[COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Palatino Linotype]Tala stood alone on the edge of a rocky outcropping. Wind whipped the loose fabric of her black dress around her body as she stared outward. The view was so hauntingly familiar, and at the same time, completely different. The trees, the mountain she stood on, the hills below her, they were all in the same places. But the grass was a different color, the trees grew oddly, and even the rock she stood on was colored differently, carrying a blue tint. All a startling reminder that no matter how close it got, this wasn't home.
She tore her vision away from the world and sank down into a sitting position, burying her head in her arms. Mentally she tried to push away what she was sure were the beginnings of insanity.
A large eagle flew over her, landing gracefully next to her. [I]Why are you here?[/I] he asked, cocking his head to one side and communicating with her mentally. [I]You're sad when you come here, why?[/I]
She glanced at him. [I]I feel so alone and depressed.[/I]
[I]We will always be here for you,[/I] he replied, talking about all of his kind. [I]But then why do you come here?[/I]
[I]There was a place like this in my world, one I used to go to to relax myself. I think I can do that here, too, but everytime I come, I'm suddenly struck by how different it is...[/I]Talking to him was helping her momentary wave of depression pass, and she stood up. "Come, let's go," she said aloud.
The golden bird launched himself into the air, growing to enormous proportions before circling around and flying up to her. She leaped lightly onto his back, and they soared off, swooping through the air.
[I]Someone new is here[/I], he told her. She glanced down, her sharp yellow eyes picking out the shapes of humans. A few things had changed about her in her long stay in the dream world, her eyesight was one of them. She also caught sight of one of the inhabitants of the dream world.
[I]Let's follow them.[/I] Her curiousity was aroused. [I]But let's not get involved, not yet.[/I][/FONT][/COLOR]