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abc kid

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Everything posted by abc kid

  1. In regards to what many of you had stated, I will have to say that several shows from the Gundam franchise are, in fact, original and unique when it comes to storytelling. On the other hand, other shows sometimes display certain elements that are either recognizable or just simply uninteresting and bland. Personally, there [B][I]are[/I][/B] some Gundam series that I had enjoyed for the past few years. Gundam Wing was not only the first Gundam series I had seen, but it is also my favorite of all time. It had everything and anything I could ever had asked for in an anime: incredible storytelling, memorable characters (i.e. Heero, Duo, Wu Fei, etc.) , and unexpected plot twists. It is an awesome adaptation of the Gundam franchise. The other Gundam shows I love to watch - most of you may not like them, I may warn you - include G Gundam, Mobile Suit Gundam, Gundam Seed, and Gundam 0080. The most disappointing installment for the Gundam franchise, in my view, was/is the 8th MS Team. Not only was it a short anime series (about 13 episodes, as I recall), but it was almost as if it was a corny yet "sappy" love story. If I wanted to see an anime that containsa storyline similar to Romeo and Juliet, I'd watch Ah! My Goddess or read the play myself. It didn't really impressed me much. Moreover, many Gundam fans, including [I]moi[/I], seem to agree on one thing: SD Gundam ain't our cup of tea. I say this because it is mainly a series strictly for kids or novice fans who couldn't or refuse to understand the premise of any of the previous Gundam shows proir to SD. Although SD doesn't bother me as a Gundam fan, I wouldn't say it is my favorite, and many of you may agree w/ me. Basically, I don't necessarily see the Gundam franchise waining into obscurity; it is just at mere stalmate. There is nothing original or intriguing storyline-wise, not to mention no new installments to Gundam have been created. I just wish that this sentiment doesn't disturb anyone's allegance to the Gundam franchise, which has grown to be the most popular brand of anime anyone has ever seen.
  2. [COLOR=Blue]:animeangr For me, the concept DBGT really disappointed me. I wanted to watch it, but after viewing the first season, I was uninterested to begin w/. Numero uno, no one should turn Goku into a child. Numero dos, the storylines were a bit bland. Finally, numero tres, the English subscribers didn't even show the first season of DBGT. If this was the last season of DBGT, I'm so disappointed.[/COLOR]
  3. I relate to Heero Yuy (Gundam Wing) and Domon Kasshu for numerous reasons. Heero displays various traits that almost identifies my personality including quiet, shyness and brash. Domon comes to me as a brave and questioning human being who is willing to make a change in the wolrd, even if it means risking his own sanity to do it.
  4. abc kid


    [FONT=Arial][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue] I see the point from both parties about the whole toy deal. I believe that it is interesting to see various anime characters being converted into figurarines, generally for the fact that these type of characters connect to the eyes of anime fans. Plus, I have seen GTIS on numerous occasions, and I feel that it is a very detailed anime. After the first time I had viewed the first episode, I was completely hooked. I am yet to understand the complete storyline and the overall plot, but I have become very intrigued w/ the characters, esp. the Taichikoma. They really crack me up, and they're simply mechanical weapons. The Taichikoma, in my view, display similar personality traits revolving how they react to certain situations. :flaming: [B][I]THE BALANCE OF POWER HAS SHIFTED![/I][/B] :flaming: [/FONT]
  5. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Boy, there are so many battles from Iron Chef to choose from. Let me think for a moment... I always enjoyed the series of encounters Iron Chef Morimoto had to endure w/ the Ohta faction. Every battle was a must-see, even though Morimoto dominated in three of the five matches he had w/ various members of the Ohta faction. I believe his record against the Ohta faction was four wins and one loss (1-5). There was one match ,in particular, that involved Morimoto and another member of the Ohta faction, who was considered to be the best. The battle was so closed to call; it even went to overtime! In the end, however, it was Morimoto who sent the Ohta faction to school. *laughs* How's that for a lesson, Kandagawa-san?[/COLOR] :flaming:[I]ALLEZ CUISINE!!![/I] :flaming:
  6. abc kid


    :ball: [Font=Arial] Pokemon is not only a game where you can choose any type of Pokemon that you wish, but you can also combine different types of Pokemon in order to form a well-balanced team. In addition, I like the appeal of relying on strategic means and understanding of each Pokemon's weakness to win a battle. Personally, I figured they released at a short time span since it [B]is[/B] the holiday season and so they attempted to cash in. That sentiment may not be true, but it is pretty obvious that they are proceeding at keeping gamers at their heels by the time Christmas starts. Come to think of it, I believe the DS cost approximately $149.99 ( if you don't include the sales tax), which is about the same price of the larger game consoles that is on the market today. Needless to say, some people are going to be on a budget this holiday season, but yet again, do they [B][I]ever[/I][/B]?
  7. [B][B]xxx[/B][/B] [FONT=Arial][FONT=Arial]xxx[/FONT][/FONT][I][I]xxx[/I][/I] :flaming: :flaming: :flaming: [SIZE=1][SIZE=1]xxx[/SIZE][/SIZE] NOW WAAIITT A MINUTE HERE!![B][B]xxx[B][/B] I have heard the rumors about Tupac Shakur (or 2Pac, if you will) staging his own death and is actually hiding out somewhere. In my view, Tupac couldn't possibly alive. [B][B]xxx[/B][/B] Whoever[B][B]xxx[/B][/B] is spreading these rumors happens to be either a fan who is unable to handle his tragic murder, or perhaps someone who is literally attempting to pull everyone's leg from the edge of the table. What is true, [B][B]xxx[/B][/B] however[B][B]xxx[/B][/B] , is that Tupac's lifestyle proved to be his tragic flaw in the end, which is unfortunate for such an incredible talent to pay for his turbulent road to stardom. Moreover, I don't believe that he would set Biggie up. Afterall, both Tupac and Biggie were just neutral pawns in the so called "East Coast/West Coast" war, which equally led to both murders ( remains unsolved). Ironically, people celebrate them more for their music in death than in life. What a creul world it is! ^_^
  8. [ One of my favorite series of all the recent Gundam series would have to be Gundam Wing simply because not only does it persists an excellent storyline, but the series also features various characters with different objectives and views about the world surrounding them. This was actually the first Gundam series that I had seen and I personally feel that it stands in a class of its own. :flaming: Totally awesome!! Another Gundam series that has caught my interests is Mobile Fighter G Gundam. Even if this series does not receive the praises of Gundam fans and anime fans alike, it is a "must see" for those who have viewed and enjoyed it. My favorite character from the series is Rain.
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