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Everything posted by Nothing

  1. LOGIN: [FONT=Courier New]Ryu_Cera[/FONT] PASSWORD: ******* Welcome............................ Unread Message Board Threads: [CC Code Update:] CC Corp >As of January 7, a 'neutral' code will be in place in all root towns, disabling players from attacking in town. Keep in mind that the current River battles in Mac Anu are illegal activity, punishable by either expansion or ban. [Where's Tsukasa?] Mimiru, 9:57am .............................*Message Deleted*............................. [Crimson Knight Reformation] Mavrick, 12:13pm >Three months after Lady Subaru's Disbannment, the Crimson Knights shall be reformed under the command of Blademaster Maverick. An all call to all former Crimson Knights has been sent January 4. >RE: Awesome! What took ya? Lol!^^ ---------------------------------------------------------------- Mac Anu, 12:57 The small riverside town was crowded today, the normally quiet town was bustling with activity. The Crimson Knight inaguration ceremony was due in one hour, and an item givaway was publicized. Crim, Subaru, and BT were there as well. "I thought Bear and Mimiru were coming." BT said to Crim. "Bear hasn't returned my message." Crim responded, "Something must have come up." A murmer in the crowd rose up around the item shop. "Hey! What gives? This Moderator just shut down!" One by one, the clerks at all the stores faded gray. A few wavemasters went to the chaos gate. "I'm going to Chosen Buttercup Pansy, alright?" The others in her party smiled. The wavemaster put her staff to the gate, but nothing happened. "What gives?" She stared at her staff expectantly. Something caught her eye in the reflection of the Chaos Gate. She turned around to find a Monster Portal in the center of town. A heavy blade with blonde hair walked up to it. "What's this doing in town?" The portal opend on que, and a dozen goblins stood in it's place. "Oh crud!" The heavy blade staggered back and tried to unsheath his sword. "I-I can't unsheath it in town!" A goblin jumped at him, and he fell back and turned gray. The present Crimson Knights ran into the fray, and were slowly being killed one by one. A low-level wavemaster was attacked, but narrowly saved by Balmung. "Run!" He shouted, dodging his blows akwardly. "I can't battle it like this!" The goblin jumped, but Balmung couldn't dodge. ```````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` Hidden Forbidden Holy Ground Mimiru and Bear stood in the doorway of the large church. All the candles were out. "Tsukasa!" Mimiru shouted into the church. "Tsukasa!" No response. "Are you sure she was going to meet us here?" Asked Bear. "Um," said Mimiru, "I sent her three messages, but he hasn't responded. Do you think she stopped playing the world?" Bear smiled. "No, Tsukasa was playing a week ago. She would have said something if she were going to quit. Subaru would know right away." The candles flickered back on, dim in a different color. "Come on, we should check inside," said Mimiru. They came to the back of the church, but something was wrong. "Bear," Mimiru started. "where's that statue of Aura?" The pedastool remained, but the statue was gone. In it's place, was a message: Tooth, Claw, and the golden horn. Three wraiths shall be reborn. "What does it mean?" asked Mimiru. "I don't know, but look, there was more of it. He said, pointing to the chipped bottom of the message. The candles went out again, and the church doors slammed shut. "Bear, what's going on?" Asked Mimiru. Alright, when everybody starts, Mac Anu is under construction, so it's off limits. Have fun. Name: Age: Gender: Description: Type: (wavemaster, blademaster, long arm, heavy blade, twin blade) Personality: (Everybody starts at level one. If you want to be higher, Pm me.)
