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hitokiri battosai

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Everything posted by hitokiri battosai

  1. My favorite anime of all time is Rurouni Kenshin. Kenshin is the sweetest swordsman ever. He is freakin fast as crazy and has a sweet final move. I love the whole series. I like all the characters. Master Hiko is my second favorite character. These are just somew of the reasons why Kenshin rules.
  2. I agree with Solomns_Wolf. People cant accept it for what it is and they don't really even give it a chance. They just close their minds to all things that seem like things that they wouldn't like.
  3. [QUOTE=WW2]Um..Kenshin? I don't think that would be a good choice. I mean he's constantly tormented by all the people he's killed and in the end he [SPOILER]dies on the side of the road from some horid disease.[/SPOILER] Thats deffinately not somebody I'd like to be. But then again, Maybe thats what makes him such an interesting character. Anyway...I don't think I'd like to be anyone in the anime universe. Most of all the people are either screwed up in the head, constantly attacked by crazed, sometimes erotic enemies, or too happy go lucky to notice anything. But thats just my opinion. :D[/QUOTE] I totally get what you are saying. Alot of people think that way. But I think it would be awesome to experience all the different places and worlds in the anime universe. It would be really cool to be able to experience old Japan like Kenshin did. It would also be awesome to be in a ninja clan.
  4. Hey, I was just wondering how all you anime fans out there feel about this topic. I mean picking an anime character to be is not as easy as it may look. For me it would be a very hard choice. First off one of my choices would be Kenshin. He is the best swordsman that has ever walked the face of the earth. He owns every feakin person that wants to cause trouble or chaos in his world. My second choice would have to be Naruto. He is one of the funniest anime characters I have ever seen. He also kicks ninja tale all throughout the manga and anime. In the end I think I would pick Kenshin. So you guys just say who you would want to be and why. :animesmil
  5. Rorouni Kenshin s the freakin sweetest show in the freakin world. i know almost all there is to know about all of the seasons. If you have not seen it then you have not lived. You cannot call yourself an anime fan without having seen Rouroni kenshin. I'm telling you right now that if you have not seen it you must or i shall get very mad. You cannot resist Kenshin. He is freakin the coolest guy in the world ever. See it now.
  6. This is a pretty hard question to answer. I love pretty much all anime and manga alike. I would have to choose two. It would be a tie between Shonen Jump and Tokyo Pop. Shonen Jump has always been my favorite. I love Naruto, One Piece, and Rorouni Kenshin. I kind of lost a lot of my respect with them a little when they had those crappy cencored episodes air on T.V. I'm just ahppy they're coming out with the uncut dvd's soon. Tokyo Pop is another one of my all time favorites. I,ve always loved it for .Hack and Saiyuki. I think they are a little less impresive than Shonen Jump, but I'm still a loyal fan of them.
  7. This question is kinda hard and I can't really make up my mind. I think I have to give it a tie between three people. It would be Rorouni Kenshin, he is freakin sweet all around and is insane with his reverse blade. Naruto, he's an awesome ninja and is hilarious. Last but not least Kakashi, for basically the same reason as Naruto.
  8. Rorouni Kenshim's Heart of Sword is pretty sweet. I also like the music from Cowboy Bebop and Inuyasha.
  9. My favorite manga so far would have to be Naruto. I think it has a good mix of comedy and action. Oh and bye the way Dragonball Z manga is crap. :D
  10. I think my first manga was Inuyasha. It was one of the first shows i started watching and collecting. Since then I've started collecting Ragnarok, Rorouni Kenshin, and about ten others thast I really enjoy.
  11. I've seen pretty much all of the episodes of the first season. I find this show quite awesome. I love the whole feel of alchemy and stuff. It's pretty sweet. I love how this show is always twisting and you never really know what is going to happen next. The whole plot just keeps you on the edge of youre seatfor the whole thirty minutes of it.It's pretty awesome. I personally like the new style of artwork done in this show. They add alot of detail to the characters and thier whole appearance. The characters in this show are pretty strange, but I find that I like the wierd things that make up those characters. Overall I like FMA alot and plan on continuing to watch it as it goes through the second season.
  12. Youre question is easily answered. Kenshin would own Jin completely with his insane speed and crazy attacks.
  13. I think anime in general is targeted for all age groups. As you get deeper into it it starts to break of into different target age groups. I think that probably most otakus are from early to late teenage years. Most adults seem to think that it is childish and stupid to watch any form of cartoon. I have met a good amount of adult anime fans at conventions ive been to though. So not all of them are lost causes. I just think most adults feel that they need to be grown up and stuff like that. But to answer your question i think in general Anime is targetde for everyone.
