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Everything posted by Will2x

  1. even with dsl it still takes me 5 minutes to post!!
  2. Will2x

    uhh click here.

    that post was before u deleted urs tec! im sorry everyone but will dont care, hes ruthless. he promised his girl he was gonna dance and he ment it.
  3. tec9 im ashamed to be friends with you... the closest i ever got to that is when i was playing ff9 and zidane said something i thought "lol" in my head it sounded like "lole' " then i paused for a moment and thought "what the ****?" but thats it. id personally ban myself from the comp if ever said it out loud. heres one i know ive been using the comp too much when my buttocks hurt. i know ive been using the comp too much when i have a nighmare about my comp being hacked. which the summer before last i was playing pokemon gold which wasnt out yet like all day long and my *** felt like it was a prune. and once i had a dream that a hacker got control of the comp and the printer was going all crazy printing porn and the cd drive kept opening and the comp was making noses and saying "warning, hacked, warning hacked". but what i was really scared of was if my dad saw abunch of porn printed with out expensive ink, and the computer all like broke then he would blame it on me and id get a whupping :( but luckily it was jus a dream. [EnD]
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B] Correction: 2 gods and 1 mod... look to your left for your answer.... And I didn't say I was going to burn a flag... I said it's not wrong... And any true American who follows the ideals of the Constitution would agree.... I'm not going to burn an American flag... I have no reason to... hell I don't even have an American flag, that I know of... [/B][/QUOTE] -_-;; so there nothing wrong at all about burning the american flag? isnt there a law againts that? with all the dumb laws burning the flag isnt in there? looks like i learned something new today. James: Interpertation? :o :o
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Crazy White Boy [/i] [B]Hey all I have to say is that, no matter how many bad things go on here, I'll still stick up for America simply because it's my home. Along the lines of what Transtic said, bad things happen everywhere, but it's important to look at the good. To me pride is important. Without pride, you're a shell of a human being. I don't care if you're from the poorest country in the world, you should die to defend it because it's that's your poor country and noone else should be able to take that away from you. Now that's the new moral of this lesson and unless somone can add something valuable to that this is truly The End. [/B][/QUOTE] *applauds* http://mysmilies.com/salute.gif now thats what being a real americans all about. not about abusing our countrys privaleges or taking advantage but basically what cwb said. sticking up for the country and helping each other out.
  6. ok if there wasnt no censorship in america we would all see nudity from 6-60 7 or 70 you would see it. and that would be cool cause lil kids wouldnt ask you too many dumb questions and they would grow smarter...or more immature. bla stupid n00bs. always complaing and trying to bring this place down to there level. :( :confused:
  7. lets see, i got post from 1 admin, 1 god, and 2 mods. people should be flooding this topic by now. o wel.. Transtic, i hope you really wouldnt burn a flag in your own country. ESPECIALLY after the attacks. dont you know you could be killed? Sephiroth: I think thoose palestines are stupid. James: There religions are ****ed up huh? Baby Girl: I agree. k9: thats really sad that u abuse religion for there own selfish needs.
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Crazy White Boy [/i] [B]It's funny, I knew that you were going to bring up freedom of speech. No, I didn't study Japanese culture either, I cannot tell a lie. Anyway though, I didn't say they couldn't bad mouth U.S.A, I just said to stop. Anyway, though I did look up educational studies before I posted that, and there wasn't much of a difference between the two nations statistically. As a matter of fact, I read that women have a better chance for education here. Furthermore, I find the hinderance of censorship, illegal prostitution, and so-called lack of naughty t.v. a humorous reason to ditch one's nationality. But heck, that's just my opinion, and since I'm American...it counts. I have to agree with you on technology, and I did give Japan it's credit in that area. As for dropping bombs, that's irrevelant now. Literally any impoverished land can and does buy nuclear weapons. If say, Turkey wanted to do some major damage to the U.S or Japan they could do so. [/B][/QUOTE] thank god a true american like you is supporting our country. american has been struck and the last thing i wanna here is how bad we are... [EnD]
  9. Well not for from theese people! http://www.msnbc.com/c/0/26/19/8x6/092101_flag_05.jpg
  10. yes adam is great, everyone here worships him, our religion is theOtaku. if you dont say adam is cool atleast 20 times a month you will get banned.
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=darkblue]Yes, censorship is ridiculous. If people don't like something, they don't have to look at it. That's what freedom is all about. It really annoys me that people are trying to block images of the WTC and such in various media...becuase really, it's like a form of denial, isn't it? I mean, we KNOW that they were attacked and we KNOW that they existed. So why try to hide it? It's very annoying. I can understand how people might be hurt by those images, but quite frankly, their pain should not be an excuse to surpress the rest of society.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] maby there two frightened to look at thoose pictures... lol if everyone felt this way about censorship then why dont we all jus say **** with out *'s? :smirk:
  12. Will2x