  2. [COLOR=DimGray][B]Background[/B][/COLOR] Once, a ferocious demon by the name of Fardelin threatened to destroy this world. The human, elven, and dwarven armies of the world combined were not enough to stop him and his army of the vile. It seemed as though the end was inevitable. One month before Fardelin's fury could sieze the entire world, the greatest wizards of the world came together in a single temple, and with the help of the spirits themselves, forged seven weapons. These weapons, endowed each with the spirit of the earth, had the power to endow their wielders with powers yet unimagined. These seven weapons were then gifted upon the greatest warriors of their time, and they alone silenced the entire dark army. At the top level of Fardelin's tower, the seven warriors encountered him. In a last act of despratise, Fadelin cast some of his darkness into each of the weapons, at the cost of his life. The world was returned to normal, and an age of peace ensued. Gifted with enchanted life by their weapons, the heroes spent one hundred years traveling the country together, searching for a place hidden enough to seal the mighty blades. They came to a black volcanoe, and tossed the weapons into the flame. They knew the weapons could withstand the heat, and would again be found in their time of need. The heroes then seperated, sustained by the magic of the blades to each seek sublime peace for the last of their years. A hundred years passed, while the weapons remained idle. The darkness of Fadelin grew within them, and gave them thought of their own. They didn't understand why they were cast from the hands of their wielders, and were worried for their own well being. They decided, that their next wielders would be forced to depend on their weapons. A cost was added to the power they each gifted. When the wizards first forged these mighty weapons, their spirits were connected. They all gave their wielders the same unstoppable strength. But Fadelin's darkness drew them apart, and they each selected a title, and a specific attribute they would endow. [COLOR=DimGray][B]The Blades:[/B][/COLOR] Dianna, the twin daggers of the moon. The wielder was gifted with the grace of a thousand elves, though without them, the wielder was bereft of any grace at all, and was left to stumble over every pebble. Zeus, the axe of Jupiter. It endowed it's wielder with unheard of strength, but without it the wielder's bones could crumble at a touch. Neptune, the spear of the Seas. The wielder was granted cunning beyond the greatest thinkers of the time, and complete inner focus. Without it, the wielder loses all thought and wanders in madness. Fauna, the dual swords of Endurance. Equipped with these, any man could fight an army for days non-stop. Without them, the wielder is bereft of motion. Pluto, katana of death. He who wielded pluto would be given the power to raise the dead for his or her purposes, but without it the wielder joins the ranks of the undead. Persephone, Bow of silence. It's wielder is gifted with eyes of twenty hawks, and the ability to remain hidden from the sharpest of opponents. The cost of not having this bow, is blindness. And finally, Chronos, sword of time. It's wielder is gifted with eternal youth, and the powers both to see into the future, and the power to see into the past of one being, be it object or living thing. The wielder, though, would forever spend eternity frozen in time, a fate worse than death. To be sure their future wielders would be aware of the cost of abandoning them, they decided that their costs would be felt one week before the weapon presented itself. (ie If someone were to be gifted with Persephone in a week, then that person would spend the week going blind.) Sadly, peace never lasts long. A rouge nation, Zinathece, has started invading all bordering countries. After a hundred years of waiting, the blades of glory dissapeared from the volcanoe, destined to the hands of the most powerful wielders of their time. [B] [COLOR=DimGray]Sign Ups[/B][/COLOR] Name Age Description Gender Weapon(Note: the ones provided are only the ones I can think of. PM me if you want a different weapon/powers/cost. Wielders of these weapons MUST have the weapon either on their person or one yard away. Any farther, and the cost starts to come into affect.) Bio [COLOR=DimGray][B]Rules[/B][/COLOR] 1. No godmodding. I don't seven all powerful supermen. 2. If you are too far away from your weapon, it will take 24 hours for the "cost" to come in full affect. 3. Please, for the love of tacos, if you sign up, post. Hvae funn! :D
  3. Just so you know, this isn't miserable on purpose. I tried to make it good, but I'm new, so chances are I screwed up.^^ Name: Drakhen Age: 13 Gender: male Appearance: dark red hair, allways hanging down in his eyes. Amnethyst eyes, and pale skin. Baggy black shirt and orange jacket, gray pants. Element(s): earth Personality: Timid, detatched, and always has his head in the clouds. He refueses upon all costs to use his powers, and because he hasn't developed them, they sometimes run rampant. Short Biography: Drak(nickname) was a child of terra for most of his life, although he was first born on Juperior. When the Juperior government found that he had the power to control an element, they seeked his help immediately, as did terra. But unlike terra, Juperior was ready to resort to almost any methods to get him. He was abducted, and his family was forced to live in poverty. Nobody's seen him for a month. Hope that works!!! *Retro*
