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About Pyrefly
- Birthday 08/12/1989
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Name: Emma of Water Majik Element: Water Age: 26 Gender: Female Personality: Like the waters, she can be very calm and she is easy to talk too, and sometimes one feels they can tell her all their problems. But, like the waters, she can be extremely unforgiveing and brutal in battle. Description: Black shoulder length hair, cut two different lengths, blue eyes. She wears a dirty navy blue shirt, that has been torn abit, Black battered jeans, with one leg almost completely ripped off. Spells: Aqua Bullet Time: Conjours marbel sized orbs of water from her fingertips. They go so quickly that they act as bullets, and dissovle once they enter the skin. 25 can be conjoured from one hand each, and then it'll take a day before she can attempt it again. Watery Grave: Summons up a large tidal wave from a nearby body of water to hit the enemy/enemies, and may wash them away at times. Skills: Fishing, Swimming, Holding her breath for long periods of time, Cooking. Weapons: Material Arts (not sure what Water-Elementals should use?) Bio: Was apart of the country of Majika, and her family was full of average Majik users. Went into hiding with most of her living family when the Thirty days began. Half of them went insane because of the conditions they faced, died of hunger, or sickness. When they came out of hiding, the world was in utter ruins, and upon gathering up with other surviviors they formed a clan that consisted of Aquatic Majik users and started the rebuilding. When the mystery soldiers attacks powerfully one evening, they killed the remianing members of Emma's family, makeing her even more angry then she hade been. Emma and her fellow clan members have gotten words of this catle to the North, not to mention afew of the creatures that are said to be their. They fear they will be wiped out if they do not do something soon... (Any good?)
Name: Salem Jones Age: 27 (but appears 17, aging once only every five years) Background: Born in Manhattan, New York, She was bitten when she was fourteen years old. She has since then gone through some very big events, causeing her to lose family and friends in the process. Has been to both Japan and China, and taught Material arts and Sword skills, she is now trying to live out a normal life in Manhattan. [URL=http://www.black-lily.org/images/56.jpg]Pic[/URL] Only thing that's wrong with that pic is that Salem is sappoused to have more of a reddish hue to her eyes. Took me awhile to find the >_<
[b]My Digidestined Profile[/b] Name: Emma Walker Age: 13 Birthplace: Brookside Village, Maine Birthdate: August 12th, 1816 Race: Caucasian Appearence: Shoulder length red hair, Deep blue eyes, pale skin. [color=navy][u][URL=http://www.cwrl.utexas.edu/~ulrich/19cdress/glosspix/1800s_Ball_Dress__Cambric_and_golden_metal_thread__embroidered_Hermitage.jpeg]This dress[/URL][/u][/color], brown boots. Personality: Courageous, Determinded, Generous, Kindhearted. She's shy around strangers, but enventually warms up to people. Family: Mother: Bella Blake/ Father: Jack Walker History: Born and raised in Brookeside, Maine. She's a smart young girl, who'd rather go on adventures, than do her chores. She's very sweet, and loves to talk with everyone in the village, and learn about them. She especially likes to talk to foriengers, and learn about where they came from. [b]Digimon Profile[/b] Type: Vaccine Gender: Female Human Partner: Emma Walker Element: Ice Rookie -Rabbitmon- Rabbitmon is a nearly average looking rabbit, despite the fact that she's pink and stands on her hind legs, not to mention also slightly larger than your average rabbit. Attack/s: "Cyro Blast" Champion -Cabbitmon- Cabbitmon is almost the same as Rabbitmon. She has large, floppy ears, sharp teeth and large claws. Her fur has also gone from pink to pure white. Attacks: "Cyro Bite", "Cyro Splinters" Ultimate -MechaCabbitmon- MechaCabbitmon is Cabbitmon, but now she's incase in Armour. Think a cyborg version of Cabbitmon, with only her Nose and eyes uncovered, not to mention her Bunny ears. Attack/s: "Mecha Missles", "Metallic Claws" Mega Stage -Rabunymon- Rabunymon is a tall beautiful, blond in the form of a bunny. Over her snow white fur, she wears a black strapless swimsuit, she has black floppy bunny ears, and black knee high boots with white fur lining at her knees. She carries two unique, long daggers, which the blade is carved of pure diamond. She has whiskers, a bunny nose, and bunny teeth. Attack/s: "FreezeFrame", "Cyro Pin-Up", "Burning Kiss" Personality: Rabbitmon and Anna soon get along pretty well once they hang around each other. Like Anna, Rabbitmon can get a slight attitude. But of course, you could never keep the two apart, and they'll always come back and forgive one another.
