[QUOTE=Arcadia][size=1]Right now, I'm of the mind that when I get married, I'll probably keep my last name. Obviously, it's a pride thing. When you grown up with a surname like mine, it takes a long time to learn to love it. Eventually I did, and I'm proud of it, and I'm proud of my family, and I want people to know that.
Of course, that could change entirely when I finally meet the guy I'm going to marry. It's the same thing with children. I'm not worried about continuing my name, as I do have a brother, but when I actually give birth to the damn things, I might want them to have my name as well. I'll cross those bridges when I get to them. ^_^;[/size][/QUOTE]
Feh. Someone's lucky they got a good last name. When (and if!) I get married, though that is a long ways away, I will most likely take on the last name of my husband, as... Well... My last name ish horrid, put nicely. o_o; If you knew, it would make you laugh and laugh... It's something famous with the little kids, for a little bit of a hint. I'll prolly end up changing my entire name too... Aonya Lee or Mireille Kunisaki sounds nice... o.o; Aonya Lee and then my boyfriend's last name sounds good too... >D