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Everything posted by Will2x

  1. Who thinks PS2 is better than Gamecube. I for one have the supporting side of PS2. PS2 is well prepared, despite the fact of its age.
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shyguy [/i] [B][SIZE=1] what is agb? I have no idea what you're talking about and I would like to know if it's okay.[/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] Absolute GameBoy, yeah, it was GameBoy site! :p
  3. yes agb was perfect in every aspect. new members were actually cut some slack and everyone didnt kill each other over who and what was spamming. december reminds of when i was a fresh member and when id spend hours hanging on agb it used to be soo fun.
  4. i use dreamweaver4. its easy. i havent really made any layouts using any graphics programs.
  5. beliving in things is probly real... you think r kelly was lying when he said "i belive i can fly"? ne way. its good alot of people dont belive. cos if everyone did then we would have peeps burning up stuff all over ohio and drowning the state of california and turnirning countrys to dust...the world would be a mess. Oh and TN you sure do know alot about parenting...what r ur parents like??? -_- :blackeye: :worried: :whoops:
  6. well yesterday i got my hands on an xbox controller. i thought it was gonna suck like most of uve said but to tell the truth i didnt notice it much. the game was some fotoball game i had to look down a few times to make sure im pressing the rite buttons. my hands felt warm and pretty comfortable and the joy stick was easy to move. i have pretty big hands so the xbox controller was pretty good. the only thing i didnt like was that big *** ugly logo that was in the center of the controller. i wanted to break it..
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by _Shiro Amada_ [/i] [B]Hey who in the name of GOD, said that card captors was popular. It's all about ive year olds running around getting cards, the ratings for card captors are horrible. Pokeomn and digimon still remain the hghest rated childrens Tv show. As for Jackie chan Adventures, iT KICKS ***!! DBZ took a long time to be popular, Pokemon reached US and became a phenomenon. Take that boy, its all about the stats. don't post something you don't know anything about. [/B][/QUOTE] ok since your a n00b ill go slow 4 u. alot of peeps are starting to dislike p o k e m o n. and moving on to shows like d b z and d i g i m o n. DO YOU UNDERSTAND THE WORDS COMING OUTTA MY KEYBOARD!?
  8. Will2x:... i feel....so...weak...tired...sleepy Evil Form: But if you go to sleep again the world might die... Will2x: Who cares?.... Im sleepy Evil Form takes a big leep in energy
  9. Will2x(insleep): What do you want? Evil Form:... your body... Will2x: I know im sexy but this is rediculos! Evil Form: *grin* come closer. Will2x: Vecon...WHERE ARE YOUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!????? (Vecon: im over here) Will2x wakes up. Will2x: how long have i been asleep? Sesmo: 30 minutes. Almost enough time for a human to go to work for 10 minutes. Will2x: ill be fine. im an android. *trys to fly but feels heavy* i think ill walk. walks for 20 seconds then conks back asleep. WIll2x: (sleep) Where am i? Evil Form: Are you scared? Will2x: Im a bit edgy, but no. Evil Form: Why not? WIll2x: Whats to be afraid of? Evil Form: Everything. Will2x: Huh? Evil Form: Say I had a controller...to your body. I could erase your mind and program you to pure evil with no personality at all. Will2x: Well you dont so i have nothing to worry about. Besides I wouldnt rember how good I was and I wouldnt feel bad. I pretty much would be out of existance so it wouldnt matter. But for on thing I bet you that aslong as im like this I will NOT go out without a fight. Evil Form: Ahh, dont say thoose things! *gets smaller* Will2x: -_p Evil Form: Imagine your in a game, with questions about math, your worst subject. And if you get so much as one question wrong, the whole world would explode. Imagine that. Will2x: >>>thinks of nervouse feeling
  10. If a girl has a tongue ring chances are they'll probaly suck your *censored*. If a guy has a tongue ring ring he'll probaly suck your *censored*. - Chris Rock - No Sex in the champane room
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Son Goten [/i] [B] well, at 14 i was 4 1/2. but at 15 i was 7in. well, i guess you can say, sex "really get's the noodle goin!" [/B][/QUOTE] 4 and a half inches....to 7? how, i heard if you play with yourself alot it gets it bigger. and yes size does matter for guys and gals. say the guys rockin a 9 incher. but the chick is 4 inches deep (O_O) nuff said.
