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Everything posted by Will2x
RPG War Legends (War Rpg- If you signed up come here)
Will2x replied to SSJ5 Vegeta's topic in Theater
2xtwin: hmm! *smacks old lady* old lady: ouch! oh my, what a rude man! 2xtwin blows up gohan city. 2x twin: they were such weak life forms. i thirst god mode, i must train to achieve it! i dont care what anyone tells me! will2xs evil twin flys to kames place attila: could this be...the great will2x? 2xtwin: dammit! its taken, if they dont come out in five minutes ill blow this ****ing door down! attila: take it easy will, theyll be out in a day. 2xtwin: dont touch me saiyan! ill destroy you! attila: chill out dude. 2xtwin: chill out? sounds nice. MULTI ICE BLAST! 2x twin freezes attila and kames place. attila breaks the ice and frowns in confusion. attila: i thought he was spose to be nice. 2x twin leaves kames place to Brollys gym so he can obsorb bodies. -
[SIZE=3]YAY! one year ago in this month i came into a place called, AGB Message boards, and ive been here since wooohooo![/SIZE] read my sig for some of the special accomplishments ive made. im so happy! i think it was octber 16 or around there. YAY!!!!!!! i own all! ;) :) :D :blush: :laugh: :wigout:
well i was searching around one day a close to a year ago and i found this wonderful place called Absolute GameBoy(later renamed to the otaku) i was searching around and went into a place called forums or was it message boards, dunno, and there i saw a chat like place. the first ubb i ever been to.
RPG War Legends (War Rpg- If you signed up come here)
Will2x replied to SSJ5 Vegeta's topic in Theater
will2x: im tired of playing you ugly monster! *techno blast!* guardian: woah wasnt that your sons move. will2x: it is. monster dies* terrance: dad, brandons been kidnaped, and i know where to get him. will2x: lets go! *instant transmission* guardian & lita: bai! they look up in the sky and get obsorbed by the castle* will2x: looks like where here, defs castle, home of the forces of evil. i dont sense war...matter fact i can only feel a weak power level. brandon: *tied up with tape on mouth* mmm! mmm! they quickly take him outta there and to master roshis house. terrance: *takes off tape* what happened? brandon:they were gonna obsorb my power till they left somewhere to look for war... roshi: why are you guys here. dont you free loaders have your own homes! *falls out chair anime style* whoops. will2x: well i wanted to know where zack is, i needed to talk to him, and apologize...for whatever i did. roshi: i cant tell ya where he is. will2x: grr! i dont have time for this. roshi: haha with that laughing, will2xs evil side emerged. 2x twin: hahahah! im free! see ya suckers! i have hell to bring. *goes super android and leaves* chibi will2x: dammit, see what you did! without him ill stay chibi! roshi:... c will2x: maby if i can merge with zack.... double the god power and same size too! roshi: i guess i can tell you...hes in there, but you must be chibi c will2x: grr! roshi: and you have to have a password! c will2x: ahhhhhhh *goes ultra android 1* roshi: im sorry! rools are rools! terrance: lets go home and train son. brandon: can i stay and watch, this is getting good! terrance: youll do what i say now lets go! *grabs brandon and leaves* roshi: ah, ah ahhhhh! ____will roshi let will2x in? find out next time on War Legendary!! Note: mw, i dont know id you want me to go in there or not, so its up to you. i know the plot and we;ll need to get as strong as we can get, will2x is a lil behind on the training and with that kinda power gain hell be sure to whip seed! -
thats funny, i have a thousand of them. no not master cards, i mean rip off slogans hahaha
as the pokemon rage of 2000-2k1 dies down the loyalist of fans have exchanged to shows closely relative like digimon and go go pow rangers. with toonami hits like card capture sakura and dragonball z does pokemon still stand a chance? please post your opinions!
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Jamvis [/i] [B] ok now now theres no need ta call em biatches... every1 is intitled to their own oppinion... like for instace i say that the most annoying thing in the whole world is country but hey thats my oppinion... [/B][/QUOTE] when they talk about hip hop i feel as if they were talking bout me. i love hip hop. and country annoying: Fact!
