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Everything posted by Will2x
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Warlock [/i] [B]Well, this is an interesting concoction... [/B][/QUOTE] yes it is. i know were not allowed to make topics about terrorism or related to the wtc tragedy so here you can come and cry or tell us about how sad you are if you lost peeps. or vent about how angry you are and how you want to blow up osama bin laden. thats for starters, we can go on and talk about how ugly jay leno is.. man there so much to do here lets get started.
man im so sad, i missed my favorite shows today. i hate penutbutter without jelly **** **** cock *** dick! i feel better. knock knock!
will: ill catch yall l8r tec9: you betta will: haha, heres 2 gs, bring me back a pack, and dont tell him i gave you the money or hell give me that angel dust. will: oh snap there go a fly ride. *pulls out crow bar* will cracks open the car window and sticks a screw driver in the key ignition. will: whats this? *reads* dead bodies, crazy town, blink 182, staind, slipnot,limp bizket, wtf. i guess limp bizket'll do. *pops in cd* [its all about the he say she say bullsh!t] *will lightly bounces with one hand on the drivers wheel* will: theres the mall, whats shaniqwa talkn to that other foo for!? oh hell nah *will jumps out the car with closing door or stoping, the car keeps rolling* shinqwa hugging a guy: mmm will: whats up man guy: sup will: *punch* what you doin hugin ma girl!? *stomp* shaniqwa: *grabs will* stop it! hes jus ma brother! will: :o ma bad. *gives hand to her brother* im sorry man, i thought you and her had something goin. shaniqwas brother: :flaming: shaniqwa: robert, why dont you jus go back in the mall. robert: why you dating this foo he probly playn you.. will: nah it aint like dat, id never disrespect ma woman. shaniqwa: yeah! will: look what i got you baby *shows necklance* shaniqwa: ohh baby i love you so much! will: you go get dressed we gone party tonite! shaniqwa: ite baby, buhbye *smoooch*! will: now where did i park my ride? ohhhh shiiiiit! *runs after car* the car crashes into a bus and starts a wreck. will: dang. *looks a dude with a bike* hey son, i like that bike you got there. kid: hey thanx. will: itll look better with me ridin it. kid: huh? will pushes kid off his bike and takes off twords back close to campus to catch up with tec and step
will: ite peace zack zack: leaving so early? will: yeah im gonna catch up with ma girl in the mall. zack: peace then. they all leave out the building and start running. will bumps into something on the ground will: well well, wats dis, *picks up a jeulry case and opens it* will: daaang this is platnum with diamonds. *puts on necklace* tec9: you look phat. steph: wont you give dat to me. tec9: nah will give it to me, bros before hoz. steph: WHO YOU CALIN A HO? ILL DROP YO PUNK ***? will: chill steph, i might give this to ma girl. steph: which one? tec9: shaniqwa? will: fa sho.
blood: ima take out you and your lil gang! will: you aint doin nutn foo! richard: break it up you 2. blood: *punch* dont touch me rich boy! richard: (wheres the teacher when you need her?) will: *push* what then? blood: *pulls out gun* this is whats up. tec9: you gonna cap someone during the middle of class? blood: stay outta dis tec, i dont go beef wit u. tec9: well you bout 2 if u messin wit ma boy. so what you say yall take this out side afta school. blood: ite then , ill drop yo punk *** lata will! teache walks in* teacher: we have 30 seconds till the bell, your homework assignment is the atom of the molecule good luck. will: man theres so much i gotta do today, homework will be the last thing on my list. *bell rings* will: its time for math..
will is waiting for the principal to call him in. principal: will! get your butt in here right now! will: (dang..) dude: good luck dawg principal: hey will, now why did you hit richard, hes one of our best students and rapskallions like you shouldnt be touching his intelligent brain. will: that ho was all up in ma grill mr. p principal: now what did i tell you about calling your classmates whores. will: well thats what they be... cept ma dogs. principal: well ok "homie" im not "down" with that ok? will: whatever. principal: and you have detention. will: nah mr.p! i got a date tonite. principal: well you shouldve thought about that before you hit richard. *wills beeper goes off* BEEP BEEP will: oh hold i got a beep *pulls out cell* will: hey baby, yeah im still down for tonite *looks at principal* principal: ahem! will: i mean nah.. well have to do it later. will walks out office * will: yeah, im down lets do dis. where you at? shaniqwa: im at the mall with ma girls. will: koo , see you den, peace shianiwa: bye baby. will walks down the hall and he bumps into another one of his girls. latasha: hey honey, i need to borrow 5 dollas. will: now you know i dont have 5 dollas. latasha: ite din, c ya baby. will: k.. will: (mr. p is tripin if he thought i was going to detention, i mean thats not gonna stop me from hitting anyone neway)
as long as everyone knows where we are. were all teens, unless you wanna be a parent or teacher. or someone who is real tight with the teens. its school time right now.
