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Immortal Meier

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About Immortal Meier

  • Birthday 11/22/1983

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  1. probably when i get anger i don't hate that people because i have a sort of incoscient reaction..i think of them as "no-people" and i become indifferent towards all their things.. for the "hitting question" i'm on the same way of thinking of cyriel..you can simply hit one person at the beginning of the human society..now there're rules that defend people.. like my univesitary professor of politics science..in the beginning of the greek society there're have been the same discussion on this point..with the conclusion that "the state of nature is based on the strongest while the society have laws againt the normal way of nature that defend the weak"..all this to say that probably our "not hitting conscience" is due to the millenary idea of defending the weak..you don't hate and hit him because you live in society and you'll pay for it..
  2. it's up to you..nobody had the right to tell you if it's good or bad..if you trust in virginity till you find the one you love you have to wait (like i had done..waiting for the girl i love now).. i think that the first experience must be done with someone who loves you and you love him..
  3. Immortal Meier

    Linkin Park

    well i've known linkin park from the soundtrack of dracula's legacy..at the beginning i think they were cool and fantastic...but after having bought meteora i've changed my idea..the good things made in hybrid theory disappear..for a sound more commercial..i listen to breaking the habit but probably is the only song i like..while in hybrid theory there isn't an ugly song..you can listen to it more times and it's not boring
  4. well..if she's young probably mangas like tokyo mew mew could be something light to bring her into the gender..or if she's a reflective one she could read something like fruit basket..or something of clamp (rayheart,tokyo babilon,clover,x)
  5. goth music..the 69 eyes..lacuna coil (who are italian like me ^^)..him.and some others groups like rage,nightwish
  6. death..probably in the transforming in nothingness..or it can be another life..i've talked to anyone who came back from death so i can be probably a dreamer..of dreaming a death that bring you to the people who left you and you're with there forever (not like the christian one but probably more like the greek one with the champs elisee)
  7. [quote name='Pumpkin][font=Verdana][size=1] I think most people feel attached to people in books and in movies is because you personally know what they are feeling so you can relate to them, and from there side of the story. However, in real life, you can never guess anyone's true intentions or emotions. Its pretty simple. In movies, you always see the main character's view, but how do others know what shes feeling? Exactly. they dont. [/size'][/font][/quote] probably is exactly like you said..you almost now everything of the character and how are his/her emotions..while people in real life has always something mysterious in their thought..even if sometimes this mystery make the people different and not always the same thing.. my different emotions towards book probably comes from the idea that everyone can change his/her idea of you..finding a person who is the same for all his/her life is something difficult
  8. well i'm similar to you..i'm a sort of diffident towards other people in real life because they can betray you at every moment..(yes..i've a short number of person in which i trust..) while the character of a book of or a film is like you read it..he can never betray you (but unfortunately the author can change him in a sequel).. however this character can be also the personification of our dreams..this is why we are emotional towards them in my humble opionion
  9. we'll christianity..is one of the thing in which i believe less..how can people that have killed arabs only because they were arabs(during the crusades)can have as a dogma "not committ omicide"? as it is only the most simple thing.. probably i trust in my personal idea of after life (even if i've doubt yet..but knowing everything in the beginning is boring^^ no?)..in no one religion you can find truth that can be right for everybody christian priests are one of the more contradditories things on earth..they are for poverty but churches are allways full of gold and silver..in italy ofter the money for the poor as used for their personal business like cars or houses.. they believe in castity but sometimes you can see them looking for bitches..so..how can this be the right religion if its priests are the first that don't respect what it want to teach? another consideration must be made on islam..yes..there people follow the dogmas..but the 90% of them uses the dogmas to make thing that if you read the coran not as an islamic you'll see that there's nothing that they do now.. probably the most realistic religions are the far-east ones..or the buddhism..but in every religion you can find something that is not "true" so i thing that everyone should trust in what he believe..and not in the religion made from others
  10. i have the cd and i've to say that the best song for me is "the ballad of chasey lain" and "i hope you die"..in the beginning i didn't like this band because of the continuos repetition of "bad touch" at the radio..but after having bought the cd i've to say that they're completely different..and very good at playing
  11. [font=Verdana]well..probably i'll be the one that is destroying the world..[/font]:devil: mh..sincerely i'll say that i hope that at time i'll have finished to learn and i'll have reached illumination like "buddha":angel:
  12. lost prophets at all!!!! yellowcard are the typical pop-punk group that make songs on girls that doesn't want them..the singer's voice in something that i hate since the first time i've heard it.. lost prophets are very good players (stu richardson is one of the best bassist in europe) and their singer, ian watkins,has a very beautiful voice..that can change from screams to sugared songs..
  13. Probably one of my favourite games the first catch me from the first game..yuri is one of the best character i've ever seen i'm waiting for covenant but in italy hadn't come out yet..even if in france it will be surely released..well i'll have to study french^^'' its gothic location is one of the best thing..with a perfect soundtrack that can rocks with every cd you'll ever have..with the pearl of the cd..the main theme of the game ;)
  14. well..only one special character..i'll have to say that probably meier from vampire hunter d bloodlust (even if it's an animated film and not a series). probably i like him for the strength that he puts in his love with an human and his search for a better place to live with her..risking his life..his soul..everything..
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