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Everything posted by Will2x

  1. Will2x: :naughty: ... [in head] Sesmo: Your acting strange.. Will2x: Am I? Sesmo: Yes. Will2x: I have a wish. Sesmo: Not my problem. Will2x: What!? Sesmo: Tell me why your acting so strange, and maby ill do a lil sometin for ya. Will2x: I don't know what your getting at but I am NOT acting strange!!! Sesmo: Whatever... Will2x: Fine, I dont need you anyway. *a red pain forms in the center of Will2x's back* Sesmo: I wouldnt say that if i was you... WIll2x: What? Are you doing this? Sesmo: No. But if you say you dont want me I will disapeer and you will be left with nothing but a broken back. No god mode, no invincibilty, no nothing... you'll be as weak as piccolo. Will2x: I...I feel like a second evil is inside me. I....Must fight it! :angel: Now i think i got it. Sesmo: Good. WIll2x: :demon: .....
  2. lady mac PM ME the rest of the details :) HOW many sex partners do you think you can sleep with at once? How many would you want to sleep with?
  3. Db 2x Twin jumps out behind the rock and leeps after vecon, he gets him by the neck chocking him taking major energy, he suscessfully drains him down to ssj8. SSJ8 Vecon: God! Damn him!!!!! DB 2x Twin: Now...lets see if its in me. EVeryone: Huh?? DB 2x Twin strains hard and for a second it looks like he was about to touch God MOde. but then he faints. Will2x: Ah. nows my chance to obsorb him! As will2x leeps after him DB 2x Twins energy forbids him to. Will2x: WHa!!! :eek: he has some kinda full body force field. SSJ8 Vecon: Lemme try. KAMEHAMEHAAAA The Kamehameha wave shakes the force field but does not collapse. SSJ8 Vecon: Arg! If i was Ultra Saiyajin id burst that bubble with one ki. Will2x Walks over to the force field and opens his hands and screams. SSJ8 Vecon: WHat are you doing? Will2x: Watch... Some small amounts of energy come back to vecon and after a few minutes the body of DB 2x Twin raises and gets closer to WIll2x. WIll2x: I can always obsorb him :) Just as Will2x is about to recieve his other side Vecon Screams. Vecon: NO! STOP! Will2x: what? Vecon: If you obsorb him then you will be Evil! Will2x: I didnt think about that... Db 2x Twin's body stops. DB 2x Twin: DARNIT! MY plan failed! Will2x:.... Vecon: See! DB 2x Twin: See ya! *teleports to close tree and makes power undetectable*
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Krillen [/i] [B]Ok this looks confusing but what the hell, all of them are, ummm........ Hello will2x, your the coolest person I know, can I have an Auto Graph? Does that mean im a Cool Newbie now?:therock: [/B][/QUOTE] yep, wanna fight!? to switch to evil you have to give 30 smilies and say something mean to everyone on the good side :) but thats ONLY if your good and are looking to become bad :)
  5. [joke] Ok all you queers,geeks,retards, and ofcourse all of the above....I AM BAAAAAAACK![/joke] Nice Q Lady Macdonalds ;) Post all experiences with the same sex, if your female then PLEASE dont leave any details :)
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B] [color=crimson][size=1] 7 inch at 13/14? Hmm...[that was when i was 12...im much more of a champ now :)] lol...Will2x has had his first homosexual experience...hehe. :laugh:[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] thats not funny... :(
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by RicoTranzrig [/i] [B]Yeah, you too wilma...as to your question... I'd say that 'sexy' is, like what mornigndew said, very,very attractive. Though I'd give up my virginity to the person I marry... [/B][/QUOTE] wilma....lol! ok now who would be the person youd marry? we gots over 1010 views! woohoo!:mrt:
  8. WIll2x: Feel that power level? its almost as strong as a ssj4. Vecon: hahaha. Demon Buu: extremeeee warp! *disapeers* will2x: wtf, whered he go? vecon: from the radar it says hes not even on this planet...or galazy for that matter. Demon Buu: here i am BODY SWITCH *goes inside vecon* Will2x: Damnit! DB Vecon: Extreeeemeee warp. 10 minutes later DB Vecon: Final Flash!!! Will2x: Thats one hell of a final flash! in fact it mustve took 7 minutes jus to gather the energy. if i dodge it then... the earth will explode, if i take it then i might die. Will2x: theres no time to waste *releases evil will2x* 2x twin: muahaha! i am free. Will2x: i know we dont get along but please do me this favor, obsorb the blast. 2x twin: with pleasure. *obsorbs blast* Will2x: great the earth will live another day, now come back. 2x twin: are you kidding me? i want to fight! *charges after demon buu Vecon* DB Vecon: Fool. *power smacks 2x twin* Will2x: See! thats why you should listen to me. *grabs 2x twin to obsorb* Db Vecon: Body switch! *goes inside 2x twin* Db 2x twin: now i have the body i need! *smacks off will2x* Vecon: damn! DB 2x Twin: muahahha Will2x:... DB 2x Twin: gotta jet! i have bodies to obsorb! *flys off* Vecon: you idiot! what were you thinking!? Will2x: i wanted to save the earth without damaging my body. Vecon: you're so selfish! WIll2x:...sorry Vecon: :( no dont be sorry, i still have the radar, we can go chase after him.
  9. lol, ricki you crack me up...but on with the topic whats your defenition of 'sexy'? if there was one person in the whole wide world you would give up ur virginity to who would it be?
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by RicoTranzrig [/i] [B]I'll have to admit to doing that too...in the 5th grade...which was about...7 years ago... it was fun at first, but then I realized it was just like those sex chat things on the phone...but for free... But now it's a bit stupid I guess...and you never know who you're actually cybering with...Hey it might just be a member of the similar sex you're cybering with for all you know. [/B][/QUOTE] yeah that happened to me once on napster, i was cybering and the chick(or as i thought) said "ok were going to cyber but i only like lil dicks" i said "is 7 inch good?" the person said no "only 3 inches" so i said "ok..." after 60 seconds we was finished and she said "oh yeah im a guy" i felt so used...:bawl:
  11. dont worry ill explain. right now your a guest. you dont have the ability to post a fight or anything, just pic sides. if you want to be the leader of the otaku sqaud jus say so since no bodys called it yet. but if not your a guest. say something nice to me to be good, say something bad to *temporary* good person :ball: . then you will be either a cool newbie or a stupid newbie. you will start out with 20 post and 3 smilies. understand now?
  12. Will2x