ok guys im going to the principals office tec9 is in class so where are you guys? my guy will2x0 is a pot smoker stone head gangsta from east rugby in state cucamongacrackakillas :)
will: hey man i hate that dean. tec9:yeah we should drop him. will: hey after school lets call up our crew. tec9: yeah sounds good to me. will: aww wait a minute. tec9: what will: i forgot i got a date wit this fly honey after school. richard: hey will, you have homework after school. will: was anybody talkn to you nerd? richard: ... will: besides , homework is fa suckaz. tec9: fa sho. richard: its also for people that dont wanne end up givn bjs on the street. will: *smack* turn your head and do your work. richard: OWW! will hit me! teacher: will! go to the principles office now! tec9: punk ***** you couldnt wait to sniznitch... will: catch yo l8 my nizel. tec9: ite foo.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Voodookanaka [/i] [B] whats your view on poor and rich? --Rich ppl (upper class) are snobs and all bisexual sluts that sleep around and get money by manipulating the others. are you poor rich or inbetween. udunno, rough area, posh house....go figure. [/B][/QUOTE] lol i should put that in my sig. and yes my poem does rock. could any of you imagine if your hole family didnt have any money at all. youd be a bum on the street and have to kill a animal to eat. then when u do get hold of money youd be forced to buy boos. :(:devil:
this is a game where teenagers are at school and we hang out.
u know im in. im always up for another attempt to revive WAR.
without money id be outside wondering around looking for someone to bother :D without money id never have a playstation2 or dreamcast. without money id be looking tacky. without money id be like blind since i wear glasses. without money i wouldnt be typing this poem. without money id be begging. without money ofcourse id deal drugs. without money i would probly be dirty. if i had more money id buy a circus and sell the tickets 50 bucks a pop if i had more money id buy my own record label and be the leader of hip hop if i had more money id shop till i drop. if i had more money id bribe a judge and a cop. if i had more money id give some to a comedian if i had more money id get my own show and be drug free again if i had more money id probly be rich too if i had more money id do whatever can tucan can do if i had more money id whip my butt with one million if i had more money id slap you with a 2 trillion if i had more money id buy a island. if i had more money id change my name to roland. if i had more money id rock ice with a rolex if i had more money id get surgery and get a big chest of muscel mmm
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Will2x [/i] [B]how do yo make money? parents how do you want to make money when your older. celebrity or something easy how much money do you have. around 40 dollars i think do you love money? yea how long could you last without it? a month, you need money to buy food,gas,and pay bills. how much of your life is used by money? 25% whats your view on poor and rich? poor peeps beg. rich peeps are koo are you poor rich or inbetween. inbetween answer theese Q'z [/B][/QUOTE]
sorry cloud didnt mean to disinclude you.
how do yo make money? how do you want to make money when your older. how much money do you have. do you love money? how long could you last without it? how much of your life is used by money? whats your view on poor and rich? are you poor rich or inbetween. answer theese Qz
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by No-Name [/i] [B] 1) i no wut u mean, ppl just cant goto the mall to buy anime, cause u get ragged by other ppl u no. its even worse when u bump into girls on the way out. 2)Do u streamload ([url]www.streamload.com[/url])? i can send u Eps. 1-13 High-Quality (TV quality), Dubbed, Uncut. Theyve got stuff on there even CN woodnt have shown. if so, give me ur username. [/B][/QUOTE] no i havent, but ill check it out and give you my screen name. i saw the begging of ep 5 off this anime site.