Our story takes place in 1830 A.D. America, where we meet the first chosen children to exsist. The village is stressed out due to an oncomeing dispute with a neighboring village, but afew of the village children become even more stressed with the arrivail of strange creatures. These strange creatures call themselves "Digimon" and they have come to call upon the help of afew chosen children, whom shall help save the "Digital World" and in time, their own world! The four Digimon Gods have gone bad and four hybrids (digimon/human)are wreaking the digital world. They carry speacial guns that can shoot strange bullets, that change vaccine/data digimon into Virus, and into evil. A portal has opened into the woods near the village, and the chosen must decide if they want to save the world or let it go... Some info [B]-This is 1830 America... no video games, no cell phones, no electricity.[/B] -Children don't spend too much time at school, and are usually doing more chores and helping out than such. [b]-People travel usually by carriage and horse, if traveling long distances.[/b] -Also, American's in the 1830's did'ent get along very well with races from other countries. If your character happens to be from another country, they'll probley be treated differently. ( of course, i am not saying that the character's should shown racial discrimination against other races... they'll have to work together, so they'll have to put it all aside, if their prejudice at all ). [B]Digidestined Profile[/B] Name: - Simple, just give a name- Age: - And an age, 8-14 years - Birthplace: - Born in america? asia? britain? - Birthdate: - simple, just give the day the were born, includeing the year - Race: - Caucasian? German? Indian? - Appearence: - eye color, hair color, height, build, clothes, anything unsual like scars - Personality: - dose'nt have to be long and drawn out... just want to know how they act around people and how they feel - Family: - known family, living or dead - History: - this is important... if they're from countries like asia or germany, you'll have to expalin how they came to americia, and what they've done in america since arriveing, and how they've come to the village of Brookeside, which is where our story begins - [B]Digimon Profile[/B] Type: Vaccine, Data and Virus... Please no Virus-type Digimon, since they are usually evil. Gender: Female, Male, and if you really want, Unknown Human Partner: That's you, the Digidestined. Element: Fire, Water, Electric, Darkness, Light, Metallic- you know the elements, right? Digimon Partner Rookie -Name Here- Description of Digimon's appearence Attack/s: One attack for now Champion -Name Here- Description of Digimon's appearence Attacks: Two attacks for now Ultimate -Name Here- Description of Digimon's appearence Attack/s: Two attacks for now Mega Stage -Name Here- Descripstion of Digimon's appearence Attack/s: Three attacks Personality: Your Digimon has a personality, that sometimes relates to the Human partner, or is the exact oppisite. Please give me a small description of how they act.
Okay...This is my first RP here and I'm not sure how great it'll be.... but i love to RP and this is a story, among others, that i've always hade in mind... maybe somebody else will find it interesting? It was said in the anicient book of Rozendale that Twenty thousand years ago, two lover Prophets gave up they're strange god like abilities because of an event in the future.... a truely horriable event that they did'ent want there future children to see. They stored they're powers in mystical spheres called "Magick Spheres" and soon after died, assinated by enemies. They hoped one day, their abilities would be granted to their future children, and those children would save the world. Through the years, the spheres have been stolen and regotten, til they became scattered throughout the world of Terra. Twenty thousand years later, two strangers come to Julia Valentine, and they tell her that she is one of the reincarnations of the lengendary Prophets, and that she must seek out the Magick Spheres and use there powers to defeat an evil that is approaching. Soon she finds herself running from dangerous spies and hitmen... and becomeing another person. ~~~~~~~~~ Okay,so thats the story....now here are some different races you can be, as well as different Occupations and Nations. [b]-Humans-[/b] Your everyday,universal race.-- [b]--Velridians-[/b] A race almost like humans- except for there absurd hair color,eye color and skin color.-- [b]-Vampires-[/b] Immortal beings from the lands of Nox.They can stand the light,but prefer the darkness.-- [b]--Werewolfs-[/b] Humans with the ability to change from human to werewolf, but cannot control themselfs in the light of the moon. Enemies to the Vampires and humans.-- [B]-Elves-[/B] Immortals of D'Regal, who have great speed, hearing and strength that almost over throws that of the Vampires. Dark elves are capable of useing black magic.-- -Occupations- [b]Prince[/b] (only afew please...not to many royals hoppin around please!) [b]Princess[/b] (only afew please...not to many royals hoppin around please!) [b]Hitman[/b] (only one, if your an enemy throughout the story) [b]Spy[/b] (only one, if your an enemy throughout the story) [b]Rebel group leaders / Members[/b] (Rebel groups that rebel against certains Races/Religions/Royality) [b]-Nations-[/b] (each nation has a royal family,a royal navy/army) [b]-Rozendale[/b] (Various races come from here) [b]-Nox[/b] (Vampire's and werwolfs come from here) [b]-Valridia[/b] (Velridians come from here) [b]-Dominia[/b] (Various races) [b]-D'Regal[/b] (Elves/Dark elves) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ And the characters... you can make them anything and anybody ,deceivers or followers of Julia... just a suggestion, but try to make them unique! [b]-Name-[/b] Julia Valentine [b]-Age-[/b] 18 [B]-Race-[/B] Human [B]-Nation-[/B] Rozendale [b]-Appearence-[/b] Dirty blond hair that reachs to her shoulders, Emerald green eyes. She wears a white Shirt that laces up criscross on the front and has Belled loose sleeves. Black Shorts that reach slightly above the knees, Black Ankle boots and Black Fingerless gloves .Around her waist, hanging loosely to the side, is a leather belt that she carries her sword in (Scabbard). [b]-Weapon/s-[/b] A long sword called "The Taker" [b]-History-[/b] Both of her parents died in a car crash when she was just 7. Ever since their death she's been living at an Orphanage in the city of Rozendale. It was only just recently that she's found her own apartment in the heart of the city. Now she's seeking roomates, but she never expected what would be next for her.... Make a character and join up please ^_^