    Let's Get Crunk!!

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ~: Suger :~ [/i] [B] Suger: Hip hop is fine, but you really need to get a life!:p [/B][/QUOTE] who are you talking to?
  13. glad your joining us. jus to let all n00bs to WAR know, this rpg is in all means elite, if your charecter doesnt catch anyones eye it will likely be ignored and thus drifted away out the story, ive seen it happen, some goofy charecter joins in and says stupid stuff no one replys with anything about that charecter in it then and its left out. your charecter should be least like chousou cause no one likes him, krillin is the limit... lol:angel: :devil:
  14. Will2x

    Let's Get Crunk!!

    hmm... your a handsom guy. hahaha
  15. Will2x

    uhh click here.

    every thank tec9 for ruining the story now its all ****ED UP!!!!
  16. Will2x

    Let's Get Crunk!!

  17. hey, what will the best rpg ever made be without its original creator? Will2x He has a wife a son, and a daughter that he offen forgets about. He was created by Cell2, the lost cell baby. And Frizas brother, whos name i forgot :S. He was programed to do 2 things, destroy planet namek and the Z fighters. in the will2x saga (the begging) there was a calling of a tournament which brought all the greatest fighters together. It got out of hand when will2x apparently left his clone on earth and was facing vegeta on namek. he destroyed namek with the kamehameha shower his original trademark. after a long and ruff battle vaddits(vegeta and raddits) defeated will2x. will2x's design was far more than a normal android and its spirit went on attack and possed vegeta. after X vegeta kidnapped his wife and started quite some havoc will2x left vegeta and went back to his original now alive again thanx to his new found friend in his head Sezmo Orikima. Will2x's son Terrance is a Genious and is quite helpful. Will2x is the leader of the group Menaces 2 Society, they fight the forces of evil. War, Evil, Def, and Deg. Will2x's best friend and partner is Vecon who he offen merges with to become Vilcon2x, with will2xs godly power and second finishing move blaster ball (a giant orb that is destructed by will2x's mind power) he is what you could call invincible...or not. Will2x has a limit, after awhile his power dies down and he cannot fight any longer. so using his godly power is extremly risky. his godly trademark Shiva Wind is good at any occasion if used on one person it can imploade there body parts, or something as lite as transporting them else where. if needed this move can be used on thousands of people blowing there skin and skeleton to peices. this sacred godlyness was achieve when given from his friend sezmo. ABout Sezmo: Will2x was losing the battle with vegeta, hes power was immense, but with quick thinking he disapeered from sight for a brief moment when he heard a voice... he thought in his desperation he was hearing things. Sezmo agreed to help him. sorta like a genie except he can only wish for things that involve power. was sezmo programmed into will2x by cell2 or frizas bro? no one knows. all we know is sezmo is a legend only achieved to thoose fighters worthy, good or bad. sezmo saw will2xs future and letting him die would ruin everything. will2xs twin: when will2x needs counter power he doubles up, will2xs twin doesnt always listen so he can only pray he will help when needed. will2x twin is half the strength of will2x but does not posses any of his godly power, a helpful way to find out when your fighting the real him or not. this is also what makes will2x unique, some say cell2 and friza were working thousands of years on him. will2xs prototype wil1z failed because he couldnt go super android and he didnt listen to there commands. dr.gero wrote part of the design for him while in hell maby thats why he wasnt so good. will1z was in all means a strength fighter he couldnt walk, jus fly, punch, kick. you can see why he wasnt any good.
  18. Will2x

    uhh click here.

