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Everything posted by Will2x
Whoever created Inuyasha. [COLOR=#503F86][b]Will2x, this simply isn't sufficient. This post is far too short. I suggest you take a look at our [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/rules.php?]Rules[/URL] page before posting again. -Solo[/COLOR][/b]
Is there ever a good enough reason for suicide?
Will2x replied to wrist cutter's topic in General Discussion
suicides when you have no future, friends, hope and no one that cares. also when you're suffering and going to die. if you're depressed and you know it suicide is stupid and a waste of funeral money. life should be respected. -
look, its like this. girls like guys who make them laugh and show them a great time. so it wouldnt hurt to be funny play with them. nice guys are the ones who help them overcome problems and get throught sad times that they would get through anyway without help. thats what 'friends' are. so a nice guys is a friend and friends dont get much play. an ideal guy would be funny and able to help in hard times. but then again you may not get much play because you arent attractive. i dont know...
THERE IS NO REAL HIP HOP! people need to stop the borders with 'mainstream' and 'underground' its all one music. hip is a lifestyle a way of life. the hip i listen to is whatever sounds good to my ear and whatever i can relate to. whats not hip hop though are the songs that dont relate to lifestyle. :D
Videl. With short hair. Then Bulma from namek saga. then 18/chi-chi. Thats what I think. Gohan is lucky. lol
I think kidomhearts is a pretty cool game. I couldnt get myself to finish expertmode the second time around though. It felt utterly boring. And....uhh....its a good game overall.
hey have you guys tried expert mode? after beating it already it feels like its easier but its not because i actually lose when im flyingt he gummi now sometimes ha. and have you seen the secret kingdom hearts 2 trailer or "special secret". its pretty cool. from what ive read at gamefaqs boards its either what it wouldve been like without disney or part 2 which i hope it is. :D
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Endymion [/i] [B]I think kid Buu was Bibidi's original Buu. His first victims were the Kaioshin/Supreme Kais. One of the Kaioshin was tall and powerful, and eating him made Buu tall. Another Kaioshin was very fat, which made Buu fat when he ate him (he also gave him that cheesy cape, if memory serves me) [/B][/QUOTE] hey what episode is this?
i rember back to the first time i watched it. i was lil. its one of my favs even though i only seen it 1 1/2 times. im going to get it on dvd one day. its one of the best peices of work of the 90's
so does he have anything againts humans? what is his goal? and is this the buu that was with bibidi or has it always been fat buu till now?
i saw the ep today and i was wondering, does anyone know if there is some reason buu keeps cranking his neck?
hey sorry i didnt read all this but i have this game i have to say i love it (and beat it). id reccomend it to anyone!
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Saiyangohan2002 [/i] [B]it really stinks how DBZ is cut, i just buy the videos now. BUT, is the videos also cut? theres alot on the videos not shown on TV it would really stink if FUNi cut from the tapes as well! :excited: :excited: :excited: [/B][/QUOTE] yeah man i think all of the videos are cut..but there going to stop that i think lol the dvds maby should be uncut...look for the ones that say dubbed or uncut.
sweet this topic is still on the front page..this is an honor lol.. anyway sorry guys the site i got the info froms bandwidth has exceeded so i can get to it. but basically all it was saying was it had the count of the original episodes and ones shown and stuff but the main idea was to say america was screwed out of 13 eps. it makes me not even want to watch it anymore knowing that im missing the real stuff and being patted down with some kiddie version :( "darnit gohan!" *sigh*
america will not see 13 episodes of dbz as they have been cut. more on this later sorry i didnt post more.
my spider senses have been tingling for months finally it comes friday!
