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Everything posted by ChibiMuneMune

  1. ^-^;; A Really good topic that was started at my old forum. It's where they have the OS' (Windows XP, 2k, etc.) were represented by a girl. My favorite is Longhorn-tan and Mozilla Foxfire-tan.
  2. I was here when the boards weren't online. ^^;; I was in the chat room alot. My anme was 'LonleyMelfina' It would be nice to talk to some of my old chat friends again. :o
  3. (I'm probably gonna get flamed for this but oh well) I don't think dating and anime girl/guy would be good. I mean, there are some things people can do that anime characters can't. Sure, they're cute, adroable and they have adorable voices but some of them are incredibly hyper and would wear you out in about a day. (Take Tomo from Azumanga Daioh) I think anime girls are the persocoms of this time. Same thing with Material Girls. -.-;; I'm on another forum and I had asked this question and alot of people went with real girls. I mean, it's impossible and plus, anime girls/guys always have somebody to go out with!
  4. I think mostly everything my Malice Mizer is a sure-fire beautiful song. I really favor 'Beast of Blood' by Malice Mizer. I'm listening to a new song which is really beautiful in an eerie kind of way. It's called, 'A Girl Called Harmony' by Attrition, my friend on another forum introduced me to it. I like gothic-like song with organs alot. Also, The Beatles is good, especially 'While My Guitar Gently Weeps'.
  5. Anybody heard of it? It's not your average anime! It's random, adorable, and teaches you alot. (I'm not sure about that one) I favor Kaorin over the rest. She's too adorable. ^_^ [color=#503f86][b][size=1]Welcome to OtakuBoards, ChibiMuneMune ^_^ I merged your thread with the existing Azumanga Daioh one- please be sure to search the forum or check the Official Threads Directory sticky at the top of the forum display before starting a new topic, heh. -Solo[/size][/b][/color]
  6. *agrees with Adahn* America is one of the most embarrassing places. (In my opinion) The parents shove all this prejudice into their children and they go and act it out in everyday life. I'm bisexual and I get ridiculed everyday just for being bi. Nothing else. BUT, for gay/lesbian/bi people, it is hard to lead this 'double-life' and act straight in one scenario and then act gay/lesbain/bi in a different scenario. I mean, I had to live it out for years until I came out to my friends. It backfired on me and I paid for it. But I don't have a problem with people who don't respect people's sexuality-it's just that try and look at it from their point of view. It's hard. Whatever floats your boat I guess. : \
  7. It's hard to describe death because nobody has same back to tell us what it is like to experience death. Most people say they experience death but no one can be sure. I would imagine death as if you're floating from this world to another world, if there is one out there.
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