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Everything posted by anime[blood]

  1. The combat will be mascaral and bloody according to Todd Howard. Meaning it will be much more realistic and fun.
  2. anime[blood]

    Linkin Park

    I am a Linkin Park Fanboy, however I won't kill anyone who says they hate it. That's there opinion. They just won't wake up tomorrow. J/K I don't like Breaking the Habit at all, save the anime music video and because of that, it's stuck in my head (the song) maybe it's just because it was done by Studio Gonzo? Who knows, but I think there are alot of good songs by them that aren't well known like Nobody's Listening, why should From the Inside have a music video and no that one? Huh? Also I couldn't stand Reanimation, it was all like [QUOTE]Hey! We don't want to be a rock band anymore. We wanna be the next Tupac![/QUOTE] It pissed me off because the songs on that CD were sucky remixes.
  3. I suggest getting the GI issue. It has some screens that aren't on the internet like ones showing the aging system, I'm a huge fan of The Elder Scrolls, I even know a game developer making a fan-remake of Daggerfall. I play morrowind a ton and am desperatly waiting for this game. :wigout: :wigout: :wigout: :wigout:
  4. I am designing an RPG using the programming language called DarkBASIC called Kamagata, it takes place in a world like Sudeki and it has an anime look and feel to it so I'm thinking about making a manga to lead into the story that shows the main character's background as a fighter for higher and have the manga lead up to the event that begins the game. So pretty much it would a shounen/seinen manga. The main character would be a red haired (like me) slim character who is incredibly strong for his stature because of a rough childhood he has had. He would wiel a one handed sword like he does in the game that he holds in his right hard and is in great debt (money wise) for constantly breaking the sheath law because he does not use a sheath for his sword. The manga would involve some intense action and scenes and hopefully some comedy and I would make it on the computer (using PSP 8) because my scanner is not on this computer (mine). I was also having an idea I've never seen in a color manga before, 3D (not 2d pictures drawn to look 3d) but actual 3d models rendered and fitted into the panel, what do you think about that? In the story Shourou would meet another fighter for hire known as Takashi who is a gunslinger and both are from the same guild of mercenaries and are rivals and there would be various battles between the two and maybe some plot twists relatign to their rivalry. (Can't reveal them! :nope: ) The story would begin with him starting out after he leaves the guild and he completes his first quest. The story would not turn into [I]it's his destiny to save the world because of a chain of events...[/I] That's what the game is about because of the final part of the story. Does anyone like my idea? I'd have it authentic right to left, like alot of manga published in America (of course mine will just be one you read on the internet). Would anyone read it? It would have moderate language and I don't know about violence. Of course there will be other main protaginasts if anyone is wondering, but I'm still developing them. ;) That's all. No one has an opinion? :( Once again, no comments? That's harsh. :flaming:
  5. I just can't wait for the American Dub, I've fallen in love with the Bleach manga. I've noticed though that the artwork isn't as good which doesn't suprise me because of the animation that has to be added from translation from manga to anime.
  6. Sorry, I had long intervals and on most message boards the admins and mods don't mind because no one is replying and you're trying to keep the thread from dying, I'll try to not do it again in th future.
  7. Lost Prophets. Why listen to 1984 when you could listen to Ride?
  8. :) Hi, I was wondering if anyone happened to know if there was a manga based off the anime Full Metal Alchemist as if there is I hope to buy it when they translate it into English. Thanks in advanced.
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