  4. Alright, this will be my second or third Rp here, hopefully my first successful one. It's a little technical, so I underlined a mid-summary for your conveniance. It's sort of a resident evil setting really. Attis sighed deeply, and rolled his neck in all directions. He stood in front of a large, elaborate metal door. Beyond the door waited the Council of International Defence, gathered explicitly to hear Attis's report. He looked through his papers again and again, practically memorizing each of them word for word. He had to give a perfect presentation. He didn't dare to think how many lives were on the line, how many would die if the council decided not to take action. The doors swung open, and inside Attis found seven men and woman all seated around a large circular table. In the center of the table was the CID Council of International Defence seal, three dark blue ovals inside a black circle. Out of the seven, Attis could recognize only three- Alex, Marlin, and Tim, the three who first elected to hear his report. He took his seat by Alex and blonde woman, and began laying out all of his files in front of him. "Don't state everything all at once." Alex whispered to him. "Let them draw some of the facts out for themselves." Attis gave a small smile. It was good to know he at least had some allies. At this time an older man on the other side of the table cleared his throat. "Attis Fint, you have called an emergency meeting of the CID with no prior disclosure to the topic. Though the council has agreed to hear your report, it is still undecided whether the council will act, or even believe the material viewed in this report." He finished sharply, and then added gruffly, "This better be good." Attis nodded, and inserted a disk into a slot by his seat. A keyboard ejected from under the table, and with a few rapid key strokes, a large monitor slid down from the celing. "I assume everyone is familiar with the hybird mammal project?" Attis asked. The members of the council looked at him with cold, expressionless faces. "We all know that it was discontinued three years ago, but none of us have seen it since." Alex said. Attis nodded. Thanks, Alex, he thought. Attis tapped on the keyboard once more, and the monitor flashed twice, and then came to a picture of a man in a lab coat, with long black hair in a pony tail and thick glasses. "The Hybird Mammal Project, headed by Dr. Sean McCloud, was a test to see if mammalian cells would grow differently when introduced to a radioactive enviroment.2/3 of the test subjects were killed upon contact, but some of them survived, namely insects, rats, and those in the k-9 and feline families. "The surviving subjects underwent a rapid evolution, changing appearance, hightening reflexes and awareness, speed, strength, nightvision, in fact, their enitre bodily system changed." "How so?" Asked the blonde lady next to Attis. "Well," he began, "First, they can not be completely incompacitated with damage to the brain. An average mammal can be killed instantly by puncturing the skull by one inch, as when shot in the head. But in these new hybird K-9s, a shot to the head acts as a paralyzis that only lasts from one to ten minutes. The new hybird mammals can only be killed by severing the spinal cord." "So, if they can't be killed by damage to the cerebral cortex," said Marlin, "does that mean the brain no longer acts as the central control unit?" Attis nodded. "Yes. Instead these mammals act upon a "second brain" located at the base of the spine. This second brain carries two basic instincs, which these Hybird mammals act souly upon. The instinct to survive, and the instinct to feed." A picture flashed onto the monitor. A black, scaly dog-looking creature with bloody eyes. "This is one of the species created in the project. An HD." "HD?" asked one of the council members. "Hybird Destructive, dubbed after notes taken on the subject's aggressive behavior." [U]"So, to summarize all this, what you're saying is this project yielded enhanced mammals which only know to kill and feed?" Alex summarized. "That's right." Responded Attis.[/U] "Okay, I think we all get the general idea of this project, but that still doesn't explain why this meeting was called. This project was terminated three years ago." Said the older member. "Not exactly," responded Attis. "Two years ago, the project was secretly reopened at the Arctic Research Facility two years ago, by Docter Crowl." Attis pushed another button, and two pictures came to the monitor. One of an old man in a lab jacket, Dr. Crowl, and the other of the arctic base, which was enourmus. "The reopening went almost completely unoticed, until last month, when we lost all contact with the arctic base." Attis pushed another button, and a picture of an HD came on screen, outside of the base in a snowstorm. "This is a picture taken from Space station Gadalika, as it came across the base while in orbit." There was a pause before Attis continued. "I believe, that the Hybird Mammal Project has gone rampant, and escaped from the base, and possibly even attacked the personell." "Preposterous!" The older member shouted. "That base has a history of long periods without radio contact. The weather must have knocked out their radio!" Attis shook his head. "Under those circumstances, the employees are instructed to turn on a tracker that reads the vital signs of every employee and sends them directly to the space station. This is the first time they have not turned on the tracker." He decided to end this before it became a debate. "I believe the base is in serious trouble, and the lives of 400 employees may be hanging in the balence." ~~~~~*~~~~~~ There was a long discussion that followed about the history of the base, and the likliness of the situation. Attis was excused for most of it, and three hours later he was finally called back in. "We, the Council of International Defence," the older member said boldly, "agree that the circumstances are indeed troublesome, and have decided to send in unit Omega to scout the arctic base." "Omega?" asked Attis. "Before the Hybird Mammal project, Dr. Sean McCoud conducted another expierament with an army unit, to determine if human cells could be enhanced. Out of the twenty members, five yielded positive results. They and twenty elite soldiers comprise unit Omega. They will analyse the situation at Arctic base. Case closed." Attis shot up in his chair. "Sir, if I'm right, we're going to need more than twenty five men to handle this! There might be hundreds of these things!" "Case, closed." Said the member. Whew! alright, here are the signups: Name: Age: Gender: Description: Bio: Test results: (if you want to be one of the enhanced five soliers, PM or IM me. I'm one of them, so there are four spots open. If you're not, then your results are negetive.) Weapon: (a preferred sidearm, besides the standard assult rifle.) Personality: I think that's everything! I'll sign up after one or two more do. Have fun!
