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Everything posted by Will2x

  1. hmm it seems that more people dislike gamecube than gameboy O___o but virual boy gots a wopping 7 votes ouch i had a virtua boy, if only it had color other than red, i loved wario land, and that game where you go through pipes and stuff.
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DBZChikaGhan [/i] [B]a photo shoot? dont tell me your a model LM!!!!! by the way... better tell Bejiita-san.. yu have some admirers *cough*will2x*cough* [/B][/QUOTE] oro?... thats pretty cool caugh you got there, we should all cough like that :) i think LM might pm me now! \:excited: /
  3. Adam's Angels auditon: Only the hottest chicks from around the otaku globe, must be hot,sexy,and dangerouse ;) LM is :flaming: HOT:flaming: id get drunk with you anytime!
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Master O Beans [/i] [B] ...I would comment on the amount of spam in the conversation you had with tetsuo....but then I looked at your siggy...and it contains my all time favourite song!!! PAINT IT BLACK! :D [/B][/QUOTE] hey thats the song at the ending of Twisted Metal Black ive started to like it...
  5. i always thought altron was cool cause he said what he wanted and that was that, it was so halirouse(sp) how he jus came out and dissed eveeryone like they had stolen his pride. everyone was spechless, and shamed of there ways, and i think altron got a few peeps to start watching subs.. he was like the cell of OB, he had a tournament of anime and people who claimed to watch subs and know it all came one by one and each felt the mighty hand of altron, hahahahahahahahaha.
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B] [color=orangered][size=1]What makes a fanboy? A fanboy is someone who blindly follows a product without having any facts to back up their belief. That makes you a fanboy. I couldn't answer all of your comments simply because you didn't make out a seperate post...instead, you edited a quote. I didn't have the time to go through and pick out little parts. If you want to restate your opinions in a post though, I'd be more than happy to respond. Your post indicated that Microsoft was making lots of money with Xbox. You said nothing specific of PlayStation. I write for a gaming magazine. It's my [b]job[/b] to know the industry. What I say may not be to your tastes, but it's the truth. I am speaking totally objectively: I am quite prepared to point out the faults of any company, whether it be Microsoft with its philosophies behind Xbox, or Nintendo with its constant unwillingness to embrace the third party scene. Take your pick. I can comment objectively about anything related to gaming. The fact is, I'm not scared of answering anything you have to say because I know that I can be 100% objective. But you, like many on these boards (Nintendo and MS fans alike), are unable to accept objective facts. Aside from that, I don't care which console you prefer. It's totally fine to prefer Xbox to GameCube, however, when you go around stating facts which you claim are objective...make SURE that they are correct. If I am stating my opinion, I will say so. But if I'm stating an objective fact, I gurantee that I can back it up with information every single time. I urge you to do the same, otherwise it's totally pointless to debate if you either can't be objective or can't face facts.[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] okay since you need everything to be perfect to answer something then here. 1.Let's face it, Xbox (and even PS2 to some extent), are not game machines. Response:{actually they are, do they not play games, were they not built for hardcore gaming?} 2.Do I want to rip CDs to make MP3? Sure, I'll use my PC. Response:{not everyone has a pc or mp3 player, or probly cannot afford a pc or something and this is why this is good.} 3.Do I want to surf the 'net? Sure, I'll use my PC. Response:{ not everyone has a pc} 4.Do I want to watch DVD movies? Sure, I'll use my DVD player. Response:{before ps2 i didnt have a dvd player of my own, thanks to sonys bright idea i now have one} 5.My point is, moving into this cloudy area of product positioning is very dangerous for Microsoft and also for Sony(!!). Response:{it only gets better, not dangerous, they are making lots of money} 6.Moreover, if a particular product can perform a number of functions at once, it is most likely, by very definition, that it will do all of those functions very well...but not as well as a machine which is designed specifically for one function (ie: GameCube and game playing). Response:{that is not true, it actually depends on the power of the system to do this functions, for example dreamcast doesnt have anything other than cd and ps2 has cd and dvd but ps2 is better. just because gamecube only plays game doesnt mean thats the best thing it can do, it just means its the only thing it can do} 7.Every one of the next gen consoles can produce beautiful graphics which are very comparable to each other. Graphics simply isn't part of the argument. Response:{if your saying graphics do not matter than you are wrong, it makes up into a complete system, graphics have a very important role. games like ff7- wouldnt be able to do alot of things if it had gameboy graphics} im the kind of person that doesnt jus sit back and belive whatever someone has to say is true, so this is why i responded. oh and if that definition is true then i am defently not a fanboy, now if you actually read what i said in the post before i said i learned up on xbox and im not buying it because its made by microsoft. now if you read 5 youll notice it says sony too, and thats what i was responding to, sorry if you couldnt figure that out by now lets help this helps you. i may not work for a magazine, or stalk nintendo/microsoft workers but i know enough about xbox and gamecube to know which is better. now if you knew as much about xbox as you know about gamecube then you would know the true victor....
