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Everything posted by Afire

  1. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=RED]I'm curious if anyone here at Otaku Boards is, or ever has been involved in a long distance relationship. Have you, or anyone you know met someone online and actually fell in love? If so, did it work out, or was it disastrous? Tell me your stories, please. :) [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  2. [QUOTE=Baron Samedi][size=1] I'd love to know how this applies to people who aren't Christians. We cannot be 'punishing ourselves with death', because we aren't begging for this forgiveness which has 'already been given'. So, where does that leave us?[/size][/QUOTE] [FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=Purple]You are right not to beg for forgiveness, Baron Samedi. It's already finished for all, whether they believe it or not. But to recieve the [I]reward[/I] for forgiveness, which is no more death, you must first believe that He [I]is[/I] Eternal life. This is faith. Nothing else is faith.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][quote name='Drix D'Zanth']I'm not sure about that, considering the actual interpretation by John after having seen the prophecy of the Final Judgment.[/quote][FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=Purple]I can't understand why people confuse prophesy with revelation, Drix D'Zanth. There is no prophesy in the New Testament. All prophesy in the O.T. was concerning the Christ and what He would finish. After Christ, we only have the [I]spirit of prophesy[/I]. This is the testimony of Christs finished work. Judgment day was over 2000 years ago. A revelation is a revealing of something already finished. Not something that is in the future. Yes, John had a revelation of what was finished in the spirit from beginning to end. But the truth had not yet come back to the world when He had it. He saw many things he didn't understand. It wasn't time yet. It's time now.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][QUOTE=Drix D'Zanth] I?m conflicted upon whether hell is the end all incarnation of evil from which all of those who are evil (removed from god), or just non-existence. I know that hell would be a total lack of God, for God is NOT omnipresent. God cannot exist with sin, or in sin. We were created to be ? in a metaphorical sense, married to God. We were to never have sin between us. That?s why we have death.. it removes us from God. Hell would never be living with God.. it?s like having something about yourself.. something which provides eternal happiness never being taken. Even though it was free.. some never take it because they are misled? or misjudging in not choosing him. [/QUOTE] [FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=Purple]I believe that the only reason God could see sin in the first place, is because satan had access to Gods throne. Satan was only created to be Gods mirror. Satans only power was reflection. Maybe he was only a spot of mercury, lol. His only power is what destroyed him in the end, as he reflected the death of Christ. He could not rise again from this image of death as Christ did. He had no power but reflection. God [I]is[/I] omnipresent. He is all, and in all. He sees no sin. He sees everything good. Only man has taken satans place, by denying what Christ did to take the punishment for sin. Although he can only reflect his sin to the world and himself. That spot of mercury may be hell itself, contained in the minds of men. It can only be removed from within. This is why Christ said he would not come again with outward show. Eternal happiness is not only for the soul. It is for the flesh. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] [QUOTE=Drix D'Zanth] There will be a new heaven and a new Earth. God?s plans for earth died with Adam biting the apple. The sin ruined our possibility to have the life God planned for us. However, he has given us another chance, one that WILL succeed and be the heaven god planned for us.[/Quote][FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=Purple]Adam never bit an apple. He looked in Gods mirror. He saw himself without Gods glory. He saw he was naked without it. He was never meant to see this. It would take alot to get that image from his mind, because his mind/soul/heart had consumed it. Only death could remove it.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][QUOTE=Drix D'Zanth] Evil is the absence of God.[/QUOTE][FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=Purple]Evil means wrong. If God is love and God is Eternal life, then wouldn't it be wrong to not accept Eternal life now? How do you know, that the new heaven is not in your mind and the new earth is your flesh? If Christ would come again from within, then wouldn't the Kingdom of God be inside of man? Wouldn't man have free access to the tree of eternal life? I believe that the truth has already come back to the world. Only hardly anyone noticed. They were absorbed by their own sacrifices and trying to receive by them. It's a hard thing to throw away all your brownie points with God.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  3. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=Purple]I'm always happy, unless I'm in physical pain. And lately I've been almost ecstatic. I just turned 16, and fell in love. "Happiness" By William George Jordan ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Happiness is the greatest paradox in nature. It can grow in any soil, live under any conditions. It defies environment. It comes from within; it is the revelation of the depths of the inner life as light and heat proclaim the sun from which they radiate. Happiness consists not of having, but of being; not possessing, but of enjoying. A martyr at the stake may have happiness that a king on his throne might envy. Man is the creator of his own happiness; It is the aroma of a life lived in harmony with high ideals. For what man has, he may be dependent on others; what he is, rests with him alone. Happiness is the soul's joy in the possession of the intangible. It is the warm glow of a heart at peace with itself. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  4. [quote name='Cyriel']What makes you think this? And why do you say "so-called" Christian church? Why is it falling/failing?[/quote] [FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=Purple] The reason I say this Cyriel, is because I have lived it. And I lived coming out of it. And now I can never die. The only thing expanding in the so called Christian Church, is [I]sacrifice[/I]. If I'm not mistaken; Christ's death signified the [I]end[/I] of sacrifice. The truth is free. And thank God that the water is free. This is why I say "so called Christian Church", because they deny that the sacrifice is over. This is anti-christ.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] [QUOTE=Cyriel] Why would you say this? What convinces you that we're keeping the power of Satan alive? What makes our image of God perverted? Why would Hell be the resting place for man? And what makes you say that we forcing our beliefs through threats and violence?[/QUOTE] [FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=Purple] When I was talking there, you can see that I was talking about all religions, not just the so called Christian Church. To threaten small babies and children with thoughts of a devil and hell is the worst threat imaginable. To kill in the name of Jesus in a time of war, or to say, "God Bless America" and forget the rest of the world are both evil. God blessed the whole world 2000 years ago. To deny this is anti-christ. What I'm really trying to say here Cyriel, is that your whole salvation is false. You believe that you are saved from an eternal hell. I am saved from death. The only punishment for sin [I]was[/I] death. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  5. [quote name='PainfulLife']*sigh* Ok people I guess I really was still asking for that... but still I can think of worse things than my Dad on national telly or my mom going off and cheating on my dad.... I really could think of worse.... Ok so ... well... I reallly don't feel I should post this to everyone but I feel I am brave enough to face you all now... Ok so you all listen really good... I was raped Ok guys that's my bigo secret and thing I'm stressing over I feel horrible Ok Now you all know.... I have no I dea why I'm telling you all but i guess I feel the need to be I dunno slaped or something I wouldn't mind bashing or anything I really don't not anymore... I should have just come out with it in the beggining ok... so there you all go.... Please just respond and stuff if you wan't to I am posting this because I'm ready... ready for the worlds veiw of myself.... so give it your best shot people!!!!!!!!!![/quote] [FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=Purple]First of all, I want to ask you a couple of questions. Have you told anyone in your real life that you have been raped? Have you sought any counseling? If you're keeping this as a big secret, you're never going to understand that there is no shame in being raped. No one is going to view you as a bad person. The bad person is the one who raped you. Think of it like being in an accident that wasn't your fault. You might need medical attention or therapy for a while, but you will get better. You might feel better if the person who did this to you is prosecuted so they don't go around doing it to someone else. If it's an ongoing problem with someone doing this to you...for goodness sakes, tell and adult that you can trust or call the police! Whatever you do, don't keep it a secret. That will only keep the shame alive. There are so many people out there that can help you deal with this.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  6. [QUOTE=Midnight Rush]This whole thing is too... ephemereal to even address. I will offer one thing though: If you are going to make a thread questioning something, clearly maintain what the question is...[/QUOTE] [FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=Purple]Ok, Midnight Rush. This thread is questioning the current beliefs of Christianity today. To maintain that question, you might have to question everything to get to the root of the problem. And there is a problem as I see it. I'm sure there are many more people out there that would like to question the doctrines of men that they have been taught. So to say this subject is too ephemeral (short lived) to address...well, that's just how you feel right now. The day could come when you may question some of the beliefs handed down to you. To me the Kingdom of God is an ever expanding thing. It's in all of us. I haven't seen the so called Christian Church expanding in thought or deed in my lifetime. If anything, it is falling. The only thing that the gates of hell will prevail against, is corruption and death. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  7. [QUOTE=Midnight Rush] The reason I bring this up is, when you have sex with someone, that person sticks with you, whether you know it or not, for the rest of your life. You can block out their memory, you can even forget its their, but it is still there. If I am going to bind my life to one woman exclusively, I want her to be the only person that I have in me. I believe in perfect sex. What I mean by the term is, that the two people unite not only in body, but in mind and spirit as well. I personally want to achieve that, but I don't feel I could having even a lingering memory of another woman in my mind. I don't want experience with random chicks from bars to interfere with intimacy in marriage.[/QUOTE] [FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=Purple]I pretty much agree with you here, Midnight Rush [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] [QUOTE=Midnight Rush] The second reason is this: I am a HUGE Jesus fan. In fact He is probably the biggest influence in my life, and He really isn't into extra and pre marital sex. I tend to at least try to share His opinions.