yeah this is dumb! i want to hear there englishes voices again. boy how am i ever gonna live up going to the mall and actually paying for cartoon videos again. how embarrasing :o especially if your going with the sophmore cheerleaders. o well. i can always illegally download the subs even the quality wont live up to the tvs or a dvd's. but what the hell there was only 26 episodes, it wasnt gonna last that long. right shinji :smirk:
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B][SIZE=1]Hrmmm.. I don't really have a favorite sig... though I do like Sephiroth's "I think, therefore I am confused." Lol, that's so true and it cracks me up :cross: :laugh:[/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] hey yours is pretty cool. i like mine, i know it would be everyones favorite if JAMES didnt edit my **** sig! :flaming: i like the sig with the f word in it alot. that was halrious. i was like i cant belive this dude is getting away with it there ****in 4th graders here. you should watch your ****in mouth. lol so anything like that will attract me. also good use of colors, like tec-9 if i wasnt lazy i make color us flag made entirly of * i could make the canadian flag too. HEY someone canadian here should do that. maby ill make a flag of a donkey to represent myself or my clan.. whoops now everyones gonna copy me. shiiiit~ :smirk: : DO YOU SMELL WHAT THE ROCK IS COOKIN?
hey i rember that. boy was ssn9piccolo mad when i made war, he thought i was riping off his idea. its amazing that you saved that. that story got wacky didnt it? it was indeed the first rpg as far as i know of. i think other than adam and hbomb mysterious and char char mandar have been here the longest.
nooooooo! did cowboybebop give peeps ideas or sometin. man! DANGIT! this sucks. adult swim isnt as good no more.
1.will: 17 year old rich jock with enough digimon cards to sell for a small fortune. his only friend is his digimon partner Orionmon whos special attack is j00ber crash. will purposly drops wads of money. Will: man.. this is boring. dude: hey lets battle! will: ok dude: kolemon! destroy that weak thing! kolemon: ok. STATIC TURRRRRRD![plop] *a piece of crap falls on Orionmon* will: eww. Orionmon: spike belt! *spikes come from everywhere and poke kolemon* dude: digimotify! *kolemons defense increases* will: orionmon digivolve! orionmon: wait no its ok! i can beat him!!! orionmon: MINI BLAST! kolemon: KOLEMON DIGIVOLVE TOOOOOO ...rangatomon! rangatomon: old pipe! orionmon: j00! rangataomon: AHHHHHHH *disolves* orionmon: DIGIVOLVE OBSORB! dude: nooooo! you evil! nooooo
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Single H [/i] [B]How could this topic suddenly appear here? You should realize how many 'infants' are here!! (I wish to apologize to anyone who is offended) [/B][/QUOTE] lol yeah, and my educational topic about sperm got closed. pashaa! i bet this topic wont though. why? because they dont like me. well the topic says homosexuality and i thought id finally give my 2 cents. however i didnt read past the first paragraph but i scanned over it... ok here it is, and this may only be quoted. i think homosexuality is wrong. heres one good example Our heavenly father (God) made Adam and Eve. NOT Adam and Bob or Lucy and Eve. It wasnt supposed to be that way. its just sick and disgusting. i dont see what a guy would see in a another hairy sack or wake up in the morning to a ruff beard and hairy chest (barf). I dont know bout chics, im not female. girls are so close theese days its almost expected to happen. infact i went to a dance tonite and i saw alot of girls dirty dancing together. and i mean dirty! me and some of my friends are anti-gay. and where i live, homosexuality is the almost the worst thing to be. if i called a chick a murderer she would be like "o...k..." but if called her a lezzie she would be "HEY! TAKE THAT BACK!" cause we know its wrong. our parents didnt have to tell us we just knew. being homosexual around here results in 1. name calling. 2. not as many friends and my favorite 3. beat down. well for the guys as far as i know. lezbians are welcomed with open arms. well heres another reason the adverage teen here doesnt want to be gay. its the obvious, spend a lifetime on earth married/making love with your same sex then when you die and eternity of flames. the choice is obvious. even the teachers dont like homosexuality, although they try to pretend not notice it. alright! thats my 2 cents and i feel alot better getting that off my chest. AND IM PROUD TO BE LIVING IN THE STRONGEST COUTRY IN THE WORLD!!! WE ARE UNITED. PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN!!!!!! WOOHOOO (chants USA repidily)
haha, i dont spend most of my daytime here anymore and i dont spam so i wont be getting to 1000 again till lets see, december? lol. so i guess i be with this rank for awile. it would be kool if all the people whove been here for a year got there own custom ranks to show how much were loved for sticking with this place for so long... *sigh*
i see. but if there was a war going on and all you guys jus said no then we would lose the war and the enimes would jus take over.