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B] [color=orangered][size=1]I'd have preferred if you'd answered each quote seperately, rather than editing a quote. This makes it difficult for me to reply to specific points. But most of the edits you made were totally incorrect. The Xbox games shown thusfar feature exactly [i]zero[/i] innovation. This doesn't mean that they never will -- there are quite a few games on the horizon which I'm looking foward to. I was just talking specifically about the current situation. As for all the other stuff, you were very wrong there. Microsoft is making no money from Xbox right now. So I don't know how you can say that they're making a lot of money. Infact, Microsoft will be making losses on Xbox until around 2004/2005. Will, if you want to have a serious discussion, you need to do two things. 1. Reply to each paragraph or each point seperately, rather than editing an entire quote. This makes it incredibly difficult to accurately reply. 2. Get your facts right. I'm sick of fanboys like you making up facts and throwing them out on the table. Nothing about my post was fanboyish -- I was stating cold, hard facts. Those facts might be negative, but as I said, I was talking about the current situation. People defend the Xbox (or GameCube or PS2) simply because they own them. But in actual fact, they aren't necessarily qualified to argue certain points. Either they don't know the facts, or they hide the facts to further their own viewpoint. I will [i]not[/i] tolerate this fanboy crap. If you want to debate the issue, please make it easier for a discussion to be made.[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] arent you even gonna actually respond to what i said, all your basically saying in this post is that "i hate fan boys, your a fan boy, your post is wrong, your wrong" wtf is this? YOU ONLY ANSWERED TWO THING. no i dont own a xbox, but ive been reading alot of magizines,websites, talked with people about there xbox and ive played it and examined it for myself. but no i am not a fanboy, the only one who seems to be a fanboy is you yourself and one more thing sony IS making alot of money of psx, and thats what i meant. it seems you are scared of answer any real answers and cant accept that you are wrong so i guess i wont bother trying to tell you, it seems you are in denile...
  8. wow duo god, you dont look ugly. i guess there are some truly special people at otakuboards besides myself ;) i thought you was crying too, like you was staring the guy infront of you thinking "man hes so hot *tear* i want him so bad!" haha jk
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by velvet paws [/i] [B] Okies thanx for clearing that up for me. I dont want to put my area down but we dont have any of this trouble round here cause once you hit 13 your almost expected to be thinking of when you're first gona have sex with someone. To be honest half the kids at my skool who are 13 arent virgins anymore (we had a case of year 8's (12-13 year old) boys trying to gang rape a year 8 girl!) 14 is a relatively respectable age as long as you dont sleep around....and when you're 15+ you're just expected to already have or to be really fussy about it. I duno what's happening to the world anymore. I dont regret it...but once I broke up with the one guy that I still feel I love, Im not going to do it again until I find someone else very specail to me. [/B][/QUOTE] WOAH! a gang of preteens and teens trying to get some from a 8 year old!? what has the world come to, when a kid has to rape his lil sister for some...if only this stuck up virgin chicks would open up to there boyfriends.... ;) jk how about this concept, two 12 year olds rape a 25 year old woman. O_O and they inpregnanted her, with twins. whos the father!? but even more! the woman was secretly sleeping with the boys siblings. male and female! a true jerry springer moment.
