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Everything posted by Will2x

  1. This is a series of Questions. 1. Do you have a sexually transmitted desiesed? 2. Do you know anyone with a Sexually Transmitted desiese? 3. Are you a virgin? 4. If not, how many times have you had sex? 5. If you are then when do you plan on having sex? 6. How old do you think a person should be to have sex? 7. Do you think its right for preteens to have sex if they love each other? 8. Have you ever got anyone pregnant, gotten pregnant? 9. What would you do if you found out you was pregnant or your partner was pregnant. 10. What would you do if you found out you had a desiese?
  2. my juniour high had a gang... all mexican gang, if u messed with a mexican ud get jumped, cause close to all mexicans in my school were in it. and man 40% of the schools population was hispanic. anyone ever get jumped by a gang?
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Altron Gundam [/i] [B] 1) *laughs at newbie making an *** outa himself* 2) You just proved to me in that post you don't know anything about DBZ/GT. 3) Why? Here it is. Son Gokou reached SSJ2 and SSJ3 while he was training in the afterlife. You moron, you don't have to be the same power level when you fuse. Your power levels just have to be SIMILAR. Chibi Torunkusu is stronger than Goten, and they fused. And yes, experience and training do make a BIG difference. Notice in the Cell Saga, when Gokou trained the difference in power with SSJ Gokou(Cell Games) and SSJ Gokou(Furiiza Saga). Idiot. Gokou could still go Super Saiya-jin 3 in early DBGT, BUT he could not stay in the form for long, but the bottom line is HE STILL COULD go SSJ3, making him more powerful than Vegy. 4) Bebi a hinderance? What the hell are you talking about? His power grew! Otherwise Bebi Vejita-san would've lost to SSJ3 Son Gokou. Moron. SSJ4 Son Gokou is WAY more powerful than SSJ4 Vejita, you know why? Because of two sagas of experience and battles, you know what they say, a saiya-jin gets stronger w/ every battle. Facing Supaa Jinzoningen Juhachigou was a big power boost for Son Gokou, and facing Bebi Vejita. Plus the 10x Kamehameha puts him over the top. 5) You are right, I still laugh at you not knowing anything about DBZ/GT. Your a dubbie, you can't even say the right word for saiya-jin. Your a riot, go back to watching two year old cartoons on Toonami. [/B][/QUOTE] HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHaaaaa, go altron! you sure did put that jabroni in his place... Son Gokou is obviously higher than vegita, Gokou earned his way to ssj4 unlike *cough* vegita*cough*...
  4. yeah id like that, goku punch vegetas nose in while gohan beats the devil outta trunks. it would be a fatality. *drool*
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by WarGreymon01 [/i] [B]trunks is Bulma and Vegetas son because in the eppie where the Androids first appear they ask Bulma where Vegeta is and she say "with the birth and all I seemed to lose track of him." [/B][/QUOTE] dang bulmas ugly in that pic, vegetas ok... bra is hot *drool* and i can on for hours why i think trunks is gay...
  6. now i see why altron was so pissed at everyone.
  7. i thought the guy was pretty tough....the supreme kai was scared and all. his name was qwe qwe..
  8. hey mr shinji! i have a question *raises hand* how many of the sailor scouts are lesbians? - Sailor Moon second: how many people has tenchi killed _ Tenchi third: how many pokemon has ash caught and let go -Pokemon fourth: how many time has tai kissed sora? -Digimon no one else answer theese, i want only shinji to! cause theese must be his least liked anime muahahaha
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B] Naw.... they are Japanese extremist. If you don't live in Japan, aren't fully Japanese, and don't hate everything but Japanese, then they kill you.... The Yakuza doesn't exist in America.... only the Chinese mafia exists here that i know of... maybe lesser known Mafia's in Japan exist here as well but nothing compared to the Yakuza. The Yakuza would take any punk street band, beat them senseless. cut them up, and feed them to tigers quicker than you can get food from McDonalds :p hehehe but seriously, they are the toughest, meanest, etc group I've ever heard of. [/B][/QUOTE] O_O they would make a [U]killer[/U] resturant, lol why isnt anyone voting! ?
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]JAPANESE! The Yakuza ownz j00! They'd kick anyone's *** faster than you can pronounce Yakuza.... [/B][/QUOTE] heh, you seem interested in them tn....are you a member? ;)
  11. I don't know.. what this world's gonna bring But I know one thing.. that this is the life for me (Baby cause I'm a thug) All day every day (baby cause I'm a thug) Wouldn't change for the world (uh uh, cause I'm a thug) That's right you heard (baby cause I'm a thug) Ah hah, oh yeah (check it out)
  12. with there full powers combined they turn into... Olvo Vilcon2x: *HoOoOoly LIGHT* Demon Craity: Oh no you dont! *hellifyer!* Olvo Vilcon2x grins and lets out the beam then disapeers behind demon craity and unleashes the other half of it. with two parts of a holy beam together demon craity quickly flys up in the air but when the two parts of the holy beam colide they shoot straight up after craity. Demon Craity: This...cant...be... *gets destroyed* Olvo Vilcon2x: Ahh. *looks down at pants* wtf? our penis! its..not there? Cough, neither are our toes and...our adams apple? this Olvo mode doesnt feel to good. but we sure are powerful. Demon Craitys ashes fall and out of them comes red smoke the smoke goes turns into a huge demonic figure. Demonic Figure: ahhh! dont think this is the end? Olvo Vilcon2x: who?- what are you? Demonic Figure: lets just say, a part of the evil in world... *disapeers* Olvo Vilcon2x: ok...
  13. stardust told me on aim that after she fires fortes arse i can be co master... nice paper.