[/QUOTE] [FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=Purple]Were Adam and Eve married? If they were, it was by God, whom I believe to be Love. I also believe that Christ IS God, as well as Love. Is it not what Love has joined together, that no man should put asunder? Many people are married in a church without love. So I don't think that legal marriage has anything to do with marriage of the heart.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  8. [QUOTE=Serraph-Angel][size=1]Well I just got my braces off on Friday, right before Homecoming so I wanted to ask 2 things: #1. How do I look? [URL=http://img58.exs.cx/my.php?loc=img58&image=Picture985.jpg][IMG]http://img58.exs.cx/img58/6119/Picture985.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL] #2. Have any of you all had braces and did it bother you as much as it did me? I hated mine. Like I couldnt stand them. So thats why I am going to wear my retainer everyday, because I am NOT going back into them...[/size][/QUOTE] [FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=Purple] #1. You do look great, and I am jealous too! #2. I've had braces on for almost 38 months and I'm still waiting for 2 molars to come in. Yes, braces bother me. They are the biggest pain in my life at the moment. I have springs and contraptions in my mouth (only on the bottom now) and they make me kind of mumble when I talk because they really cut up the insides of my mouth, lips and tongue. I hate pain and could never get used to them. The worst part of all in having braces is that I met someone that I really care about, and I'm afraid I will cut him too if I kiss him! :( [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  9. [QUOTE=ChibiHorsewoman][color=darkviolet] That said I'll give you fair warning, first time sex is usually very awkward no matter who you are. Don't expect to have everything be so magical and perfect. It's strange, you're seeing this person naked for the first time (probably) and they're also seeing you naked for the first time. It'll still be a memorable moment, but be prepared to have to laugh at a few things and get slightly red in the face. ~*~Chibi~*~[/color][/QUOTE] [FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=Purple]I'm sure you're totally right there Chibi, even though I've never had sex! LOL! I also think that even the awkwardness would be part of the pleasure if you really loved that person and they loved you. Awkwardness with someone you didn't actually love would not be so sweet...whether it was the first time, or the last.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  10. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=Purple]It's no wonder all the religions of the world are so screwed up. As long as they keep the power of satan alive, they will keep their perverted images of whatever God/Love is. As long as they believe that hell is a resting place created for man, they will try to force their long held beliefs on the rest of the world by threats, and even murder. It's just to bad that they can't see this...that if they no longer had their devil to believe in, their image of god wouldn't be able to stand either. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  11. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=Purple]Who says that the physical world will end? Maybe the end of the world, as we know it, will only come from within our minds. Personally, I think if you go around thinking that the end of the world is coming, you're nuts. Sorry! :p It will either keep you from living from lack of hope, or cause you to do things prematurely out of fear; only because you think you are running out of time.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  12. [quote name='Cyriel']Why do you think that Christianity takes away the will of young children to read and understand the Bible? And which parts do you think the Bible is misinterpreted?[/quote] [FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=2][COLOR=Purple]I believe that it's actually fear that takes away mankinds ability to understand anything correctly. I was taught from the time that I was born, that I needed to accept Jesus, or go to an everlasting Hell when I died. I was taught that prayer itself, was crying out to a God out there, for something that had already been given. I was taught that if I questioned these beliefs, I would be in danger of being punished by this same God himself. Did anyone here, ever hear of the Stockholm Syndrome? If you have, you would see that man's mind works very strangely under the power of fear of a captor. You would see that it does have long term effects. How much more powerful the effects of an Invisible Captor to a child? How do you escape from the invisible captor? This captor held the lives of your ancestors who passed down the captivity to you. You were born into a 2000 year old captivity. Your captor is believed to hold the quality of life in his hands. Not only your life, but the lives of everyone. Your childrens, children, and so on. Not only your immediate life...but your everlasting souls too. He has the whole world to judge in his hands. If you are a good little captive...you receive reward. Not enough to set you free...BUT ENOUGH TO KEEP YOU CAPTIVE! You even try to recruit other captives for him. They are already captive. Keep your captor happy, and you will receive mercy. Make your captor angry and you will be punished. Everlasting reward and punishment are in his hands. You are made to share in your captors judgments. The judgments make you endure your captivity. They give you power. They make you BLIND to your captivity. You are made to sacrifice to your captor. The sacrifice makes you feel safe when you never were. Your captor always wants more. You are made to worship your captor. The worship makes you think that your captor is God. Your worship disguises the FEAR. There are so many other captives. How could it be wrong? You have captives for friends. You all share the same