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B] [color=orangered][size=1]I plan to purchase an Xbox at the end of next year (or early 2003, when the price drops). One of the biggest problems I have with the console, and the reason why I feel it is the weakest of the three next gen machines, is simply the philosophy of design behind it. Let's face it, Xbox (and even PS2 to some extent), are not [b]game machines[/b]. {actually they are, do they not play games, were they not built for hardcore gaming?} Do I want to rip CDs to make MP3? Sure, I'll use my PC. {not everyone has a pc or mp3 player, or probly cannot afford a pc or something and this is why this is good.} Do I want to surf the 'net? Sure, I'll use my PC.{ not everyone has a pc} Do I want to watch DVD movies? Sure, I'll use my DVD player.{before ps2 i didnt have a dvd player of my own, thanks to sonys bright idea i now have one} My point is, moving into this cloudy area of product positioning is very dangerous for Microsoft and also for Sony.{it only gets better, not dangerous, they are making lots of money} When Sonly launched PS2, the highest selling piece of software for the machine was The Matrix movie...and not any games. This left Sony open to competition from areas outside the game industry and effectively diluted the PS2's legitimacy as a game machine. Moreover, if a particular product can perform a number of functions at once, it is most likely, by very definition, that it will do all of those functions very well...but not as well as a machine which is designed specifically for one function (ie: GameCube and game playing). {that is not true, it actually depends on the power of the system to do this functions, for example dreamcast doesnt have anything other than cd and ps2 has cd and dvd but ps2 is better. just because gamecube only plays game doesnt mean thats the best thing it can do, it just means its the only thing it can do} What I'm saying here is kind of above the whole "who's games are better" argument, in the sense that it deals more closely with the business aspect of things. But my biggest worry is probably that Xbox demonstrates absolutely no innovation in terms of software{are you high?}. I am happy that Microsoft wanted to make a powerful system so that developers could express their creative visions, problem is...developers aren't expressing anything but fairly played-out, cliched game ideas.{developers are very impressed with the xbox and are amazed} I would say though that all is definitely not lost. Halo was a very good (if not slightly bland) first person shooter -- probably the best FPS on console to date. And Dead or Alive 3 was gorgeous, though it represented exactly zero innovation in terms of gameplay. Every one of the next gen consoles can produce beautiful graphics which are very comparable to each other. Graphics simply isn't part of the argument.{if your saying graphics do not matter than you are wrong, it makes up into a complete system, graphics have a very important role. games like ff7- wouldnt be able to do alot of things if it had gameboy graphics} It comes down to the games. And so far, Xbox is drastically trailing both PS2 and GameCube in terms of innovation and game quality. I personally hope that this changes over 2002 (and to some extent it will), because I want the Xbox to have a chance to make the industry as a whole grow larger, so that more companies can become involved and share their game creations.{and it will} [/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] ok i fixed your post! read it
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B]this has nothing to do w/ radio, everything to do w/ closed minded religious people... one of the worst things i've heard was how jerry fallwell said kids shouldn't watch the teletubbies b/c one of them was gay. i watched it on purpose after that, for as long as i could stand it anyway. [/B][/QUOTE] lol, i think there might be more than one, like all of them. Okay, i hate harry potter,i hate pokemon, and i dislike gundam. but besides that it sucks to say its witch craft. oh and Jimmy Neutron is witchcraft because of all that magic science stuff!! beware, hide the children! movies like this may give your kids a type of "high"!
  12. well ive been using msn since ive had a comp and a few months ago we switched to verizon dsl! and in october i got a new comp, and at the begging of dec i got a aol trial, and aols buddy list was pretty cool but everything else was either unneeded or sucked
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Crazy White Boy [/i] [B] Just thought I'd say good choice for not picking up an Xbox because of Microsoft, I mean who can trust 'em? You're better off sticking with your PC, that is most likely run by a Microsoft Windows operating system, or has Microsoft Internet Explorer on it. [/B][/QUOTE] lol. :all: thats funny. but i think microsoft is cool and i think its awesome that a normal guy like Bill Gates couldve jus made alot of the money. ok well more than alot...like billions, or is he to the trillions now?. anywat, knowing that he could do it i know theres a chance i can to and that gives me hope. :2women:
  14. if had the time id grab my pouch of cds my ps2,as many shirts and pants as i could and any money near buy.
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B] hell yeah i would.... it'd be really funny too!... and then I'd point and laugh at the poor mommys.... serves them right... at least i think... ::cough:: I totally cannot get over this really cute boy that was bowling tonight... sigh... my gaydar was going crazy... ohh sorry... offtopic... [/B][/QUOTE] wtf? AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! IM ABOUT TO PISS MY PANTS. isnt gaydar a pokemon ??? ok, back on topic if me and my girl where there and my and dad were kissing it would be cool cause my mom is always trying to kiss my dad and my dad is always backing her away. so itd be cool to atleast see them happy. now id never kiss my girl infront of my parents itd make me feel embarrassed and uncofortable. it would be the same for me to rap and cuss infront of them.