  5. ooh, my head hurts...let's see, a title that has something to do with the plot, yet doesn't need to be too specific, and should have the type next to it... let's get back to the title later. what about the plot? Any akward sentences? places to juice it up? The floor is open!
  6. this is the end of a story i've been writing. It's too long to post, so I'll just post the end. I want to see if it gets the right affect. Remember, I'm new, so don't be too harsh!!! What you need to know first of all, is the good guys were seperated at the bottom of the mountain this takes place at, Damien(the main good guy) being last to make it up. At the top of the mountain is Sherum, the main bad guy, and Cat, the damsel in distress. Let's watch: Cold. Damien plodded up the mountain, determined to reach the top. To reach Cat. He had marched all the night before, but he didn't feel the weight on his legs. All that mattered was getting to the top. He was closer now, he could see the top over another hill, one more valley, and then a trail leading almost straight up. Damien strained to see the trail. Where he stood, at the top of the final hill, a dozen or more footprints all led forward, towards the top, but on the final trail, only one pair had made it; and they were red with blood. Damien followed the footprints down the mountain, until at last he came to the valley in front of him. Suddenly, he knew why only one pair of prints remained. It was a massacare. Fearing the worst, Damien jogged down the hill and surveyed the ground. There were no minion prints about, but he recognized those of his friends. Maverick, Roddelin, and Arc had all come this way. There was another set of thin, graceful prints Damien had noticed before. While his friends were running with the greatest speed they could muster, the man who left these prints seemed to be walking calmly along. Sherum, he thought. The snow in the valley was trampled and red, Damien could never guess what had happened there. Damein's eyes wandered onto Maverick's beaten figure, tossed to the side and devoid of life. "Maverick..." Beside him, was a familliar bow, and golden amulet. the snow indicated that somebody had tumbled off the cliff. "Roddelin!" Finally, on the other side of the narrow valley, Damien saw Arc's sword planted firmly in the ground. Arc's hand was clutched around it! Damien ran over, hoping beyond hope that his friend had somehow survived, and was now dangling for dear life. Damien came to his knees and stooped over the side of the cliff, but only watched with transfixed horror. It was Arc, but he was no longer alive. Damien never spoke of what he saw. There was a gurgle and a sputter behind him. Damien turned to see Maverick coughing through bloody lips. "Damien..." He said with great pain, rolling an eye towards his friend. "It was...Sherub..." "I know, try to lay still." Damien responded, trying to find a way to ease his pain. Maverick smiled at him. "You can't help me," he said, "I'm too far gone." Damien chocked, but he wouldn't cry in front of his friend. He did not want Maverick to loose hope, even if it was too late to save him. "Listen," he started again. "My brother...Roddelin. He was pushed...fell off the cliff. I want to die...with him..." Damien knew what he was asking. Maverick was too mutilated to to roll off the cliff. He wanted Damien to do it for him. "Goodby, my friend." Damien said sadly. He found a place on Maverick's side that hadn't been torn away, and pushed him gently. Maverick slid easily off the cliff, into the deep abyss. Damien then silently turned around, and did the same for Arc. Then he stood in the center of it all, came to his knees, and screemed. The tragic scream echoed off the mountain walls. It found its way into the valleys, and disturbed a flock of birds. It reached the billy goats, and they looked on with sadness in their eyes. It reached down to the mountain city Derall, and the populice looked up the mountain. It reached Sherub, far away. "He's coming." Sherub said quietly. ~~~~ O.K, I lied. That's not the whole ending, but I'll post the rest of it with some feedback.
  7. Thanks for the replies; I'll definitaly stay away from sticky caps in the future. As for the title, I think Project Haven is the best one we got so far. Any more suggestions?
  8. Cool, thanks for the feedback! I'll definately stay away from sticky caps in the future. As for the title, what do you think I should call it, if not foreboding twilight? Shadows in the Sky, or something more futuristic, like Exrotallion or something?
  9. hi! I'm new, and I wanted to start a new Rpg, but I thought I might want to get some feedback on it before putting it up. I don't know exactly how this all works, but i have a general idea. This is the prologue to a story I wrote a bit ago, so I guess it can work as the start of an Rpg? I don't know! That's why I'm asking you!(rambling again...) Please, give me some idea of how this is! [U][[B]CENTER]FoRBodiNg tWilIGht[/CENTER][/B][/U] 3012. One thousand years after the world ended, or more precisely, ?changed.? A huge shining comet hurtling through space was pulled in by Earth?s gravity, and almost destroyed the Earth. If it hadn?t hit in the middle of the ocean, we?d be dead. Sadly, or luck didn?t last long. The blast was enough to actually move the Earth. It changed our orbit, and pushed us closer to the sun. The sun melted the polar ice caps, drowning out all the land we once called home. Man was forced to either build on the water, or take to the skies. The project was called Haven. It seemed simple enough. With our new orbit, Earth also had a much lower, much less intense atmosphere. We soon discovered that objects above the atmosphere were almost completely unaffected by gravity. The catch was that objects above the atmosphere were almost completely untouched by oxygen. An ordinary man could survive for one hour only an inch above the atmosphere. The higher up you went, the less air you got. The idea of Haven, was to float a platform on the atmosphere, much like a skateboard, and hang from it a city. You heard me, a whole city, hung from a platform. The platform was twice the size of the city, so it could support it, but that also meant Haven was under constant darkness. The government assured the world that if Haven were ever somehow detached, a booster system would take over and float the city onto the water. That was a lie. If Haven were ever detached, it would fall, possibly float, but more possibly sink. As in every city, crime soon developed. There were thieves, abductors, murderers, constant threats to ?cut? one of the many huge cables that suspended the city, but none were as dangerous as the mob. The mob was an organized crime family with state-of-the-art weaponry, and an entire underground army. A new ?hydrafuel? was invented as a substitute to electricity. What made hydrafuel so special, was that hydrafuel was reusable. Cars never had to refuel unless their Hydracore was destroyed or stolen. Sounds like miracle fuel? Not exactly. Hydracores are very fragile, and very unstable. To crack a hydracore would create an atomic blast, based on the size of the hydracore. Does anybody really care? No. It can?t really be used as a weapon, since it?s so fragile. Taken out of its protective shell, a hydracore can crack and explode at any second. Someday, they?ll find a way to use it as a grenade, and then a new war will break out, but that?s not this day. Anyway, I only brought this up, because hydrafuel made it possible to build life-like androids, and that?s exactly where the mob got its numbers from. Today, Haven is a guise for a constant underground war between law enforcement and the Mob. ?Gliders? have made it possible to battle in the air around Haven, and special suits still under development have made it possible to battle above the atmosphere. Whether you fight, or whether you hide, you?re always under Foreboding Twilight. SOMEBODY HELP THE NEWBIE!!!
  10. Probably the wierdest type of comedy ever! I've only heard "Don't Crush That Dwarf, Hand Me the Plyers!" and I think it totally broke my brain. I'm going to get "How can you be in two places at once if you're not anywhere at all?" later this month, and I wanted to know if anybody else heard it or liked it. "And you and the viewers will be interested in noting that the world ended one year ago today." "As we know it, Tom."
  11. Role: lone hunter Name: Damien Age: 28 Gender: male Appearance: Damien?s hair is short and brown, usually covered by a wide brimmed hat. He wears a blue open jacket with one sleeve, and a black tank top underneath. On his sleeved arm sits a large spiked shoulder guard. His pants are black on the outer part of the leg, and white on the inner thighs. Blue boots cover his feet, and a silver insignia hangs around his neck, though its meaning is only known to few. Bio: Damien grew up with a band of nomads, who traveled almost all of Telemnar. For a while, Damien (known then by his real name) helped the band by staying behind sometimes to act as a guide. He could know at times where he was going without ever being there before just by ?the lay of the land?- a valuable trait for a nomad to have. It wasn?t completely necessary at that time for him to learn to fight, but he did at times come across wild animals or thieves while on his job, so he taught himself to use a quarterstaff. Though unorthodox, Damien was deadly nonetheless. When Damien was 19, he left the band because of a food shortage, and started working full time as a guide. As with most outdoor jobs, though, times got rough during the winter, and sometimes he had to steal what he needed. At twenty-three, he was much more used to fighting for his meals than working for him. He loved every minute of fighting, though, so he didn?t mind it at all. He started jumping in on bar fights, gang wars, and sometimes even picking fights with the police. He was known for assault and thievery, and one crime spree where he broke into a police station and attacked everybody that came. He took on the name Damien just recently, when he started hunting Mana, though his reasons are unknown. Weapon(s): A quarterstaff, and unorthodox martial arts
  12. August 28, 2030, a date that will live forever in the mind of every human. On this day, the world ended. [B]2005[/B] Majik was recognized by the American Government, when Albert Nauschan showed indisputable proof of its existence. He revealed the most hidden secrets of majik, and showed the world leaders how to work it, so they could have no doubt in their mind that it existed. He demonstrated to the nations of the world, how unimaginable power could be conjured up by the right ingredients and incantations. [B]2006[/B] Majik is used in the army, and introduces a new level of destruction to the world. The Majik War is started, over which army Albert Nauschan will serve. In this year, Albert Nauschan disappeared, his last words being, ?I gave them the gift of knowledge, and they molded an iron fist.? Most people say Albert Nauschan was the beginning of the end. [B]2010[/B] Following The Majik War, the practice of Majik was banned from use by civilians. Only high ranking army personnel were authorized to use it, and they bent it against the people. Majik overruled democracy. [B]2015[/B] The second American Revolution broke out, both sides wielding majik to destroy the other. [B]2020[/B] The government was overrun, and the people formed a new government that was based on majik. They called it ?Majika? and named their newly rewarded country after it. Under Majika, the people were sorted into classes by their level of majik use. In this way, even the lowest street urchin could rise in power, if he wanted it enough. [B]2025[/B] Majik crime was invented. It was inevitable that majik would eventually be used for greed and such, and as drugs and weapons were controlled before, so was majik. The first and only law concerning Majik crime was thus: Any majik that causes intentional harm to another is forbidden. [B]2030[/B] Cults of Majik, Majik of the Devil, absurd ideals began to run ramped because the first teacher of majik was not able to correct their twisted notions. A man named Azurat brainwashed thousands of young children into following him and do his bidding. He told them that everything was a piece of one great spirit, and that to die is to return and nourish the one spirit. He said that if every person on the planet were to die, the one spirit would be whole again, and humans could mold the world to their liking. On [B]August 28, 2030[/B], Azurat and his followers cast a curse on the Earth. For thirty days, every person who saw daylight, candlelight, or any light at all, would instantly die. Luckily, his plot was discovered, and many people were able to seal themselves away in complete darkness. For those thirty days, Azurat traveled the globe searching for refugees, burning down buildings, and destroying every trace of civilization known to man. Then, at the end of the thirtieth day, Azurat disappeared, leaving the survivors to rebuild from scratch. Thirty days of pure darkness and solitude drove them near insanity, and the technology that had taken thousands of years to create was lost. Man was forced to start again, with majik as their guide. [B]2040[/B] Humanity is off to a rough start, but it is surviving. Four clans have been made, The Stone Clan to the North, the Wind Clan to the East, The Fire Clan to the South, and The Water Clan to the West. But, all is not well. Evil is brewing on the farthest reaches of the globe. It has been said that Azurat has returned, but no divining will reveal it. [B]2043[/B] Attacks on all four clans by unknown soldiers have begun. These attacks, though subtle and easily overlooked at first, are slowly growing in size and strength. If nothing is done, the four clans will be destroyed. [B]2044[/B] Evil has revealed itself. On the farthest Northern point on the globe, now sits a great castle, equal to the four clans put together. An army of thousands sits behind these walls, and the four Dragons of DeMajika sit on each corner: Mardol the Flame Quencher, Bazaal the desert bringer, Tolai the Wilted, and Zanrath the Wind Taker. [B]Signups:[/B] [B]Name:[/B] [B]Majik Element:[/B] The element you draw your majik from. [COLOR=SlateGray]Air:[/COLOR] Swift, calm, and peaceful. Quick on your feet. (note: people from the air clan have gray eyes) [COLOR=DarkRed]Fire:[/COLOR] Passion, Anger, impulsive, first one to battle (note: people from the fire clan have red eyes) [COLOR=Blue]Water:[/COLOR] Fluid, calm, and ferocious when needed. (note: people from the water clan have blue eyes) [COLOR=DarkGreen]Earth:[/COLOR] Protective, stern in most cases. (note: people from the earth clan have green eyes) [COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Dark:[/COLOR] Cold, dark, untrusting, let others fight for you. (note: Dark elementals don?t have a clan, but their eyes are black.) [COLOR=Yellow]Light:[/COLOR] Warm, happy, don?t want to fight. (note: Light elementals don?t have a clan, but their eyes are yellow) (Note: In this Rpg, one?s full name will end with their clan i.e. Joan of Water, Balath of Fire, ect.) [B]Age:[/B] [B]Gender:[/B] [B]Personality:[/B] (please don?t completely contradict your element. Somebody from the fire clan will not be careless and peaceful, but somebody from the water clan can be an Ice queen. Somebody from the air clan won?t be a violent psychopath, but somebody from the earth clan can be hard as a rock or wild as the jungle.) [B]Description:[/B] (a decent description. No pictures unless the character is originally yours) [B]Spells:[/B] (4 max. spells include shields, fireballs, healings, ect. The normal stuff. IF YOU USE A SPELL IN THE RPG THAT YOU DIDN?T LIST HERE, YOU WILL REGRET IT) [B]Skills:[/B] (5 max. hunting, fishing, making medicine, ect. Stuff like pitching a tent, swimming, chopping kindling, are things everyone can do. If you wonder about a skill, put it in (parenthesis) and I?ll tell you. IF YOU USE A SKILL YOU DID NOT LIST HERE, YOU WELL REGRET IT) [B]Weapons:[/B] (One or two. Don?t contradict the element. People from the fire clan don?t use bows, Light elementals don?t use axes, ect. Oh, and it's not a skill to know how to use your weapon.) [B]Bio:[/B] (at least two paragraphs long)
  13. Hello all you out in TV land. I'm like, new, so I thought I'd try this adventure thingy out. I read the rules, read a few other ones, and I got a TON of help from another member. PLEASE DON'T CRASH AND BURN!!!! 00000101010000000011110000000000111000100101000001010001000000101111 PS I hope for this to be a sort of mix between Resident Evil and Dead-Leaves, sort of a disturbing comedy. 00000000000100001110000000000011000000010000000000111110001010000000 Intro PEWTER CITY-10:00pm The last place you can expect to sleep at night. The entire metropolis bounced to the techno beat. BOM BOM BOM BOM The nightclubs jumped and danced, as hundreds of people moved to the rapid music. On the streets and in the clubs, in the stores and busses, were mysterious figures, all shrouded in gray hooded sweatshirts and brown pants, all watching the clock. CLUB ZERO-10:39pm Three of the hooded figures stood in the middle of the room, counting the seconds on the big digital clock. 5?4?3?2?At the exact moment the clock hit 10:40pm, the three hooded figures pulled out machine guns and aimed into the crowd. The security guard went for his pistol, but one of the hooded figures was on top of him in a flash, holding his gun to the security guard?s chin. He froze, and the hooded figure drew back and knocked him out with a powerful head-but. CRACK! A hoard of police cars came screaming down the street, being hit with a barrage of bullets from every side. The armored SWAT car that led them seemed impervious, and mowed down the hooded figures with gattling guns coming out the sides. Then a man in a camo-green jacket and brown shorts jumped into the middle of the street and dumped a bucket of tacks into the street. The driver of the SWAT car grinned-the wheels were metal-plated, tacks would do nothing. The second the car hit the tacks, they exploded and toppled the SWAT car over, flattening a few of the police cars behind it. BOOM! Other cars hit the tacks and exploded the same way. Dozens of police cars made it through and continued down the street, firing on the hooded figures. A SWAT team stormed into one of the nightclubs, where many of the figures had taken refuge. The figures were surrounded, as a raspy scream filled the air. ?DIE YOU DAMN PIGS!? The bald man in camo-green came crashing down out of nowhere in the middle of the SWAT team. DOM! His boots echoed loudly as he landed atop one of the SWAT men, killing him. The man grabbed his victim?s shotgun, and started wailing on the SWAT team. They formed a line and started firing at him, but the man used a SWAT member as a shield. He jammed a grenade into a SWAT member?s mouth, pulled the pin, and shoved him into the rest of the team. BOOM! The man?s neon green eyes glowed brightly as he grinned. ?Damn this feels good!? [COLOR=Red][FONT=Arial Black][SIZE=3][U][B]BLACK METAL[/B][/U][/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR] [FONT=Book Antiqua]Police Report: June 30, 2025 At 10:40pm, June 25th, Pewter City was attacked by a nameless gang of heavily armed psychopaths? attack started at exactly 10:40, and lasted ten hours, coming to a slow halt when many of these psychopaths? disappeared from the crime scene. Those who have been caught are now held for questioning... Death toll: 179est. Injury Rate: 1,079est? What is suspected to be the leader has been caught, and will be transported from Pewter Penitentiary, to BM Fortress on July 3, 2025? The transport will be by helicopter, and led by special unit MARK.[/FONT] JULY 3, 10:00am The large army chopper flew low over a never-ending forest, escorted by two jets. Inside the chopper was the prisoner, strapped up in metal restraints, and Special Unit MARK. MARK was short for the SWAT team?s **** list; the team they sent in to the most hairy situations, always with the hope that they?ll either screw up or die. They haven?t, yet. ?Hey, what?s that up ahead?? Said the biggest man in the chopper. Joe Manchetti, a world-class weight lifter, pointed out the window, down at an old, cement building that resembled a castle. ?Oh, that?s the Coman Insane Asylum. They put the criminally insane there 50 years ago, until one of the inmates got ahold of a gun and killed off three fourths of the guards and half of all the patients. The rest of the patients went loose, and killed a good number of people before they were recaptured.? Said Bill Darry, who was sitting by Joe. The prisoner grinned. ?It?s been abandoned since. Pretty creepy, eh?? Joe didn?t respond, he just stared blankly out the window. ?Joe?? Joe looked back. ?Uh, if it?s been abandoned, what are those lights?? Bill looked out the window. The crumbling Asylum was lit up with searchlights. A siren sounded, and the lights were directed at the chopper. WHIRRR! A missile was fired from the Asylum at the chopper. One of the escort jets dived at it, firing a decoy. The missile started to veer towards the decoy, but instead changed course and headed at the jet. BOOM! It hit the jet dead on and exploded. The second jet dove at the asylum with guns blaring. The Asylum fired back, hitting a wing and sending the jet careening into the surrounding forest. The copper pulled up violently, but a missile caught up with it. ?OH **** WE?RE GONNA-? DOM! The missile hit the back of the chopper, tearing off the back hatch. Both Bill and Joe were sucked out of the chopper, careening through the air until they splattered on the ground. The rest of MARK grabbed onto the sides of the chopper as it started to spiral down. WHIRRR! Another missile hit the chopper, blowing it in half- the prisoner on one side, MARK on the other. The prisoner?s side soared away, propelled by the blast, into the center of the asylum. The prisoner was grinning. BOOM!!CRASH!!The MARK team leapt from the chopper as it crashed into the asylum gates, taking two giant figures to the ground. A huge robotic hand stuck out from under the wreckage, a sign of things to come. 00000000010001010000101000000000111000000001010000000001110000000000 ATTRIBUTES MARK As a special unit MARK operative, it is your job to recover the prisoner and get him to BM Fortress. NAME: AGE: GENDER: DESCRIPTION: WEAPONRY: (not much, you will have the opportunity to pick up more later on.) BIOGRAPHY: I?d like about six people to play MARK, and one to play the prisoner. :D :D :D
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