  12. well...i guess im the only one that likes watching chicks get high >>>outkast
  13. i hope this topic stays up forever, it has to be in the records! What would you do if your bf/gf said "MAKE LOVE TO ME OR ITS OVER!"
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by VP-Master [/i] [B]Then why would IGN have a preview for the PSX version then? O and it's not only coming out for PS2, PSX, Gamecube, and Xbox. There will also be a GBA, GBC, and PC versions. There was a press release stating exactly that. [/B][/QUOTE] hah! your right i saw it in the paper this morning, tony hawk 3 for ps2 and psx. cant argue with that ...unless target,best buy, and circuit city forged a fake pic for ps. LOL
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B] Yeah, sorry, I did... i click it and you have to be registered there to see it anyway.... plus it's basically advertisement of another site... against the rules... sorry... [/B][/QUOTE] apology accepted.. How does sex effect you, your partner and families? What would you say if your partner was forcing you to have sex? Do you think after a couple have sex they should stay together?
  16. wtf, someone deleted my post...!!! oh well, Why do you think sex corrupts some people minds? Is sex a bad thing if it doesnt involve love in it [U]at all[/U] ? Do you talk about sex alot? How do you feel sex should be taken? For example, some take sex way to seriously, some take it too lightly. Is sex more of a way of life, or a way of pleasure?
  17. Will2x realises how tired he is and falls into a deep sleep.
  18. sex.....:) How do you think sex can effect your life? Do you belive in safe sex? What are the reasons people should, and should not have sex?
  19. hey wuteva, its been along time since i seen you. you wasnt on msn for months so i deleted ya. and yeah 1000 post used to take a long time to get. i was the second to get it and it took lets see... 3 months i think? and that fade thing is so old, no one rembers the cycle either. lol. i was banned :(, then i got unbanned :). oh and i bet you notice that this isnt ubb no more, thats cause... ok it started like this thimoc had been good for awile but then one day thimoc,colin, and some other old members joined together and started EOST(Elite,Otaku,Spamming,Team) and they spammed up the fourms, finally they got banned, but thimoc made his first come back and spammed some more, after he was banned again the admins got strict and started banning anyone who broke the rules in a second. then gendo(a member) learned the admins password thanks to shinji, then took over. after 5 hours of terrorizm the boards shut down for a day. gendo opened then up again. then adam deleted them. after awile the new boards V3, came and n00bs took over again :)
  20. well i, for one dont like it much anymore. during 7th grade i liked it, then everyone stopped liking it and sold there cards. well im getting back into the game.
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cloud [/i] [B] Do you mean the longest mod here? If so I am! Because when i becaame a mod there were only a few other at the time, HBomb, Adam and GS Expert only Adam still comes here... [/B][/QUOTE] i rember the day you become mod "when i saw purple stars, i thought i was a freak"- Trunks i think thats it. oh and congrats ginny, you deserved it alot for all your hard work,etc
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by mornigndew [/i] [B][COLOR=blue]I have no problem with this thread. I think we dicuss it very maturely, may be sometime we get carry away. I'm glad it's still open.[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] same here. i hate people that are always like "eww thats gross, you pervert" and all i said was that guys acting like a dick.
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B] [color=crimson][size=1]Yep. The topic started out reasonably okay (even though Adam decided to close it initially). Perhaps he sensed that it would turn into absolute trash further down the line. I also realize that this is really a hormonally driven thread created by a young teenager lol...so I understand the purpose of it. But I felt that I'd keep it open if it was used responsibly. Lady Macaiodh, given the fact that you're older than Will2x, perhaps you could steer this conversation is a more mature and acceptable direction? :)[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] phhhf.... why cant we talk about our hormones? lady mac is the star of the topic heh heh
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Will2x [/i] [B]lady mac PM ME the rest of the details :) HOW many sex partners do you think you can sleep with at once? 3 How many would you want to sleep with? 10[/B][/QUOTE]
  25. i love my ps2 and hope more ff games come to ps, cause even though im going to get a GC i enjoy the ps/2 style controller and im used to it ;P
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