifice speed for power. Don't tell me you haven't seen something like this that only has two legs. It's kinda like a snake when it comes to this. It's legs pull forward and the little scale things on the bottom help it. I didn't think of that till just now, so don't expect to find any of that on the drawing. It's about... 8 foot tall I guess. The character in which it fights is around 6, so ya I guess it's around 8. I must owe inspiration to this drawing and creature to the Fell Beasts from the Lord of the Rings. They inspired this drawing. :D
Ah there we go.
I edited it, re-uploaded it, and tried it again. This time, though, it said something about subscribed threads... There are no subscribed threads to display in this folder for this time period. That's what it says everytime I click save signature.
It's 400x114. I did have the [IMG] tags in there, so it might be that one of the sides is bigger than it should be....
Yep. Club with needles, pins, nails, spikes, ect. And what kind of hair are you talking about? o_O;; I didn't put any hair on it...
I tried putting [URL=this]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v297/Sage_Gin/knivessig.jpg[/URL] picture in my signature as a banner. I put it on, but when I post, it doesn't show up. Help?
I don't normally post right after the first post of the replier person or whatever, but I'll say that I can't do RPG's. I tried once, but I don't get it. I mean if someone shoots at you or tries to stab you or somethin you can just go "*flips over the bullet (or sword in whatever case) and appears behind you*". Like I say, I'm no good with it. :D
[URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v297/Sage_Gin/project001.jpg]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v297/Sage_Gin/project001.jpg[/URL] This is a mutant experiment thing. I know you have no clue what it is, but you'll have an idea when I post my fiction. It'll prolly be later in the year, or maybe early next year. Hope ya like.
I'm new. Nice boards. I rather like the colors of it, and the layout and everything. One of the best looking boards I've seen. But that doesn't matter, eh? As long as you guys are nice and friendly, I won't care. Just to give you an example of what I can be like, and saving you the time and boredom of going to my profile, I'll tell you a little about myself. I like to write, draw, read, watch anime, read manga (just a teensy bit), make jokes (corny, mind you...), and collect swords, daggers, knives, nun-chucks, ect. ect. This last one being strange, seeing as I have Belonephobia (the fear of needles). I'm working on a fiction now. It's still in the planning stage, though, so don't expect to see it around anytime soon. I do have a few drawings from this also. I'll post one in the Fan Art forum in a minute. I hope to have a wonderful time at the Otaku Boards, and look forward to making a few friends. :D
Canti from Furi Kuri (Fooly Cooly, FLCL, etc. etc.). I actually got this wallpaper from this site. Thanks to whoever Panda is. [color=teal]I removed the wallpaper and made it an attachment to save space. -Syk3[/color]
First let me start off by saying I'm a newb to the boards. Been going to theotaku a lot, but never the boards. Ok, now on to the topic. Great game. Easily one of my favorites. It has sikmple controls, and it has nice gameplay and graphics. I have the PS2 version. I originally played the XBox version in EB Games. I've beat the whole thing already. If I only had the thing so I could play online...