  14. This is kinda a hard question but here goes: Dad: Kenshin Himura (Rouroni Kenshin) Reason: It would be sick to be the son of the worlds best swordsman, And if you ever needed help with somebody messin with youold paps would help u out Mom: Kauru (Rouroni Kenshin) Reason: There are only two people Kenshin is happy with and she's the cooler one of them. Siblings: Kyo (Samurai Deeper Kyo) and, Vash the Stampede (Trigun Reasons: Kyo is pretty funny and is awesome when he goes into demon form. Vash is really funny and is the best shot ever. Pet: Kirara (Inuyasha) Reason: ThIs really explains itself. It's a frickin flying cat demon you can ride. I think thats about right.
  15. I saw this game advertised in Newtype Usa and it looks awesome. I love the fact that u can use alchemy. I'm a major fan of Fullmetal Alchemist and I love the game. I have and love it and would recomend it too.
  16. This is almost the hardest thing i've ever had to answer in my life. I love so many anime its not even funny. Inu yasha is one of my top picks. But out of all of the anime ive ever seen my favorite has to be Rorouni Kenshin. That show is flippin sweet. I love all the cool sword things he does and then again there is a good deal of comedy in it too.
  17. I dont have this game but i've played it at a friends house a couple of times. He loves the game but i just thought it was ok. For one, this game is pretty hard. The first battle alone got on my nerves. I thought about how long it would take you to beat the whole game and my mind went insane. I finally got the hang of it and found it wasn't as bad as I thought is was going to be. If you like challenging games I definitley reccommend this game to you.
  18. I have really high expectations for this game. It looks really sick and I am a major fan of the first game and can't wait for it to be released. I read all about it in the new Anime Insider in the game section.
  19. I agree with thatoneodddude. Sigma is my choice for round two. I don't really know all that much about either of them, but like thatoneodddude said, Sigma is truly evil.
  20. Read or Die is so sweet. I saw the whole thing on adult swim and I loved it. I want to by it on dvd and add it to my collection. The story line for ROD is really awesome. It had some awesome characters, especially the bad guys. ROD did have alot of violence and that's what made it even better. There was a little fan service in it but I'm not the type of guy who likes that kind of stuff. The violence was really sweet. I have always liked anime and manga with lots of voilence in them. If anyone out there is looking for an anime to watch i really do recommend Read or Die. I don't know if they're playing it anynore on adult swim but I know you can buy it.
  21. Name: Sanzo ( last name unknown) Age: 22 Speciality: Master thief, stealth, very fast, awesome reflexes Weapons: Sanzo carries two identical katanas, a small dagger used for all sorts of things, and he carries a small handgun with a silencer attatchment. Personality: He is a deathly quiet person. He is very skilled with his two swords and takes whatever he does very seriously. He doesn't like joking around or wasting time. Many people think he is mean but he is just quiet. He actually is a very nice person. Bio: Sanzo's parents died when he was just an infant. He has lived by himself all his life and has been poor. At the age of thirteen he took up the art of thievery to make some money. After a few yeras of this he had become very skilled. He started to steal larger amounts of money and was very sucessful. Appearance: Sanzo has jet black long hair. He is medium height and is very skinny. He can sometimes be mistaken for a woman.
  22. Chrono Crusade is really cool. I have alot of other anime that I like better though.I bought the first one with the box not to long ago . If anyone knows when the second one is going to come out, please tell me. Thanks.
  23. I've always loved to read manga. About four years ago I started drawing all the time. It was my favorite thing to do. One day I just decided that I would try to make my own manga. The first manga I ever drew was so horrible I didn't show it to anyone. It was like that for the first few times. I kept practicing and eventually I got pretty good at it I guess I just kept drawing because I love it
  24. Name: Akashi Age: 20 Gender:male Appearance: He is about five nine. He wieghs about 120 pounds. His hair is black and is down over one eye. He is muscular and strong. He wears woven close all the time. He also wears a coat with no sleeves concealing his weapons. Bio: Akashi is a man from a far region of the world. He usually travels alone trying to rid the world of all evil Attitude: Akashi is a quiet person who only talks when he needs or wants to. He is very skilled with a sword and in the art of martial arts. Weapons: He carries two samurai swords at each side of his waist. He also carries a large amount of throwing stars at all times. I will stick to it.
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