    will: dang man, tec9 aint here yet. shaniqwa: me and ma girls bout to bounce anyway, peace. lavandra: and tell him i said hi. will: guess its time for me to leave too. as will leaves the club he gets in his car and drives by mcdonald where he notices nick and steph french kissing . will: daaaaaaaaaaaaaaang looks like she got more than frys with that order!!! will drives more and he goes by that same strip club looking for tec9, will: dang theres alot of police here! is that tec in the back of that police car, **** man! will gets out the car and walks around will sees tre in a stretcher will: you allright trendrick? tre: (in low voice) they got me dawg... they g- will: tre, tre! hospital dude checks his pulse and confirms hes dead will: tre... you was ma boy man *:( ima get thoose bitches... they **** with ma peoples, ima bust there heads...
  19. Will2x

    uhh click here.

    will and tec bust through the door with on 2 mortocycles they stole will: UGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHH tec9: HOOODY HOOO alot of people with scarfs on there head come busting in with shirts off and swanging them like a helicopter will: take em out. tec9: im gonna start busting caps, you get steph will:ite foo catch up wit me in 20 minutes at the club. tec9: ite! *bust caps* will runs and bust caps looking for steph. all half the people in the strip club run and the other half stay and bust caps. will looks for steph but through the gunsmoke he can smell some of her sent twords the exit. will: wtf, she left? will leaves the strip club and finds a sweaty tired exausted steph a half amile away.. will: woah steph its alright i gotcha now, its 9:00 lets go the club. steph: another club? let me go home and think about. will: ite girl, peace. will goes into the club and finds shaniqwa shaniqwa: hey baby, where you been everybodys been waiting for you? [aww wait a minute - ray j] will: shut up and lets dance they dance for awile [feelin on yo booty- rkelly] shaniqwa: wheres steph and tec9 will: im not sure about steph but im certain tec was coming.
  20. Will2x

    Let's Get Crunk!!

    im gonna see how much i can get off 2 bars i cant belive you commin here with all thoose wack taCctics, your hearts esstaTiC, but i wont have it// you now ma name by now so its safe say that you AlReAdY know, and ya mommas a a hoe, thats why im steelin yo flow// what now! i win! btw that wasnt directed twords anyway jus spittin fire.
  21. you and your date are here with over 200 hundred sexy people how long can you last without cheating. the more people that join the more intense it gets. this is a good way to see if your date really loves you. be sure to pm if your getting tempted for another date. join now. especially if you joined the dating game?
  22. god! i missed digimon and metabots again thats 4 in totoal for digimon and 2 for metabots im going wayyyyyy behind now. im was trying to be the metabots master before it got really popular now i havent seen all the episodes anymore :(
  23. Will2x

    uhh click here.

    WILL: now where they at? tec9: i dunno. will: eh man got any change? i wanna beep steph tec9: here man will goes to the phone and beeps her [ring] will: hello? steph, where are you. oh no. uh oh. we commin jus hold on. steph!? are you alright? steph. STEPH! she hung up. tec9: where she say she at? will: at the strip club, there trying to make her show.
  24. Will2x

    uhh click here.

    will: ey man, whats up tec9: nutn much will: i need a smoke fool tec9: ay there go that fool right now! tec9: hey flash we want some dope flash: :smirk: how much cheese u got? will and tec9 look at each other tec9: snap! i gave the money to steph will slaps tec9 upside his head will: guess we betta go as they walk will gets lucky again and finds a ouce of weed tec9: thats about enough for the both of us, but i dont got no papers, and i left my bong in my locker. will: i got it man dont worry will and tec roll the blunt and take turns exchanging it. will: *puff puff* here tec9: *puff puff* here will: *puff* man this is the shiznite! this would probly run us 3gs! *puff* tec9: hey man give that up *takes weed* *puff* man whoever lost this must be mad right about now. *puff* 15 minutes later later will: *smuf* dang man theres only a lil peice of joint left! dang tec9: man throw that ****! will: ayo wheres steph anyway. tec9: **** i dunno. lets go to make donalds. will: nah lets go to 711 i want some chips, i got the munches bad man. tec9: man i should start calling you nibbles, you always got the munchies. after we get some chips lets go get that trick...
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