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Everything posted by Will2x

  1. Will2x


    Blu: wtf? is that a golden duck? Joe: uhh? Will2x: yes, so grab it. blu: arg its too heavy. will2x: then leave it. we dont have time for this, my mom is coming home in 20 minutes and if we dont exvo outta hear im busted. blu: ok then.. joe: huh? will2x: sorry joe, we'll play with you later. joe: bye bye! blu: LETS EXVO! *presses button on watch* will2x: LETS EXVO! *taps earring* will2x and blu's armor and weopons devolve and without moving the area shapes into will2x's room. Will2x: alright, were back. so what have we got so far? blu: a beatle ruby and diamond moskitto. will2x: great now lets go to jaspers house and show the captain what we got.... anyone can join. and when 5 people join we can have a crobo party!
  2. im sorry to hear that anime girl. if my girlfriend died i would be crying alot also. this could result in a war. i personally would like to fight againts this.
  3. i would fight for my country, i support my country 100%. i wouldnt be sitting on my butt while my people die. id get out there and fight with them. if it means war then let there be war. if it means death then let there be death.
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SS Trunks [/i] [B]Both of them suck! Trunks would kick both of their asses:devil: But out of the two I think Goku is the best [/B][/QUOTE] trunks is a ***. vegeta would kill trunks. goku is the best though, i hear in gt that vegeta has to use one of bulmas machines to power up to ssj4 so he cheated. goku did it the fair way. goku doesnt train as much but he sure does battle the best. sorry but i didnt read the other few pages excuse me...
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B] Which could very well constitute as Rape... if they are passed out or you do this against their will, it IS rap and all men and women who do that should be prosecuted and killed... every last one of them.... not saying you did... I'm just stating that . [/B][/QUOTE] yeah i know that. i wouldnt go that low. id rather have a prostitute. BG(not baby gangsta), i didnt know girls wanted small asses :S MOB(not that kind) u should really watch a girl clap thoose cheeks. you will be amazed!
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B] [color=deeppink]Well we all know you can't resist the bottle...[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] LOL!!!!! SOOO TRUE! i would rate you a 5 jus for that comment! lol. hey ' MOB im not the only "not normal" person. a hell of a lot of guys love a girls booty clab. its jus the boooty the booooooty *reachs out and claws hand* man i addicted to booty. there was this one party where there was sooo many hot *** chicks. i got mo booty than a tolite that night! the biggest onion i ever seen too!
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Master O Beans [/i] [B] Heh, I learned this lesson...when I first moved to this town (to Michigan From Ohio), I got made fun of a few times for using the term "cuss"...so I quickly converted to "swearing"...Yeah, kids can be pretty d@mn rude sometimes... [/B][/QUOTE] well its pretty opposite round here i grew up saying cuss. i rember after i got into my first fight the teacher said "well he punched the guy in the eye and the guy touched his private area then he started [i]swearing[/i]" i was like wtf. i wanted to slap her...
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Master O Beans [/i] [B] Yep, she's right :) heh, although, when sober she's into the "modern" (I think that's how it's classified?) style of dancing...but when she drinks....itS BOOTY DANCIN' TIME! :) Muhahah :laugh: [/B][/QUOTE] booty dancin is almost as good as sex! i love it when a girls booty claps. man is that such a turn on... if u ever seen that music video by rkell "feelin on yo booty" then u know what im talkn bout.
  9. sluts are alright as long as u wear a condom ;) and weed is awesome! all the chics at parties arent sluts... jus innocent girls with something slipped into there drink. LOL
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B] [color=deeppink]Er, tell you about what?[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] answer truthly
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Master O Beans [/i] [B]Heh, I'm no stranger to parties :) I this is the first weekend in a while that I actually haven't partied. although I definitely try and keep it a Weekend thing! Heh - these college parties are just plain crazy!! :eek: [/B][/QUOTE] did ya get stoned, laid, drunk,full?
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B][color=deeppink]Heh, um...maybe I shouldn't answer truthfully to this one...I'll just stay quiet. Er...ok ok, yes, yes I do. :p[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] woah that was fast as hell. please tell me id like to know. pleeeeaaaaaaseee
  13. how many of you guys like to go to parties? Objectives eat dance get drunk get high make out lol
  14. my msn is will2x@msn.com and aim is will2x0 i forgot what yim is, but its gay hardly anyone uses it...
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SS Trunks [/i] [B]Is that just an obscure way of telling us your a Hermaphradite? Perhaps the word personalities should be switched with genitaillia? [/B][/QUOTE] lol! your funny, if we still had the rating thing i would give you a 5. some of theese topics quilify to be on jerry springer.
  16. Peace shinji its not the immaturity that gets me, its the people that get on people for being immature then go do it themselvs. the gayness is unberible. lol
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by MysticGohan [/i] [B] Hahah..... You see, Will is black and I am desi. I am always making fun of Will about his blackness,but he knows hopefully I don't mean it! And I do love your sig Will. That shits good!:) [/B][/QUOTE] you dont make fun of me... you scare me. and yes my sig is tottaly bitchin...:smirk:
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SSJ5 Vegeta [/i] [B] Ummmm yeah.... I'm just going to slowly walk away now... If charter can't help you, then you're screwed. [/B][/QUOTE] lol yeah... if you cant get help for them please get help somewhere...
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by MysticGohan [/i] [B] You must be an idiot. I am sorry, but that's the stupidest question I've ever heard in my life. Seriously, think for a minute. African Americans don't call each other niggers. There are like this: " what up nigga " or " what up nagga ". No African American calls themselves "niggers". Eh, you people make me ill. Yes, it's okay for African American's to call each other niggers or whatever they like to call themselves, that's just me. But I do find it quite bad if a white person calls an African American a ****** because the white man has been quote on quote: " brought up by people to call blacks "niggers". The white race has been the dominate color and will further do so. I am nor black nor white. You can call me Asian , but eh, I am not true to my heritage. I am what you can say a "desi", but not as dark as most. I do use racial words only between my close friends and I. I am always like : " ****, coach ain't playing me because I am black " My black friends don't feel offended by this and nor do I. And when I am with my Japanese friends, I sometimes use some of Japanese racial terms. They never seem to mind,because they know I am just messing around and don't mean it. There's a line between being playful and being serious. I am never say racial terms to offend someone. That's not me. So, you see, there are times when it's okay to say racial terms, but sometimes there aren't. But from the most part, please don't say anything too racial to someone else with a different race. They'lll probably kick the **** out of you and a bit more. I strongly suggest you only say SOME racial terms to your good friends, but only when you're playing around... Well, with that said, I am going to go. I hope you all get a different aspect of racial things to come. :) - Zo Syed [/B][/QUOTE] *tear* thats a mighty good speach. i agree on that one. i myself am black and back in jr high all the blacks and mexicans were saying it. i rember back in 4th grade where a white dude would be jumped if he said it. jose and donte can say it, but lil richie better not. that was the rule. it was as simple as that.