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Master O Beans [/i] [B] Heh, don't worry James, I don't see you as the bad guy, it's SAFER! hehe, jk. but honestly, if I may further prove my point... ...I seem to recall having a disagreement with you in the past, and one with Trans too...and yet, I don't really remember what they were about...the point is...it was an "argument" that was held online with people I don't even know...so how that would upset anyone...well that's beyond me. There's been a lot of talk about "maturity" (mostly by Galxy) ...and in my opinion (even though it might not be right, because I don't have "admin" "god" or "mod" under my name...and only they can ever be right ) if you're getting upset over a conversation held online,well that's just plain dumb. ...oh well, I've said my peace. (d@mmit! yet another famous phrase that I don't know if I used correctly...) [/B][/QUOTE] ok id better say this quick before the topic gets closed yeah galxy is a trick! and i agree with jus about everything youve said, your a smart one! --------------- i dont love dem hoes
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B] [color=royalblue][b][size=1]Yeah, I understand what you're saying. But you can't side for the underdog just for the sake of it. I mean, SSJGoten has really done things to deserve being banned. I only created this topic to see if people thought it was fair or not -- I'm not interested in having people sit here and complain about him behind his back or anything...that's equally as wrong. I'm just holding myself accountable to show that what was done was done in the best judgement and with the best intentions at heart. As for your final comment, to some extent you're right. What I say isn't always right, but when it comes to the boards, Adam and I have the last word. That doesn't mean we're perfect...or that we're always right. People are free to disagree with me or him or whoever, just as long as they don't swear or flame... As I said, I think you're a good member. I'm just trying to get you to see it from my point of view -- I don't like being made out to be the bad guy when I'm actually responding to the complaints of more than 20 people. [/color][/b][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] you know james, if you would share the names of the people who complained we could get a better judgement, lord knows more that 20 people hate the kid and for all we know it couldve been 10 people who were multis or were jus complaing cause they dont like him. its abuse. if 20 people said and voted he shouldnt be banned, will he get unbanned?
even if u do unban him he wont be back anyways -will(rember pitchman?)2x [EnD]
i put dunno, cause i dont understand the whole situation well. but i can undestand that some people may have been lying on him, hell people lie on me all the time, over exzagerating is the proper way of saying it. but i dunno, i guess he should be banned, but he did make valid points.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=royalblue][b][size=1]I'm typing this at nearly 2:30am...so I hope that this post is coherant. I wanted to post this message simply to show that I'm being fair. SSJGoten has been banned several times (he keeps reregistering) and he doesn't seem to understand why, despite the fact that I've told him a million times. So, I thought I'd post a poll, in order to see whether or not my decision was fair. I'll tell you exactly why I banned him, so that there can be absolutely no rumor about it. Basically, I had received some 20 private messages complaining about his behavior. Either it was an issue on the boards...or it was a PM...or whatever. So I banned him based on all that complaint (I rarely receive that level of complaint about a member). After that, SSJGoten talked to me on AIM. And we had a good discussion...I thought that we'd worked it all out. So I unbanned him. Subsequently, he's apparently now been banned by Sephiroth. Now, Sephiroth rarely ever bans people...he doesn't ban very lightly. So I trust his judgement. And now I've been utterly harassed by SSJGoten for banning him. Is that really fair? Or am I really the bad guy he makes me out to be? All I'm doing is reacting to all those complaints I get! I gotta do something, afterall. I'm posting this here because I feel answerable to our community...I want to know what you guys think. Anyway, thanks for your feedback. Whatever the result is, I'll take it on board. :)[/color][/b][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] well james, you have to go with instinct on this one. follow that gut feeling.
darn you, i was gonna do it tommorow! oh happy bday to all octobers!
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ameritech69 [/i] [B] No i really dont know why I got banned. I wasnt harassing them. I dont harass you, and i harassed TN once and he banned me, so how did i harass the staff huh? [/B][/QUOTE] amazing, this guys involunarabity shocks and suprizes me. james, tell me, how can he re register if hes banned?