  16. GOOD LUCK ADAM!!! my finals are next week, and my life depends on it. anything less than a 75 will give me a hearattack -_-''
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Matt.D [/i] [B][color=rainbow] Well, i'm not sure...I mean, Gamecube's cheaper, and it has really good well-known characters and was popular right off the start..However...Xbox has good graphics, and it can play DVD's, but it's like, $650.00 or so and people are not really sure if they can trust the Microsoft name...i'm not sure what I would like better, but i'm leaning towards Gamecube.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] well its cheaper yeah, so this christmas most parents will be choosing with there pockets. but xbox is not 650 dollars. its 299. it can also burn 6 cds at a time i heard. although that not be completly true. i trust microsoft i mean, windows is like the best why not trust them. another good reason is xbox is the first of its kind you know like back in the 80s when peeps first started getting nintendos, some still play nintendo now and there hardcore godlike nintendo pros. so why not get an xbox and in 10 years later you can be a hardcore godlike xbox pro. PS. Im not a fan boy.
  18. i liked it, it was funny and showed some pretty cool screen shots.
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Forte [/i] [B]Loading isnt slow, its just the control is akwardly [b]LARGE[/b] [/B][/QUOTE] well theres always the japanese version of its controller. the japanese version looks like a mixture between dreamcast controller and psx's its about as small as game cubes controller and the logo is abnormally huge either.
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GotenksSSJ343 [/i] [B]GameCubes the best plus all the good games it has. [/B][/QUOTE] yah thats really convincing. i want to play doa3, halo,amped,tonyhawk 2x, madden 2002. just to name a few. i also was shocked at how amazing the graphics were. and the japanese version of the xbox controller is awesome. so i might buy an import of that too. i like thoose fat lil memory cards too. all the buttons are shiny :) it jus screams "press me"
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by NorykoAngelcry [/i] [B]On the Today Show today, they sponsored their annual - Toy Test (2001). They discussed the 'hottest' games for the systems that are out now. Here is the link: [url]http://www.msnbc.com/news/654223.asp#BODY[/url] In order from first to fifth: 1. Super Smash Brothers: Melee (GAMECUBE only) 2. Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 (Multi-Platformed) 3. Star Wars Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader (GAMECUBE only) 4. NBA Street (Playstation 2 only) 5. Luigi's Mansion (GAMECUBE only) 3 out of 5 games are GAMECUBE exclusive, and 4 out of 5 are all on GAMECUBE - Yet another reason to get it? I think so. Finally, some honest reviewers giving their impressions. . kids. . [/B][/QUOTE] man 3 and 5 suck... heres my top Dead or Alive 3 Amped Tony Hawk 3 Super Smash Bros Golden Eye Agent Under Fire man those are juicy fun...*drool*:alcohol: EDIT: I mean 5 sucks 4 tite. :hippy:
  22. how about the post count be "hidden" like mgon forums
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Hbomb [/i] [B]You can't have an Old School Otaku topic without me! I started coming to AGB when I found out about a contest to the best poster in the forums. I became a regular on the boards, and eventually I won the contest. I wrote a couple reviews and later became a mod. The Gameboy site had been the centerpiece of the AGB network, but there were other affiliates, ranging in subject from Pokemon to Digimon to Zelda to Dragonball Z and for a brief period, wrestling. Then came the big upgrade to The Otaku. New boards. New subsites, including Gundam, Dreamcast, XBox, and Gamecube. I eventually became an admin on the boards. Eventually, the focus of the Otaku became Anime. When I had first gotten involved, I had gotten involved with a Gameboy site. All of a sudden, I was working for an anime site. I consider myself an avid gamer, but only a casual anime fan. The changes (and the forums getting out of hand) led to my departure from The Otaku. I now work on Snowflake Studios ([url]http://dmg.keenspace.com[/url] ), a subsite of DMG Ice ([url]http://www.dmgice.com[/url] ). Ok, rant over. -H [/B][/QUOTE] yeah i rember, you was popular and well respected. im not big on anime either but i know ALOT more than i used to. it would be cool if blanks was still here too, i know hes registered however.
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