feelings about your captor. Your captive emotions are universal. There is no way to escape the all seeing invisible captor...EXCEPT TO DIE...or to secretly [inwardly] rebel. Yes, you can secretly even hate your captor. You can despise him and hurt yourself and others to get back at him. You can hold all manner of perverted thoughts. The rebellion is not done on a conscious level. It has to be in secret, or your captor will find out. But the perversion always manifests all by itself. Sin emerges, and you know you are bad. You pride yourself on keeping the rebellion secret. But it's only a secret to you. This always ends in corruption and death. The only thing that you don't know, is that your captor is IMAGINARY. Your captor IS the antichrist. You called him Jesus. It is the whole captive system that takes what the real Jesus did, to restore us to freedom, and tries to destroy it. I believe that the so called Christian Church is at the pinnacle of this captivity. I also know that the truth has come back to the world already; because it is in me. I have escaped the captivity. Nothing can stop the truth now. Not you, anyone, or anything. I am not alone; there are others. I am FREE.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  13. If you step back into the time of prohibition of alcohol, you will see that making alcohol illegal, didn't stop anyone from drinking it. If anything, it made things worse. Christ himself said that the law is the power of sin. I don't think it would make things better for this world one way or the other if marijuana was legalized though. Because the law has to removed from the heart in order to stop rebellion; not in this world. You can make laws and more laws in this world. They will only be broken. You can unmake laws and chaos will reign. Only until you see the truth will you be free from the law and free from sin also. Smoking marijuana is not a sin, but a symptom. The rebellion to a god of death is. For more about truth, see thread: Questioning Christianity. :)
  14. [QUOTE=Rhian][size=1][font=veranda][color=indigo] Heh, I have to share this. A couple from my congregation had just gotten married, and was going skiing. All the way up the mountain, they were stuck next one woman. So she asked, ?Do you know Jesus?? And the husband replied, ?Oh, yes, we?re having him for lunch on Tuesday.? I thought I was going to die when I heard that.[/size][/font][/color][/QUOTE] Thanks for the story Rhian! *cracks up* [QUOTE=Rhian][size=1][font=veranda][color=indigo] Erm? >> Not meaning to contradict what you said, but if Jesus took our sins, then we don?t really have a choice in the matter on being saved. He either took away our sins or he didn?t. If he did, we?re saved, and there?s no sin big enough to contradict what Jesus did for us. Of course, me not being Christian may make you ignore what I?ve said, but please think about it. [/size][/font][/color][/QUOTE] The choice is to receive eternal life today. I believe that the matter of being saved is for the flesh itself. To recieve everlasting life in this life. To never die again. For to live under the law of sin and death in a corruptible state IS hell no matter how many times you live it. I'm saying that the so called Christians have got it wrong. To deny this is anti-christ. To receive everlasting life in this life...that's where faith begins. Faith is in what you can't see. Death is all around us. To believe in death is not faith. But to believe in eternal life "on earth as it is in heaven" is faith. Only the beginning, with no end to the possibilities after.
  15. The whole point of living is LOVE. If you refuse to love yourself or others, there would be no point to living. I'm not talking about tolerance. Tolerance isn't love. Love isn't just going to come to you. Love comes from within and is all in all and in each one of us. Love does know and recognize love. It attracts more love.
  16. I believe what Adahn is trying to get acoss, is that the preconceived views of Christianity today have nothing to do with the truth of what Christ finished 2000 years ago. There was only one punishment for sin. This was death. If Christ took the punishment for sin; then where is your salvation? When I read the word with the childlike mind, I realized that hell was not a place. It is the state of mind that corruptible man lives in most of the time. This includes so called Christians, or they wouldn't all be in such a sure fire hurry to get to heaven. To keep the power of satan alive after Christ finished him was their first mistake. They have only taken satans place as God's mirror trying to steal His glory. To keep hell as a resting place for those they don't agree with? Perfectly evil. On the cross Christ said, "Father forgive them, for they (meaning all) know not what they do. He didn't leave anyone out of Heaven then, and He will never change. Most people search for "God's will" for them. I say God's will for man was in the manner he created man in the first place. Immortal. God has one will for man. Everlasting Life. And life is in the flesh my friends.
  17. Wow! A subject close to my heart and worth joining Otaku Boards for! I understand perfectly what Adahn is talking about. I have read the bible with the teachings of men (who are liars I might add) and it molested my childlike mind. Only truth came then and restored my innocence. I won't go into detail about that. I read it with the childlike mind then and came to the same conclusion that Adahn did. It was hard to accept at first, because of the previous teachings I had recieved. The more I thought about it...the better it got. There was nothing in this world better, but I soon realized that this knowledge was not in the world. It had to come from within me. It took away every barrier to love. There was nothing to contradict anything left. It has left me free. To find someone who sees what I see in the word feels like water turning into wine, because the truth rocks! It sets me on fire.
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