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B] [color=royalblue][b][size=1]Okay, this is just ridiculous. This has nothing to do with everyone loving TN. Can't you see why everyone disagrees with you, Will2x? They disagree with you because your statements were [U]incredibly[/U] offensive and uncalled for. So don't be surprised when people call you to task on those things [b][/size][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] isnt it obvious, everyone does love tn. if that wasnt true i wouldnt have some of my friends i met here spontaneously disliking me without notice. everyone eats up everything he says, as if they want him to be there leader. i think they do. everyones turning into miniture transtic. i cant take it! *sigh*, i need a cigerate.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by FootballC543 [/i] [B] YOu know, this still puzzles me. How was I harassing them again? The only mod/god/dmin i talk to are you james and TN. And as far as Im aware i Havent harassed You at all James, and Tn i did it that one itme and eh blocked me so that handled that. I wanna know how im harassing the other staff, please tell im very intereseted. [/B][/QUOTE] woah, hes back. well if you he can get out of bannishment then heck anyone can! wow, he told me hed be back, but i didnt belive...
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DuoGod of Death [/i] ok whatever you say man. i can tell wheather someones dick ryding(kissing ***) tn or just posting straight from the heart. before tn came there wasnt any of that. does everything have to be blammed on immaturaty, i thought the mature thing to do when someones bothering you was ignore them and go on with your life, but obviously not here. either that or everyones confused. well if transtic can say things he want why shouldnt i. every bad thing that happens is blamed on idiotcy and immaturaty. i dont think that way, i can tell if someones mature or not. and boy is this topic off, but everyone loves tn so let it continue!
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by *GaLxY-GiRl* [/i] [B] [color=purple]Ugh, this post reaks so bad, it's disgusting(you literally turned my friggin stomach.) >:P Honestly, [i]how could you[/i]? Have you absolutely [i]NO[/i] decency towards fellow human beings?............ The really [sarcasm]funny[/sarcasm] thing about all this is.....even if it's YOUR opinion that "faggot" is an acceptable term in the pretense you're using it, you're POSTING it for other's to see! That's plain, obnoxious, pathetic, stupidity![/color] [/B][/QUOTE] o....k..
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B] [color=royalblue][b][size=1]Perhaps, but let's keep this all in context. The fact that you even displayed a smirk at the end shows that you knew exactly what you were doing. You couldn't have made it more obvious. :)[/color][/b][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] *rubs chin* perhaps... well thanz for the tip, next time i wont make it so obvious.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B] [color=royalblue][b][size=1]Oh please. Don't be so idiotic. That statement is so full of rudeness and hatred that it's beyond words. I'd normally delete it, but I think that I should leave it there so that others can see that Transtic Nerve's reaction is wholly reasonable.[/color][/b][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] well in a chat transtic and some others said thats what it meant and i was refering to that...
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B] You should be smart enough to figure that one out..... Faggot is a hatred term used toward gay men. By using you basically admit you hate us for whatever reason and that you could never live in peace with it cause your closed minded attitude and extreme prejudice views prevent you from doing so. Would you call all gay people faggots, or just me? It shows your real self, and how full of hate you really are. And I get offended by the word faggot cause it's meant in a derogetory way toward gay men by hatfull people like you. And don't play stupid.... you make youself look more immature. And, No you may not have said I played that game, but you insinuated that I did. [/B][/QUOTE] live in peace i can do, and no i would only call you or whoever pisses me off a faggot. no ones playing stupid except you, and i never even typed your name in that post with dungeons and dragons, couldnt i have been talking about galaxy girl or navi? now what!?
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B] Well if you wouldn't call me faggot all the time I wouldn't have a problem with you. You make yourself out to be innocent. Which you aren't. And I've never played Dungeons and Dragons.... ugh, I don't play games. Anyone who knows me knows I despise most games, thus I do not play them. Never touched a game called Dungeons and Dragons.... You do a good job at stereotyping people. [/B][/QUOTE] now here you go. did i say you played dungeons and dragons? uhh no. lol i wish i could call you a faggot all the time, but if i did i would be banned wouldnt i? Edit: why would anyone get offend by the word faggot anyway? after all its just a stack of sticks and cigerates, right transtic? :smirk: