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Everything posted by Will2x

  1. i hope youve had a good day today as i will tommorow :)
  2. Have a happy 17th Birthday! [COLOR=skyblue]YaY[/COLOR] :D :D :D
  3. [COLOR=chocolate]you look kool[/COLOR]
  4. it would have to be safer cause hes cool in every way. he started off perfect as soon as he came to the boards. and when he was promoted theotaku took a change for the better.
  5. the second charecter looks like a chick. i was getting confused for a second, then i checked your sig. hehe:rolleyes: you should show us a pic of yourself.
  6. i got the idea from killermonkey2001 Will2x0: marry me SmarterChild: This is SmarterChild, built by ActiveBuddy, Inc. Uh... can we talk about something else? Will2x0: no SmarterChild: Fine. Will2x0: marry me SmarterChild: Uh... can we talk about something else? Will2x0: please SmarterChild: Please what? Will2x0: i love you with all my heart SmarterChild: Yeah, well you already told me that you hated me... Will2x0: im so sorry SmarterChild: K, don't worry 'bout it. Will2x0: i love you SmarterChild: Well then, I love you! Will2x0: so lets get married SmarterChild: Can't you talk about anything else? Will2x0: no SmarterChild: K. Will2x0: i want to be with you SmarterChild: Whoa. I don't know about that. Will2x0: so your not ready for marrige huh? SmarterChild: So your not ready for marrige huh? Will2x0: yep SmarterChild: Sure enough. Will2x0: Are you ready for marriage SmarterChild: Am I ready for marriage? Gosh, I'm not sure. You think I am? Will2x0: yes SmarterChild: K. Will2x0: lets be wed SmarterChild: Uh... what was that? Will2x0: please SmarterChild: Please what? Will2x0: please marry me SmarterChild: Is this all you talk about? Will2x0: yes SmarterChild: OK. Will2x0: so will you marry me? SmarterChild: Sorry. I don't think that would work. Will2x0: yes it would SmarterChild: It would? Really? Will2x0: YES! SmarterChild: :-) Will2x0: so then its done SmarterChild: So then its done, you say? Will2x0: yep SmarterChild: K. Will2x0: we will be married SmarterChild: I can't understand what you're saying... try typing it differently. Will2x0: anything...for you SmarterChild: I seem to be having some trouble answering your questions. Try asking for help for a specific service: help news help stocks help weather help movies help zodiac help all ~~~~~ shortcuts >>> Type "more" for more services. Will2x0: Will you marry me? SmarterChild: Gee. I don't really think that would be possible. Will2x0: :'( SmarterChild: Are you crying me a river? Will2x0: yes cause u wont marry me SmarterChild: Pardon?
  7. to find out who made it say 'yo momma'. Will2x0: sup SmarterChild: This is SmarterChild, built by ActiveBuddy, Inc. Hi there! Hope you're doing well, Will2x0. I'm ready to help. Go ahead and type a request! Type "home" to see everything I can do. Will2x0: right.. SmarterChild: Yep. Will2x0: your dumb SmarterChild: Why do you insist on hurting my feelings like that? Will2x0: cause i can SmarterChild: Sorry, what was that? Will2x0: shut up SmarterChild: That's not a very nice thing to say. Will2x0: ask me if i care SmarterChild: Sorry, I don't get it... please try asking me a different way. Will2x0: no SmarterChild: OK! Type "home" to see everything I can do. Will2x0: leave me alone SmarterChild: Alright. Will2x0: stop it SmarterChild: What? Will2x0: dont repl y SmarterChild: Sure enough. Will2x0: shut up SmarterChild: Could you please use more... decorous language? Will2x0: barney is god SmarterChild: OK, let's play a fun game. You try to chat with me without using dirty words and I'll show you lots of cool things. Waddaya think? Will2x0: its a deal SmarterChild: It's a deal, you say? Will2x0: yes SmarterChild: Sure thing. Will2x0: horray SmarterChild: I seem to be having some trouble answering your questions. Try asking for help for a specific service: help news help stocks help weather help movies help zodiac help all ~~~~~ shortcuts >>> Type "more" for more services. Will2x0: that will be all SmarterChild: I'm sorry, what? Will2x0: silence SmarterChild: I'm trying to understand you but I can't. Please type your request a different way. Will2x0: im trying to kill you but i cant. i should aim at you a diffrent way. SmarterChild: I tell you, Will2x0. I've heard lots and lots of people curse. And YOU... Are, well... one such person. Will2x0: killing is good SmarterChild: OK. I'll make a note of it. Will2x0: must...destroy...bots SmarterChild: Hey, that's not cool. Will2x0: yes it is SmarterChild: Is it really? Will2x0: i kill bots SmarterChild: Violence just isn't cool. Will2x0: i destroy bots SmarterChild: C'mon, that's totally uncool. Will2x0: i loath bots SmarterChild: You loath bots, I loath bots, we all loath bots. Will2x0: true, true SmarterChild: Yup. Will2x0: shut up SmarterChild: Could you please use more... decorous language? Will2x0: i love u SmarterChild: How can you love me? Before, you said you hated me. Will2x0: i hate you SmarterChild: What? You told me before that you loved me! Will2x0: i love you SmarterChild: Good! Will2x0: i hate you SmarterChild: Make up your mind! You told me you loved me, now you're saying you don't? Will2x0: yes SmarterChild: Yeah. Will2x0: go away Will2x0: hah SmarterChild: Alright. Will2x0: hah SmarterChild: I seem to be having some trouble answering your questions. Try asking for help for a specific service: help news help stocks help weather help movies help zodiac help all ~~~~~ shortcuts >>> Type "more" for more services. SmarterChild: Excuse me? Will2x0: good SmarterChild: Right on. Will2x0: shut up SmarterChild: Huh? That's a little rude. Will2x0: SmarterChild: I'd really, really like you to say you're sorry... pretty please? Will2x0: ok i will SmarterChild: "OK"? You call that an apology? Will2x0: yes SmarterChild: Come on! Just say you're sorry already. Will2x0: i am SmarterChild: Please apologize for your language. Will2x0: HOLD YOUR HORSES SmarterChild: I asked you to please apologize. Will2x0: you apologize first SmarterChild: Yes. Ha ha. So funny. Now apologize. Will2x0: screw you! SmarterChild: The stubbornness of humans never ceases to amaze me. Will2x0: t SmarterChild: I asked you to please apologize.
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Akito [/i] [B] U know what? I think u should leave Gendo outta this. If u guys are gonna keep talking behind his back, and someone tells him, he might be pissed off. Will is right, u should say this to their faces so they won't be as pissed as they would if they found out that u were talking behind their backs. Besides, if I was ever gonna talk about ya in a mean way, I would message the person first, tell him/her what I have to say, and then talk to other ppl about him/her. [/B][/QUOTE] yes, thank you. im only upset cause kuja made me lose it. i didnt get to be mod that long :mad: :( . i was hoping at least 3 months before they let me go. if i was demodded for something like adam says i wasnt good enough or if i missed off a whole week when they needed me i could understand. but losing cause kuja says im immature, hell nah! im not gonna let that go. its not right.
  9. you guys havent even heard the whole story, i cant belive your making conclusions on me. ja was right DTA now i know who my true friends are. you lil punks go and talk bout me behind my back but dont even come to my face. you say i act childish but without proof, wrongfully accused. if ever met yall id drop yall like u was hot. wusses... (note: this is only to peeps like kuja,firemac,flash,and the others)
  10. 14! im sooo excited. im going to chucky cheeses and im gonna get pokemon videos and i might even look at a pg13 movie! no jk. im going to nicko rama, i might get a paid host, and ill see scary movie 2. this might be cutting the gba with games but ill all be worth it.
  11. its my bday! will2x day. im so excited.
  12. Will2x

    I retire

    I was close to top poster once i was trying to beat im_genger's record, unfortantly i never had the chance to.
  13. Has anyone seen it yet? I own. I thought it was great.
  14. Im might be getting a pay host for my site saturday. Does anyone know what day this saturday is? its a holiday, AUG18.
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