    Tekken 4!

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SS Trunks [/i] [B]Basically, me and my class went on a school trip to a local University, and while we were there, we went down to the cafeteria, and Tekken 4 was there! We played on it, and it was the sweetest thing ever! So smooth, so polished! I can't explain how it's there mind you, I don't know if it's out in America, but it's definately not out in the U.K, so it was the coolest thing ever when we saw it there! [/B][/QUOTE] in september my class went on a field trip then to the mall, i saw tekken4 but damnit only 1 quater! but i was semi satisfyed knowing i saw the begging sequence of tekken 4, luckily i had read the review from ign and i wasnt confused when i saw kazuya was back :)
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by RicoTranzrig [/i] [B][COLOR=darkblue]This kind of bothered me a few months ago...but... What do you think about "Cybering?"[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] Ok i know im gonna be embarrased about this but i used to cyber, i had started when i was 11. i had liked it as much as i liked a stolen playboy mag(a play boy mag jus isnt as sweet till youve stole it) the fact that an actuall girl was talking dirty to me go me excited, but in actuality its as lame as masturbating to a recording of a girl saying "you turn me on, take me now" on one of thoose 900 numbers. but overall cybering isnt too bad, as long as your willing to admit your desperate and havent had sex. you know what else is weird? i was 12 and cybered with a 14 year old who said she had sex..i even talked to her boy friend. i got to cyber with some adults too. i rember in talkcity theese 36 year old chicks were like "any guys wanna cyber?" amazing isnt it?
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ShadowGohan [/i] [B] [SIZE=1]Ah. . .I wouldn't know any of those. . .for I am a virgin. And I got this thing, where I say yeah I want to have sex some day, but another thing is saying that I don't want to! Did anyone else get that?[/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] everyday man...everyday. every hour or so i think about sex. i know i dont want to have sex cause of alot of diffrent reasons, i have no clue what id say to a girl if she said she wanted have sex, unless of course she needed it id do her a favor at the small cost of my virginity.
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B] [color=orangered][size=1]My god, you're a total idiot! If you ever post something like this again (calling everyone names and such) you'll be banned. Watch your step.[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] forgive me if im wrong but was that a contradiction i just saw? *gasp* --all the simpson games arent bad!!! rember the one on the arcade! it kicked total arse! and the one for nintendo, bart vs. ground shaking. the ones for sega/sns , sheer briallance. thoose games were fun, unlike simpsons bowling...
  17. The Buu figure gets closer Buu: Muahhaha. I have absorbed #38 Will2x: 38? IS that the one that didnt have a mind? Buu: No...thats 50. Will2x: KAMEHAMEHASHOWER! Vecon: Kamehameha! Buu: What the hell!? I didnt do anything!!! *gets ruffed up* Buu: YOu'll pay for that!
  18. :butthead: :paranoid: :worried: :drunk: ok.... im running out of qs i was gonna ask something but i cant risk getting banned so.. 1 what do u need to have sex? (hands,condom,etc) 2 how do you have sex (take your time on the instructions :))
  19. have sex, do drugs, steal checks not hugs. no but if your teen and are pretty sure you know how to have sex take a wack at it. and yes justin, this is about masterbating and playing with sperm, but only in a muture way ;) lets see... should sex be rough? should preteens have oral sex? (even 10 year olds know how knowadays)
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B] [color=deeppink]Why waste your time with a site on the internet when there is so much more to life?! I will never figure some people out...>_
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B] [color=darkblue][size=1]I fail to see how thimoc is among our ranks...[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] heh heh, thimoc always tells me when hes scheming something. thimoc is gonna be a enemy to the otaku for a very long time, there isnt a week gone by thimoc doesnt figure out another plan. thimoc took his time on this one he had one of his friends do it and delete all adams buddy members. this person is Cody7220. lol pray for the otaku...for it will have many adventures.
  22. Ah yes, masturbation is good, whoever tells you its wrong obviously hasnt had sex or still is in that elementry state of mind...
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B] you're [I]proud[/I] of that? if so, then you're brainwashed. no offense meant. i used to be brainwashed myself. [/B][/QUOTE] ayo! im in texas. my momma told me abortion was wrong. if i was a woman and some drunk punk impregnanted me, i wouldnt have an abortion. if raise my child, get on welfare, and my with luck the child will be a important person. i feel sorry for anyone who condones abortion....and i thought i had a sick mind...
  24. its obvious.... i dun know where you got this from dbz is like an anime and they actually have powerlevels x men is a marvels comic book , they dont even have power levels. >>>feels embarrased for canadian vegita
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by mornigndew [/i] [B][COLOR=blue]Bean is right. Will, what were you thinking?[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] :o how is it rape? hes not having sex with her. hes jus holding her down and showing her his tongue then running away..
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