anyone see this movie. it was ok. what do you think. :beer:
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ssjsupreme [/i] [B]and another thing, i don't need to be threatened by anybody, even by you, so shut your mouth! crack whore:flaming: :flaming: :flaming: :flaming: :flaming: :flaming: :flaming: :flaming: :flaming: :flaming: [/B][/QUOTE] lol i was about to say "you taken south park to serious", lol but i guess thatll do.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Char-Char,Mander-Char! [/i] [B]The way I see it is that Legendary Pokémon aren't worth it. In R/B/Y, the legendary birds and Mewtwo are powerful Pokémon to get. Too powerful, many would say, and consider those with such Pokémon in their lineups cheaters. Plus, going about trying to capture them is too darn hard, and too many people just copy MasterBalls instead. The same is true in G/S/C. The 3 dogs, Ho-oh, Lugia... They're even harder to get, and people still don't like lineups consisting of them! I've been noticing this and think that legendaries are a waste of our time... Add your thoughts here. [/B][/QUOTE] i think other than mew mewtow and lugia they suck maby its jus me favoring psychics but they prove better in matches my best ground pysic is mew2 and my best flying (you gotta have a flying on your team) is lugia i dont have mew but i really want celebi even though its grass.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SuperSayian [/i] [B] If they were in New Orleans, a riot woulda started, and I would be at the center of it. The Taliban members are the ones to blame, people. Any of the Arabic people(Or anyone else for that matter) that support them are just as bad. That's where I think the policy of matrial law should come in place. If someone is openly commiting treason, give 'em the chair. Better yet(And this is my solution to ALL exicutions), just take them out back, get a .45, and blow their head off. Click, click, boom. Simple As That. hey man i like your style but we could cook up something special for the taliban members. chop of there balls and make them eat it. chop off osamas penis and rape them with it star breakin bones and let them leave handi cap for a few years then while pissing on them shot them in the back of the head. NOW THATS WHAT I CALL SWEET REVENGE! Everyone that has/is/will try to commit any act of terrorism ANYWHERE will be stopped. Such crimes against 'innocents' shall not go unpunished.. -End of Rant- [/B][/QUOTE]
wrestlings fun except i have this psycho partner who ripped my shirt, he jus goes crazy when i get him down on the mat. i have to keep kicking his *** till he stops. and yeah you should try to get some muscel before wrestling, itll pay off alot. its fun to hurt people :)
im not anti valentines, day cause everywhere year about 4-7 girls ask me out for the v time dance and i date the hottest one get all the guys jelouse and we make out also the girls i turned down i offer to my friends, dissapointed they sadly say ok... if some of you guys went to my school id help you out too. its all apart of nature...:)
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by amiboshi [/i] [B]I'm a nerd, but I don't like Star Trek or wear glasses. But I'm still a nerd!!!!!!:bawl: [/B][/QUOTE] then you like star wars and wear contacts. you know your a nerd when your tacky and you wear a pocket protector. hey guys you try and think of some
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][size=1]Sorry to say this, but those of you who watch Captain Planet SUCK! Ahem, sorry about that. I just don't like hippies. In addition, I'd like to mention that I've severely disciplined Adam -- you may not seem him around for a while, I'm sure he's still in a great deal of pain. :p [/size] [/B][/QUOTE] hey doood mellow out and lets all hug some trees cause nature is so pyscodelly. anyone up for some dolphin safe tuna? mmmm hey i think i saw this movie were some male strippers in tight panties were singin the captain planet theme in a female voice and they were shaking there asses infront of this guy and...lol "oh baby were the planeteers (uh huh) and you can be one to (smooch) we have the stuff you want and need so lets go knock some boots (woohoo)" hahaha
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Voodookanaka [/i] [B]i was mocking the ppl here moaning, there not my problems, thats what i was emphasising how bloody stupid it all is, u have absolutely no idea of my problems,, non of this. [/B][/QUOTE] lol, i know you was being sarcastic. i guess i kinda agree. no need to pull out hair or spam some online message board. but anyway about the topic. goddess i think your friend has gotten bored of you and sees you too much. so maby you should try to hang around her for awile till she starts to miss you. let her battery recharge.