  14. SSJ5 Vilcon2x: Kamehameha Shower! Craity: You dont really think that will hurt me. SSJ5 Vilcon ducks throw the kamehamehas and while craity is trying to dodge them he uses the iron fist attack. Craity: Ahh *gets hits by kamehamehas* heh, im bleeding. *whipes blood off face and licks it* SSJ5Vilcon2x: Ah*sweats* *throws alot of ki's* Craity: Powerrrrr Kick *kicks at Vilcon2x* SSJ5 Vilcon2x blocks it. Vilcon2x: *powers down* its time to get serious... GOD MODE! *the door blows off* lets go outside *flys off in to the woods* Craity: Bring it on *powers up* God Vilcon2x: *ultra flair* SHIVAAAA WIND!* A BLinded Craity gets blow away. and vilcon2x retreat. Vilcon2x: lets find the others!
  15. yes thank you everyone! the guy everyone loves to hate is back for round 2. too bad you cant post it, it would be so funny to see the people faces. its sooo funny. by tommrow at this time this topic will be 5 pages. this page has gotten alot of views too. i bet there all pissed off :D
  16. galaxy girl one time told me in a im that we are ALL immature O_O
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Master O Beans [/i] [B] ...dern right yee be a good boy...or I'll get me hook, and I'll make mince meat outta y-erm...I mean...out of beans? Yeah, that's it...I wasn't going to threaten young willy! :) hehehe :p [/B][/QUOTE] you know what would be crazy? if you got banned. hey i really wanna post that link to the "G" page but if i do i might get in twobul. so u do it ok? its funny as hell!
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Master O Beans [/i] [B]Yo yo! Welcome back! I hope for your sake you've put your butchers' knife away for good! Hehehe:D :p [/B][/QUOTE] yeah only around young teenage white girls. nah jk im not gonna do it again , theres nothing worst than getting banned over something like that. from now on, ill be a good boy :angel: cause i dun wanna go back to that bad place :flaming: :devil: :flaming:
  19. Vilcon2x: Alright, who wants sum? Craity lunges after Vilcon2x but vilcon2x dodges then disapeers. Craity: Darnit whered he go? Vilcon2x: im right here! *gets up from ground and kicks craity in the nuts{if he/she has one}* Craity: oooh! youll pay for that! Vilcon2x: Bring it on you oversized transvestite! Craity: Grr, youll pay for that remark DARKNESS BEAM! *vilcon2x falls down* Vilcon2x: ahh, i need a minute to rest. Craity: what? Terrance: oh no! dad! AHHH *kicks craity* Craity smacks terrance off him
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Nerdsy [/i] [B]Welcome back. I guess that means I'm going to be staying around a little longer, since I made that little statement way back when, saying I was going to resist the cycle until it got you.... But enough ramblings from a forgotten poster. Enjoy your unban-ness. [/B][/QUOTE] i guarantee you, as long as im around the cycle will never die! as i faded i woke up in a place worst than hell BAN LAND ahhh it was crazy i saw i am genger and thimoc2 and spam geta. it was scary then came out the shadows was ssjgoten he said "welcome to hell muahahaha" i was scared... oh and it was not me that spam the boards, it was thimoc. btw nice avatar tn. anyone like my new sig? Now that im back i have important things to do, like tend to my creation WAR... :) Edit: Thimoc begged me to say this "thimocs watching you all..."
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]Just out of curiosity, who unbanned you? Not that I care, i respect you more that you were being nice to me before you were banned.... seriously, like if you read what i said, it was a shame you were banned.... but don't do it again... [/B][/QUOTE] Adam himself! :D :D :D adam is the coolest!
  22. hahaha, yes its true! i am back and blacker than ever! did anyone miss me!? ;) ive been stalking the boards though and ive seen what some of yall had to say!! :mad: :flaming: :mad: and to all those who didnt belive in me :p man its good to be back
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B] Haruka never knew at the time. I only said I was bi because i was afraid of saying I was gay because according to some of you, thats worse.... It's actually quite common, if you will ask any gay person, that they've had a girlfreind or girlfriends. My current boyfriend is gay and he had a girlfreidn for 4 years. Why you ask? Because we are so afraid of just being hated for who we are, we make you believe we aren't, so that we aren't hated and so that we are accepted. Yes, I am afraid of crtisism... I don't want nor do I like it when people hate me, talk about me behind my back, etc.... I don't do that to any of you, I'd like the same respect back. I didn't crawl out of the closet... I walked out, I stood tall, proud of what and who I am... [/B][/QUOTE] well i wouldnt want all the gays in my school pretending there straight cause if id be talking about how good hot sex with this chick was and there over barfing and thinking about nsync id think its me...id be better off talking to a chick about that stuff. but i guess its good you showed your true colors....good for you.
  24. ~ the rush ~ 2x twin is catching up to will2x immensly. terrance: this guys intense! i gotta get more speed! i know *presses button on watch* ULTRA DASH! terrance does a 6 dash escape. the first dash is low and he gets a mile away from 2x twin the secon is forward and he gets another two. the third is left and he gets 4. and the last two get him out of 2xtwins view and the back door at will2xs house. 2xtwin: i bet hes going to my others house, ill have to get there! ~ will2x house~ will2x: *ding dong* SOMEONES AT THE DOOR! will2x walks to back door with a hard fist then he opens it. *squeek* terrance: da *boom* will2x: TERRANCE!? im sorry son. i didnt know it was you. terrance: @_@.... will2x: hehe terrance: dad, heres a com to catch up with your friends and me, and also 2x twin is after me. will2x: just in time, i can quickly absorb him in time to fight...
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by white out [/i] [B] I (haruka) didn't actually know at the time either @_@ [/B][/QUOTE] ah! *_*
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