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Everything posted by Teufelmann

  1. yeah i do like the idea of the eating food i just dont like the idea of time progressing without you. but then i guess it could be good in some circamstances.
  2. oh iight then, so whatch think of them then?
  3. hey guys, i couldent find ne thread like this so i thought that it would be alright if i made one. sigs that i have made lately: (only a couple) [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v248/Devilman10/95425f00.png[/IMG] old ..::TF::.. sig [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v248/Devilman10/RammsteinKollegensig.jpg[/IMG] new ..::Rammstein Kollegen::.. sig. (btw Reise there is someone i know who is gonna sign up and was wonderin if she could join RK if that is alrigh i have already put her down on the sig :D sorry if this aint iight ) they are the two latest ones that i have made. Please feel free to post ur latest sigs.
  4. well basically you will prob want to get a good imaging program like Photoshop, or paintshop pro. both verry usefull programs. then all you need to do is to make a new document the same size as ur desktop. e.g my desktop is 1028 * 786 so thats how big i would make my image. then all you need to do is either start making an image urself or you can scan an image to ur comp and edit it, or you can get an image from the net and mess around wit it. if i wasnt very help full just say so and then ask exactly what you need help doing.
  5. thats iight, netime. umm im not quite sure what mine looks like to you guys but to me it looks like white text down the bottom of the image. im not sure because sometimes my computer messes the images up on the net and it might look alot like the first one that i posted. if not then thats good. also i do like the txt that reise used. What is the name of that text? if you dont mind sharing :D else neva mind.
  6. Betta now? [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v248/Devilman10/19.jpg[/IMG] BTW you wernt verry discriptive on what text you wanted, i just assumed that you didnt care. be more clear next time.
  7. [QUOTE=Serraph-Angel][size=1]Basically all I need done with the image is what the title says, resize it and add my name if you could. And make the font cool... lol. The size I need it is a good size for a picture in the introduction section of myO, so about 300x300 or 400x400 or somewhere around there. Thanks in advance. EDIT: Forgot the URL for the picture: [url]http://www.planethalflife.com/screenshot.asp?src=/half-life2/screenshots/19.jpg[/url][/size][/QUOTE] whatcha think? anygood? i just made it quickly so it might not be what you had in mind, (grr i wish i had photoshop on this comp) neway hope its good enough, if not then sorry. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v248/Devilman10/19.jpg[/IMG]
  8. yeah man trust me you will like it, specially if your nething like me, and everyone i know who listens to rammstein who has heard the new album say that they LOVE the new songs. but then the ppl i know like the same music as me so meh i dunno if u will think that it is as good. hope u enjoy it neway
  9. hey guys, i have been a fan of anime for a while now but i dont get the time to sit and watch them wheneva i want, so far i have seen: Neon genesis Evangelion (whole series including movies) Dragonball z Dragonball GT about 5 eppisodes of Lain most of Cowboy Beebop Some of Bubblegum Chrisis. and i was wondering what anime/manga you guys would recomend that i watch? (if there is a topic like this i appologise) Thanx :tasty:
  10. am i just dreaming or is ther clans or groups or something on this site? if there is can somebody tell me how i would go about joining one? thanx for the help :D umm sorrry if this is in the wrong area.
  11. yeah i know thats the only thing that i dont like: - the days in the game go on even if the console is turned off (that means that events that may only happen on one day of the month and your console is turned off then you miss that event) otha then that tha game is looking fairly good :P
  12. [QUOTE=Reise][SIZE=1][COLOR=SlateGray]I've listened to all the Rammstein albums apart from Reise, which i am saving up for. Plus yeh, i do have them all also, lol. I'm severley hoping 'Reise Reise' to be great. As i've read an interview with them about this album, they say they've made it a million times better than Mutter (Mother), Sehnsucht (Longing) and Herzeleid (Heartache). So i would recommend it even before having it myself, i have listened to Amerika, and that is amzing. *Crosses Fingers* hope this is as great as it says.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/QUOTE] Man you wouldent believe it, I think that "Amerika" is the worst song on there album (not that it is a bad song just that i like the othas betta) and "Ohne Dich" is Magnificent, this album is a godsend. it arrived just when I was needing some new music to listen to. :P it truley is good.
  13. These are my two most fav songs in the whole wide world :D what do you guys think of them? lyrics: SYSTEM OF A DOWN - Roulette Lyrics I have a problem that I cannot explain, I have no reason why it should have been so plain, Have no questions but I sure have excuse, I lack the reason why I should be so confused, I know, how I feel when I'm around you, I don't know, how I feel when I'm around you, Around you, Left a message but it ain't a bit of use, I have the pictures, the wild might be the deuce, Today you called, you saw me, you explained, Playing the show and running down the plane, I know, how I feel when I'm around you, I don't know, how I feel when I'm around you, I know, how I feel when I'm around you, I don't know, how I feel when I'm around you, Around you, Around you, Around you... that song has an awsome guitar solo that i just love, i almost die wheneva i hear it. Mein Herz Brennt (English) Lyrics Now, dear children, pay attention I am the voice from the pillow I have brought you something I ripped it from my chest With this heart I have the power To blackmail the eyelids I sing until the day awakes A bright light on the heavens My heart burns They come to you in the night Demons, ghosts, black fairies They creep out of the cellar shaft And will look under your bedding Now, dear children, pay attention I am the voice from the pillow I have brought you something A bright light on the heavens My heart burns They come to you in the night And steal your small hot tears They wait until the moon awakes And put them in my cold veins Now, dear children, pay attention I am the voice from the pillow I sing until the day awakes A bright light on the heavens My heart burns
  14. yes i have heard the whole album, infact i am listening to it right now :D, and it is BRILLIANT!!! at first i was like "Meh nothing all that good" but now i have listened to the Cd like 25 times over :lol: hahaha meh it is excelent and i love it to bits, specially the songs: Ohne dich (without you) amour morgenstern (morning star) and moskow (moscow) the album is fantastic and if you are a fan its a must get. also nomad what is with the writing under the sig? juist wondering what you mean by it.
  15. OMG that is funny as hell. hahaha did you use paint? meh its still good work. *patts oneolddude on the back*
  16. alright here is a couple of backgrounds i have but im not on my comp so the icon setup is totally different then mine, neway here they are: [url]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v248/Devilman10/d097b86e.jpg[/url] [url]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v248/Devilman10/17381fbe.jpg[/url] [url]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v248/Devilman10/desktopcopy.jpg[/url] the last one is actually mine from home thats why it has the different icons then the othas. whatcha think?
  17. My fav character would have to be Misato from NGE. i know that the series is nothing special but i just think that she is really kewl and funny :D
  18. OMG!!! nobody seems to like the gta games here. they are my fav. umm i noticed that a couple of u guys say that the gta series are too repetetive. well what about the Final fantasy, same gameplay different characters, differents story, just like gta. and if GTA is so popular then why change it? just update the **** out of it, to make it look, feel, and play betta.
  19. my most anticipate game this year is GTA:San Andreas, i dowlnoaded a trailer 4 it and it looks ******** Awsome, way larger maps, new characters, new storyline, and apparentally there is a charater from the old games that has come back into the story? who could it be......Phil again maybe? hmmm who knows.
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