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B] And your a cocky moron.... No I'm not like this to everyone, I'm like this to stupid people... and you're right, people like YOU!.... I don;t like people that sit here and insult others and then can't take it themselves.... everyone that read that comment has told me I did a good job, and everyone has told me how much of an immature @ss whipe you are. So it's just not me, it's just other people are affraid to say stuff sometimes, and I'm not... If i'm the most screwed up person you've read about you obviously haven't read anything! There are much more screwed up people than me. I talked to Adam today and he said I was a good mod and if I wasn't i wouldn't be mod.... don't tell me how to do my job. Just because you aren't a mod anymore. Seems like YOU were the one who wasn't doing good at his job. Not to mention you were responcible in the take down of the V. 2 Otaku... or partly responcible. And don't try to play it off... And if I don't know how your life it, tell me if what I said was wrong.... I bet you live with a single parent... not sure if it's your dad or your mom but I bet, because of your attitude towards people, you do. You havn't lived life. You are a pathetic 14 year old kid who lack the intteligence and ability to live a life free of hatred towards others... why do you think everyone of your topics gets closed and/or deleted.... you think i do it cause I hate you? HAHAHA! no..... I do it because people complain to me. And/or an admin tells me to close it. it's not just me man... wake up.... lots of people hate you here, I'm just one of the few to stand up to you. And there's not a d@mn thing you can do because I have freedom of speech.... you can post your opinion about me all you want and I'll do the same to you, whether you like it or not cause thats my right, and I will exploit it. [/B][/QUOTE] hah. so im somehow related to the destruction of the old otaku...hahaha. your post are so predictable now. you jump on my age group. lack of abilty!? have you gone retarded? i swear not everyone hates me. it may seem that way. you now asume i liev with a signgle parent huh. nope wrong again. calling me immature well look whos talking. jus give it up. your pathetic. your jus repeating yourself from what u said last time. you cant tell me i havent lived. in my 14 years of i have learned thing that you probly will never learn. i have faced things i have been places. you cant tell me that. your just 4 years older than me. your an adverage jabroni. you do do your job when it comes to cleaning up but when i get a raged post by a *** over jus saying emeniems pic wasnt that funny.... what am i supposed to think. i insulted no one. YOU insulted me. i can probly predict your next post. probly soemhting about people like me in america or some crap. ps: get help
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B] What you fail to realize is that the shirt has ALF on it... now, if you weren't some punk kid you'd know who ALF was and you'd realize that ALF was a great show, and you'd appreciate it.... You are not a child of the 80's but a corrupt immature little shi? who has come to appreciate nothing in life and who will ultimately fail.... perhaps you should try two words.... "grow up".... till then you can shut your mouth cause no one wants to hear it's smart@ss remarks.... Life will give you a swift kick in the @ss one day.... that day will be one of the funniest days in the whole of existance. [/B][/QUOTE] ok dude, i think you seriously have some emotional problems, thats ok. jus let it go. but not on me, your always insulting people like some social freak. mainly me! so im just going to report you to Adam himself and request you be demodded cause a moderator isnt supposed to be even close to what you are. you are the most screwed up person ive ever read about on the net. hopefully when adam sees this post he will realize how bad of a mod you are to say theese things to a fellow member. im getting in to habbit of avoiding theese boards now cause of people like you. i cant even post soemthing without being ridiculed. you are by far the worst mod ever. everyone said shinji was bad but your just like.....horrible. and this is supposed to be a kid friendly place. your just another jabroni and thats all you will be. you make large assumptions as if you knew me, naw you dont know me. and you never will. so go ahead and run your mouth about soemthing that sounds like you know what your talking about. cause your a fool. *ah* i feel better now
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by zanza [/i] [B]Being a retarded, brutally honest asshole will get you nowhere in LIFE, Will2x. I'd think if you actually knew what it was like you wouldn't be so stupid. [/B][/QUOTE i didnt say it did, and who you callin stupid, stupid. EDIT: you know if your retarded or asshole (if thats even a real word) does get you somewhere, infact it gets you lots of places. if you thought about it youd relize that.
  23. the internet is the main thing i use the comp for. a week is my limit, but i wont freak out. ill jus get irritated and bored, thats how i was all the time before the net entered my life, the video games got tiring the tv was boring at times. outside was jus stupid games. i thought id never feel the fun i have at recess at home. till one summer the net came. the mising puzzel to my life. i took a chunk of normal spending time and put it into computer time. and today i get frustrated when i cant get on the comp sometimes. i jus walk around wonderless and eat for no reason at all. bored out of my mind. heh, but you peeps that cant go 12 hours....sigh you guys do need lives. i mean 12 hours isnt so bad, heh, i can have sex for 12 minutes, think about it for 30 and sleep 11:28 :cross:
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